MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 100 Code Seventeen 5

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On the path in the park, two female high school students walked in front, arm in arm, with Conan obediently following behind.

"There's still more than an hour before the fireworks show starts, what should we do?" Sonoko raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and curled the corners of his mouth in a bored way.

"It's so cold, let's go back to the hotel directly." Xiao Lan put her hand in her pocket and said with a breath of white steam.

"No!" Sonoko frowned. "It's too boring to go back to the hotel now." Her eyes turned around, suddenly brightened, and she raised her hand to point to the Ferris wheel with colorful lights not far away.

"Why don't you take a ride on the Ferris wheel? There's no one on it now. We can sit down as long as we pay enough. How beautiful it would be if we could see the fireworks display on the Ferris wheel!" Yuanzi seemed to have thought of that. The sub-picture, the eyes are shining.

"Huh—really." Xiaolan also followed to look at the Ferris wheel. "Sitting in the transparent box, watching the fireworks explode in front of you and within reach, as if you can hold those fleeting things in your palm forever."

"Wow, Xiaolan, you are so romantic!" Sonoko's eyes were bright, and a bright smile hung on his face.

"Let's go then!"

The two girls agreed, and immediately turned around and walked in the direction of the Ferris wheel.

"Wait, wait!" Conan followed behind them, trying to dissuade them with difficulty. "It's very late now, why don't you go back to the hotel..."

The plan that Mr. Amuro is implementing does not yet know exactly what it is. Although he believes that Mr. Amuro should take into account the safety of ordinary people, there may be areas that cannot be taken care of. And the point is that something like the Ferris wheel is very dangerous to hear!

The Ferris wheel that almost collapsed before appeared in his mind for a moment, and he shivered with some sequelae. Put yourself on a pain mask.

"Don't worry! Such a good time should be spent on the Ferris wheel. Speaking of which, I haven't tried watching fireworks on the Ferris wheel! It feels very romantic..." Yuanzi pulled Xiaolan excitedly. His arm shook for a while, then turned his head to stare at Conan and said, "If you are sleepy, go back to the hotel to sleep, Xiaolan, let's send Conan back first."

"Ah? It's quite late. It's time for the child to go to bed." Xiao Lan thought about it and said to Conan, "Can we take you back to the hotel first?"

No way! Although he did want to act alone, he couldn't leave the two behind. It looks like he can't be persuaded to go back.

Conan sighed helplessly, pretended to be very lively again, and said in a long voice: "Sister Xiaolan, I'm actually not sleepy, I want to play with you too!"

"Huh? Since that's the case, let's go ride the Ferris wheel."

Yuanzi pulled Xiaolan forward happily.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait a second!" Conan stopped people again.

Conan looked at the brightly lit Ferris wheel not far away, and a chill came up for no reason.

He had never had such a strong premonition in his heart that he could not go on this Ferris wheel.

At least not now.

"I said, Conan, what the **** are you doing!" Sonoko's temper was rather irritable, but now he is even more angry, and his tone is inevitably a little rushed. "If you're sleepy, we'll send you back. Xiaolan and I are really going to watch the fireworks display on the Ferris wheel."

"I..." Conan opened his mouth to argue, but couldn't find a reason for a while. He glanced at the Ferris wheel not far away, rolled his eyes, and said, "Sister Xiaolan, Sister Yuanzi, if you want to watch the fireworks on the Ferris wheel, you are not afraid that when the fireworks show opens, we are just transferred to Bottom? That way you won't be able to see anything."

The garden was stunned for a moment, then nodded. "It makes sense, so what should I do?"

"I think it's better for us to count down below to see how long it takes for the Ferris wheel to reach the top. After the count is out, calculate the time and click in. Isn't it just right to sit on the top at zero o'clock? ? You said right?"

"Good idea, Conan, you are so smart!" Sonoko tilted her head for a while and nodded happily. "That's it, let's sit in the cafe over there for a while and count how long it takes for the Ferris wheel to go around."

Finally persuaded.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, he raised his head slightly and walked towards the cafe, but passed by a black figure.


Conan stopped abruptly and looked sideways—

It was an old man in a black coat, with a strong figure and a black package on his back. His head was covered in silver threads, but he was still walking steadily, striding towards the Ferris wheel.

"Who is this guy?" Yuanzi asked curiously, holding a cup of hot cocoa in both hands.

The old man who had passed them heard the words and looked back.

There was no emotion in that glance, but the overwhelming **** feeling hit in an instant.

Maurilan and Suzuki Sonoko, who are not so sensitive to such things, just shivered uncomfortably.

But Conan was completely frozen in place, his pupils suddenly dilated.

This is the people of the organization.

This person is extremely dangerous.

His heartbeat was unstoppable, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

The little detective stood there, gasping for breath, forcing himself to look away from the black figure in front of him. Don't look at him anymore, if that person's attention is drawn, both Xiaolan and Yuanzi may have an accident.

Pretend you don't see anything.

Conan tried his best to focus on the cake in front of him, but he couldn't help shaking.

Why did that person go to the Ferris wheel?

What is he going to do on the Ferris wheel? Load a bomb? Shoot to kill? Or... Conan's eyes fell to the very top of this massive Ferris wheel.

The highest point of the Ferris wheel in Odaiba Seaside Park is 100 meters, which is high enough for people to overlook most of Tokyo. The other party went up alone, and there didn't seem to be anything else on his body other than a bag on his back.

The bomb was in the bag?

No, no, if he came alone, he could only install the bomb in one or several boxes at most, and there was no way to blow up this huge Ferris wheel made of steel.

If you can't blow up the Ferris wheel, at most it will cause panic among the masses. It is now close to zero, most people are staying in the hotel, only a few tourists who are not afraid of the cold wind and insist on close contact with fireworks are still staying on the beach. Even if the Ferris wheel does explode, it will not cause much damage. casualties.

So why on earth does this guy want to get on the Ferris wheel? Enjoy the night view? Don't tell him such nonsensical reasons. Is it to trade on the Ferris wheel?

This is possible.

But if there is a trade, there are still many places to go, so as not to go to the Ferris wheel specially. This Ferris wheel is really high, so high that you can see the layout of the entire Odaiba Park clearly, but it looks like a... perfect viewing platform? Maybe the other party is ready for some action, ready to command on the Ferris wheel!

Conan suddenly raised his head and looked at the Ferris wheel that was still turning slowly, and his whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

What the **** is Mr. Amuro doing? Why would members of this organization be allowed to board the Ferris wheel?



"Conan, are you alright?" Xiaolan bent down a little worriedly, frowned and patted Conan's shoulder lightly, took out a small packet of tissues from her bag, and wiped Conan's forehead. "I see you're in a cold sweat, is it hard? Why don't we go back first."

Sonoko reluctantly looked at the Ferris wheel not far away, sighed softly, and said helplessly: "If you're really uncomfortable, we'll take you back first. I remember that there is a medical room under the Tokyo Bay Hotel."

send him back? This is really good.

But he can't leave the Ferris wheel now! No one knew what that guy was going to do on the Ferris wheel, he had to get in touch with Mr. Amuro immediately to confirm that this sudden organization member was within Mr. Amuro's plan.

"I... my stomach hurts a little and I want to go to the toilet."

"Huh? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need, one person is fine." Conan took a few steps, suddenly stopped, looked back at Mao Lilan, and said with serious eyes, "I want to go to the Ferris wheel to watch the fireworks with Sister Xiaolan, Can you wait for me and go up together again?"

"Um... Of course?" Xiao Lan was a little confused, but nodded anyway.

Conan turned around and gritted his teeth.

The location of this cafe is so good that even if the ferris wheel really exploded it wouldn't hit it here.

He must contact Mr. Amuro immediately.


The short-haired youth glanced at his watch impatiently, raised his head and said to Amuro: "It's almost time to disembark. It's almost eleven o'clock. The spare ship is already behind the cruise ship."

"Did you think we could evacuate by relying on that spare ship?" The blond young man mocked yin and yang without even raising his head.

"If we can't get out with that boat, then won't we be caught by the police? Wait, you won't be the police's undercover!" The short-haired young man reached for the communicator, and he was about to press it out. But the man spoke slowly:

"The police should have already recruited the coast guard to stalk the outside, and of course we can't get out by relying on the spare boat. But we have other ways. As long as the policemen who are guarding outside are led into the boat, we can take the lives of those policemen as a threat. , Evacuate safely from here."

"Huh-Bourbon! Can you talk without panting, you almost scared me to death. How do you lure those policemen onto the boat?"

"No need to quote."

"What do you mean, didn't you just say you wanted to quote?"

"There is no need for us to take the initiative to guide, as long as the ship moves slightly, they will come up by themselves."


"It's moving! Officer Xinhai, the cruise ship is moving!"

The cruise ship not far away began to shake, and the degree of shaking was completely beyond the normal range. It must be what the people on the cruise did.

The police officers of the assault force who were at the forefront were all excited, and they pointed their fingers in the direction of the cruise ship while delivering the news in an angry voice. "Are they already handing over? The cruise ship is docked sideways, and we can't see what's on the back."

"Has there been any news from the coast guard?"

"No, they said that the place is remote and lacks light sources, and the back of the cruise ship is dark, making it difficult to see at all."

"Then there's no other way. Tell the Coast Guard to set up a defense line on the outside. We must gather all the troops and prepare to attack the ship."


The instructions were sent to every police officer who was ambush here through the headset, and everyone was ready to divide into two teams and rushed to the cruise ship in one fell swoop.

Dozens of police officers, armed with guns, moved silently on the dark shore, getting closer to the cruise ship that was still on the shore.

They are heroic like lambs who know nothing, stepping into known traps step by step.


There were shredded footsteps on the deck overhead, and it could be heard that the owners of the footsteps had been deliberately suppressing them, but the sound transmission characteristics of the wooden deck were still unavoidable.

"It looks like the fish has taken the bait. Well done, Bourbon." The short-haired man finally showed a relaxed smile and bent over to enter the spare boat. "If all the people are on board, hurry up and leave the boat and leave an empty boat for those guys to go to heaven by themselves."

In the darkness of the night, in the huge shadow cast by the cruise ship, an inconspicuous small boat quietly left the cruise ship carrying a dozen people.

"If you can really kill that stinky cop this time, you've done two things for Mr. in one fell swoop. Not only did you successfully transport the weapons into the country, but you also got rid of Mr.'s confidant. You're going to be promoted later, Bourbon. !" The short-haired young man looked back at the huge cruise ship excitedly, looking forward to the huge fireworks that would be lit here in the future.

Amuro Toru also laughed.

He is indeed about to be promoted, but it should not be promoted in the black organization.

In order to capture Rum, he planned for a long time, and finally came up with this plan.

Rum is cunning by nature, and there are many people around him. Ordinary people can't find his whereabouts at all, let alone arrest him. Taking advantage of the organization's recent idea of ​​bringing a batch of weapons into the country, he took the initiative to ask Ying to use weapons as bait to create traps to kill Xin Haiqiang.

In fact, his real purpose was to arrest Rum in reverse, and to collect this batch of weapons from the organization to the police.

Amuro Toru took advantage of Rum's murderous intention for Shinkai, and buried countless failures in the early stage, just to arouse Rum's desire to watch Shinkai die, and deceive people to his stage tonight - Odaiba Park .

The places where the cruise ship can be seen exploded are extremely limited. If Rum really wants to watch the death of Shinkai, he will definitely come to Odaiba Park in person.

He booked room 1709 of the Hilton Hotel in advance and arranged for the public security to replace all the hotel staff. Most of the people around Rum have been taken away by him on the grounds of transporting weapons. The only thing worth noting about Rum now is his extraordinary vigilance.

But it doesn't matter, when the zero-point fireworks display starts, the fake "bomb" that he replaced with flash bombs in advance will be detonated. At that moment, Rum's psychological defense line must be the weakest.

The loud fireworks will cover everything.

"Whoo-hoo--" The phone in his pocket suddenly began to vibrate.

"Hey, your phone is ringing, go answer it." The short-haired young man picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and showed a cruel smile, "Let me tell you if you are provocative."

Amuro Toru did not refuse, and it doesn't matter who said those words to him. He reached out and took out his phone, Conan's phone number was on the page.

Why did the boy suddenly call?

Amuro frowned slightly and glanced sideways at the short-haired young man beside him. After hesitating for a moment, he took a few steps outside the cabin and answered the phone.


"Officer, there's nothing on it!" The captain with the submachine gun in his hand looked blankly at Xin Haikong, "They seem to have already withdrawn."

"Removed? How could this be!" The black-haired police officer looked surprised, his eyes swept around. "They left by boat, and the coast guard outside will stop them. Let's check the cruise again carefully to see if there are any clues left behind."

"Police, officer! There's a bomb!"

The police officers who had searched the top deck shouted loudly and ran to find Xin Haikong in panic.

"Where's the bomb!" The black-haired police officer's expression condensed, and he walked in the direction of the sound for the first time, and collided with the police officer who found the bomb.

"Dozens of bombs are strapped to the deck and the deck of the bow."

"Oops, cheated! This is a trap!" The black-haired police officer gritted his teeth. "Immediately arrange all the team members on the ship to prepare to evacuate, and immediately notify the Metropolitan Police Department to arrange for the explosion squad—"

"Everything, don't move." The cruise ship's speaker suddenly sounded, it was a male voice with suppressed extreme excitement. "From now on, if anyone leaves the deck, I will immediately detonate the bomb on the ship."

"Don't move." The black-haired police officer responded quickly.

All the police officers stood quietly in their original positions, waiting for orders.

"The new sea and air police officer is called by this name, right?"

Everyone's eyes were either puzzled or worried, all focused on the black-haired police officer standing at the front. The latter was stunned for a moment, and hesitantly opened his mouth to speak to the loudspeaker: "Who are you?"

The speaker didn't want to reply to him at all, and continued to talk to himself.

"If you offend Mr., you have to pay the price. I can tell you clearly that the bomb on the ship cannot be dismantled by manpower alone. There is only one way to detonate the bomb, which is to manually detonate it."

"I'll give you a chance to choose, or I'll manually detonate the bomb right now, and let the whole ship's police officers be buried with you."

"Please don't do this again, you calm down first, all problems can be solved-"

"Or, you stand alone at the bow of the boat with the bomb in your hands and apologize to Mr. There is a pair of chains on the post in the bow, and you chain yourself up. As long as you don't leave the boat, I can let the others leave. ."

The ship was silent.

In the face of life and death, few people can maintain the original justice. Because everyone is an ordinary person before they become a policeman.

The black-haired police officer walked to the bow step by step, and saw the iron chain placed beside the post.

His face was particularly pale under the cold sea breeze, and his slender figure was a little shaky.

"No officer, officer." Yamamoto's voice was a little hoarse. "We can jump down. The sea is below. Even if the bomb explodes, there will be no serious casualties."

"No police officer!"

The black-haired police officer squatted down, raised his hand to pick up the chain, and gestured to his hand twice.

It's true that jumping straight down doesn't necessarily have many casualties, but once the handcuffs are placed on your hands, it means that you are really tied to the ship.

"If you jump off the ship, there are still many people left in the cabins on the bottom two floors who will not have time to react." The black-haired police officer showed a smile, and his amber eyes shimmered. "Yamamoto, I give you one last task. Take all the police officers and evacuate the ship. This time it was my own command error, and all the consequences will be borne by me alone."

"Officer Xinkai!" Yamamoto couldn't help rushing forward. He never imagined that an ordinary mission would end up like this. "No!"

"Yamamoto, take everyone out." The black-haired officer put the handcuffs to his wrist, looked up at the speaker, and asked one last time. "Are you sure you will let them leave safely?"

"Of course, they can leave now." There was a hint of triumph in the sound of the horn. "I warn you, there is a detector in the handcuffs, which will automatically determine whether the handcuffs are fastened or not. Don't play tricks."

"I see." The black-haired police officer raised his head with a firm gaze. "Yamamotono, please obey the order, take all the police officers except me, and evacuate from this boat immediately."

Yamamoto stood up straight in conditioned reflex, his face flushed red, and his chest kept heaving. His throat kept surging, and he let out a difficult sound—



"Mr. Amuro, I'm Kudo, something happened!" The male voice across from the conversation was anxious.

"I have something to do now." Amuro glanced at the short-haired youth who was standing opposite the complacent threatening the police, clenched the phone tightly, and said with a hint.

"I'll make a long story short. There was a man in a black coat and a black package on his back who boarded the Ferris wheel in Odaiba Park. I suspect he was a member of the organization. His characteristic is that he is male, and is between 1.75 and 1.5 meters tall. Between eighty and fifty years old, there seems to be a problem with the left eye."


His heartbeat accelerated instantly, he gasped for breath, and a chill came up from the soles of his feet, soaking his whole body little by little.

"Where did you say he was?"

Immediately, his purple-gray eyes looked at the lighted hotel room not far away, and Amuro asked in disbelief.

"He has already sat on the Ferris wheel of Odaiba Seaside Park."

Five fingers gripped the phone tightly, knuckles turning white.

He was deceived.

Rum didn't go to the Hilton at all! Rum should have suspected him long ago, so this time he did not follow his arrangement, but chose a person to go to the Ferris wheel.

But why go to the Ferris wheel?

Toru Amuro looked out from the bow, and saw the upper part of the Ferris wheel in the other direction. The Ferris wheel in the distance is decorated with countless colorful lights, which is very gorgeous.

In fact... if you sit on the Ferris wheel and wait until you turn to the upper part, you can actually see here as well.

If Rum doesn't trust him, why trust his plans? Why wait to watch the death of the new sea and sky in one place?

He has obviously replaced all the bombs on the ship with flash bombs...

and many more!

Rum is using him, Rum is lending his hand.

if so…

Amuro Toru looked up at the cruise ship not far away in disbelief.

The junior is staying alone on the ship at this time, staying with the real bombs on the ship!