MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 578 Intimidate the dead, the magical effect of the field

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Under Jin Ritian's "gracious hospitality", Li Jing, who originally planned to sit down for a while and leave, insisted on staying for more than two hours.


Jin Ritian really enjoys it.

After all, he still understands men very well!

It's just a banquet, and various good sideshows emerge in endlessly.

The hot dance of the Fox Fairy Girl Troupe is just an appetizer.

In the follow-up, there will be various stage plays and sitcoms originating from Blue Star.

Green snake, white snake and so on.

Those who appeared in the battle were all the monsters of "Eight Classics".

The genuine water snake twisted its waist.

Not to mention good health.

It's full of flavor.

The banquet is finally over.

Li Jing bid farewell to Jin Ritian, took Jin Ling and Jin Yue with him and left the Tianyao Hall.


The location of Tianyao Hall and Beiming Shrine is facing north and south.

All the way north.

Li Jing didn't say that he was in a hurry to go to the place of death mentioned by Zishu. He walked and stopped with Jin Ling and Jin Yue, enjoying the charm of China along the way.

Central China is like a hodgepodge.

The sphere of influence where the Sifang Imperial Palace is located is excluded.

You can see all kinds of aliens, monsters, and some strange species in the neutral zone.

Different ethnic groups bring different cultures and traditions.

The relatively chaotic neutral zone without jurisdiction is not full of fighting and killing all day long, and the people who should live are still living and working in peace and contentment.

If you don't try to touch the dark side, you can feel extremely diverse cultural shocks in Central China.

Jin Ling and Jin Yue are naturally relatively familiar with all kinds of things in China.

But traveling in the mountains and rivers with someone is considered a joy for the two of them.

Due to their special identities, the two have been under strict protection since childhood.

Going out is not something that two people can think of.

Even with the strength of Emperor Zun now.

The two of them had a very bad reputation inside the Tian Yao Temple, as if they were two demon kings who were tossing around all day long, which was largely related to their lack of freedom.

The old father Jin Ritian's desire to protect is too strong.

As the daughters of the Demon Emperor of the Southern Territory, the two were treated as princesses by the Heavenly Demon Palace since they were young.

Even if they were tossed all day or even beaten by two people, no one would say that they had a problem with them.

In this respect, demon cultivators are purer than humans.

As long as Jin Ritian is in power.

The two are the little princesses of the Tian Yao Temple, and they can be tolerated no matter what they do.

It was repaired by another person.

I'm afraid that my old father's reputation will be ruined every minute, and he will be given the reputation of being a poor goddaughter, and people will gossip about everything behind his back.


Although Jin Ling and Jin Yue are more capable of making troubles, they are not too outrageous, and they will not be sloppy when it comes to right and wrong.

This wave of following Li Jing can be said to be the first time for the two to leave their sphere of influence without the protection of their old father Jin Ritian or the Heavenly Demon Palace.

For the two of them, even the air is free.

Gradually, the two gradually let go.

After all, he was not familiar with Li Jing before.

Jin Ritian also described someone as a ghost who can eat people.

While the two of them were full of curiosity about Li Jing, they were somewhat apprehensive, for fear that they might dissatisfy him.

Li Jing has always been meticulous.

Knowing that the two girls' behaviors of being obedient and dumb in front of me are caused by unfamiliarity with me, and they dare not show their truest side in daily life.

To a certain extent, he hoped that the two girls could let go of this play.

I don't ask the two to treat themselves as ordinary friends, but I ask the two to maintain a normal mind when they think of themselves.


Traveling around the mountains and rivers all the way, the trip of the three of them would naturally be delayed.

It was already the third day when they entered the sphere of influence of Beiming Shrine.

When they reached the corresponding sphere of influence, the three of them stopped wandering around.

The location of Beiming Shrine can be said to be another northern fairyland, and it is important that "strangers" do not enter.

Here, it is completely the world of dead things.

Just outside, you can see living corpses, skeletons and other dead objects wandering everywhere.

In the endless population of dead species in the northern fairyland.

Living corpses, skeletons and the like are relatively low-level groups with the largest base.

These groups can be people, or other living beings who wake up after death and become the result of the practice of reviving the dead.

Because it is relatively low-level.

They are often not high in cultivation, and at the same time have a particularly strong desire for vitality.

Similar things can be seen everywhere, of course Li Jing and Jin Ling and Jin Yue wouldn't say that they went to the ground to stroll around rashly.

Knowing that people will not be able to control themselves when they see a living being, but still take the initiative to contact them, isn't that cheap?

this wave.

Li Jing has really gained knowledge.

Going all the way to the hinterland of the Beiming Shrine's sphere of influence, I saw all kinds of dead creatures on the road running to the top of the ten realms, and they all lived normally like living creatures.

They even formed their own cities.

Setting up stalls, hawking, and even brothels.

Normal creature cities will have them, they all have them.

I can't really see any difference except for the general taste.


This is just the appearance.

Don't say anything else.

Similar to the city, if there are any creatures to step into it, there must be a group of demons dancing on the spot.


Not long after, Li Jing and the other three arrived at the place where Zi Shu mentioned his death.

The so-called death.

It is not a dead land as a whole is a barren land.

On the contrary, here the "biology" is very diverse.

It's just that these "creatures" are closely related to death.

As far as the cultivation of dead objects in the northern fairyland is concerned.

The dead land itself is an extremely important resource point.

The things produced here are usually used in their daily practice.

As far as living creatures are concerned, dead land is also a rare treasure land.

Here you can find many common and hard-to-get treasures.

The corpse grass, which is a deadly poison to living beings but also a precious material for alchemy, and the tree trunk of the dead, which is usually used as the main material for refining yin and evil artifacts, are all produced in the dead.

Similar things cannot be obtained elsewhere.

The emergence of such an abnormal area as the dead land has a great relationship with the practice of dead things.

The conditions for its appearance are extremely harsh.

First of all, there must be a large number of dead objects on the surrounding land from time to time, and there must be a large amount of dead air and corpse air emitted by the dead objects during their activities.

If the corresponding conditions are met, a little favorable time and place are needed to lead to changes in the nature of the region. Simply put.

The appearance of the dead land is inseparable from the gathering of dead objects.

Looking at the entire Immortal Territory, except for certain territories in the Northern Immortal Territory and the sphere of influence of Beiming Shenyan in Central Shenzhou, there is almost no possibility of encountering the existence of death in other territories.

The dead land in front of him is too close to Beiming Shrine.

About a hundred miles ahead is where the shrine is.

Yukong is in the sky.

From a distance, you can see the majestic Beiming Shrine standing there, constantly exuding the breath of death.

look further down.

As Zishu said.

There are a large number of strange dead creatures who practice in the dead place. They don't seem to come to find things that will help them practice, but they each occupy a piece of land and don't know what they are waiting for.

Eliminate dead things and practice.

There are still many human cultivation and heterogeneous existence in the dead land.

they are all

It is with the help of some means to perfectly hide its own vitality.

Only masters with similar means are "qualified" to coexist with the vast number of dead cultivators present.

It is worth mentioning that.

The cultivators of dead things are aware of this, but they just choose to turn a blind eye.

Go crazy when you meet a living thing.

It's not what the dead cultivators thought.

It was purely the primitive impulse that appeared after they turned into dead things, and it was so strong that it was almost impossible to contain it.

At this moment, in the dead place below.

Dead creature cultivators are also distinct from human cultivators and heterogeneous cultivators, each entrenched in each other's well and never violates the river, and a certain distance is maintained between the groups.

After taking a rough look at the situation below, Li Jing tilted his head.

"Come on, let's go down."

Jin Ling and Jin Yue subconsciously agreed.

Then the two thought it was wrong.

"We don't prepare anything, so let's go on like this?"

Jin Yue was stunned.

Before the words finished, Li Jing went straight down.

Seeing this, Jin Yue silently opened her mouth, then turned to look at Jin Ling.

Jin Ling shrugged helplessly.

"Brother Li should have a solution, let's follow first."

After all, she pulled Jin Yue down together.


Soon, a group of three people landed one after another.

In the dead place where dead things gather at this moment, the three of them fell down so grandiosely that they immediately attracted the attention of a large number of dead things cultivators.


The eyes of many dead creatures began to turn red.


It's a harbinger of impending madness.

Renxiu and the aliens who were nearby also noticed the three of them, and many of them frowned immediately.

Dead things are very sensitive to life.

The stronger the vitality, the easier it is to stimulate them.

Those who dare to come to the hinterland of Beiming Shrine's sphere of influence will naturally not be low in practice.

The cultivation base is not low, and the vitality in the body is naturally majestic.

The three of them appeared in public without covering up, and they were simply challenging the self-control of the dead cultivators present, which they didn't even have a certain degree of control over.

Are they looking for death! ?

Everyone does not know.

The three present are Emperor Zun.

Pull out one at random, and you can level the whole dead ground with just a flip of your hand.


Jin Ling and Jin Yue followed Li Jing to the ground, and seeing that there were many dead creatures on the scene that were about to go crazy, they subconsciously prepared to release the emperor's breath to try to deter them.

Before the dead creatures go crazy, deterrence can still play a certain role.

And so really crazy.

Regardless of your emperor or what.

Only "dry" is left in their minds.


Relying on the majesty of the emperor's breath is also "treating the symptoms but not the root cause", at most it is to show its own strength and force the dead creatures present to calm down for a while.

If they stay here for a long time, the dead cultivators will still go crazy.

Just about to put it into action, Li Jing turned his head.

"Be patient, both of you."


Both of them made a question mark.

to beat?

What can you bear?

Confused, Li Jing waved his hand and took off the bracelet that restrained evil spirits.


There was a loud bang.

The monstrous evil spirit soared into the sky centered on Li Jing himself, and condensed into the appearance of an evil ghost in the air.

! !

Jin Ling.

! !

Jin Yue.

Li Jing killed countless aliens and accumulated an incomparably terrifying evil spirit, so he had to be restrained by the refined bracelet. In this regard, the fathers of the two of them had "taught lessons".

How can there be a saying?

seeing is believing.

Li Jing released his evil spirit abruptly, and the two felt their legs go weak for a while.

It seems that it doesn't matter at all at this moment.

Facing the monstrous evil spirit, Jin Ling and Jin Yue only felt that they were not the big sun golden crow but two weak little crane quails. They were instinctively frightened and wished to stay away from someone immediately.

Both Jin Ling and Jin Yue felt the same way about the divine beasts at the emperor level.

What's more, it's the practice of dead things present?

The practice of dead things is also a different kind in nature.

It's just that due to the boundary between life and death, they will be classified outside the heterogeneous category, and they will be called dead things alone.

Those eyes were full of blood, seeing the monstrous evil spirit erupting from Li Jing's body, it didn't matter that he regained his clarity in minutes, and some nearby dead things practiced silently got up and left to go to a farther position.

This deterrent effect can be called outstanding.

Facts have proved.

As long as they make themselves seem dangerous enough, the cultivators of dead objects will not develop to the point of madness.

The nearby human cultivators were dumbfounded on the spot.

The aliens trembled in every way.


Where did the evil star come from?

How can such a strong evil spirit be condensed in one person?

Intimidating all directions with his evil spirit, Li Jing raised his leg and chopped it off.


The earth trembled and pieces were torn apart.

The eyes of the dead cultivators turned red when they saw this.

But this time they didn't want to go crazy, but Li Jing's kick almost crushed half of them to death.

Although the dead land can't be destroyed like this, but the landform becomes ugly, but it's not a problem that the good dead land is torn apart, isn't it?

Especially this place is close to Beiming Shrine.

What someone did was tantamount to riding on the head of Jingu to shit!

However, in the face of Li Jing, the cultivators of dead things dared not speak out.

Seeing all the dead creatures cultivating with red eyes all kinds of anger but not daring to speak out, Jin Ling and Jin Yue both grinned, feeling uncomfortable with the monstrous evil spirit at close range.

This man acted as simple and rude as his father said.

Just feeling emotional, Li Jing spoke out.




Where are you going?

Jin Ling and Jin Yue were stunned for a moment, but when they raised their eyes, they saw Li Jing jumping into the crack in the ground where his foot had been stamped out.

Subconsciously glanced into the cracks in the ground.

The two were surprised to find that there was a cave underground, and there was a karst cave in the depths.

Without thinking too much, the two hurriedly followed.

After a while.

The three landed in the underground cave one after another.

As soon as they stood still, Jin Ling and Jin Yue discovered that there were many unique but rare "specialties" growing in the cave, many of which not only had a great effect on the practice of dead things, but also for human cultivators and aliens. An extremely rare item.


Even a lot of treasures from heaven and earth have grown.

The karst cave here is simply a treasure land among treasure lands!

Li Jing came down and saw a lot of good things growing in the cave, his eyes flashed and he opened his own domain.


All the things in the entire cave have entered the Small Universe Realm.

Jin Ling.


Jin Yue.

Li Jing this...

It's a bit outrageous to tell the truth!

The domain represents the force of an emperor.

It's a shame to use force in this kind of place.

After that, Li Jing, a guy who is neatly operated, can be seen as a "skilled worker" at a glance. He has done the same thing many times.

But don't tell me.

The scene in front of me seems to have opened a door to "a new world" for Jin Ling and Jin Yue, who are obedient girls at their core.

the gate.

Emperor Zun Domain, it turns out that it can still be used like this.

The moment Li Jing opened the domain just now, the two of them saw a typical western fairyland-style palace in a trance, which looked familiar to them.


In the early years, the two went to the palace of Emperor Xishi with their father once.

Silently looking at each other, the two women are really good guys.

The two are sisters with a tacit understanding.

When they met their eyes, they knew that the other party wanted to confirm each other.

The palace of the Great Emperor Xitu was in Li Jing's Small Universe, anyone would feel that they might have misread this matter.

It is not impossible for a person to be wrong.

But it's unlikely that the two of them got it wrong.


Li Jing once "stealed" from the head of the Great Emperor Xitu, and even managed to steal it.

Secretly marveling, Jin Yue, who was relatively curious, made a sound.

"Brother Li, how did you find out that there is a hole in the ground?"


Li Jing turned his head with a question mark and said.

"The earth's air is changing, shouldn't it be that there are tricks in the ground?"


Jin Yue.

Li Jing's unrealistic response told her that he was actually thinking too much.

There is nothing wrong with the key person's statement.

Changes in the earth's atmosphere are usually caused by strange things underground.

Seeing her little sister being stopped by Li Jing's words, Jin Ling couldn't help but look around.

"There seems to be only one section of this cave. Brother Li, what should we do next? Should we see if there are other passages?"

"This is the entrance to the blessed land of the cave, there is no need to go elsewhere."

Li Jing said flatly.


Jin Ling made a question mark.

Jin Yue stared at her eyes like a curious baby.

Seeing this, Li Jing only felt that he was bringing two girls who didn't grow up, so he smiled and said.

"The two of you try to open the domain to cover the cave here."

Responding to these words, both of them opened up their domains out of curiosity.

Followed. UU reading

The two of them clearly felt a half-open space entrance that has not yet been fully opened.

If nothing unexpected happens.

This is the cave that is about to open.

The two were surprised by this, but they were sincerely amazed.

The domain can still be used like this, it really refreshes the cognition since the two became emperors.

The key is that everything is so reasonable.

All things that fall into the field, including space.

It is equivalent to falling into an independent world owned by individuals.

Although the doer may not be able to grasp everything based on this, he can easily see the tricks that were originally undetectable, making people, things, and things hidden in the dark invisible.

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