MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 5 Immortal learning spells, arrangement

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   "Ah this..."

   Li Jing is stiff.

   When patrolling, it’s not that easy.

   He expected it.

   But the qualifications alone blocked him, and he was a little discouraged.

  Education, he has it.

   It's a pity that it's not in this world.

   "Aside from the written test, the inspection bureau also requires at least one offensive and one defensive spell to self-study to a small level. The realm requirement is not high, and the lowest level of inspection only needs to be second."

   Liu Sisi continued to talk, tilting his head.

   "If I guessed correctly, you probably haven't practiced offensive and defensive spells."

   Li Jing grinned, without saying anything.

   He has never practiced offensive and defensive spells?

  He hasn't even learned the most basic life spells!

   It’s all because of poverty...

   But he barely has some money now, and the spell can be arranged later.

  The proficiency is more difficult, so you have to practice.

   But even if he is trained, he will treat the symptoms but not the root cause. He needs an education.

   "With your current conditions, you can go to the auxiliary investigation section of the Inspection Department to try."

   Liu Sisi spoke again and said.

"The requirements of the auxiliary investigation department are not so high. You have the strength of the second stage. As long as you add some basic knowledge of the law, you should be able to pass. In the auxiliary investigation department for a year or two, if you perform well, you will be promoted to the inspection bureau without examination. It’s not impossible. As far as I know, many people who do not meet the entry requirements of the Inspection Bureau have been awarded a position in the auxiliary inspection section."

   "I don't need a degree in the auxiliary examination?"

   Li Jing tilted his head.

   "Of course it is best to have it, but it is not required to have it."

   Liu Sisi stopped on the side of the street and said.

   "The salary of the auxiliary inspection is very low. How can so many high-achieving students want to do it? Those who will be the auxiliary inspection are either intern students, or those who want to be inspections like you but cannot meet the conditions."


   Li Jing blinked, hope rekindled in his heart.

   Auxiliary Chaco.

   Gu Ming thinks, it is a lower-level department that exists to assist in inspections.

   usually assists in inspections and handles cases, and is responsible for post-event disposal.

   Like today's two patrols calling for reinforcements to maintain order on the scene, they are basically from the auxiliary investigation department.

  Auxiliary Chaco rarely has the opportunity to seriously participate in an ongoing case.

   Like a monster hurting people, it is only after the dust has settled that it is the turn of Auxiliary Chako to appear on the scene to carry out the aftermath.

   This is a bit difficult for Li Jing.

   He must be on the first scene if he wants to gain experience by beheading the demon.

   But in front of you, it is a choice.

   You can't make a fat man with one bite. Everything has to be done step by step.

   thought for a while, Li Jing said.

   "Okay, in the past few days I made up various basic bills, and then went to the auxiliary investigation department to see if I had a chance to pass it."

   "Remember to let me know if you have any news."

   Liu Sisi smiled and stretched out his hand to stop a taxi.

   "I'll go back first, let's contact with the cell phone if something happens."

   While talking, she got into the back seat of the car and rolled down the window, smiling.

   "After half a month, when the shop is cleaned up, remember to come back to work. Our chicken shop is only a small business, and I will not pay you a salary. But if you want to behave well, I can barely make you eat more chicken."


   Li Jing smiled in response.

   In Liu Sisi's shop, is that called a small business?

   Small business, she is willing to kill a chicken every day?


One yard owned by a yard.

   Li Jing did not expect a salary increase.

   Killing a chicken and asking for a raise is too much.

   Liu Sisi's shop, he can't put it down.

   Not to mention that people are kind to him, the craftsmanship of this person and the taste of the chicken work meal are far more delicious than those eaten on the street.

   help kill chickens, he can still gain experience points.

   No matter how thin the mosquito’s legs are, it’s meat.

   It is still very promising.


   Watching Liu Sisi leave by car, Li Jing didn't rush back to the rental house.

   If you want to rest when you go back, it's a idiotic dream, so why bother with yourself?

   The night is quiet.

   Li Jing stopped by a bridge, sat on the bridge pier and took out his mobile phone.

   The saying goes well.

   No money, no sense of security.

   With half a million in his pocket, he is now full of confidence.

  Xianxian learns spells and arranges!

   Opened the Xianxue website affiliated to the official state of China, Li Jing quickly found the storage spell, planning to learn one and try the water first.

   Storage spell.

   is the most basic and cheapest life spell, almost everyone knows it.

   But there are many types of storage spells.

   There are no less than a hundred storage spells that are similar to each other, and Li Jing only feels a dull pain in his brain.

   He has committed a difficult choice disorder.

   chose for a long time, and finally he chose a storage spell called "Surrounding Space".

   He chose to have space because after this spell opens up the storage space at one time, the space will increase with the increase of the aura content in the body, without the need for additional development, which is very convenient.

   In addition to convenience, there are also two obvious shortcomings in the space required.

   One, the storage space for the first development will be relatively small.

  Secondly, the storage space opened up by the need for space cannot be actively used for secondary development. If the aura content in the body cannot be increased, the storage space can only be so large for a lifetime.

   Li Jing has no aura.

   But there is spiritual power that can be matched with aura.

   As long as there is a monster kill that can be upgraded, the shortcomings of the required space are nothing.

   Selected the Xuyan space, Li Jing clicked to choose to buy.

   Deposit balance, -5000.

   As the payment is successful, a very awkward formula pops up when the web page jumps.

   Before I had time to take a closer look, a non-emotional female reminder sounded in my ear.

   "I found that passive skills can be learned, and there is no room for it. Do you want to log in?"


   Li Jing was stunned.

The appearance of the    prompt sound proved that his previous guess was correct.

   The passive and active skills on the status bar are the magical method of Xianxue, which needs him to learn.

   Question This will let him not talk about learning, even before he read the formula, the system prompts him to log in.

   Are you making trouble?

   Feelings don’t need him to bother to learn, as long as he sees the formula?

   scratching his head, Li Jing muttered "login" silently in his heart.

   At the same time, the voiceless female voice in her ear sounded again.

   "Successfully log in to the passive skills, there is no space, UU reading storage space opened successfully."

   Is this over?

   Li Jing frowned.


   is a bit too convenient.

   As long as I have money to buy formulas, don’t I want to learn something?

   Just as he thought, a beep sounded in his ear again.

   "Successfully acquire skills, add skill points in the status bar. Converted by level, current skill points: 14. Once assigned, the skill points cannot be changed, please choose carefully."


   Li Jing.

   He just thought about what he wants to learn as long as he has money to buy formulas.

   This time, he was immediately beaten in the face.

   Sure enough, there are limits to learning skills.

   Skill point three words, easy to understand.

   is used to add skills.

  Host: Li Jing

   Experience value: 7/596

   Level: 7

   Skill points: 14

   Spiritual power intensity: 48

  Equipment: None

   Passive Skills: Sudden Space

   Active skills: None

   called out the panel, Li Jing was puzzled.

   Click the skill column, he did see it.

   There is no place to add more!

   can't take the space for a while and don't deserve to be added, right?

   After pondering, Li Jing thought of a possibility.

  The space is self-growth, unlike other storage spells that can only be opened up by skilled use after it is opened.

   Maybe the problem lies here.

   Add skills, isn’t it just to increase proficiency and power?

   Self-growth, no need to add something for granted.

   Upholding the attitude of scientific practice, Li Jing swipes his phone to turn the page to the second stage of the immortal realm to learn defensive spells, intending to learn a defensive spell.

Read The Duke's Passion