MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 553 Forced to bully the sky and destroy the world

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Li Jing gasped.

Xiao Cai on the table also shrank her neck, raised her eyes in amazement.


Mei Ling's voice sounded flat, but the content was overbearing.

Can't find it, impatient.


Destroy the Ancient Immortal Domain again.

But honestly.

Li Jing liked this simple and crude decision.

After all, he is already returning home now.

It would be great if the problem was solved like this.

With a thought, Li Jing opened the Xiaoqiankun Realm, and brought in Qingluan and the other three who had opened their own domains to resist the influence of seeing Meiling himself.

Since it is directly opening the Small Universe Realm, the domain has to be presented.

Mei Ling naturally saw the cyan sarcophagus blocking the passage leading to **** and desire heaven.

How could she not pay attention to the things blocking her way home?

This attention, she immediately realized something was wrong.

Looking intently at the blue sarcophagus, Mei Ling looked over speechlessly.

"You sarcophagus..."

"I picked it up on the road."

Li Jing sincerely "confesses".


Mei Ling was silent, and then said dumbly.

"You kid really dare to pick up anything."

Li Jing laughed when he heard the words, and said.

"It... shouldn't cause too many problems?"

Seeing that someone clearly knew what was inside the sarcophagus, Mei Ling nodded.

"Not yet."

"That's good, let's talk about it first."

Li Jing smiled.

Meiling didn't object to this.

"We will start now, what means do you have to prepare."

Talking plainly, Meiling continued.

"The Void Worm Mother is not such a powerful void creature, but it is extremely sinister and weird. Don't be careful. Killing is my strong point, and I can't save people."

After finishing speaking, she added another sentence.

"In addition, it is not certain whether there are other fish that slipped through the net in the ancient fairyland, but since there is a void worm mother who escaped, it is likely that there are other void creatures."

Hearing such words, Li Jing nodded his head carefully.

If others want to say that, he may not care.

But Mei Ling said that, he must not take it seriously.

With her strength.

Deliberately making instructions must have corresponding considerations.

And people said it clearly.

Killing is her forte, but she is not good at saving people.

To stay with her to help out, he had to make sure he was safe.

"give me sometime."

After saying something softly, Li Jing waved and put away all the tables and chairs at the cooking scene, took advantage of the opportunity to bring Xiao Cai who was still cooking on the table into the Small Universe, and then Lingling touched it out.

Because of its own tendency to change.

Lingling has maintained a "good routine" of sleeping, eating, and sleeping for a long time.

This time she just finished eating and was going to sleep.

Suddenly being touched, she froze for a moment.

Looking up and seeing Mei Ling, the little guy smiled.

Seeing Lingling, Meiling, who always had a plain face, also showed a thrilling smile.

After looking at each other and smiling, Lingling turned her head in doubt.

"Li Jing, Meimei, what are you doing?"

"Mei Ling wants to destroy the ancient fairyland again and find out the hidden void creatures."

Li Jing responded, saying.

"I will stay by her side to help, and I may use your strength later. "

Lingling heard the words "Oh", flew over and landed on Meiling's shoulder, dangling her little feet twice.

"I'll come back later when you need it."

Li Jing was dumbfounded.

There is really nothing to say about the relationship between Lingling and Meiling.

But also understandable.

The two have known each other for how many years.

After such a long time, Li Jing did not see any other original friends between the two.

And in fact.

The same is the original spirit.

Mei Ling and Xiao Cai just got to know each other for a while, and they didn't have much interaction.

The little guy even wanted to accuse Meiling of ruining her "hometown" fundamentally, but he didn't have the courage.

Without thinking too much, Li Jing raised his hand to pinch the seal.

The next moment.

The color of the world changed.

An overwhelmingly intense panic descended in an instant.

Meiling raised her head with a feeling of strangeness, and then looked over.

"This is the reason why the Great World Heaven favors you?"

Lingling also didn't know what she felt, and she looked over with surprise on her small face.


Li Jing, who is quickly closing the seal.

This time, he was going to drive the Myriad Tribulation Thunder to his body.

He who entered the later stage of the Venerable and became an emperor, he is undoubtedly no longer comparable to him in the eleventh realm.

With just one gesture, he already felt it himself.

Him now.

Can open Jielei Jiupo to the eighth stage in one breath.

Previously, Li Jing could return to the Yuan Realm with the hard steel of the eleventh stage by controlling the fourth stage of tribulation and thunder. Even he himself could not imagine how strong the eighth stage would be.

But this...

Doesn't it seem that the existence of Meiling has a strange look?

This nonsensical sentence made him feel even more confused.

Seeing someone's bewildered expression, Meiling frowned slightly and said.

"The broken heaven in this world is slowly reuniting because of your power."

Li Jing was stunned when he heard the words.

The shattered Dao of Heaven in the Ancient Immortal Territory is slowly reuniting because of his own power!?


What do you mean?

Couldn't it be that the Heavenly Dao of the Ancient Immortal Territory was affected by his own body of punishment from the Thunder of Myriad Tribulations, and there was a tendency to reunite and resurrect?

This is obviously unreasonable!

His Myriad Tribulations Thunder Body Punishment is a ban on killing and wounding, how could it have that kind of function?


Why is this phenomenon?

Being confused, he felt his mood through the symbiosis contract and his soul that could sense each other, and babbled.

"If you want to reunite the lost Heavenly Dao, then you probably have to go to heaven. All the Heavenly Dao in the heavens and myriad worlds must enshrine you as their ancestor. The broken Heavenly Dao in this world is reunited because of your power. It has reached the level where it can truly move the heavens and the earth and borrow the power of the Great Dao.”


Li Jing was stunned.

Reason, he understands.

It's just that he borrowed the power of the Great Dao, and he has no practical concept.

At this moment, Mei Ling spoke.

"Generally speaking, the power of the Great Dao is uncontrollable by a saint. You are very different, you have done this without being a saint."

Faced with such a voice, Li Jing was not usually in a daze.

A power that can only be harnessed by a saint.

Can you use it by yourself?

The eight-stage Myriad Tribulation Thunder Punishment Body can be bugged to such an extent!?

Before he could recall, Mei Ling spoke again.

"The more powerful the power, the more painful it is to pay, especially when certain conditions are lacking. The saint has the protection of the holy throne, which can avoid the three disasters, but you don't. Unless you are sanctified one day, you are the best with such power Don't use too much."

As she spoke, she paused and said.

"Whether you use the power of the Dao now will cause some negative effects, to be honest, I can't say for sure. What I can tell you is that your current state can be said to be a top-level bully. Unless you are the same as you If you are familiar with the will of heaven, you will definitely be regarded as an enemy that must be killed."



Li Jing.

Hearing what Mei Ling said, he was still a little confused.

But one thing he understood.

Strictly speaking.

The power of the Great Dao does not have to be controlled only by saints.

Instead, one needs a holy seat to control the power of the Great Dao.

Otherwise it is considered bullying...

Didn't the Phantom say it?

Now he is tantamount to a bully, the top one.

He hasn't even felt that he can use the power of the Great Dao...

Li Jing was a little numb on the spot.

Bullying, he never thought about it.

But for the moment.

This doesn't seem to be something he can control...

What is this?

Forced to break the rules?

As he was speechless, Li Jing completed the magic spell in his hands.


The terrifying thunder that seemed to shatter the entire world resounded through the sky.

The sky of the Ancient Immortal Realm seemed to be torn apart, and countless black lightning strikes descended with the force of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and then turned across the sky and shot towards Li Jing as the center.

Seeing this situation suddenly, Li Jing's heart skipped a beat.

He has seen similar scenes more than once.

In the past, when he cast Ten Thousand Realms Thunder Punishment in the space enchantment, and there happened to be only one target, wasn't this the scene?

This wave.

It's a replica.

It's just that the target of these thousands of thunder and punishment is not others, but himself.

Before he even had time to worry about whether he could bear it, countless lightning punishments had already hit him, and then swarmed into his body.

Li Jing snorted on the spot, feeling like a weak girl who was surrounded by millions of big guys at 360 degrees without any dead ends, and she was filled up to the brink of collapse in an instant, but she could barely bear it. Feelings of pain and pleasure.

This anomaly did not last long.

The speed at which thunder and punishment poured into his body was beyond imagination.


Li Jing no longer felt strange.

It's not that he's adapted.

Rather, he was completely transformed into a thunder punishment, just as he had predicted when he controlled the four-stage Ten Thousand Realms Thunder Punishment Body.

Regardless of flesh and blood.

Everything he has has become pure power of thunder and punishment.

This moment.

He doesn't even have a physical body anymore.

This state is very strange.

Li Jing felt that his physical body was still there.

But on the physical level, he has become a tangible and intangible existence.

at the same time.

Li Jing also had a clear feeling.

The power of the Great Dao was attracted by him.

up until now.

It was the first time for him to feel the power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth so clearly.

But that's not the point.

The point is.

At this moment, all the avenue powers related to the four rules of Thunder Punishment, Space, Shadow, and Sky Fire that he controls are like beautiful girls, like kittens scratching his heart.

As if speaking in silent words.

"Come on! Use me! Have fun together!"

This shit...

It is easier to corrupt than borrowing the power of Lingling.

Li Jing even felt that.

A person like him who does not have a holy position but can borrow the power of the Dao does not need to be regarded as a top bully by default. If his will is not firm enough, he will definitely degenerate into a bully if he obtains such power.

Seeing that Li Jing's whole body had turned into a pure lightning punishment, Mei Ling's eyes showed a little brilliance.

Lingling's small mouth was O-shaped and she was dumbfounded.

How outrageous someone is.

She knows it better than anyone.

After all, as long as she is with Li Jing, she can feel each other with him through the symbiotic contract at any time.

But today's someone can stack up a BUFF to such an extent, she never expected.

It is no longer personal at all.

But a monster!

It can make Lingling, who is the original spirit, feel that there is a monster in front of him, so what if others see it?


Li Jing barely suppressed the urge to use the power of the great way to the sky to have a good time, to feel himself.

Him now.

very strong.

Strong to the point that he could not imagine in the past.

The most amazing thing is.

After being completely transformed into lightning punishment, he didn't feel as uncomfortable as the previous Ten Thousand Tribulations Thunder Punishment that had controlled the limit, and even felt a little comfortable.

In this state, it does not affect his use of others.

With a thought in his mind, Li Jing became obsessed with it.


Completely transformed into lightning and without substance, his whole body erupted with soaring demon energy, and the already extremely gloomy sky suddenly seemed to be splashed with thick ink, and the whole body was dyed extremely black.

Mei Ling was not surprised to see this.

Li Jing has the ability to become enchanted, she already knew it early on.

Glancing at someone whose demonic energy purity could be compared to the top Demon Lord in the Outer Territory in a blink of an eye, Meiling made a sound.

"It's almost done, don't exaggerate."

Li Jing nodded.

Now he, is not almost able to problem.

Instead, the enchanted state was turned on, and the state of mind was affected.

This is obviously because his realm is higher, the power that he can bring is stronger, and the negative impact is also magnified.

At this moment, he was faintly obsessed with the violent power, and the urge to continue to improve was hard to suppress.

This is a problem that people in the magic way will inevitably face.

Once the power in the body exceeds the level that can be controlled by one's own state of mind, everything will turn into an extremely strong impulse, making one involuntarily turn into a tyrannical and cruel devil.

In fact.

The reason why Li Jing can still maintain a clear state of mind at this moment is entirely due to the effect of "forced calm" in the second breakthrough skill Spiritual Whisper, otherwise he would have guessed that he couldn't help but want to kill everyone.

Receiving Li Jing's silent response, Mei Ling raised her hand lightly.


A pitch-black sphere quietly appeared in her palm.

Seeing this, Li Jing's heart trembled.

Even under the double influence of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Thunder Punishment and the enchanted state, it would swell unnecessarily, and he absolutely does not want to touch the sphere at all.

Out of curiosity, Li Jing opened the Eye of True Seeing.

Then get feedback.

Sex, desire for heaven.


Li Jing.

Charm this is...

Take out **** and Yutian with one hand!?

While in shock, Meiling suddenly seemed to remember something, and tapped the sphere with the other hand.


Ruan Yaniang, who was dressed in a maid outfit, staggered and was pulled out of the sphere.

Ruan Ya, who was pulled out, was full of question marks.

Before seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Meiling made a sound.

"Let her stay with you for a while."

Li Jing and Ruan Ya are old acquaintances.

His ability to be enchanted is obtained through the latter.

See you again.

Li Jing was so surprised.

The main ghost looks quite serious, but seems to be very good at playing.

He accepted the servant and put on a maid outfit.

It doesn't count if you wear it.

It was actually the kind that Xiao Zhan wore!

What is Ruan Ya?


What is Omen's "job"?

Through various contracts and witnesses, people are corrupted and devoured


In order to be able to better "due diligence".

Which female celestial demon is not extremely coquettish?

When Ruan Ya wore this outfit, she was really big and white.

Hearing Mei Ling's response, Li Jing answered quickly.



Ruan Ya turned her head when she heard the sound, and only then did she notice that Li Jing, the evil star, was also there, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Naturally, she was not afraid of Li Jing.

The two sides are not enemies.

Up to now, she is even more the servant of Meiling.

As a dignified servant of the primordial demon, do you need to be afraid of others?

But she couldn't stand Li Jing's current monster-like state so terrifying that her heart trembled, and she couldn't help but want to stay away.

This shit...

Does she know that Li Jing!?

While terrified, Li Jing thought of opening the domain and involving her in it.

Now is not the right time to reminisce about the past.

if it is possible.

Li Jing wanted to end his current state as soon as possible.

The temptation brought by the power of the Dao and the impulse that comes with being enchanted are too tossing.

Seeing Li Jing sending Ruan Ya away, Meiling turned her head and raised the ball in her hand, and Qianqianyu shook her hand casually.


With a bang, the sphere exploded.

Li Jing was stunned upon seeing this.

This sphere is undoubtedly a certain way of presentation of **** and desire.

Meiling crushed it!?

What is this operation?

Before he could recall, the shattered sphere turned into a black hole, spewing out countless black mist that was as black as ink, viscous, gelatinous, and miraculously maintained a gaseous state.


Li Jing.

He was not engulfed.

But apart from Meiling and Lingling, there was nothing to see.

including void...

It was also engulfed by the black mist emerging from the black hole.

This moment.

The feedback given to him by the Eye of True Seeing is still **** and lust.

That is to say...

These black mist, which are shaped like demonic energy with a level of heinous purity, are nothing but **** and lust.

Faced with this situation.

Li Jing finally understood why Mei Ling was alone in Lust and Desire before Ruan Ya.

Not to mention sex, is there only such a black mist in Yutian.

Meiling released Ruan Ya in advance, fully explaining that once she crushes the first day, everything will be destroyed.

Just as she was savoring, Meiling flipped her hands and pressed down.


A dull and oppressive sound wave that made people feel extremely uncomfortable spread under Qianqianyu's hand, which was suppressed by Meiling, and went away in the blink of an eye.


The black air that had gushed out just a moment ago was completely rolled back.

Just for a moment.

The black air condensed into a black sphere around Mei Ling.

Seeing this, Li Jing looked around subconsciously, and then was shocked.

near the surrounding area.

nothing left.

Broken Continent?


The void between the fragmented continents also disappeared without a trace.


Only black.


Did Mei Ling fundamentally destroy the Ancient Immortal Realm?

That's an understatement!?

As if knowing what he was thinking, Mei Ling spoke softly.

"Don't think of me so magically. Only the area close to you and me will be completely destroyed. Farther away will not be so completely destroyed. Under the influence of the laws of heaven and earth, the space, the earth, the sky, the ocean and some The living plants will reappear soon."

After all, she spoke indifferently.

"It's not that simple to fundamentally destroy a world. The Ancient Immortal Realm belongs to a relatively special small world, and it cannot be completely destroyed with my strength."


Li Jing.

He couldn't answer this typical giant's speech.

He knew that Meiling, as the original demon, had the power to destroy the world.

But never thought it could be so easy.

Listen to Mei Ling's tone.

At this very moment.

It took him, Qingluan and others more than half a month to figure out how big the Ancient Immortal Domain was completely destroyed, but under the influence of the rules of heaven and earth, everything will be repaired soon and start again.

Knowing all this, Li Jing was a little numb.


no longer exists.

What great power?

It's nothing to mention in front of a primitive demon like Meiling!

"Don't wait, we should go."

Meiling opened her mouth and took a step forward.

A spatial rift automatically appeared in front of her.

Seeing this, Li Jing hurriedly followed.

Obviously, the ghost found the void mother who was hiding.

And she turned her hand to destroy the world and failed to kill him.

While following Mei Ling into the space rift, Li Jing glimpsed from the corner of his eye that the place where there was only black gradually became gray.


It is the void present.

Seeing such a scene, Li Jing immediately understood why the Void Worm Mother survived such a world-destroying force.

Mei Ling's method of destroying the world seems to destroy the void together, but in fact it doesn't really affect the void, what should be there is still there.

Such a situation is quite natural.

The real void.

Even if it is just a plane, there is no end to it.

That's why the Endless Void gets its name.

The space spanning is completed in a blink of an eye.

Li Jing followed Mei Ling and appeared in a void filled with rubble and other things.

Before he had time to stand still, Li Jing raised his eyes and saw a giant with a height of more than a hundred stories slowly opening his eyes and stretching his body.

Li Jing couldn't help questioning it.

The Eye of True Sight told him.

The giant who curled up in front of him and was more than a hundred stories tall was the Void Worm Mother.

Take a closer look.

Not only has she swelled more than a hundred times, but all the plant-like features of her body have faded away, and she looks like a body of flesh and blood to the naked eye.

Not only that.

The Void Worm Mother, who was originally a handsome young man, has changed into a female posture, and those high ground...


Leaving aside the most basic humanoid physical traits.

Tentacles grew from the top of the Void Worm Mother's head, and a pair of transparent thin wings grew from the back, and densely packed holes like a hive appeared on the flat waist.

It is clear.

It has completed its metamorphosis.

Faced with such a situation, Mei Ling looked dignified.

Even this one looked serious, how could Li Jing dare to look around?

As soon as he came here, he found out.

Everything is as the ghost said.

Although she could destroy everything in the Ancient Immortal Territory in an instant, she would not completely destroy it.

At this time, the surrounding space, the earth, etc. are slowly recovering.

Of course, these are not the focus of Li Jing's attention.

He is concerned.

Those things that survived the blow of Meiling Mieshi tenaciously were not gravel.

These things are undoubtedly not ordinary.

Among them, the precious "cultural heritage" left by the once prosperous ancient fairyland will definitely not be missing.

He and Qingluan and others have been busy for more than half a month.

Isn't that what it is for?

But they couldn't find it!

These things are buried in the ground.

They can't just smash every continent they see into powder, let's see if they can find something, right?

But right now, Li Jing can't care about these things.

Staring at the Void Worm Mother, Mei Ling spoke dumbly.

"At least put your pants on?"


Li Jing.

Damn is that the point?


Meiling's unsightly complexion is because of this!?

But hard to say.

It is indeed a bit hot on the eyes.

Although the void worm mother has transformed into a female posture, the bottom is still there, and she is obviously a hermaphrodite.

At this time, the Void Worm Mother spoke.

"Great primordial demon, I have no intention of being your enemy."


Li Jing.

The Void Worm Mother suddenly spit out human words, which was beyond his expectation.

Then listen to the male-oriented voice.

It is clearly the bully who was eaten!

The other party's desire to survive was so strong that it was easy for Li Jing to judge that it was not the real Void Worm Mother in front of him.

Li Jing doesn't know whether there is rationality after the transformation of void conflict.

But he was sure.

If it was the Void Worm Mother, she wouldn't be scared when she saw Mei Ling.


Did the Deceiver "kill" the Void Worm Mother after being devoured!?

Just as he was making a guess, Meiling beside him spoke calmly.

"The assimilation of consciousness with the void creatures can still occupy the top peak. So far, you are the first one I have seen."

After saying something that seemed to be admiring, she suddenly turned her head.

"I leave it to you. UU Reading"


Li Jing.

"With your ability, it's not difficult to kill her."

Meiling spoke, stepped out and disappeared for a moment, leaving the voice in his ear.

"There are more important things elsewhere, see you later."


Li Jing.

Meiling left as soon as she said, it was nothing.

It is also understandable that there are more important ones elsewhere.

Wasn't Mei Ling letting him stay in advance just to help solve problems when necessary?

It's just that when she left, she took Lingling away...

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