MTL - How Dare You Attack My Support!-Chapter 67

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After Qiao Qiaozhou said this sentence, he was stunned. He thought it was so simple to take a good friend home and sit down, but after speaking it, it didn't seem to be so much.

His relationship with Gu Zixing has long ceased to be a "good friend".

"So eager to take me to see my mother-in-law." Gu Zixing smiled aside, "I'm even nervous when I'm nervous."

"It's a good match for me if I can't make it. Maybe there will be nothing for you in the future," Qiao Xunzhou said in disapproval for a moment, "Also, it's not mother-in-law."

"I'll tell you the difference between mother-in-law and mother-in-law when you go to bed now."

"I don't care."

Gu Zixing smiled for a long time, and finally stretched out her hand and pinched Qiao Qiaozhou's shoulder: "Mother-in-law, please, mother-in-law, anyway, the mother-in-law does not hurt."


Qiao Minzhou lifted his leg and kicked Gu Zixing's calf.

However, although Gu Zixing now has a hippie smile on his face, he can still feel the entanglement in his heart after Qiao Xiuzhou impulse to finish the sentence.

Gu Zixing clearly remembers the last time Qiao Xiuzhou called home when she heard that Qiao Yanzhou and his girlfriend broke up, she was so sad, unhappy and angry.

And at that time, in order to not make her mother too uncomfortable, Qiao Minzhou even forged a girlfriend named Gu Xiaoxing who did not exist at all.

Counting, Qiao Xiuzhou is just 19 years old, Gu Zixing actually does not quite understand why Qiao Xiuzhou's mother is so anxious to let his son find a girlfriend, even if it is really a serious imbalance between male and female in China, it is not anxious .

However, this is a family matter after all, and Gu Zixing doesn't ask much.

"Yao Le him ..." On the way to the training room, Qiao Yanzhou suddenly said something, but soon he stunned the latter words, "It's okay."

"Coach Chen won't let you ask." Gu Zixing smiled.

"Yes, no," Qiao Yanzhou said, "I still don't inquire, avoid suspicion ..."

"Yao Le may have to switch to wg." Gu Zixing raised an eyebrow. "Avoid what?"

"Nothing can be avoided now ..." Qiao Xunzhou sighed and frowned, "You are not here to spread small news."

"It's great. I'm not training to distribute small news with you here."

"It's so romantic." Qiao Xunzhou smiled, pulled Gu Zixing's hand and was afraid that others would find it, and soon released.

Gu Zixing's words Qiao Yanzhou is believed.

After Yao Le went to wg, most of them want to play the singles, but now the newcomer wg's singles Su Wenzhi played fiercely and even in the previous regular seasons, and even has been taken out to compare with Gu Zixing. Go to wg, the future competitive pressure can be imagined.

Moreover, Yao Le is also 22 this year, and he should face retirement in three years. He finally made it to the Spring Finals with the team. In this section, he wants to switch to the team. Generally speaking, this situation is not his brain. The problem is that it is really impossible to stay in eg.

Recalling that Qiao Quzhou met the manager and Yao Le down the door of the club by accident, and he reminded himself of the manual foot, and remembered that Gu Zixing had spoken to himself seriously before, and was far away from that manager a little.

Qiao Yuanzhou is a fool and can guess.


Because it is already a close match, the training time in the afternoon team has doubled directly, and by the end of the training it was already 9:30 pm.

Yao Le never came, and he did n’t know if he did n’t want to come or because the senior team members knew he was going to change jobs, so he did n’t let him know because he did n’t disclose more team secrets.

However, Yao Le has already offended the people of the eg club, not to mention that Ren Ming is used to him, even if the CEO of the eg club is used to it, he may not be able to keep it.

"Xiao Qiao, are you hungry?" Gu Zixing ran to Qiao Yanzhou and asked when training was over.

"The level is too good, I'm sorry to be hungry." Qiao Yanzhou smiled, looking a little tired.

Although there has been a certain psychological preparation for the training intensity of the professional team, Qiao Chengzhou is still more or less unbearable.

Looking at Qi Shen and Gu Zixing, one after the other, they are still alive and well, and Qiao Chengzhou is really admired.

Not to mention one afternoon and one night, even if it was just an hour that made him unable to sit on the computer's endless practice replenishment. Too boring and too boring ...

After the training, Qiao Xiuzhou leaned on Gu Zixing while walking to the bedroom. The whole person was like osteomalacia. Gu Zixing didn't hide, and he let Qiao Yizhou press his whole body's strength on himself while walking and laughing. .

"You just bully me when no one is."

"How dare you bully you," Qiao Yanzhou said with a tight voice.

"Please have something to eat at night," Gu Zixing rubbed Qiao Yuanzhou's hair. "Looking at the training, you're almost half of your life training."

"More than that, at least two-thirds lives." Qiao Yuzhou yawned, "I want to eat spicy crayfish, I see a new shop across the road."

"Your **** doesn't hurt again, does it?" Gu Zixing said as he opened the bedroom door, and walked to the cat's food container, which had been exhausted.

"It hurts, but it seems a little better than that at noon," Qiao Minzhou lay down on the sofa, "Master Zhou Yu, what do you say to eat?"

"Just follow me."

After pouring the cat food, Gu Zixing went to help the head to shovel the cat feces and pour the new cat litter into it. Originally, these activities were all done by Qiao Xunzhou, but when thinking of Qiao Xunzhou's inconvenience due to some physical reasons, Gu Zixing Obediently did all the work.

As soon as I heard the sound of cat litter on the nest while licking the hair, the response was even more exciting than the sound of cat food. I saw a fat figure stepping into the cat litter two or three steps and then started to churn inside. Turning cat litter on his head didn't stop.

"Ancestral ..." Gu Zixing frowned. The room was almost suffocated by its sooty smoke.

"Ah?" Qiao Xunzhou on the side faintly heard Gu Zixing talking, but just asked what he didn't understand.

Gu Zixing turned to glance at Qiao Xiuzhou and sighed.

"Two ancestors ..."


After setting up Wotou, Gu Zixing drove Qiao Chengzhou to a wild mushroom pot restaurant in the south of the city.

The business in this store is good. It's almost ten o'clock in the evening and people are coming in one after another. Qiao Yanzhou and they waited in the outside hall for a long time after they arrived.

"What to eat?"

"It's okay," Qiao Yanzhou smiled. "Whoever pays is the last word."

Gu Zixing took the menu handed over by the waiter and looked at: "Stop?"


Qiao Xunzhou waved his hand to Gu Zixing and lowered his head to start watching the machine. In fact, he had been tangled for a day. How long did he have to tell his mother in advance that he might go home for a few days at the beginning of next month?

He was a little scared of his mother and revisited the old things, and tossed Cao Ting out to tell him a lot of truth. What he said was as innocent and cute as he and Cao Ting had a composite hope. Not happy, my mother is even more unhappy.

Tangled to the end, Qiao Yanzhou decided to give Qiao Ai a phone call to explore the tone before talking.

In fact, sometimes Qiao Xunzhou was very fortunate to have such an exciting and sensible sister. If you think about it, at the critical moment, the family can best understand Qiao Yizhou's estimate, and only Qiao Ai is left.

"Xiao Ai, is mom at home?" Qiao Xunzhou asked quickly after the call was connected.

"Not here, go out, what's the matter?" Qiao Ai quietly, not even the sound of the TV, it seems that the mother is really not at home. I just don't know why Joey's voice sounds a little low, like he just cried.

"Where did mom go so late? You cry? Who bullied you?"

"The little Wang brother in the opposite building died ... It will just leave at about six o'clock this evening. Mom went to accompany Li to help Aunt Li." Qiao Ai said as she sobbed on the phone. Two beeps, and finally managed not to cry.

Qiao Yanzhou froze.

In fact, Qiao Aizhou is also very familiar with Qiao Aizhou that Qiao Ai said. When he was a kid, Qiao Aizhou had all of his tests to help imitate his mother ’s font signature. Brother Wang especially likes to cultivate flowers, especially the kind of flowers that are difficult to wait for and look good. Little Brother Wang can always take good care of him, so Qiao Yanzhou has always thought that this person is pretty god.

However, when Qiao Yuanzhou returned home last year, he heard his mother say that Wang Wang was ill and was very ill. Qiao Yanzhou was not convinced at the time, but Qiao Yanzhou later saw Xiao Wangge himself in the flower garden behind the community, and found that his entire face was thin and yellow, and he was completely different from before.

But until Qiao Chengzhou left the house, he didn't ask his mother what kind of illness Wang Xiaoge had. He only knew that the illness must be serious.

Brother Wang has no father. His mother weaves tents in a tent factory every day. He earns a little money a month, and it is impossible to cure the disease.

However, these are not in Qiao Chengzhou's consideration.

The news of Xiao Wang's death made Qiao Yizhou feel uncomfortable, but later he thought that maybe it was a relief for Xiao Wang himself.

Just thinking, Joey talked again, this time Joey's voice was better than before.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"It's okay, Brother Wang is gone. Why didn't you send him away?" Qiao Minzhou rubbed his eyes and always felt that he was about to cry.

"Mom won't let me go, I will have an exam tomorrow. I'll go and send a bouquet of flowers to Wang Wang when I have time ..."


"What the **** are you doing? I heard Mom say a few days ago that you broke up with my sister-in-law?"

"What kind of **** did you break up with?" Qiao Yanzhou smiled bitterly. Qiao Ai was all right, just too upright.

"Well ... you don't know, it's because of this matter that I've been worried about my mother these days. I don't know why my mother is so worried."

"I'm afraid your brother won't marry a daughter-in-law in the future."

"How is it possible that my brother is handsome and worried that he can't marry his wife?"

Qiao Yanzhou could not help but smiled when he heard this, and looked up at Gu Zixing again. Yeah, I did n’t worry about marrying my daughter-in-law, but now I ca n’t help it.

"I may go home at the beginning of the month. If you tell Mom that time, I won't call Mom."

"As for you, dodging your mother like this."

"be good."

"Okay, then contact me before you come back. Mom must have prepared for you."

"Okay, I see." Qiao Yanzhou smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Minzhou looked up and found that Gu Zixing was looking at himself with a smile on his face.

"Did you finish your order?"

"No, you want to eat what you want," Gu Zixing handed the menu to Qiao Yanzhou, "call your home?"

"Well, I'm not going back, so I say hello ahead of time."

Gu Zixing smiled.

"Little Joe,"


"I'll take you somewhere after dinner."

Read The Duke's Passion