MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 580 Here comes an old acquaintance, Mrs. Bai

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Dazzling, more than an hour passed.

Li Jingshou waited in the cave for a long time, but no one came down.

If it weren't for his extraordinary five senses, he could easily capture the living creatures on the ground, including human cultivators, and the dead creatures were at war with each other, and he almost didn't think that he had been discovered by sitting on the sidelines.

The current situation outside is.

The entrance to the blessed land of the cave was forcibly opened, and the attitude of the dead creatures who had turned a blind eye to the living creatures had undergone a 180-degree change.

It not only prevented the living creatures from trying to come down into the Paradise of Paradise, but even tried to drive them away.

That's not counting.

The dead creatures themselves did not come down in a hurry, but a large number of dead creatures continued to gather.

Relying on the perception of Yuanshen, Li Jing can judge.

Some of the gathered dead objects came from Beiming Shrine, and most of the rest came from other places in the Shrine's sphere of influence.

They come in groups.

When they got to the place, they formed a camp of their own.

In such a situation, everyone would feel that this matter is tricky.

In particular, the appearance of the person who talked to Li Jing in the air earlier was not concealed and carried out voice transmission, and everyone could hear his voice from the air.

Those present can easily make judgments based on this.

Beiming Shrine presumably officially intervened.

It's just that they dare not make it too obvious due to certain concerns.

It is precisely because of judgment that they dare not take rash actions.

Offending a few dead creatures is two different things from offending the entire Beiming Shrine.

The situation is so deadlocked.

In the cave.

Li Jing casually put away all the jade slips of Taoism that he had memorized in his hand and changed one, squinting his eyes slightly.

He naturally thought of what the people on the ground thought of.

Recalling that when the person talked to him before, he mentioned that the cave was not open yet. At that time, he felt that the person said that because he forcibly opened the entrance.

At the moment, it seems that it is not so simple.

I'm afraid that Beiming Shrine will know roughly when this cave will be opened, and what's inside.

It's just that the things inside are very important and precious, and those who know are limited to some serious high-level people.

He forcibly opened the entrance, making those in the know unable to sit still.

For now.

It is a certainty that Jingu has secretly intervened.

They deliberately concealed it and did not make too much publicity.

It is clear.

Beiming Shrine has scruples.

What can they scruple about?

This certainly couldn't be the living creatures that "came here for the name" present.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Without Emperor Beiming, Beiming Shrine is still the core of power in the Northern Immortal Territory, and it will never have much scruples because of some "retail investors" who are rushing to the paradise.

Not to mention that there is no Emperor Zun present, so what if there are more than ten or twenty?

Beiming Shrine is not a place where Emperor Zun will be lacking.

Especially now at the juncture of the struggle for the emperor, God knows how many dead emperors have come to Zhongshenzhou.

So scrutinized.

The conclusion is obvious.

It was the emperor who restrained Beiming Shrine's hands and feet.

It's just a blessed place, why should you care about the emperor?

There can only be two reasons.

First of all, there is something in Dongtian Paradise that will attract the Great Emperor.

The second is that things may be one-time or only one, and if they are taken away, there will be no more.

Focusing on the entrance of the cave, Li Jing continued to wait.

Regarding the general situation of Dongtian Paradise, he basically has a conclusion in his mind.

But he couldn't squat down, so he didn't plan to move.

Moreover, there has been no real movement in Beiming Shrine until now, which shows that they are very stable.

don't worry about poo an hour ago

He, Jin Ling, and Jin Ming who have "entered" the Paradise of the Paradise can find out, or take away the benefits of the Paradise of the Paradise.


In a blink of an eye.

Another half hour passed.

The situation on the ground gradually became delicate.

More and more dead creatures gathered, and the blocked living creatures did not "sit still" and shook their own people.

In the end is the master who dares to form a group or even run a single gang to come to the sphere of influence of Beiming Shrine.

There are not many simple people in this group.

It didn't count if seven or eight emperors were called, it seemed that the emperors didn't need money in the later stage.

This ground has completely evolved into a camp confrontation between living and dead creatures, and swords are on the verge of breaking out.

The original signs of internal differentiation in Beiming Shrine have improved under the pressure of the situation, forming a consistent external situation.

Since there was no Emperor Zun present among the dead creatures, even though they completely crushed the living creature camp in terms of numbers, their aura was much lower.

If it weren't for the close proximity of Beiming Shrine, they wouldn't even be qualified to confront each other here.

At this time, Li Jing naturally did not stay underground anymore.


The Silent Phantom couldn't conceal the existence of the small world.

A lot of emperor ranks came from the living creature camp. It would be too eye-catching for him to continue to stay in the underground cave, so he could only come up and mix in the group of human cultivators.

In the living camp.

The base of human cultivation is very large, far surpassing other living creatures.

But no Regal.

Only Seven or Eight Venerables took the lead.

Therefore, this group of human cultivators can only stay behind other groups.


A big fist is the last word.

If people have Emperor Zun's backing, of course they can only let others be the leaders.

What Li Jing revealed at this moment is the cultivation of the Venerable, and it is the early stage of the Venerable, who is so comfortable and comfortable behind the cultivator group that he really doesn't want it.

No one in the room recognized him, and who would care about a Venerable's initial stage?

The early days of His Holiness.

Putting it in Sifang Xianyu is the boss.

Put it in Central China.



Someone who hides like this can't hide it from the other emperors present.

Cultivation, breath, appearance.

can be changed.

But Indie World doesn't lie.

However, because he was not of the same kind, and he hid behind the human cultivator group and didn't stand up and say that he wanted the entire right to speak, the other emperors who were present thought he didn't exist.

If a human emperor with a hidden cultivation base is willing to hide, let him hide, anyway, he won't be able to make much trouble.

What made Li Jing a little uncomfortable at this moment was that the person he had been squatting for a long time did not show up.

Just as he was helpless, he suddenly turned his head with a feeling in his heart.

at the same time.

The other heterogeneous emperors present also sensed it, and turned their heads to look in the direction of Beiming Shrine.

That's when.

"Swish, swish, swish" Three streaks of black light shot out from the location of Beiming Shrine, and came to the front in the blink of an eye, and fell in front of the dead camp one after another, revealing their figures.

There are three people.

They were a humanoid corpse with one half of its body intact and the other half festering, a bone demon whose bones were as black as ink with metallic luster, and a shadow demon.

All three were at the Emperor Senior level, and all of them were present exuding their own Emperor Senior aura.

Seeing these three, all the emperors present changed their faces.


There are also strengths and weaknesses.

Any one of the three in front of him can be said to be the best at the emperor level with a strong aura.

Obviously, these three are strong contenders for the future Emperor Beiming.

this level...

Why don't you fight for the emperor to go to the blessed land?

When Li Jing saw these three people, his expression was dull.

These three were not the ones he was waiting for.


The three dead emperors stood still, and among them, the living corpse who was the leader faintly burst into a red light, and said with a grim smile.

"Everyone, should I ask you to leave, or should you leave consciously?"

What he said was really not straightforward.

Everyone's face changed because of this.

The three came forward without any nonsense, and clearly gave them two ways.

Go by yourself, or be "asked to go".

Faced with such a situation, many people and other types present had the idea of ​​retreating, including several emperors among them.

You want to say that it will be three ordinary emperors who will come forward.

It would not be so easy for everyone to say that they want to retreat.

The three emperors who came up with the problem are not easy!

Previously, it was expected that Beiming Shrine would intervene secretly.

What they can count on is that the Beiming Shrine, where there are no leaders and civil strife, can't get enough people with enough weight and strength, or they don't have time to take care of them, and everyone can go in at the end.

There is someone in front of you, so there is no way.

If you don't retreat at this moment, it is tantamount to challenging Beiming Shrine head-on.

Who is here qualified for this?

No one has.

Seeing that the wind direction was not right, most people started to retreat, Li Jing frowned.

If the people I was waiting for didn't arrive, all these people would be persuaded to leave.

Wouldn't he be very embarrassed after a while, whether to leave or not?

Just as he was hesitating whether to show off his newly learned Taoism and fight for the opportunity for the living creatures "compatriots" to enter the paradise, a soft voice came from nowhere.

"Beiming Shrine, so majestic."

Li Jing was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked to the west with a strange expression.

Beiming Shrine, that is naturally majestic.

Think back when Shi Zixuan was around, no one dared to mess with her.

Now that people are "retired", there are not many people who can afford to provoke.

Talk to this one.

Precisely one of the few qualified people.

That's right.

This person is Karan, the great emperor of the West.

This one would appear suddenly, it was really unexpected by Li Jing, and it even made him think deeply.

Why is this stuff everywhere?

Hearing Karan's words, the aliens present immediately showed excitement.

Heterogeneity, of course it is from the Western Immortal Realm.

Their great emperor came to support them, can they not be happy?

The three dead emperors heard Karan's voice from nowhere, and looked at each other in silence.

All three are masters of invisible expressions.

The only one with half a face is facial paralysis.

No one knows what they can communicate with each other when their eyes meet, but they tacitly restrained the emperor's aura, obviously very afraid of Karan.

At the same time that the three were restraining their aura, a green light shot from the far west and landed lightly. Then Karan, the great emperor of the Western Lands, appeared with his hands behind his back, and stood in front of the three.

Seeing this one head-on, the three deceased Emperor Zun silently cupped their hands.

"Corpse King."

"Bone Demon."

"Shadow Sha."

"I have seen the Great Emperor of the West."

Seeing the three saluting, Karan smiled contemptuously and did not respond.

Seeing this, the three maintained a salute posture and remained silent.

Fortunately, the three of them are masters who can't see their expressions.

Otherwise, they might not be able to bear the anger at this moment.

When did the people of Beiming Shrine be so aggrieved?


Karan ignored the three, and looked at the large number of dead things gathered behind the three.

He didn't hide his vitality like others here.

He's here.

on the spot

There are quite a few dead creatures who are sexually stimulated in their practice, and almost want to go crazy.

But soon they regained their clarity.

That's what Karan cares about.

These dead cultivators who couldn't even control their instincts didn't lose their rationality.

This is really nothing new.

Not just Karan.

Li Jing hid behind and therefore had a strange look on his face.

No matter how majestic Karan is, it is not as effective as his release of evil spirit.

Not to mention that the common instinctive impulse in the practice of dead things cannot be borne just by forbearance.

The appearance of these dead things recovering from cultivation seems very natural, and it doesn't seem like they are enduring at all, which is completely different from when I released the evil spirit before.

This is worth pondering, isn't it?

Is there something at work that keeps them calm?

Li Jing hid behind the crowd, curious.

Karan rubbed his chin thoughtfully, suddenly remembered something, and looked in the direction of Beiming Shenyan strangely.

"Madam Bai, can your honor be in the dark?"

Before the words fell, a gloomy male voice came.

"This is really rare. The concubine has always been in seclusion. Emperor Karan, you have heard of me?"

Li Jing was shocked when he heard the male voice.

It's him!

Your Excellency!


Is this girl male or female?

I was called an old man before, but now I will be a concubine again.

And Karan called him Mrs. Bai...

Just wondering, Karan talked and laughed happily.

"Others may not know it, but I do know it. Madam Bai, you can rely on your own practice to keep the dead things clear and clear, and will not be swayed by primitive impulses. I also know that if Shi Zixuan hadn't suddenly run away to the northern fairyland To become emperor, the position of Emperor Beiming should be yours, Mrs. Bai."

I rely on!

So it was Shi Zixuan's contender for becoming emperor back then?

Li Jing was surprised.

When Mrs. Bai heard Karan talking about the past, she gave a "huh" and responded sullenly.

"These are all things in the past, there is nothing to mention. Besides, sister Zixuan is indeed more suitable to be the emperor of Beiming than me. It is a pity that she has a chance to regain a new life and is no longer a dead thing. If it is not the case, I, Beiming How can some Xiaoxiao dare to offend the boundary of Shenyan?"

Madam Bai had to say something.

On the surface, it seems to be beating around the bush, but in fact, it is unambiguously spraying with Karan.

Karan didn't mind that either.

Without Shi Zixuan, Beiming Shrine is really deserted.

In the Sifang Immortal Territory, who doesn't have a bunch of old monsters hidden behind the emperor?

Just like Jin Ritian was left out of the Southern Demon Realm, and there were several god-defying beasts whose strength was no worse than him.

Each has other cards.

It's just that these hole cards usually don't move, and they won't jump out to take care of things without saying nothing, unless the entire Diyan or Xianyu is under a huge threat.

At this moment, Karan is enough to ride on the head of Beiming Shrine.

How many years.

It was they who were ridden in the Western Immortal Territory.

It doesn't count if he blames himself for losing face, and he still can't lose his temper.

Now there is finally a little change.

Everything has to fit.

If you want to go further, you may not know what will happen.

Pretending not to hear that Mrs. Bai was spraying herself, Karan looked at Beiming Shrine and chose to cut straight to the point.

"Two questions, what is the importance of this place, and why is Beiming Shrine so important?"

The question was raised, but Mrs. Bai did not respond.

Karan was not in a hurry. While waiting patiently, he looked very "friendly" at the three dead emperors who kept saluting and did not dare to relax.

At this time, the three dead emperors dared not speak out.

Karan, the great emperor of the West, was known to be vicious and vicious.

In the past, Beiming Shrine could not care about it.

Now it is not possible.

If he doesn't speak in front of him, the three dare not relax easily, so as not to give people an excuse to attack.

The essential.

Karan is really the only one among the four great emperors who is not so particular, because he is a great emperor who kills others with courtesy.

I don't know how long it has passed, and a melancholy and beautiful sigh resounded.

With a sigh.

A spatial crack quietly appeared in front of Karan, and a woman with an unusually pale face and wearing a veil stepped out.

Seeing the woman appear, Karan raised his eyebrows and saluted.

"Madam Bai."

"Emperor Karan."

The woman returned the salute, making noise like a compass with silver beads.

Li Jing watched the two greet each other and stared at Mrs. Bai.

Confirmed eyes.

That's her!

Although it is in a female posture at the moment, it is no longer a male voice when speaking.

But instinct told him.

His "noble person" is her!

It's a woman!

She is still a beautiful woman who understands the rules of space!

Li Jing blinked, raised his hand "swish, swish, swish" and formed dozens of Taoist handprints.

"All the heavens and stars, seal the heavens and the earth! The great week is sealed! Disease!"

next second.

The color of the world changed. UU reading

? ? ?

All living and dead creatures including Karan and Mrs. Bai raised their eyes with question marks on their heads.

Didn't wait for someone to reflect.

All the stars in the sky appeared on the sky that was originally a bright day, but it was no different from night at this moment. The twenty-eight stars bloomed brightly and intertwined into a cage, and then fell suddenly, sealing off the entire nearby land.




Mrs. Bai.


Other dead and living things.

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