MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 583 "The Beast" Muppet

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The so-called cave heaven and earth.

In fact, the whole is roughly a small secret.

It's just that the blessed land is often the legacy of the predecessors, and there are many artificial arrangements inside to bless the future generations.

Ancient inheritances, top-level spirit treasures, rare and exotic beasts, ancient formations, and even panacea that can directly promote cultivation can all be found in the Paradise of Paradise.

In an ordinary small secret realm.

If you are lucky, you can also find your own opportunities.

But if you want to meet the above, really look at the face.

In Dongtian Paradise, these are originally designed for "destined people" to meet and enjoy.


The various designs in Dongtian Paradise are not completely free.

If chances are picked at will, which cave of heaven and earth can withstand how many years of continuous exploration?

If you want to really gain something, you still have to see if you have this life.

Li Jingsu has a good life.

But this time he didn't have much hope.

no way.

The World Tree he is interested in is an old demon.

God knows how powerful it is, and it doesn't necessarily matter whether it can be encountered somewhere.

This trip, Li Jingquan regarded it as a legacy left by the first emperor Beiming to future generations.


Followed the large troops into the cave.

After a brief space exchange, Li Jing soon came to a bright world full of singing birds and the fragrance of flowers.

He was somewhat surprised when he came in and saw such a scene.

The first Beiming Great Emperor undoubtedly cultivated from dead things.

The cave he left behind, shouldn't it be darker or something?

Being so full of vitality doesn't fit his nature of cultivating as a dead thing.

Like Bai Chuchu a moment ago.

As a dead creature, her independent world is very standard.

The ground is full of bones and there is not much vitality.

This is appropriate for her identity as the living dead emperor, isn't it?

The cultivators of human beings, monsters, and dead creatures who had entered before Li Jing were also surprised by the vitality in Dongtian Paradise, but most of them did not stay at the entrance for long.

After a short walk at the entrance, they quickly called their friends and left in groups to explore.

The opportunities in Dongtian Paradise are very good.

But you have to find it.

Whoever finds it first gets it.

at the same time.

Danger is indispensable in Dongtian Paradise.

Aside from the man-made arrangements of the elders and masters Fuze and the younger generation, the inner essence of Dongtian Paradise is a small secret place that develops naturally.

After millions of years of precipitation.

Only God knows what is currently in the cave.

Team exploration is the most reasonable way for ordinary people to open up.

Li Jing didn't need to think about forming a team.

If he really needs his teammates, he can release Jin Ling and Jin Ming.

It's just that it will look very eye-catching with these two.

The two of them didn't know much about this paradise.

It won't help if you come out, but it may become two dragging bottles.

Breaking away from the shadow state, Li Jing interfered with the surrounding perception with the silent phantom, looked around to confirm that there was no emperor present to sense him, and then thought about turning into a puppet cat demon.

Walking around is a must.

The posture of the fox demon has just been used, and it is not suitable for walking alone.

Just become a cat demon!

Felines have a keen sense of smell and are naturally alert and have extraordinary sensory abilities.

Li Jing has been greedy for such an ability that he could not achieve in the past for a long time.

Dog demons and the like can also have a similar effect.

But the only dog ​​demon he has seen is Su Qiong.

He doesn't even know what breed of dog people are.

Phaseless God

Everything changes, but unfortunately there is one big premise.

He had to have seen it with his own eyes and had a certain understanding of his talents and abilities.

If he really wants to change, Li Jing can only choose to become a husky, a spirit beast like stinky tofu.

That's all.

Compared to Erha, isn’t Fairy Cat delicious?

After completing the change and examining himself, Li Jing put one hand on Liu Yao's waist and felt it.

Tut tut!

This feeling!

The puppet cat demon based on Ji Qing is naturally female.

His body posture was no different from Ji Qing himself.

Just as he was about to open the way, Li Jing moved his ears and caught the extremely suppressed whispers of a man and a woman.

"Brother, are you sure the map in your hand is okay?"

a female voice asked.


The male voice smacked his lips and said.

"Junior Sister, you didn't want to believe me before, but now that the Paradise of Heaven and Paradise has been opened and we are even inside it, you still doubt the map in my hand?"

"Oh, it's not that I don't believe you, I just think the ancients who gave you the map are very suspicious."

The female voice spoke and said.

"For no reason, he gave you the map on the eve of the opening of the Paradise of the Paradise, and told that the Paradise of the Paradise here is the legacy of the first Emperor Beiming. All this is because your brother's clan is involved with the ancient clan. This is a bit evil."

"Hey, junior sister, why don't you always think things are so complicated?"

The male voice sighed and said.

"My lineage is indeed deeply involved with the ancient clan. Over the years, I have received gifts from the ancient clan to support the growth of my clan. You knew this from the beginning, didn't you, junior sister?"

To meet this voice, the female voice fell silent.

I think what the male voice said is true.

Li Jing listened with a strange feeling in his heart.

Just inadvertently, he seemed to hear something incredible.

There is a map in this blessed place! ?

Then there is the hand of the ancient clan! ?

This is a bit intriguing!

ancient family.

There is still a lot of talk in Xianyu.

The ancient race does not refer to a special race.

They are the descendants of the first group of "immigrants" from the ancient fairyland who have continued to this day.

Due to the special family background, being known would cause a lot of trouble, and the ancient people are generally relatively low-key.

Ordinary people have only heard of them at most, and cannot confirm whether they really exist.

The most popular saying about the ancient people in Xianyu is that they hold the "dry goods" brought by their ancestors when they moved to Xianyu, so that the strength of their descendants is far beyond the comparison of ordinary practitioners.

Li Jing is also hard to say whether there really is an ancient race.

When did the "immigration" of the Ancient Immortal Territory happen?

This era is so long that it cannot be traced back.

At that time, if people were still alive or had descendants alive, it would be a sensation in the fairyland if they were pulled out.

What is clear is that.

The person who gave the man the map has a certain amount of gold.

He knew in advance that the Paradise of Paradise and Paradise here was the remnant of the first Emperor Beiming, and he had certain foresight about the Paradise of Paradise and Paradise.

Since the blessed land here only opened in a million years, this kind of information is only known to those who are qualified enough even in Beiming Shrine.

A human practice knows that these people still have a map in their hands, do you dare to say that this has no gold content?

As for the man who spoke, he must have lied and didn't run away.

Perhaps it was indeed the Gu Clan who gave him the map.

But the other party must have a purpose in sending the map and news on the eve of the opening of the cave, and it is impossible to say that it is purely a free gift.

Even if the Gu clan is like what he said, the Gu clan will send things to support his family from time to time.

This map and news will not be sent sooner or later, and it happens to be sent on the eve of the opening of the cave, so it can't stand the details.

At this time.

The suppressed male voice sounded again.

"Sister U coin, don't look forward and backward when you are at this juncture. You believe me this time, and I will take you to find the world tree that can help open up an independent world. At that time, you and I will each take one to open up an independent world. His status will definitely rise with the tide.”

Speaking, he said again.

"With the branches of heaven and earth, I can use this as a betrothal gift to propose marriage to your family. Otherwise, how can a down-and-out venerable like me who only has a small family behind him be able to climb high with U coins?"

Li Jingsheng was surprised when he heard that with the cat demon's astonishing insight, he found a pair of venerable men and women who were whispering in a small forest not far away.

Good guy!

This girl even knows that there is a tree of heaven and earth in the blessed land of the cave?

It seems that the person who gave him the map is really expected.

But where the map points to is a bit confusing.

At least according to what Bai Chuchu told him.

Tiandishu has become a spirit early in the morning, and it may appear anywhere.

So it is not difficult to draw conclusions.

The map points not to the man's target Tiandishu, but to something else.

Possessing good taste, the venerable woman in the grove showed a hopeful look.

"Then if senior brother Chuan Yeli finds the Heaven and Earth Tree, you will marry me when you go back?"


The Venerable Male responded resolutely, touched the slender waist of the Venerable Female, and said with a smirk.

"We'll have ten by then."

The venerable woman blushed when she heard the words, she bit her red lips and nodded in reproach to fend off her claws.

The male venerable didn't get what he wished to touch that small waist that was so dreamy, and he seemed to be used to it, he smirked.

Li Jing looked at the two disagreements and planted flags all over his body from a distance, and was sincerely amazed.

Propose marriage.

get married.

Give birth to ten!

With such a method of inserting the flag, how hard will it take for these two to get out of this cave alive?

Sighing is sighing, Li Jing's thoughts became more active.

This meeting just entered Dongtian blessed land and was worrying about the direction of nothing. God immediately sent me a pair of mandarin ducks with flags on their bodies.

It's like being dozed off and someone will give you a pillow, so don't feel sorry for yourself.

After thinking for a while, Li Jing moved his mind to change his own characteristics with his non-phase supernatural powers. While maintaining the form of a cat demon, he transformed the nature of his body into a pure aura and transformed into a civet.

The inner traits changed, and he turned into the original puppet cat again.

Spirit beast!

Could this be a beast form?

Transformation spirit beasts like Ya'er are too rare, and they have no soul in some respects.

After changing his appearance and strength, Li Jing raised his furry little paw to look at the pink and tender pads on the soles of his feet, and couldn't help but lick them.

The non-phase supernatural power is easy to use.

That is, after the change, there will often be biological habits corresponding to the corresponding species.

That in itself is nothing.

It's just that when I have similar behaviors, it will make people feel a little subtle.

It is also thanks to Li Jing that he turned into a cat demon.

If it is a dog demon.

Maybe one can't hold back...


Putting down his paws, Li Jing saw that the two of them in the small woods in the distance seemed to be about to open their way to the east, and the eyeballs turned into shadows and shot out, and then appeared on a treetop that was very conspicuous on the way the two had to pass. Shaped, curled up there lazily.

Just at this time.

The two started to come here.

don't say it.

The two acted quite cautiously.

I chose to stick to the ground and fly in the sky, but didn't go to the sky.

this kind of thing.

It's normal to put it on the Blue Star Secret Realm Exploration Team.

After all, everyone's cultivation base is not high.

In a secret realm full of unknowns, you die as fast as you fly.

No one will make life difficult for themselves.

However, it is not necessary for these two people to do so.

No matter how bad these two are, they are still a pair of Venerables in the middle stage.

No matter how dangerous Dongtian Paradise is, it wouldn't make them fly around and die suddenly.

On the contrary, running fast in the sky is more suitable for them to observe the environment and respond at any time.

The move of the two was obviously to avoid unnecessary attention.

This is also convenient for Li Jing.

The two of them were close to Yukong, and when they came over, they naturally noticed the pink and white puppet curled up in the treetops.

At first glance, even if the female venerable is attracted, the male venerable can't help but look over.

The two of them stagnated in stature and carried out the stagnation in the air.

Fairy among cats is really not something to talk about casually.

Li Jing's change at this moment is even more of a spirit beast version, and there is an ethereal aura around him that is particularly attractive.

Meeting the attention of the two, he raised his eyes and pretended to be vigilant, widening his big eyes.

This time, the Venerable Empress was a little overwhelmed at the time.

"Master...Senior brother, this civet is so cute..."

The Venerable Male opened his mouth in silence.



A cat can make him feel beautiful, is this more than a bit of a saying?

But the breath that the cat reveals...

It is the late peak of the thirteenth realm venerable!

This is not something that can be caught casually.

What's more, it is a cat family, which belongs to the category of beasts.

Even if a spirit beast is psychic and friendly to people, it must be in regular contact with people, knowing that people like creatures can take care of food.

This cat is not a breed of Immortal Realm at first glance, it is estimated to be a native spirit beast of the Paradise of the Heavenly Paradise.

I'm afraid I don't know much about people.

If a person feels hungry, maybe the two of them together are not enough for others to have a full meal...

This venerable man's thinking is very clear, Li Jing can see it at a glance.

He deliberately maintained the spirit beast aura of the peak thirteen-level venerable, in essence, to make himself more attractive.

The spirit beast at the peak of the Venerable can be taken back by you casually, and you just say it smells good?

Thinking that it was time for him to take the initiative, Li Jing got up and stretched his waist with four paws on the tree, and then suddenly jumped towards the Venerable.

The male venerable was startled when he saw this, and waved his hand to take out his weapon.

The venerable woman spoke quickly.

"Brother, stop!"

While speaking, she stretched out her hands in elation, and embraced the "fairy cat" who threw herself into her arms.

The Venerable Male was called out by her, but of course he didn't "draw his sword".

Turning around, he saw the civet cat was hugged by the venerable woman, and the latter was lying comfortably on the **** of the virgin that he had never touched before, narrowing his eyes. The spirit beast turned out to be a relative.


What a great opportunity!

If you throw yourself into your arms as soon as you meet, is it possible to hug you back?

This cat is even a little stronger than the two of them...


Holding the cat in her arms, the venerable woman was so happy that she couldn't find Bei on the spot.

The cat in the key's arms is really fragrant.

Cautiously lowering her head, she took a deep breath. Seeing that the fairy cat in her arms did not resist, the venerable woman boldly buried her face in it and took a deep breath.


Li Jing.

Although he didn't suffer any disadvantages, but this dignified venerable didn't seem to be?


Is this one more of a pet?

Being speechless, the female venerable raised her eyes to look at the male venerable contentedly, and said without any doubt.

"Brother, let's take this civet with us!"


Men Venerable.

He thought to himself, he didn't tell her to let go and throw the cat away,

Do you want to speak so fiercely?

What about the little kitten?

"Since this civet is a relative, we will take it with us as a companion." As he spoke, the Venerable Male said.

"But after all, this is a native civet in the blessed land of the cave, and its animal nature is difficult to train. Junior sister, you have to be careful."

Saying that, the Venerable Male couldn't control his hand and wanted to touch it.

Can Li Jing let him touch it?

As a prisoner, as long as one has the right to speak.

Another, not so necessary.

Especially when there is a man in front of him.

Without any hesitation, Li Jing raised his little paw like lightning and scratched it out.

How did the Venerable Male expect such an accident?

Instinctively twitching his hand, he narrowly avoided the claw strike.

Then under the gaze of his tingling scalp.

A distorted "claw air" brushed his elbow and flew out, "Boom boom boom boom" instantly destroyed the trees and went to the distance...

This time, the Venerable Male felt numb on the spot.

The power of the claw aura produced by his meowing cat's paw can be compared to the top sword aura.

If the blow just now was strong, I am afraid that my arms would have to be removed!


This is without a doubt a beast!

But turning around to look at Li Jing, he is so obedient in the arms of his junior sister.

The venerable woman was also taken aback by the movement just now.

But seeing that Li Jing was so docile in her arms, she forgot everything again.

"Brother, this civet won't kiss you, so don't touch it."


Men Venerable.


Strictly speaking, these two venerables have big hearts.

But my lord! He is also courageous.

A civet cat as powerful as Li Jing was given for nothing, so they took advantage of the situation.


The two of them had no worries at all.

At the beginning of their journey together, the two obviously showed signs of communicating with each other about relevant matters via voice transmission.

While transmitting the sound, he looked at Li Jing who was dozing in the empress' arms from time to time, obviously a little suspicious.

But Li Jing didn't care about these.

What he wanted was never the trust of the two of them.

Instead, sneak into the two-person team and see where they will eventually go along the map.


Two days passed.

Li Jing learned from getting along with the two.

The name of the male venerable is Nalan Longao, and the name of the female venerable is Xiangyunxian.

Neither of them are disciples or ascendants of Sifang Immortal Territory, but descendants of aristocratic families born and raised in Central China.

Now both of them are enshrined by the venerable of a human portal in the neutral zone.

It is relatively low-level to say that it is worship.

After all, Venerable Shenzhou is worthless in China.

In the mid-term of the Venerable, he barely has a status.

The name Zhuge Longao is very domineering.

But the Nalan family behind it is just a small and unknown family.

The background of Xiang Yunxian is a bit awesome.

Behind her is one of the best pharmacist families in Central China.

that family.

The strength is not very strong, but all of them are well-known top pharmacists.

So is Xiang Yunxian himself.

A pharmacist in the middle period of His Holiness.

This is going to be put in the Sifang Immortal Territory, who knows how many top immortal sects will come to kneel and lick.

In the system of cultivating immortals, "production industry" has always been contradictory. Like a refiner and his like. The level of proficiency can't be high.

Those whose cultivation base is not high, their attainments are not very advanced.

Personal energy is always limited.

Only a very small number of unique geniuses have the ability to ensure their own realm while possessing profound attainments.

this girl

Li Jing is quite satisfied.

Up to now, there is a shortage of talents in Chentangguan.

If a talent like a top pharmacist can absorb it, it will be more fragrant than a few top alchemists.

A qualified pharmacist should have alchemy skills.

After all, not all medicines can be taken or absorbed by people through preparation, and further refining is required.

Especially for high-quality elixir, many of them will explode if they are stained with a little bit.


The pros and cons of a professional pharmacist compared to a professional alchemist are obvious.

In the end, alchemy requires skill and experience. No matter how high a pharmacist's alchemy skill is, it can't be higher than a professional top alchemist.

Put that aside.

After two days of getting along without incident, Xiang Yunxian has become acquainted with Li Jing who is a civet, and from time to time he will instill in him some topics such as how big my house is and how much delicious food it is.

In short, I want to abduct him back.

As a civet, Li Jing is of course not easy to speak out.

But he did eat a lot of good things from Xiang Yunxian.

It doesn't matter that the elixir that has been prepared blindly is more delicious than ordinary delicacies, UU Reading www. also greatly improved his body practice.


It can be said to be a pleasant surprise.

At the same time, it was also the root cause of his liking for this girl.

The upper limit of Li Jing's physical cultivation is far from his current level.

He has always wanted to soak in the Zhenyuan Pagoda.

But it takes a lot of time to bubble to the upper limit, so you can only bubble in the past when you have nothing to do.

at noon.

Xiang Yunxian was planning to feed Li Jing some elixir while Yu Kong was on the sidelines, Zhuge Longao spoke suddenly.

"Junior Sister, we are going to Emperor Zun's house soon."

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