MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 634 doomed, doomed

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Li Jing didn't go far from Dengxian Tower, and chose the nearest restaurant on the street that looked good.

He asked for a quiet private seat on the second floor, and he ordered a table of exquisite snacks.

Not long after sitting down, the door of the private seat was pushed open.

Li Jing sat in his seat and raised his eyes, smiling lightly.

"Senior Xiaoyaozi, did you forget to tell me something?"

That's right.

The one who arrived at this moment was Xiaoyaozi who had just been separated for less than a moment.

To be precise.

It was Xiaoyaozi with trembling legs.

In response to someone's voice, Xiaoyaozi moved his mouth and let out a foul breath, entered the door and sat down.

"Didn't I say earlier, Master Li, you will meet the person looking for you soon?"


Li Jing took a deep breath pretending to be left, and said strangely.

"Senior Xiaoyaozi, what do you mean by that? Could it be you who are looking for me?"

Facing someone who was so fake that he couldn't be more fake, Xiaoyaozi rolled his eyes and said.

"Master Li, you are a sensible person. From the moment you saw me, you should have understood that I appeared in Haoran City for you, but it was not unexpected to meet you in Dengxian Tower."

Hearing this, Li Jing shrugged his shoulders, and stopped pretending to pour himself a glass of sake.

"So, it wasn't you who sent the message to find me."

"Are you talking nonsense?"

Xiaoyaozi smacked his lips, took the wine gourd that Li Jing had just put down, poured himself a glass, and said.

"Others may not know who you really are, but how can someone like me not know? If I were looking for you, wouldn't it be over if I went directly to Chentang Pass?"

"Then senior, you said that you came to Haoran City because of me?"

Li Jing tilted his head.

Responding to these words, Xiaoyaozi showed an unfathomable expression.

"Didn't I expect it in advance, and I came here specifically to remind you of something?" Li Jing was silent, then nodded.

"I understand."


Xiaoyaozi was slightly stunned, and frowned.

"I haven't said anything yet, you understand? You... understand what?"

"Senior, you were the fairy crystal who designed to deceive me."

Li Jing spoke seriously.



When it comes to disgusting people, Li Jing dares to say the second sincerity, no one dares to say the first.

Xiaoyaozi is proficient in reckoning.

Accurate for sure.

But even him.

It is also impossible to accurately grasp the corresponding timing, or the point in time when certain things will happen.

It was an accident to meet Li Jing in Dengxian Tower.

What he was really waiting for in Dengxianlou was not Li Jing.

But since they met unexpectedly, Xiaoyaozi expected that Li Jing would have a corresponding guess when he saw him.

The man didn't tell the truth to his face, he was undoubtedly hanging him and waiting for him to come to the door.

Who would have thought that when he came to the door on his own initiative, Li Jing would not count on pretending to be mean to him, and by the way, he would even disgust him. Just as he didn't know what to say, Li Jing took a sip of his wine and made a faint sound.

"My fairy crystal is not so easy to earn."

You want to say that someone else said this.

Xiaoyaozi, who is so unpredictable that even a human saint can't grasp it, will definitely not take it seriously.

He lived so many years.

Even the saints of the human race have a way to avoid it.

Who was he afraid of?

But in front of Li Jing...

He is really scared.

This person's fate cannot be calculated easily, and there is no way to calculate it accurately.

It's like meeting this one in Dengxian Tower.

Xiaoyaozi, who knew in advance that Li Jing would appear in Haoran City in the near future, did not count it at all.

Looking intently at Li Jing, who was sitting there with a half-smile and not knowing what he was planning, Daoyaozi hesitated for a while, resisting the pain in his heart, and waved his hands to release all the fairy crystals that had been put away earlier.

"Repay you."

Reluctantly saying such a sentence, he raised his head with a gloomy face and drained the wine in the glass.

Li Jing smiled when he saw this, and put away all the fairy crystals with peace of mind.

him today.

Really not bad fairy crystal.

But there is no reason to throw so much out for nothing for nothing.

Previously in Dengxian Tower, he was half acting and half real.

As Xiaoyaozi thought.

As delicate as he is, he had already expected it when he met the former.

Please Xiaoyaozi deduce.

it is true.

Paying a girl to pay him a monthly subscription is a lie.

Because from the very beginning, he had no intention of helping Xiaoyaozi recover to the level of entertainment in Dengxianlou.

The reason is not for anything else.

If I really want to make this person happy in Dengxian Tower for a month, I may not be able to find the person who released the news and wanted to find me. Not to mention, it will take at least a month to know why this person appeared in Haoran City.

Li Jing has always been very accurate in seeing people.

There are conditions, this one must have played enough for a month before leaving the Dengxian Tower.

How bad is it?

Li Jing smiled after receiving the fairy crystals he took out in advance.

"Okay, Senior Xiaoyaozi, we're done."

Xiaoyaozi almost rolled his eyes to the sky when he heard the sound, why doesn't he just want to talk to this guy?

But there is no way!

This time, he was asking for something.

Pour yourself another cup and finish it off, Xiaoyaozi looked over.

"Master Li, you have a delicate mind. If you think about it, you already knew that it was not you who I climbed to the fairy tower."

Li Jing nodded.

"You want to find me, but it's not time to meet me yet."

As he spoke, he smiled evilly.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't think of running away the first time you saw me."


Xiaoyaozi smacked his lips and said depressedly.

"You, what are you serious about? I've always been playing tricks on people all my life, but it's the other way around for you."

As he spoke, he whispered.

"How hard is your fate? If I hadn't been in Immortal Realm for a long time and was seriously affected by the lack of rules, the former heyday posture is long gone. No matter how hard your fate is, I can make it clear for you."

Li Jing pretended not to hear what he said.

What can Xiaoyaozi in his heyday do.

He doesn't know.

But since this human saint who was able to hide from the human saint who once wanted to catch him, it is hard to guess that he can be sincere.

A very simple fact.


This is a higher level existence than the Three God Emperors and Five Saint Emperors of the Upper Three Realms. After touching the wine gourd and pouring Xiaoyaozi a glass, Li Jing said flatly.

"Senior, did you ask me for something in this encounter?"

Hearing these words, Xiaoyaozi showed a not-so-good expression on his face, and said coyly.

"You...can't you be more stupid?"

"I think so too, it's just that some facts are too easy to guess."

Li Jing smiled shyly and said.

"Speaking of business, senior, why did you come to Haoran City? What does looking for me have to do with this?"

Seeing that someone finally got to the point, Xiaoyaozi whispered without ambiguity.

"I came to Haoran City for one person, the one who should be robbed."

"Should be robbed?"

Li Jing frowned.


Xiaoyaozi nodded and said.

"The overall situation a hundred years ago was broken by you alone, Li Menzhu, but you should understand that all this is not the end."

Li Jing nodded.

Just about to make a sound, Xiaoyao said.

"That incident involved too much internally. Master Li, what you have touched is only the surface. Some things that should have happened have never happened under your interference.

This somehow changed the number of days in the fairyland. "

As he spoke, he looked serious.

"Immortal Realm is the game. In the hexagram I deduced at the beginning, it was just a storm. The participants may not be able to have the last laugh. But today, a hundred years later, it will be a catastrophe that is likely to affect the entire world. So much so that the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth secretly selected the person who should be robbed."

Hearing Xiaoyaozi's voice, Li Jing fell silent.

If it is someone else in front of you at the moment.

He must have thought the man was bullshit.

But at present.

It's Xiaoyaozi...

Taking a sip of the sake in the glass, Li Jing made a sound.

"This, is it related to the sleeping of the Dao of the Great World?"

"How do I know that?"

Xiaoyaozi responded subconsciously, then was taken aback suddenly, his eyes widened.

"You... what did you just say? The Great World and Heaven fell into a deep sleep? Is this really true!?"

Seeing the shocked look on Xiaoyaozi's face, Li Jing looked strange.

"So senior, you don't know everything?"

"If I really know everything, can I stay in this poverty-stricken state?"

Xiaoyaozi spat lightly, then curled his lips.

"However, in terms of what is about to happen in Immortal Territory today, it doesn't matter whether the Great World Heavenly Dao is awake or asleep."

Li Jing was silent.

Perhaps in his eyes, the Dao of the Great World is not like this.

But the way of heaven is merciless, this is the truth.

If it is the calamity that should have happened between the heaven and the earth.

Even if all the creatures in the world die at once, the Dao of the Great World will not interfere in any way.

All gone.

As long as the big world is still there, everything can be restarted.

this kind of thing.

There are many examples for reference.

For example, there have been several major shatterings in the evolutionary history of Blue Star.

There are only two situations where the Dao of the Great World will interfere.


Threats to the great world itself.


Powers other than the Great World acted against it, making the Great World unable to function normally.

Thinking of all the things during the period, Li Jing's expression gradually became serious.

For a hundred years.

What he has been waiting for has always been the offense from the upper three realms after the lack of rules is restored.

The great world is asleep.

Only by benefiting from it can he be what he is today, and he should help her guard both emotionally and rationally.

Even if the law of heaven is ruthless.

He can have these today.

It was all because of the unintentional insertion of the Dao of the Great World at the beginning.

If not.

Don't say it is today.

Today, a hundred years later, the grass on his grave may not be very high.

However, what Xiaoyaozi said in front of him reveals that the imminent doom that the great world will face does not originate from the upper three realms but from the great world itself. I am afraid that even if the great world wakes up, there will be no improvement.

There are people who should be robbed.

Is this more than a big deal?

Li Jing hasn't improved in the slightest in the past hundred years, but it's not that he hasn't done nothing in the entire hundred years.

He could read all kinds of mysterious ancient classics in Xianyu.

He who became the Immortal King a hundred years ago.

Strictly speaking, I don't know anything.

Knowledge is very narrow.

At best, it is the function of the extreme bug of the Eye of True Sight, which can provide him with a certain reference when necessary.

However, he is now.

What I understand is not a lot.


Li Jing enriches himself so much, not because he wants to plunge into the "ocean of knowledge" and want to be a person who understands a little.

his purpose.

It is to try to find a way to awaken the saint of the human race.

after all.

He owes the saint once.

If not, he would not have worked hard for it.

Li Jing is such a person.

Being able to salt fish, he absolutely feels at ease as a salt fish.

But if not.

He will try his best to do what he thinks is the most correct thing, regardless of the final result.

Back to the person who should be robbed.

Such beings are of the nature of being like saints.

the difference is.

The power of the person who should be calamity can only be used in the corresponding calamity, and the power of all beings he possesses does not only come from the luck of the human race like a saint of the human race, but from all living beings in this world.

People who respond to the calamity are often born along with the calamity.

who will it be.


It might not even be a human or intelligent being.

During this period, it was very mysterious.

Then comes the top priority.

The person who should be calamity does not have to face the calamity.

Whether to sit back and watch the destruction of all living beings or to turn the tide as a savior depends entirely on the will of the chosen person.


The person who should be tribulated is simply the avenue of heaven and earth. On the eve of everything being destroyed, it gives all living beings who are about to face a desperate situation a chance to turn around. During this period, a rule embedded in the avenue is at work.

all in all.

The catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching, and there will be no will of heaven or anything in it.

Right now Li Jing wants to be sure.

It's just whether the corresponding event is related to the slumber of the Great World Heavenly Dao.

But seeing that Xiaoyaozi didn't even know that the Dao of the Great World had fallen into a deep sleep, I'm afraid he wouldn't know the origin of the catastrophe.

He only foresaw the impending catastrophe in advance.

Raising his hand and rubbing the center of his eyebrows, Li Jing raised his eyes.

"The person who released the news to find me in Haoran City, shouldn't be the person who should be robbed?"

"Of course, it can't be such a coincidence."

Xiaoyaozi made a sound, and then said again.

"It's just that in my deduction, for some reason, the people who should be robbed will come to Haoran City and settle down in the Dengxian Tower in the near future."

Hearing such words, Li Jing frowned slightly.

"When you say that, why do I feel that I have been arranged by something similar to cause and effect?" Xiaoyaozi said dumbly.

"Somewhere... there is indeed a certain number of days, but this number of days is not destined for you, Master Li, but the person who is looking for you."

Li Jing was silent.

Those who look for him are arranged by their own days.

Is this different from what he was assigned to do?

Who can be sure that the person looking for him was not arranged because of him?

He exhaled heavily, Li Jing said.

"The riddle is here, senior, if you don't have the courage to say something dry, why don't you be more direct and tell me what you want me to do."

Xiaoyaozi grinned at the sound. Is this what he doesn't want to say?

Ordinary, he gritted his teeth and endured it and passed.

It's amazing to lie down for a hundred and eighty years and be a useless person.

The matter at hand is about the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

This is half a word more.

I'm afraid Li Jing's two primordial spirits are fully fired, and I'm afraid they may not be able to keep him.

I don't have the same knowledge as Li Jing, Xiaoyao said.

"Pindao is used to fighting against the world, so of course I wouldn't force Master Li to do something you can't do. It's just that I'm used to this fairyland, and I don't want to sit and watch everything be destroyed. So I think As a friend, I would like to ask Master Li to do you a favor, and in the future, I will help the people who are robbed within the scope of your ability."

Before Li Jing could speak, he said seriously.

"However, before that, I hope that you, Master Li, can guide those who should be robbed to face up to their own destiny."

Li Jing was silent.

It is right to help those who have been robbed when necessary.

After all, normally speaking, the only ones who can break the catastrophe of heaven and earth are those who respond to the catastrophe.

Although as

For someone who has an independent world, he can take everyone in Chentangguan and leave at any time.

But after a hundred years, Chentangguan finally developed to such a scale. He didn't want Xianyu to play GG all of a sudden.

He is just the one who is guided and robbed by Xiaoyaozi.

This is really difficult.

Those who should be tribulated may not know the fate they need to face, and they may not be willing to face it if they know it.

not sure.

That is still the world-weary master, wishing everything would be destroyed.

In the records of classics, there really is such a thing.

And it's a coincidence.

The person who should be robbed came from the ancient fairyland that had been destroyed twice.

Although there is no clear record in the classics why he gave up the treatment, if he had stood up back then, it is not certain that the Meiling would not have taken action in the end.

If Meiling didn't take action, the Ancient Immortal Realm would naturally not be destroyed.

Drooping his eyes and shaking the wine glass in his hand, Li Jing raised his eyes.

Just about to speak, Xiaoyaozi made a sound.

"There are only a handful of ways to awaken the saints of the human race in this world. How difficult it is to reverse the damage caused by the backlash of the Dao, you should have understood it over the years, Master Li."

Speaking of this, Xiaoyaozi stopped and looked over.

Seeing this, Li Jing blinked, waved his hand to pull out Xiao Cai who was curled up and sleeping soundly, and poked her belly.

Xiao Cai let out a groan at that time, and while she couldn't help but hugged Li Jing's fingers, she opened her eyes in a daze.

Seeing Li Jing head on, Xiao Cai tilted her head in confusion.

Immediately afterwards.

She noticed Xiaoyaozi sitting opposite her.

Seeing this, she immediately revealed a look of disgust.

At this time, Li Jing spoke up.

"Five hundred-year-old fruits will save his life for a while."

Xiao Cai's eyes lit up when she heard the sound, she suddenly turned around and picked up her two little hands and spread her fingers.


"Up to seven, no more."

Li Jing responded indifferently.

"Sure! Deal!"

Xiao Cai responded decisively, for fear that someone would repent.

centenarian fruit.

This is a unique spiritual fruit produced after multiple evolutions in the Small Universe.

It is named Centenary.

It's not because it bears fruit once every hundred years, but because ordinary creatures can live a hundred years longer if they eat one.

Although it is only valid once, how rare is a hundred-year lifespan for creatures who have not set foot in cultivation?

Survive for a hundred more years, and they who have never had the opportunity to set foot in practice can also have more opportunities.

To say that the birth of Centennial Fruit has something to do with Zhenyuan Pagoda.

where it was born.

It is near the shore of the island in the middle of the lake, where the Zhenyuan Pagoda was suppressed by Li Jing in the Xiaoqiankun Realm and handed over the Daoyuanguo in the past.

Since the location is clear, it is easy to think of the corresponding connection. Afterwards, Li Jing asked Xiaoyi to reproduce the old scene.

At that time, the top of a Daoyuan fruit was broken a little when it was picked, and some juice fell into the ground and blended into it.

The powerful effect of Daoyuan Fruit has changed the soil quality while leaving a little influence. Centennial fruit was born.

In addition to prolonging life, centenarian fruit is also very delicious.

Not to mention a gluttonous living primordial spirit like Xiao Cai, even Li Jing loves to eat it.

The sweetness and refreshingness of centenarian fruit is second to none, and it cannot be compared with any edible spiritual fruit that can be eaten on weekdays.

Since only a small piece is produced, and the centenarian fruit itself has great medicinal value, Li Jing didn't let Xiaocai go wild, and most of them were handed over to Xiang Yunxian to develop prescriptions for development in multiple directions, and a small part Use as a reserve until necessary.

A hundred years of life is meaningless to him.

But for ordinary people, there is no doubt that it is priceless.

It's better to have some spares than none at all.

Put that aside.

After finishing Xiao Cai, Li Jing raised his eyes and looked over.

Xiaoyaozi nodded in satisfaction.

This wave of two people.

It's called a silent tacit understanding.

Xiaoyaozi didn't want Xianyu to be destroyed.

In order to please Li Jing, he had already prepared "dry goods" for the transaction early in the morning. Right now, he is also extraordinarily direct.

It's just that it involves a saint of the human race, which can't be said casually.

Li Jing's fate is stubborn, so he can't count it casually.

And if people don't smash saints, they will be hard?

Giving Xiaocai a big sister look in my life, Xiaoyaozi spoke quickly.

"There is only one path that Pindao can point out to you, Master Li, and this is the path that is most likely to succeed. Somewhere in this fairyland, there is a prehistoric treasure with the ability to destroy the world, but no one cares about it for too long. It has affected the surrounding land within a small range, and many strange spiritual creatures have been produced there. Among them, there is a kind of immortality medicine, which has a miraculous effect on dao injuries."

Li Jing frowned upon hearing this.

The prehistoric treasure with the ability to destroy the world.

An undead medicine that has a miraculous effect on Tao injuries.

These two are put together.

Somewhere in Xianyu?



How dangerous is this place so that it has not been discovered so far?

Seeing that Xiaoyaozi didn't vomit blood, Li Jing looked strange.

Just about to speak. UU reading

The latter remained in a sitting posture, with his upper body straightened and he rolled over and fell to the ground.

Just for this moment.

He is dead.

Immediately afterwards.

Its flesh showed a tendency to petrify. Seeing this, Li Jing's face changed again and again.

"Little Cai!"

"Don't worry, everything is with me!"

Xiao Cai made a sound, flapped her butterfly wings behind her back and flew up and landed on Xiaoyaozi's body.

at the same time.

There is a huge amount of vitality coming from all directions.

Thousands of rules of life are clearly presented in an instant.

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