MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 621 The time has come, the candle dragon wakes up

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【These monsters have blood bars】【】

Naturally, Li Jing cooks at his fingertips.

don't say it.

He still misses the earth-style gas stove.

After a while, he came out with a pot of chowder noodles.

Ye Piaoran watched from the sidelines the whole time, seeing someone pouring out a large pot of mixed noodles with all the flavors and flavors in minutes, she couldn't stop making strange noises.

"I can't tell, you're pretty good at cooking."

"As far as the situation in our hometown is concerned, wouldn't it be possible for a man of the rich second generation to cook if he doesn't know how to cook?"

Li Jing responded naturally.

Ye Piaoran was dumb, and then gave a thumbs up.


"It's you, obviously born in poverty, why can't you even cook?"

As Li Jing said, he pulled out a long table and put it down.

Seeing this, Ye Piaoran sat down happily and hummed.

"From my 'equipment', you should be able to tell that I have tried to learn how to make a living by myself, but I really don't have that talent."

"As far as you can blow up the whole house in minutes after entering the kitchen, does it have anything to do with your talent?"

Li Jing beat her mercilessly and served her a bowl of mixed noodles.

Facing a personal attack on someone, Ye Piaoran certainly couldn't be happy.

But when she saw the delicious mixed noodles in front of her eyes, she reluctantly endured it, took out a pair of chopsticks and stroked the black hair on her forehead, and lowered her head to taste it.

After entering the chowder noodles, she raised her eyes with a "huh" and gestured a thumbs up again.

At this time.

Shang Yiqing walked over.

"Piaoran, so you and Fairy Jiu are from the same hometown?"

Ye Piaoran made a "tsk" sound, his face was full of impatience, and he didn't respond.

This is still clear, and it really lingers.

After getting rid of him for a while, it came again.

Li Jing smiled charmingly.

"Is it out of tune?"

Is it a surprise?

Shang Yiqing looked at it for a while before he found a chance to come and talk to him.

Through Li Jing's ability to skillfully use all kinds of things that Ye Piaoran took out that even she didn't know how to tinker with, as well as the words between the two of them, he also came to a judgment.

Li Jing and Ye Piaoran, who had never met before, ascended from the same place.

There is such a judgment.

Shang Yiqing tentatively understood why Ye Piaoran suddenly fell in love with this fox demon who was originally at odds with him.

But at this moment, Ye Piaoran's appearance of ignoring him made Shang Yiqing very embarrassed.

Meeting Li Jing to talk to him, Shang Yiqing took advantage of the situation and smiled.

"It's really a bit of a surprise, Fairy Jiu, you and Piaoran are really destined. It's really not easy to meet an ascendant who ascended from the same realm in the vast and boundless fairyland."

"Young Master Shang, your words are a bit preconceived."

Li Jing said, served himself a bowl of mixed noodles and sat down, said.

"I think Mr. Shang, you have never been to the Sifang Immortal Territory. Except that the land of Central China is a big dye vat, each of the Sifang Immortal Territories has its own divisions and corresponding Ascension Platforms. The Ascension Platforms are rarely set up for one person. In the world, the Ascendants in the same region cannot be said to be from the same world, but as long as they meet fellow Ascendants in the corresponding region, it is not accidental."

Hearing someone's words, Shang Yiqing nodded and complimented him.

"Fairy Jiu is right. I have never traveled in the Sifang Immortal Realm, so I don't know the current layout of the Immortal Realm."

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【These monsters have blood bars】【】

With that said, he sat down and smiled.

"But what you said, Fairy Jiu, seems to have nothing to do with your fate with Piaoran, after all, Fairy Jiu, you are with Piaoran..."

Before Shang Yiqing could finish speaking, Li Jing picked up his chopsticks and interrupted him.

"Shang Gongzi, did the sages teach you that you should not disturb other people's meals?"


Shang Yiqing.

This wave...

It kind of disgusted him.

The truth is that what Li Jing said is true.

But he should be able to see that he wishes to be by Ye Piaoran's side, doesn't he?

If not.

On the premise that Ye Piaoran ignored him, why did he take the initiative to talk to him and give him a chance?

Facing the half-smile expression on Li Jing's face who turned into a beauty fox, Shang Yiqing's lips moved, he got up and walked away with a cold snort.


That is also tempered.

Ye Piaoran saw that Shang Yiqing was disgusted by someone and left in a wave of displeasure, she raised her head and blinked her bright starry eyes, then turned her head and lowered her voice.

"Have you always been so obnoxious in what you say and do?"

"Tsk! What are you talking about?"

Li Jing smacked his lips and said.

"I spoke up just now to relieve you from ignoring him. It was embarrassing. I didn't say that he was allowed to climb up the pole. How could it be that my words and actions are annoying?"

Ye Piaoran frowned slightly upon hearing this.

What Li Jing said was not unreasonable.

But she pondered and pondered.

Someone seemed to be intentionally disgusting Shang Yiqing instead of giving him a step.

Seeing someone's candid expression, Ye Piaoran couldn't help being speechless.

Come as Earth.

How could she not understand who is more frank and more cunning?

Gentleman is magnanimous.

It is about ancient people like scholars who are relatively decadent and accept death in their bones.


You find an honest gentleman to come out and have a look?

Mei Mu looked over and didn't have the same knowledge as Li Jing, Ye Piaoran chose to bury his head in cooking.

Although they only had contact with each other for a while.

But it can be seen from the fact that someone poked her sore spots and killed her heart, this disgusting person is a good hand.

At least he didn't disgust her.

Ye Piaoran felt that it would be better for him to stop.

While eating with his head buried, Li Jing glanced to the east and came over quietly via voice transmission.

"You, the destined person, have arrived, when will this Candle Dragon wake up?"

"I don't know about that either."

Ye Piaoran responded via voice transmission, and said.

"It may be necessary to wait for a certain time, or other conditions may have to be met. The only thing that is certain is that when the candle dragon wakes up, I, as a destined person who has a cause and effect with it, will have a response."

Li Jing nodded when he heard the words, thought for a while, and then passed the sound transmission.

"Remember to remind me in time when you have a reaction, and I will seal you into my independent world."

After getting this sound transmission, Ye Piaoran frowned.

"All of this is the cause and effect of my destiny. It is impossible to simply leave, and it may not be possible for you to seal me."

"You have to try everything. How do you know it won't work if you haven't tried it?"

Li Jing smiled, and then passed the sound transmission.

"The easiest way to solve your problem is to avoid contact with Candle Dragon."

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【These monsters have blood bars】【】

"That's true."

Ye Piaoran nodded in approval, and then twisted her body uncomfortably.

"We are cooking, can we not talk about these annoying things?"

Li Jing was dumbfounded. He thought about it.

Ye Piaoran said that she wanted to eat for herself, not because she was rushing to cook, but because she wanted to get rid of Shang Yiqing and make it easier for the two of them to talk.

How could she...

Being speechless, Ye Piaoran came over via voice transmission.

"There is one thing you may need to pay attention to. I am a destined person, but I am not the only one who maintains the overall situation. There are at least a few people in the game in this rift space, and there may be even more. It must have a special meaning for so many players involved in the game.”

Li Jing nodded, and Transsion responded.

"Relax, I know this. Besides you, there must be other "backup" factors that can maintain the overall situation, but you are the only one

important factors that can be seen. If it weren't for you being the saintess of Yaochi, I would even suspect that you are just an appearance in the overall situation, simply used to fool people who are trying to disrupt the situation. "

With that said, Li Jing transmitted the voice again.

"However, there are so many people involved in the game, this matter is indeed a bit intriguing. On the basis of ordinary plans, the large number of people can have the effect of confusing the public. The top forces in the upper three realms, Yaochi and Buddhism, have carefully designed it many years ago and are proficient in the secrets of cause and effect. There is no need for such a superfluous design at all, and it is impossible to say that everyone in the game other than you is a "spare element" to maintain the overall situation. What is all this for? To be honest, I am a little confused clear."

Ye Piaoran shrugged his shoulders when he heard such a long speech from someone.

"Don't think about it if you don't understand it. Those people in the upper three realms are not only strong in cultivation, but they are also full of hearts. The top batch has lived a long time that you and I can't imagine. The calculations in their hearts, you and me In any case, the general offspring cannot be guessed."

Hearing this, Li Jing felt that it made sense.

Those involved in the layout.

Those were all top figures who had ruled the upper three realms during the Ancient Immortal Domain period.

How can he speculate on such an existence for a person who has only lived for less than thirty years?

Nodding his head, Li Jing stopped talking.

Ye Piaoran obviously didn't want to continue discussing more, so he ate as much as possible while burying his head in cooking.

Even though there was nothing but ordinary chowder noodles in front of him.

Not to mention the nature of spiritual food, even delicacies from mountains and seas are not counted.

As far as she is concerned, eating can't satisfy her appetite for a while.

But she is now.

It is true that there is not necessarily a next meal if there is an upper meal.

Don't look at her as if lying flat on the surface.

But the fact that she may lose herself at any time is always a lingering cloud for her.

Li Jing somewhat understood Ye Piaoran's state of mind at this time.

this chick.

Very strong.

In front of people, she will not easily show certain emotions.

In order to satisfy Ye Piaoran, Li Jing secretly stuffed a few spiritual fruits, taking advantage of the opportunity to give her some leftover "seafood" that Xiao Qiankun had cooked before.

Ye Piaoran has only ascended to the Immortal Realm for a year, so he doesn't have much chance to eat too good.

After being fed by Li Jing, her eyes lit up.

After all, what someone brings out is top-notch delicacy for anyone but himself.

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【These monsters have blood bars】【】

Eat and drink enough.

Ye Piaoran took out a bamboo recliner like an old man, and lay down on the spot.

Seeing this, Li Jing couldn't laugh or cry, and after obtaining her consent, he put all the things she found out in advance into his storage space with peace of mind.

These "babies" from the earth are really rare for him.

Something like a gas range.

Blue Star has none at all.

Blue Star burns spiritual energy.

Pure natural and pollution-free.

The advantage must be on Blue Star's side.

But it also lacks the fireworks that Li Jing has long been accustomed to as an ordinary person.

Keep these.

It's okay to take it out and miss it.

For the next time, Ye Piaoran was always dozing off.

At least on the surface.

Li Jing didn't bother her.

He even persuaded Shang Yiqing, who was waiting for an opportunity to come over and try to lick a few mouthfuls, with cold eyes several times.


The time came to the second day.

Li Jing, who was waiting by Ye Piaoran's side, suddenly had a feeling in his heart.

Zhenshi Monument.

Touched by a hidden force.

This force tried to disintegrate the suppression of Zhenshibei, but it couldn't even scratch the itch in front of this Honghuang Tianbao.

Are they from the Upper Three Realms again?

Li Jing looked up at the sky.

they start to move



Does it mean that the time for Zhulong to wake up is approaching?

As soon as I thought about it, the dark sky gradually became brighter.


Li Jing frowned.

-Ban Ye Piaoran also opened her beautiful eyes, her expression gradually becoming dignified.

The rest of the people present followed suit.

The crack space, affected by the sleeping candle dragon, should be eternal night.

There is no such thing as dawn.

According to the myth.

Zhulong also closed his eyes to the world, it was dark and he opened his eyes to dawn.

Suddenly dawn.


It means that the candle dragon has awakened!

In the eyes of everyone, the dark sky in the rift space gradually became brighter, and a round of sun rose slowly.

at the same time.

A high-pitched dragon's roar sounded in the distance.

Immediately afterwards.

It was shaking for a while.

coming! ?

Li Jing got up and turned to look at Ye Piaoran.

The latter also looked over at this time.

The two met their gazes, Ye Piaoran bit her red lips and reached out to pull him close, speaking in a low voice.

"Try to seal me." Li Jing nodded.

Just about to move, Ye Piaoran's slightly nervous expression suddenly changed, becoming extremely cold.

Seeing this, Li Jing frowned. next second.

There was a sword sound of "Qiang".

Ye Piaoran waved his hand and took out the flying sword, a Taoist weapon, and without hesitation, he slashed towards his chest with the sword.

Facing the surprise attack, Li Jing tightly clenched the latter's slender hand that he held in advance with one hand, and raised his other hand to flick his fingers.


With a crisp sound, the flying sword, the Taoist weapon that was slashed across, was bounced away. Seeing this, Ye Piaoran stared. Obviously.

She didn't expect that Li Jing is a master who can hard-wire the Taoist just by relying on his body.

Just as he was in a daze, Li Jing called softly.

"Ye Piaoran?"

Ye Piaoran raised his eyes and smiled sweetly.

"it's me."

"I didn't call you."

Li Jing spoke out silently.

Ye Piaoran shrugged, and twisted the flying sword in his hand to release endless power.

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【These monsters have blood bars】【】

Seeing this, Li Jing rolled his eyes, and suddenly pulled her over and picked her up with the other hand on the waist, and it was a back fall that threw her headfirst into the ground.


other people present.

From the moment Ye Piaoran drew his sword, they had all paid attention to him.

Ye Piaoran suddenly attacked Li Jing, making them very confused.

Especially the scholar Shang Yiqing.

Obviously in the previous day, the two of them were inseparable.

Why did Ye Piaoran turn his face suddenly?

What about the conversation between the two?

Before anyone could react, Ye Piaoran was about to strike again, and then he was thrown upside down.

In an instant, to be honest, everyone was more and more confused.

The majestic fairy maiden was thrust into the ground with her head down...

Is this more than a great shame?


How dare you?

How could he manage to deal with a woman with a heaven-defying appearance?

Shang Yiqing, the scholar present, was the first to react.

Seeing that Ye Piaoran fell into the ground and there was no movement on the spot, as if he had been stunned and passed out, he immediately burst out.

"Monster! Don't hurt me!"


With a loud noise, a sky-high righteousness erupted from Shang Yiqing's body.


Licking is real licking.

But he also sincerely admires Ye Piaoran.

Such a burst of awe-inspiring righteousness is just a drizzle to him in his heyday, but to him who has been dormant in the fairyland for countless years

As far as he is in extremely poor condition, he can say that he has drawn his salary from the bottom of the pot.

This is not.

At the same time when Shang Yiqing erupted with awe-inspiring righteousness, his hair on the sideburns began to turn white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Jing was numb when he saw this.

"You should be aware that the she you once knew is no longer there."

In response to such a sentence, the scholar who was about to make a move paused and spoke silently.

"I know, but Xiaosheng has no desires, but no regrets."

As he spoke, he burst into the air and let out a loud voice.

"Majestic heaven and earth, righteousness will last forever!"

There was a loud "boom".

The sky shook.

A far more magnificent and Confucian-like figure than Sun Qu, the leader of Confucianism and Taoism in the Immortal Realm, appeared between heaven and earth, standing upright.

At the same time, the rest of the audience also broke out their momentum.

Although I don't know what's going on, Ye Piaoran, the doomed person in the injury situation at this juncture, just can't get along with everyone present.


For people other than the scholar and the other four, the destined person has little to do with them.

But Rutian has no one who will break out, but if there is no destiny

This game is very likely to fail.

At that time, they will lose all meaning of living and dormant so far.

Seeing the momentum erupting one by one, the scholar was desperate to beat him up in groups, Li Jing squinted slightly and stepped out, appearing in the distance in the east in an instant.

? ? ?

Everyone, including scholars.

Li Jing this is...

Want to run away?

If you want to run, you don't run to the east!

Just when everyone was stunned.

"Ka Hou" a dragon roar resounded through the sky, the ground was torn apart in pieces, and a huge monster with a black body stretching no less than tens of thousands of meters broke through the ground and took off into the sky.

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【These monsters have blood bars】【】

Candle Dragon! ?

Everyone was delighted and surprised.

The joy is.

Candle Dragon really woke up.


The prestige of this candle dragon is so terrifying!

Just then.

Standing in the sky, Li Jing's blood energy and devil energy erupted at the same time.

This moment.

There are only two colors in the whole Gaotian, red and black. UU reading www. Daylight, which can only be seen in the crack space, no longer exists.

So explosive.

Surprised everyone again.

This fox demon...

Is TM human?


She is not a Japanese person, she is a human being.

So here comes the problem.

She is a monster, how can her aura be so terrifying? in the crowd.

The barbarian girl froze for a moment when she saw Li Jing Hengkong's explosive momentum, her copper bell-sized eyes widened on the spot.

"It's him!"? ? ?

The monks and Taoists beside her both turned their heads. Seeing that the two were confused, the barbarian girl spoke quickly.

"The one who beat you both!"

! !

two people.

Then the Taoist spoke.

"Just because the demon energy and the blood energy are together, doesn't it seem to mean it's him?"

Before the words fell, the monk agreed.

"A demon cultivated into a demon can also walk in the way of a demon."

"You MUA, I said you don't believe me!"

The barbarian girl was so excited that she glanced at Dangkong Li Jing and said back.

"I'll bet 10,000 catties of thirteen-level wild animal meat, and next he will face the candle dragon."

Just finished speaking.

Li Jing moved.

The graceful fox demon looks like a ghost, tearing apart the space in an instant and appearing on the top of Zhulong's head, it's like a slap when he pulls his hand.


The slender and slender hands that are completely out of proportion to Zhulong's huge physique, life and death

The whole space collapsed with a slap, and Candle Dragon flew out with an "Aww".


Monks and Taoists.

"I'll go! It's really that evil star!"

The two spoke in unison.

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