MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 560 It's not a big problem, we are not outsiders

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Li Jing left as soon as he said, and he left so easily, which made everyone present at the Star God Palace feel a little confused.

The key thing.

The ending was a bit too light.

The emperor level came forward in person, but it was really just a "claim"?


Li Jing's way of "claiming compensation" was not generally domineering, but it looked like he was "in a rush to socialize", and he didn't even stay for a quarter of an hour during the whole process.

Sikong Lu himself did not say a word.

And it's not that I don't want to say it, but that I don't have a chance to say it.

People were hesitant to speak, and everyone was watching.

to be frank.

At this moment, if there was only a lonely mountain gate left behind by his own family, the members of the Star God Temple present could not even believe that an emperor came here specially for Si Konglu, and ransacked the Star God Palace in a "reasonable" way.


About Si Konglu...

Is this even uncovered?

The members of the Star Temple looked at each other in blank dismay.

Among the crowd, the faces of the three venerables from Central China were extremely ugly.

This issue.

It happened so suddenly.

Just a moment ago, they were still discussing how to solve the "hidden danger" of Si Konglu.

The next moment, people came together with an emperor.

That's not counting.

The two took away the foundation of the Star God Palace standing in the Cangming Immortal Territory for millions of years, except that they didn't take it away, leaving behind a mountain gate.

The Star God Temple will not end like this.

But the portal in the Cangming domain has been completely finished.

If the sub-directors of Central China know about this matter, although the three of them will not be dealt with in any way, they will definitely lose their heads in the Star God Temple in the future.


Have to find another way out!

Unanimously, the three of them looked at Fang Donghe.

At this time, Fang Donghe was still immersed in Li Jing's last "kind" smile.

I don't know what's going on.

From the moment he saw Li Jing, he felt a chill down his spine.

It seemed that he was a weak lamb, while Li Jing was a ferocious tiger.

while bearing its sight.

He even lost the ability to think for a while, not even a single part of his body could be controlled, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve, so that he lost control on the spot.

Fang Donghe is the thirteen realms.

He is very clear.

Feelings like this don't come easily.

In Li Jing, there is a certain inexplicable quality that makes him feel scared instinctively.

How could Fang Donghe not care about this?

YouQi smiled at him when Li Jing left.

he does not know.

Have you been missed?

Feeling the attention of the three Venerable Star Gods, Fang Donghe turned his head stiffly.

"That man just he really the Lord of Chentang Pass?"

Faced with such a question, the three looked at each other, but no one could answer.

Is Li Jing the Lord of Chentang Pass?

It's really hard to say.

He said yes, not necessarily so.

The key point is that the Lord of Chen Tangguan has always been very mysterious.

Someone's sudden and grandiose appearance can easily arouse suspicion.

Since Chen Tangguan was born in the sky, few people in the entire Cangming domain know Li Jing's true face.

Including employees employed by Cangming Kelecheng.

Someone popped out of nowhere and claimed to be the master of Chentang Pass, but to be honest, his convincing power was very limited.

The three of them didn't know how to respond to Fang Donghe, and the pale-faced female elder in his arms spoke weakly.

"This person... probably really is the Lord of Chentang Pass."

Hearing what she said, Fang Donghe and the other four all looked at her.

Seeing this, the female elder hesitated and said.

"Its method of tearing apart the space to come and go without a trace is very similar to the envoy of the Donghua Immortal Palace who came to kill the Shadow Demon that day. Although this person had a concealed appearance that day, his body shape is exactly the same."

As she spoke, she cautiously looked around and said in a low voice.

"No one knows the true face of the Lord of Chentangguan, it is precisely because he has a strange half-walker mask, which can cover his true face and make it impossible to pry, let alone hide his breath perfectly. Although the two masks have completely different styles Different, but at the level of a half-tracker, you can change it as you like.”

Hearing such a well-founded analysis from the female elder, Fang Donghe and the other four fell silent.

They had never seen the Donghua Immortal Palace envoy who came to the Star God Palace to kill the Shadow Demon before.

To be sure.

It was a "rat" wearing a mask to hide his head and show his tail.

This characteristic.

It's really f*cking to be able to fight against the Lord of Chen Tangguan.


Why has it been so long that no one thought that that person might not be an envoy of Donghua Immortal Palace at all, but the Lord of Chentang Pass!?

Li Jinghui is the official envoy of Donghua Immortal Palace, this can be completely ruled out.

People even have the ability to sit on an equal footing with Emperor Donghua, so it doesn't make sense for people to run around like a younger brother.

Those who are serious about serving in Donghua Immortal Palace are strictly prohibited from establishing their own or joining a sect...

All of a sudden, everything was connected. Fang Donghe and the other four felt that the whole person was not very good, and at the same time, their heads were aching.

Li Jing's identity is clear.

It was clear what he had done.

But it brought more questions to the four.

The Lord of Chentang Pass is very close to the Lord of the Cangming Territory, and everyone knows it.

It is understandable that he intervenes in the affairs of the Cangming domain to solve the latter's problems.


Why did he pretend to be the envoy of Donghua Immortal Palace?

With his strength, it is necessary to borrow the prestige of Emperor Donghua?

Naturally, they would not know that Li Jing's true cultivation back then was even only in the tenth realm.

Feeling puzzled by this, the faces of the three Venerables of the Star God Hall became increasingly ugly, and the Venerable Qin surnamed said in a deep voice.

"If this person surnamed Li was the one who came to kill the Shadow Demon that day, I'm afraid our Star God Temple is not just in a worrying situation. Compared with it, Emperor Donghua is not a problem."

In response to these words, the other two Venerables nodded.

Then the male venerable among them looked at Fang Donghe.

"Fang Envoy, let me take the liberty to ask, did Ying Duzun offend the Lord of Chen Tangguan?"

Fang Donghe opened his mouth silently when he heard the words.

"I'm not a shadowy person, if you ask me about this, who should I ask?"

After insulting the Venerable, he continued with a cold face.

"However, I think that Ying Duzun would not have any personal enmity with him, otherwise Ying Duzun would not dare to extend his hand to the Cangming domain. After all...the other party is a emperor who can rival Donghua the Great."

Hearing Fatty Fang's words, the three Venerables of the Star God Hall felt reasonable, but felt more and more confused.

This is a "dead end".

The three of them were more suspicious.

Going around and around, can't get out at all.


The three chose to give up thinking.

"No matter what, we can't stay in the Cangming Domain any longer."

The only female venerable among the three spoke, and then stopped looking at Fang Donghe after wanting to speak.

Meeting her gaze, Fang Donghe said that his kidneys really hurt.

if it is possible.

He really didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Then Li Jing...

too scary!

I just hope I never see him again in this life!

But in Tanlang, he has the final say on many things.

After all.

He is just one of Yu Dou Zun's subordinates

It's just the name of the king, and there is a level of emperor.

simply put.

He is my younger brother.

How dare he say let go?

The key star temple is very powerful.

If it can be used by Yu Duzun as a whole, the strength of Yu Duzun's faction will inevitably skyrocket.

The opportunity to absorb an entire sect is not something that can be obtained casually.

Especially such a top portal that has gained a firm foothold in Central China...

look back.

Right now is also an excellent time to collect and take away the entire Star God Temple in one go

Previously, the Star God Palace said that it wanted to seek refuge, but in fact it was just seeking a way out for its own family.

There is sincerity.

But it's hard to say how many.


They are truly cornered.

Don't say anything else.

Being "patronized" by Li Jing twice in a row, how dare they stay here?

After a little hesitation, Fang Donghe raised his eyes.

"The current situation of the Star God Hall is very bad, and there is probably nothing you can do now. It is better to dismiss everyone in the gate temporarily, and leave the elders above the twelfth level to leave with me."

The three Star God Hall Venerables frowned at the words.

Seeing this, Fang Donghe was dumbfounded.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. Even in the current state, the Star God Palace is still the Star God Palace, and no one will force you to leave. It's just that there are so many people in the Star God Palace, so it's not appropriate to act together. Everyone, please lead the door first. The main personnel will follow me to have an audience with Yu, and it will not be too late to say how the rest of the personnel will be arranged.”

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of the three of them eased immediately.

They are not stupid.

Maybe they left the Star God Palace and went directly to Yuduzun, and with the strength of the three of them, they could become emperors.

At that time, the status will be higher than Fatty Fang.

I really want to do this.

Not to mention that the status of the others is not guaranteed, if the three of them take away all the main forces of the sect and rebel, they will offend the power of the Star God Temple in Central China to death.

They may even take advantage of the situation and directly disassociate themselves from them, and hunt them down with Donghua Immortal Palace, so as to get the best of both worlds.

Looking at each other, the three nodded respectively.

Above the clouds directly above the portal of the Star God Temple.

Li Jing looked at everything below, turned his head and said.

"The Star God Temple is really as you said, it is rotten to the bone. Right now they have made the most stupid decision, they have already thought that I was the one who came to kill the Shadow Demon, and they still plan to go all the way The black and the greedy wolves are conspiring together. Don't they understand that it may not be too late to get rid of the relationship now?"

Sikong Lu silently shook his head when he heard the words, and sighed softly

"The foundation of the Star God Temple for millions of years may really be destroyed in this generation.

"That's unlikely."

Li Jing smiled and said in a different way.

"The foundation of the Star God Palace is already in my hands, isn't it?"

Sikong Lu was a little dazed, then looked over in puzzlement.

Seeing this, Li Jing tilted his head.

"You don't think that I moved the entire gate of the Star God Temple to covet your dowry, do you?"

Facing these words, Sikong Lu was dumb at first, then lowered her eyes to look at her jade hand being held by someone, and bit her red lips lightly to look over.

"Is not it?"

"Strictly speaking, no."

Li Jing shrugged and said.

"I can see that you still care about the Star God Palace in your heart. Leaving is just disappointment and you have no other choice. Now the entire portal of the Star God Palace is taken over by me, and it will be yours in the future. You can dispose of it however you want."

Hearing someone say that, Sikong Lu frowned slightly.

"What do you mean...?"

"It is only a matter of time before the Star God Temple takes jujube pills. But in the end it will

With you, the portal is also there. "

Li Jing told, said.

"When all this is over, if you are willing, you can create a mountain to teach, recruit talented people to rebuild the Star God Temple. The foundation and inheritance of the portal are in your hands, and everything is up to you. At most, you will lose the people in Central China. Power. But you have me and Chentangguan behind you, so in time it won’t be worse than it is now.”

Faced with such a voice, Sikong Lu fell into silence.

She hadn't expected it at all.

Li Jing's coming to the door to **** it has such a deep meaning.

She didn't even think of it.

How could someone think so much of himself.

Originally, she was too lazy to think about it.

Did not lose.

With the current situation of the Star God Temple, even if the Patriarch jumped out of the coffin, he would not be able to recover. What can she do alone?

Subconsciously tightening the warm hands in his hands, Sikong Lu's eye circles turned red.

"Remember what you said today."

While speaking, she slowly leaned over.


Li Jing made a question mark and backed away a little.

"What are you doing?"


Sikong showed his body for a while.

"You are so thoughtful for me, don't you mean that you are greedy for me?"


Li Jing was dumb, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"You think too much, watch less TV dramas in the future, especially don't watch soap operas."

In response to these words, the corners of Sikong Lu's mouth twitched again and again.

Look at Li Jing's appearance...

It's not like a joke.


It is true that she will be wrong.

But this...

Can't blame her can't you?

After Li Jing took her away from below, he kept holding her little hand and didn't let go.

Then he expressed his consideration for her and made a promise to her.

Isn't this going to **** her?

Not to mention that this is how it is played in all kinds of boss TV dramas.

Although she, Si Konglu, has lost interest in the relationship between men and women because she has lived for too long, but as a woman, she is not slow.

After confirming Li Jing's expression again and again, Sikong Lu raised the little hand that was being held while his cheeks were flushed.

"So, why did you keep pulling me?"

Li Jing rolled his eyes when he heard the words.

"There are several venerables below, we stand on top of them, but they don't realize it. What do you think is the reason?"


Sikong Lu.

Reason, she understands.

The reason why she and Li Jing were able to watch closely was because someone helped her hide, so that everyone below could not notice.

To be honest, she admires such a concealment method.

But she didn't expect it.

Li Jing's method will be to hold her hand...

Looking intently at someone, Sikong Lu confirmed that he wasn't talking nonsense, and coughed.

"Sorry, I was overthinking."

"It's not a big problem, we're not outsiders, just make it clear."

Li Jing responded, and then looked down.


Sikong Lu.

Li Jing is so straight, there really is no one else.

Logically speaking.

She had a misunderstanding and had the idea of ​​giving it for nothing, shouldn't he accept it readily?

For nothing.

It's okay if you want it, isn't it?

She is not someone who will ask for a name.

But a certain person is unusually straightforward.

This made Si Konglu's self-confidence as a woman suffer the worst blow in history, and then she knocked out her teeth and had to swallow it in her stomach.

In the end, this guy also gave a typical straight man speech.

This knife makes up for it.

Can't stop

It made her doubt whether she was unattractive or the guy in front of her was not a man at all.

As he was speechless, Li Jing withdrew his gaze from looking down, and turned his hand to touch Yantong out.

"Put it on."


Sikong Lu.

"What is the origin of this desire to dominate, I am very interested."

Li Jing opened his mouth and said.

"Ji Qing still has some things that I need to arrange. After that, I will go to the City Lord's Mansion to meet the two Taoist couples. They are leaving soon, so I will trouble you to follow them."

Hearing someone say that, Sikong Lu nodded and took Yantong.

Who is the one who wants to be the only one.

She wants to know too.

if it is possible.

She would rather see this so-called desire to dominate and die suddenly on the spot.

If Yuduzun hadn't hooked up with the Venerable Star God Hall from Central China, how could things have developed to this point?

As for Li Jing.

He just came back from the Ancient Immortal Territory not long ago, so it's understandable that he has to be busy.

After all, people are the masters of the portal.

Putting on Yantong, Sikong Lu looked up.

Just about to speak, Li Jing said.

"Smoky pupils can perfectly cover your aura. As long as you pay attention not to collide with their people head-on, even if there is an emperor level present, they will not be able to detect you. You don't have to worry that you may be discovered."

As he spoke, he took out Feijian Qingfeng again.

"No, you bring Qing Feng with you just in case."

Seeing this, Sikong Lu blinked and said.

"I have a Dao weapon myself."

"My Taoist artifact is different from yours, you will know when you need to use it."

Li Jing smiled mysteriously, and then moved his mind to make Feijian Qingfeng hand it over like a finger-long pendant.

Naturally, Sikong Lu didn't understand what Li Jing meant by being different.

Hearing someone say that, she subconsciously thought that the rules controlled by Feijian Qingfeng were very special.

After all, they are all Dao artifacts.

The only thing that can be different is the rules of artifact control.

Thinking that Li Jing did this for his own safety, Sikong Lu nodded and took Feijian Qingfeng to his body to keep, then glanced down.

Just at this time.

Led by Fang Donghe, all the people above the twelfth stage of the Star God Hall rose up against the sky.

Seeing such a scene, Sikong Lu raised his eyes.

"I have made progress or found that I am contacting you through Qi Ling."

Without waiting for someone to respond, her figure turned into a streamer and followed from a distance.

Seeing this, Li Jing watched it off for a while, tearing apart the space and stepping into it.

The next moment.

Li Jing returned to Cangming Entertainment City and appeared in the CEO's office on the top floor of the office building.

At this time, Tong Rou is still working.

When she raised her eyes and saw someone returning from tearing apart the space, she was a little dazed, and then made a strange sound.

"What were you doing just now?"

"I have something to deal with temporarily."

Li Jing said something, looked around, and asked.

"Ji Qing hasn't come back yet?"

Tong Rou didn't ask any more questions when she didn't get a positive response from someone.

Li Jing suddenly released the emperor's breath and left, there must be something inside.

But since people don't talk about it, she has no reason to go too deep.

Greeted the inquiry, she responded.

"I'm back. Seeing that you're not here, I went to the entertainment center to host the event."

"Host an event?"

Li Jing frowned.

"Doing business with the door open, the customer is God. Shouldn't I teach you this?"

Tong Rou opened her mouth and said.

"When you walked ahead, there was such a big fight, which disturbed the leisure and entertainment of the customers. You have to make up for it at the whole time, don't you?"

Li Jing was dumbfounded.

He wants to say.

As for being so particular?

Even if you are dissatisfied, UU reading www.uukanshu. com they dare not say no?

But thinking about the fact that most of the people who come and go in Cangming Entertainment City are VIPs, either beginners or seniors, who have paid a lot of money for services, he feels that he should be more particular.

Thinking that Ji Qing would be busy for a while, Li Jing said.

"It just so happens that I have time now, so I went to Xiao Qiankun Realm to refine the utensils for you."

Tong Rou was taken aback when she heard the sound, and instinctively wanted to say that there is no need to be in such a hurry.

But before she could speak, someone had already left.

Faced with such a situation, Tong Rou smiled and felt lucky to have such a friend who doesn't have any airs.

Even if the emperor's cultivation base is revealed.

Li Jing was still Li Jing, the Li Jing she knew.

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