MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 614 Turn the clouds and see the sun, so it turns out

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The latest website: The accident happened so suddenly, Chen Yuran who was crossing the tribulation was shocked.

The scholar and the other four thought of the possibility, but how could she not think of it if she was as smart as her?

It's just that the peace for nearly a month made her somewhat lucky.

at the same time.

She and Li Jing can't really do nothing because the overall situation has not been promoted.


You are wasting your life.

Facing the changes at this moment, Chen Yuran could easily understand that the stagnant overall situation seemed to have been artificially promoted. And cross the catastrophe by himself.

It is the opportunity that the other party sees.


Why wait now?

Chen Yuran was puzzled.

The scholar and the others could think that the people behind the scenes were afraid of Li Jing, who accidentally entered the game, so she could naturally think of it too.

But she didn't understand.

Is Li Jing really worthy of the people who plan to be afraid to such an extent?

After all, Chen Yuran used to be an inspector.

quick thinking.

And don't feel that it must be right because of your temporary "thinking", and know how to think backwards.

no doubt.

If the current change is promoted by the organizers of the upper three realms, there is no need to wait until such a time.

With such an existence, it is impossible to fear Li Jing.

If it is someone else.

He has never been in contact with Li Jing, so how could he be afraid of him?

Neither of the two possibilities will be afraid of Li Jing, so the conclusion is easy to come to.

Perhaps there is a reason for Li Jing's stagnation in the overall situation.

But it is not him who is really afraid of those who promote the overall situation, but there are other reasons that make them wait for the opportunity.

However, Chen Yuran couldn't figure out why the timing was this time.

Subconsciously, she turned her head to look at Li Jing who was standing outside the range of Jieyun not far away and looking up at the sky.

Just then, someone looked over.

The two looked at each other.

Li Jing smiled gently, and came over via voice transmission.

"Don't worry, go through the calamity with peace of mind, everything is by me."

The plain voice was like a reassurance, Chen Yuran nodded silently, sat cross-legged in the air and put aside distracting thoughts in his chest.

she knows.

Guessing for yourself won't change anything.

The only way to overcome the catastrophe is to make Li Jing not worry.


Seeing that Chen Yuran was involved in the process of crossing the tribulation, Li Jing raised his eyes again.

Whatever Chen Yuran thought of, he also thought of.

And he had thought about it beforehand.

Chen Yuran's crossing the catastrophe may be the cause of the change.

Can be the same.

He doesn't understand why.

Why is it when Chen Yuran crosses the catastrophe?

In front of this.

It must be the direct intervention of the organizers of the upper three realms.

It's not Li Jing who swells.

In such a vast fairyland, no one can break the double eternal reincarnation set by him.

Even Nangong Qingshan has no reason to break his double ban without showing his face.

After all, as long as it is in this fairyland, the actual cultivation is bound by the lack of rules.

His ban had already been set early on, and it had already been stabilized.

The cultivation base of the hands-on person is definitely not as simple as surpassing him in realm.

He also has a very good understanding of the core of Taoist methods and understands the way to crack them.

The realm surpasses him.

That can only be Guiyuan who is serious.

This alone can be concluded.

The possibility of being a person in the fairyland is zero.

This includes all players in the game.

It is clear that people from the upper three realms made the move.

What he is afraid of is really intriguing.

The key is that all of this is related to Chen Yuran's crossing the catastrophe


If not, Li Jing might want to go to the Great World Heavenly Dao.

But Chen Yuran's crossing the catastrophe obviously has nothing to do with the Dao of the Great World...

Just as he was thinking, one figure after another crossed the space and came to the cracked space in an endless stream, and many people came in in a blink of an eye.

The entrance to the rift space was blocked for more than half a month.

The ban suddenly disappeared.

Which of the people who are waiting outside are not scrambling for the first place?

Leaving aside those in the game, the "treasure hunters" who came for the possible treasures were waiting for an opportunity to enter.

Entering the rift space, everyone soon discovered that someone was crossing the entrance.

Who the **** is this!

Do you want to be so wicked! ?

Under the robbery cloud, all living beings are equal.

No matter how big the difference in cultivation is.

As long as you step into the calamity cloud of others, you will naturally face the bombardment of thunder calamity, and the calamity thunder that rushes to you must be in line with your own realm.

This is not.

When the first group of people came in, they were just scolding their mothers in their hearts, but because of Li Jing's retreat, Chen Yuran's Jieyun's power, which had returned to the eleventh level, rose rapidly.

in a blink.

The panic of Tianwei turned into the people who called in to feel terrified.

Without thinking too much, most people chose to scatter and retreat as quickly as possible.

But there are people.

A different path was chosen.

"The mere eleventh level is in the way here, and I'm courting death!"

An old woman with a vicious face and a haggard appearance who didn't know what kind of evil practice she had practiced sneered, raised her hand and slapped it from the air.


A huge palm print resembling a ghost's claw was formed in the sky, causing the sky to tremble for a while, and covered Chen Yuran who was sitting in the midair with an overwhelming force.

next second.

Li Jing's figure moved sideways in an instant, and his palm print was broken with a single point.

Seeing this, the old woman's face changed again and again.


She is a late venerable.

The person on the opposite side broke her offensive effortlessly, what level does this have to be?

The old woman is vicious.

Counseling is also fast.

Seeing Li Jing look over indifferently, she hastily cupped her hands and made a sound.

"This protector, everything is a misunderstanding. I was confused for a while..."

Before she finished speaking, she howled miserably.

The raging phoenix fire engulfed her.


There's no after that.

She didn't leave even ashes...

This guy frightened the other treasure hunters on the spot.

This is the latter of the Venerable!

a look.

just burned...

The people in the game lurking in the crowd didn't care.

District Venerable.

To them, they are nothing more than ants.

Even if they are bound by the rules to only have a half-step Guiyuan level, killing the Venerable is really no different from killing a chicken.

But the person in front of him can easily do this, is he also a player in the game?

I have this idea.


A thunderbolt of Guiyuan level smashed across the sky, and the thunderbolt smashed on the top of someone's head, and even the corner of his clothes floated a little.

This time, the jaws of the people in the game almost dropped.

Fog Grass!

Where did the monster come from?

As a half-step back to the original person.

Facing the Guiyuan Heavenly Tribulation, he didn't even take any precautions, and he didn't even frown when he was hit directly.

this hand.

Even a body repairer or a monster with a Guiyuan level body can't say that it can be done.

The essential.

People didn't even flutter the corners of their clothes.

Seeing someone's head with blue

Yan's expression was flat, and all the players in the game were shocked by this, and did not dare to stay any longer.

Dormant for countless years.

It's hard to wait until this day.

Come this far.

There is no need to stay for some irrelevant things.

If one carelessly loses his life, then why is it not worth it?

For a while, no matter the players in the game or the people who came to explore the treasure, they quickly dispersed away, so as not to stay too long and get hacked in vain, and at the same time stay away from evil stars like Li Jing.

They didn't bother to worry about why someone would survive the tribulation in the cracked space that had been banned for a month.

The entrance is already open.

What are you worrying about?

This woman, Du Jie, has such powerful guardians by her side, and they don't have the right to interfere.


Li Jing watched the crowds who entered the rift space disperse, silently making distinctions.

This wave is quite convenient for him.

With different origins, they showed different attitudes towards him killing the old woman.

Who is in the game, and who is here to explore the treasure.

It is clear at a glance.

Li Jing didn't think about those who blocked the entrance.

The big picture has been pushed and it doesn't make sense to stop these guys.

It is impossible for him to stop so many people by himself, and he can't really just ignore it and start a massacre.

To ensure that Chen Yuran will not be disturbed.

Li Jing has always been based in Jieyun's range.

Jieyun is also very "face".

It seems that I feel a little unconvinced that the thunder catastrophe can't even hit a corner of someone's clothes. One after another, the more and more powerful thunder catastrophe hits his head vigorously, and the frequency is higher than that of a serious man Chen Yuran is tall.

This "limelight" was immediately taken away by Li Jing.

The people who came in after saw this man being beaten in various ways but never wavered.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they left in a hurry.

After a while.

All those waiting outside entered the rift space, and then all left.

Li Jing observed the crowd who came in and then quickly left. After everyone left, he turned his head and glanced to the west.

Among the crowd who just came in. He saw several familiar faces.

The half-demon Kong Zhi.

The ancient demon Ximen Hong.

And Nalan Que, the Heaven Slayer God Emperor he was looking for at the beginning.

Among them, Kong Zhi, who was less affected by the rules, caught a glance with him, but didn't notice anything wrong, and left quickly.

Ximen Hong also left in a hurry.

But before leaving, this girl stared at him suspiciously several times.

Neither Kong Zhi nor Ximen Hong had ever seen Li Jingzhen.

But the unreasonable Taoist ban method of eternal reincarnation, the latter has seen it before.

When he escaped from the Confucian seal, didn't he bump into eternal reincarnation?

The difference is that the Eternal Reincarnation blocking the entrance of the rift is two layers, but what he faced back then was only one layer.

while outside.

Ximenhong guessed more than once that it was the "Taoist" who "blocked the door" in the cracked space, but it was not after he didn't want to come in.

But he felt that the two should be somewhat related. After all, it is the same Taoist ban related to the starry sky.

There are no such coincidences in the world.

However, Ximen Hong didn't bother to think too much at this juncture. this day. He waited too long. Now is not the time for trouble.

Li Jing paid attention to the appearance of Kong Zhi and Ximen Hong.

No matter how bad it is, they are old acquaintances.

But what concerned him the most.

Undoubtedly it was Nalan Que.

Li Jing thought so.

The thick eyebrows and big eyes Slaughter God Emperor had already entered early in the morning because of his connection with Nalan's family, but he didn't expect him to be outside.

It doesn't really matter.



People in the sub-office all went to the east where the scholar told him, but Nalan Que went west as soon as he came in.

It doesn't count if the purpose is clear, and there are several other people walking with him.

In addition, Li Jing also noticed.

There are also small groups of people in the game going to the south and north.

At this moment, I have to say that he was a little confused.

Isn't Candle Dragon sleeping in the east?

What is the player in the game going in the other three directions for?

Looking back at Chen Yuran who was crossing the catastrophe, Li Jing made a choice and quit.

Although there are many doubts in his heart, he has no room to ask anyone for confirmation now.

Chen Yuran crossed the catastrophe.

He must guard.


It is not only the tempering that practitioners must go through, but also an important factor that can determine the height they can achieve in the future. There should be no delay and no neglect at the same time.

After exiting Jieyun's range, Li Jing stood still on a cliff, and then was taken aback for a moment.


this thing...

Something seems wrong.

When Chen Yuran crosses the catastrophe, he will definitely guard it.

Is it possible that the person who pushed the situation was waiting for this to happen?


Thinking about it this way, it seems really possible.

It is certain that Chen Yuran is not a destined person.

Then she is not the key person.


If her karma is him.

Isn't everything reasonable?

Xiao Chenchen suddenly "give it for nothing", which is somewhat evil.


Chen Yuran has long been obsessed with becoming stronger.

But Liu Sisi told her about the corresponding situation, it should have been a long time ago.

The key point is that the two women entered the Zhenyuan Pagoda not to chat, but to retreat.

There's no reason for the two to sit together and talk nonsense.

If Chen Yuran had given him the idea to increase his strength by the way, there would be no reason to wait until now.

Back to the present.

Without Chen Yuran's shackles, it would be impossible for him to stay where he was.

Thinking of all the things during the period, Li Jing only had one sentence in his mind, "Damn it!"

Even though it was just speculation, it made everything reasonable.

More critically.

This also explains why Chen Yuran, as a girl in her twenties who ascended from Blue Star, gets involved...

her karma.

It was not arranged early in the morning.

It was because of him, who entered the game by accident, that he was "temporarily" arranged.


How can Li Jing not be angry?

But he wasn't carried away by anger.

After all, all he can do now is impotent rage.

The people behind the scenes are in the upper three realms.

Not to mention that he can't do it now, he can't even go to the Three Realms.

After calming down, Li Jing made an analysis in secret.

The fact that Chen Yuran was temporarily "arranged" meant that people in the upper three realms had already noticed him directly.

What does this mean?

It shows that this is an anomaly, he will seriously affect the overall situation...

Do you have this ability yourself?

Li Jing didn't think so.

In front of the strange causal secret technique over there, he was completely led by the nose.

The National People's Congress of the Upper Three Realms spent a lot of time and waited a long time to bind him to Chen Yuran's side. It must not be because of his personal influence.

I said it before.

He is not worthy of being feared by such a person.

So it is not difficult to draw conclusions.

It is the people, things, and things related to him that make people in the upper three realms fearful.

This thought.

Just a little too much.

Like a half-dead saint.

such as Gu Xianyu

An undead primordial.

Another example is the original demon spirit...

These are all existences that can destroy all arrangements once they stand up.

Even Nangong Qingshan, who may not be dewy, has this ability.

But after thinking about it, Li Jing still feels that the real influence on the people behind the scenes is his connection with the great world of heaven.

Tasting this, Li Jing couldn't help frowning.

The Dao of the Great World is probably bound by certain factors as he guessed before, otherwise the organizers of the upper three realms may not dare to do it.

He personally does not have the ability to directly communicate with the Great World Heavenly Dao.

But the organizers of the upper three realms valued him so much that they even "opened a small stove" alone.


Very unreasonable.

Could it be...

The Dao of the Great World has left behind him! ?

Depend on!

Sister Tiandao, why don't you tell me that you have such an arrangement?

Li Jingdan was in pain, and wondered what Sister Tiandao had done to him without knowing it.

But these are not the point.

The point is.

This situation is indescribably embarrassing.

He didn't worry about the safety of heaven.

The big world is unique and very special.

If a capable person really endangers the Dao of the Great World, what can he do in a half-step?

The key point is that if he doesn't move, the plans of some people in the upper three realms will succeed.

This is undoubtedly something he does not want to see.

Especially because of the interference of the causal secret technique, he and Chen Yuran took a crucial step in their lives, but they didn't know that it was due to external interference.

Although essentially harmless.

It's also good to go out.

But this kind of thing is manipulated by others, so how crazy is it?

Li Jing has always been small-minded. This is not something he can tolerate.

Taking a deep breath, Li Jing turned his head and stepped forward.

next second.

He appeared beside Chen Yuran and hugged her horizontally.

? ? ?

Chen Yuran opened her eyes with question marks all over her head.

She is crossing the catastrophe, what does it mean for Li Jing to hug her?

"Yu Ran, you don't need to worry about other things, I will talk about the details later."

Li Jing spoke.

While speaking, he lifted Chen Yuran and let the latter ride on his neck.


Chen Yuran.

She understands the truth.

There must be something wrong with Li Jing.

But this...

Before he had time to understand what was going on, a Guiyuan Heavenly Tribulation rushing towards Li Jinglai fell straight down and was smashed into pieces by his punch.


A catastrophe belonging to Chen Yuran fell down.

Having endured the baptism of the catastrophe, the corners of Chen Yuran's mouth twitched wildly.

Because Li Jing had already led her to the west, and shattered a lightning calamity that was rushing towards him.


She won't be going through the catastrophe like this, will she?

This is a big joke!

Eleven realms of catastrophe.

At least half a month.

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she pinched Li Jing's ears angrily, and closed her eyes again with confidence.


She had to follow what Li Jing wanted to do.

This catastrophe, she has to get through it well.

Just hope someone isn't so outrageous.

I really carried myself to run for half a month as a mobile robbery cloud...


Li Jing didn't dare to say that Yu Kong walked too fast because he was carrying his little girlfriend who was crossing the catastrophe.

But beforehand, he had left a mental eye, and quietly left a mental imprint on Nalan Que who was walking west.

Why Nalan Que?

On the one hand, he does not take the usual path.

On the other hand, although he who has lost his independent world is still at the level of half-step Guiyuan, the difference from half-step Guiyuan with an independent world is not so big.

Simply put, it is weak.

If it were someone with an independent world, he would be able to realize that he was wrong every minute.

But Nalan Que couldn't do it.

This is one of the benefits of having an independent world. UU Reading

Even if I am not good at some tricks, as long as I have the power of the world or enter the independent world, I will be able to detect any problems immediately.

With Nalan Que locked in, Li Jing certainly would not choose to go to Kong Zhi or Ximen Hong.

When the two met him, they might not say anything to him.

Nalan Que is different.

Did not say.

It's over.

Impatient, Li Jing doesn't mind letting him die again.

Nalan Que gave this life to him.

Shouldn't it be too much for him to take it back?



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