MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 612 Caught off guard 1 question, straight men and straight women

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The latest website: After eating and drinking enough, Li Jing and Chen Yuran set up the sofa, put up the projector, and set up the curtain in the courtyard of the villa, and they both lay down and watched the long-lost Blue Star soap opera.

Of course Li Jing doesn't like to watch soap operas.

But Chen Yuran liked it.

Strictly speaking, she didn't like it either.

It's just that in the past when she was on patrol, she didn't have much interpersonal interaction, she only had this little entertainment.

It's all right.

There is eternal night again in the Riftspace, and the projector can be used without barriers.

It's also a good choice to revisit the soap operas you watched in the past, isn't it?

Appreciating the unnutritious soap opera, Chen Yuran gnawed at the after-dinner Linguo in his hand, kunhuofang someone who was with him by his side, bit his red lips lightly and leaned sideways.

Seeing this, Li Jing blinked and hugged her slender waist.

If he could hug a beautiful little girlfriend, he naturally had no reason to refuse.


Chen Yuran leaned over, glanced at his paws on his waist, and then glanced up.

"Waiting for a long time?"

Li Jing grinned at the sound.

Soap opera.

He can't see it.

It was purely to cater to Chen Yuran.

In good conscience, he was indeed waiting for this one.

This quiet night.

Wilderness Ridge.

Lonely men and widows.

Watch soap operas.

Don't you want to make out?


Putting Chen Yuran on it, there is no need to think about certain things that are too outrageous.

If Yu Lian.

It is estimated that he has already brought him into the small universe and started to exercise.

Li Jing is not a man who thinks with his lower body.

But if you don't use a flowery Taoist couple, you can't be considered a man at all.

Seeing Li Jing grinned acquiescingly, Chen Yuran's pretty face blushed, and she made a sudden sound.

"What about you, can cultivation really increase?"


Li Jing made a question mark.

This question really caught him off guard.

Looking at Chen Yuran as if he had seen a ghost, Li Jing had a strange expression on his face.

"Who did you hear about this?"

"Miss Sisi."

Chen Yuran responded.

The corners of Li Jing's mouth twitched, his heart was as expected.

Just dumbfounding, Chen Yuran said.

"She told me about both of you. I already know the reason why her cultivation has improved so fast in the past two years."

As she spoke, she hesitated for a while and continued.

"I have also borrowed the method of double cultivation from Sister Sisi."

Faced with such voices, Li Jing was in a state of seriousness while facing the wind in a mess.

"Strictly speaking, we haven't gotten along very seriously since we became boyfriend and girlfriend. It's far from the time to take that step. If you want to improve your always feels weird."

"It's really weird if you rush to cultivate yourself."

Chen Yuran couldn't deny it, and then said with a wandering gaze.

"But I can't keep you waiting, can I?"

Before Li Jing could make a sound, she lowered her head and played with her fingers twice.

"You know my temperament. If you want to wait for me to open up, it's no different from the iron tree blooming, especially now that our cultivation level is too far apart, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to be alone together."

After saying this, she raised her face.

"I'm not such a hypocritical little girl, I don't expect you to be with me all day, it's too selfish. But the road to practice is long, I want to catch up with you as soon as possible. That way at least I can have more chances to be with you, no Even if I'm by your side now, it's just a burden."

Facing such voice, Li Jing silently opened his mouth,

Chen Yuran was chasing after herself.

Of course he knows.


After all, this can be said to be a tacit old calendar between the two.

From the time when his cultivation surpassed that of Chen Yuran, this man has been working hard to improve himself.

Although the two were not in a relationship at the time.

Although Chen Yuran didn't say anything at that time.

But why she is so diligent is easy to understand.

Bottom line.

Chen Yuran has never been a complicated woman, anyone who is familiar with her can understand her.

Looking at Chen Yuran's soft and pretty face, and meeting her evasive but straight-in gaze, Li Jing subconsciously tightened her waist.

"Yuran, you're thinking too much. It doesn't matter to me how well you cultivated, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yuran interrupted him.

"You really don't care about these things, but you should also understand that I do."


Li Jing was dumbfounded.

What Chen Yuran said made it impossible for him to proceed with the rhetoric he had finally thought up.

And he did understand.

Chen Yuran has been so strong for a long time. There are fewer opportunities for the two to be together.

The essence is also because she is working hard for progress, not because Li Jing is avoiding her or something.

More in sight.

In fact, Chen Yuran felt that compared to him, she was too weak now. Touching his nose helplessly, Li Jing said.

"The method of dual cultivation, Sisi and I have actually talked about this before. The same method probably won't work for you."

Chen Yuran frowned.

"how to say?"

Seeing that she seemed to have met a serious problem with a serious face, Li Jing couldn't laugh or cry, and said bravely.

"Sisi's chilling physique is essentially one of the most yin physiques. According to the fairyland, it is a typical furnace physique. It just so happens that the dual cultivation method that the two of us practice is complementary in nature, not unilaterally squeezed. And because my cultivation base is much higher than hers, this can bring her a significant improvement."

After all, he added.

"Take Ayu as an example, the method of dual cultivation has no effect on her, she relies on the innate talent of the fox demon to extract..."

In the middle of speaking, Li Jing coughed and changed his words.

"Anyway, that's what happened, you just need to understand."

Chen Yuran was silent, showing a little speechless expression.

She would definitely believe what Li Jing said.

And how do you say something?

Real knowledge comes from practice.

People come to conclusions only after they have done serious "practice".

But what about the situation now?

She said it all, but the rationale didn't apply.


What are you doing?

She didn't just want to become stronger, some things were seriously considered.

as she said.

Up to now, she and Li Jingneng have very few chances to be together.

Obviously they are together.

Obviously you can look up and see down.

But it seems to be in two worlds...

Don't say it's her.

Even Liu Sisi and Yu Lian were the same.

Some of this is due to the fact that they themselves need to retreat and improve.

It comes down to it.

It's because they are too weak now, unable to follow Li Jing's side.

But at least Liu Sisi and Yu Lian have "paths" to improve quickly.

she didn't.

At this stage, she really relies on the godhead and Bai Jihuo's strength and two daughters to maintain Teya's level.

What about in the future?

This is out of concerns about strength.

Chen Yuran was more worried.

As it is now, she doesn't know when she will be able to take the next step with Li Jing, and what will happen next?

How to go on.

Most of the aristocratic families on the blue star pay attention to being well-matched.

The combination of the strong and the strong pays more attention to similar cultivation bases.

This is not without reason.

The distance between each other is too large, and it is too easy to create distance...

Finally seized the opportunity to be alone and free, Chen Yuran mustered up the courage to speak and had a suitable excuse to take that step, but was blocked by Li Jing.

Can this make her not speechless?

She regards the need to improve her strength as a "appropriate reason", and she "understands quite well" on weekdays. Didn't Li Jing not understand yesterday?

Chen Yuran was born a straight girl of steel.

at this point.

She herself can be said to be like a fish drinking water and knowing how warm it is, and she understands it very well.

Li Jing was able to "deceive" her.

A large part of the reason is because he can bear and get used to it.

More accommodating.

But that's what she'll find out.

Li Jing straightened up, as if he couldn't bear it.

Seeing Chen Yuran looking at himself with a slightly unsightly expression, Li Jing was full of question marks.

What's the matter?


Is it because of this unhappy?

Can't it?

There are no shortcuts on the road of cultivation. He doesn't need to explain this truth, Chen Yuran should understand it by heart. so.


Just wondering, Chen Yuran got up.

"Let's go to the house."


Li Jing.

"If I tell you to come here, you will come here."

Chen Yuran couldn't bear to speak out, and went straight to the villa.

When Li Jing saw all kinds of puzzles, he followed subconsciously.

Girlfriend is upset.

Although I don't know the specific reason.

But it must be coaxed, right?

They entered the house one after the other.

Just as Li Jing entered the door, Chen Yuran slapped the door shut and gave him a knock.

? ? ?

Li Jing.

Before what happened, Chen Yuran made a sound.

"I don't know the law of restraint, you set up a restraint, so as not to be disturbed by others."


Li Jing.

Of course he understood that Chen Yuran had spoken to him face to face.

After all.

He's not really that straight.

Instead, from the boyfriend's point of view, thinking about his little girlfriend.

It's just Chen Yuran's real thoughts, which he never understood.

Looking back at the gate that was firmly blocked, Li Jing looked back speechlessly.

"Yuran, you..."

Without saying a word, Chen Yuran pouted.

"Hurry up, don't blot."


Li Jing was embarrassed, thought for a while, and waved his hand to touch out the eyes of the formation that protected Hidden Dragon Mountain in the Xiaoqiankun world, and said.

"You want me to arrange, at least let me go outside?"

It was the first time Chen Yuran saw the seven array eyes in Li Jing's hand.

But when she saw it, her weapon spirit told her that these seven formation eyes were half-step weapon level, and the refining materials were extremely difficult.

Upon receiving this news, Chen Yuran reluctantly let go of his hands, and said.

"Don't try to run, or..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Jing grabbed her, lowered his head and gnawed on her viciously.


Chen Yuran stared.

Such a surprise attack was unexpected to her.

Subconsciously, she wanted to struggle.

But how could her little strength be enough in front of Li Jing?

Someone so strong that she couldn't help but feel weak all over.

for a long time.

Li Jingyi still let her go, caressing her face


"wait for me."


Chen Yuran.

Although I don't know what's going on.

But Li Jing, who didn't understand her straight a moment ago, seems to have changed his mind! ?

Watching someone go out with a dazed face, she was in a daze.

When Li Jing went out, he quickly set up a seven-star formation, and then Yu Kong came to the sky and quickly formed a seal with both hands.

"Heaven and stars, listen to my orders, eternal reincarnation."

With a "wow", the vast starry sky appears.

Instead of the black night in the crack space, it hangs in the sky.

at the same time.

The entrance to the rift space is also enough to trap half-step Guiyuan, so that the eternal cycle that they cannot enter and exit is blocked.

After finishing all this, Li Jing clapped his hands and turned to return.

In front of the house, Chen Yuran saw someone coming back, and couldn't help but feel a little deer pounding in his heart.

Li Jing fell to the ground with a half-smile.

"It's too late for you to regret it now."


Chen Yuran.

Li Jing's change of mind made her unexpected, and she couldn't restrain all kinds of panic.

she feels...

This wave of myself may have been given away for nothing.

But that in itself was a step she hoped to take.

When things come to an end, she won't back down.

Biting her red lips and looking at someone, Chen Yuran whispered.

"You... take the initiative, I won't."

Facing such a soft whisper, Li Jing hugged her horizontally without saying a word, and strode into the door.

Before entering the door, he did not forget to whisper in the tone of a big bad wolf.

"Relax, leave it to me."



He wants to run.

Can you take out the formation eyes that protect Hidden Dragon Mountain in the Small Universe Realm?

To Chen Yuran.

He does have many concerns.

Especially in that regard.

But now Chen Yuran seems to have made up his mind, he has no reason to object, right?


He has also tried.

What about the rest?

In the next three days, the spring is infinitely good.

Why is it three days?

Because it is Li Jing.

Why only three days?

Because Chen Yuran couldn't stand it anymore...


Chen Yuran lay on the bed in a daze, thinking about what he had experienced.

In the rift space where there is no distinction between day and night, she can't even tell how much time has passed.

Liu Sisi and Yu Lian...

Have you ever had such an experience?

In a trance, Chen Yuran recalled that when Liu Sisi "instigated" him, he acted for his own good.

At that time, she didn't think much about it.

as a woman in love.

When something related to Li Jing happened, part of her IQ would inevitably drop.

Come to think of it now.

Liu Sisi seemed to have dug a hole for her.


Indeed there are.

After all, Li Jing was very gentle to her.

His request made her feel even more happy.

It's just that this endless request is really a bit...

Exhaling heavily, Chen Yuran struggled to get up, and felt a soreness in Liu Yao who seemed to have lost consciousness a second ago, causing her to bark her teeth and grin.

She's straight up a good guy.

She thought about it.

No matter how poor he is, he is still a person who is making great strides towards the eleventh realm.

three days.

She was tortured like this in three days!

Thinking back to the three-day drip, she couldn't help blushing and shy


For her who has just experienced human affairs.

Some things are too exciting.

Some tricks are too embarrassing.

But this is an inevitable process to be written in words and has endless aftertaste...

Looking down at the innumerable marks left on her supposedly clean and flawless body, Chen Yuran didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment.

Sitting cross-legged, she chose to close her eyes and meditate.

This "injury" of the body needs to be compensated with spiritual energy. The "effort" of the past three days is not completely in vain.

As Li Jing said in advance.

The same method does not apply to her.

She doesn't have the furnace physique like Liu Sisi, and she doesn't have Yu Lian's talent as a monster, so she can't get any significant benefits from it.

But since it is dual cultivation, there are bound to be benefits.

Especially Li Jing's current cultivation is much higher than hers...

These three days.

At least it was worth more than half a month of her cleansing and repairing in the Zhenyuan Pagoda.

Half a month in Zhenyuan Tower.

That was several years!

After all, one day in it is March.

It turns out.

There are still shortcuts.

It's just that her shortcut is not so convenient.

If she wants to keep going, she may have to suffer a lot...

At this moment, Chen Yuran is not like Liu Sisi and Yu Lian who can naturally adapt to the stronger power in her body. She needs time to stabilize these improvements, so as not to dissipate the "hard work" that has been wasted for three days.

After Chen Yuran settled down for a while, Li Jing pushed the door in with a dinner plate.

He raised his eyes and saw that Yi Ren was in meditation, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood that she was practicing steadily.

It's just that Chen Yuran...

Not even a single piece of clothing.

Is she messed up or is it?

Reluctantly moving his eyes away from her snow-white delicate body, Li Jing tiptoed in, put the dinner plate on the bedside and left quietly.

After a while.

After tidying up the kitchen, Li Jing came to the courtyard of the villa, stretched his waist refreshed and then looked up at the deep starry sky, his eyes were full of brilliance.

three days.

A lot of people really came outside.

Since the entrance was blocked by eternal reincarnation, no one who came later could enter.

But which ones are in the game and which ones are not is hard to tell.

Central China is huge.

Like other Sifang Immortal Territories, it is also sparsely populated, so the news is relatively closed.

But in Xianyu.

Similar to the news of the opening of a blessed place or the birth of a strange treasure, the speed of transmission is astonishing.

After all, this is what countless people are eagerly looking forward to.

In Xianyu.

There are many similar examples of people searching for a paradise to get rich overnight or even realizing it overnight, and obtaining mysterious treasures from the third-rate level to the top ranks.


Just put it there.

It depends on whether you have the ability and the life to obtain it.

Originally, this location was not too far from Yelan City, and the entrance to the rift opened by the scholar and the four of them just appeared empty, and the news spread would not be slow no matter what.

Not to mention that the people gathered in Yelan City are "treasure hunters" who want money and life.

They at this time.

Trying to decipher eternal return.

At this time, Li Jing can't directly see the outside, but simply can feel the eternal reincarnation and encounter some kind of bombardment and cracking methods from time to time.

And this feeling.

All the while he was doing "business".

How annoying is this?

But it is unscientific to call a stop in the middle and withdraw the eternal wheel.

As for now.

Li Jing has absolutely no intention of letting go of eternal reincarnation.

He didn't want to see if anyone could break the eternal reincarnation, but if everyone in the game was blocked

Outside, the overall situation of Xianyu must fall into a situation where it cannot go on.

Isn't this what he expected?

Just as he was thinking about it, a gust of fragrant wind swept in behind him.

"What are you doing here?"

Li Jing was slightly taken aback when he heard the sound, then turned his head.

In sight, it was Chen Yuran who was dressed neatly and came to the side.

Seeing her calm expression as if nothing had happened, Li Jing blinked and said.

"Aren't you going to practice for a while?"

"The practice is already stable, there is not much need for it."

Chen Yuran responded, glanced at him and then quickly averted his gaze.

"you have not answer my question yet."

Seeing her shyness, Li Jing couldn't help showing a little smirk, and said.

"A lot of people came outside, but the entrance was blocked and they couldn't get in. I was thinking about whether to keep blocking like this."

"This...doesn't seem necessary?"

Chen Yuran frowned slightly and said.

"If this situation can really be resolved by closing the door, then it can't be said to be an arrangement by the powers of the upper three realms. And what's behind this situation, aren't you curious?"

"Curiosity is natural."

Li Jing responded, saying.

"But I don't want you to be forced to get involved in some strange incidents."

"I don't want to either."

Chen Yuran responded and said.

"But as you said, those who should come can't hide."

After all, she said again.

"In addition, compared to what is hidden behind this overall situation, I am more curious about what kind of cause and effect involves me. I am not the destined person that scholars and the others are waiting for, and what role I play in this."

Hearing what Chen Yuran said, Li Jing remained silent.

He also wondered about these.

Since Chen Yuran is not a destined person, shouldn't he be considered a key person?

But why is it like a key person?

Just as he was thinking, Chen Yuran spoke.

"It's meaningless for us to speculate now. It seems that they won't be able to solve your arrangement for a while. The scholar said before that it would take half a month to go to the place where Xuanlong sleeps with the cultivation base of the Venerable Realm, so some things are impossible to do so quickly. If those arrangements are not critical, they will be triggered when they arrive. Therefore, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that we need to wait at least a month or more to see the real results.”

After talking endlessly, she coughed lightly.

"Let's leave the ban like this. When someone breaks it or there is no movement outside. Idle is idle, we might as well go inside and continue practicing."


? ? ?

Li Jing. Reason, he understands.

What Chen Yuran said was indeed right.


What does it mean to continue practicing?

She paused and resumed for a while, and wanted to...?

Seeing someone looking at him dumbfounded, UU Reading Chen Yuran averted his eyes and said.

"What? You don't want to practice with me?"

"not me…"

Li Jing was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer. But think about it.

This is very Chen Yuran again.

Aside from the miraculous effect on Liu Sisi, the double cultivation method actually works very well with Chen Yuran.

She who has always been strong has found a shortcut, and it is understandable that she wants to take two more steps...

After all, this is Chen Yuran.

Feeling dumbfounded, Li Jing pinched the Dao Jue with his hands and gave the sky an eternal reincarnation double ban, and then turned his head with bright eyes.

"Go, let's practice."


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