MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 1 This chicken blood strip is so long

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   Beicheng Farmers Market, Beicheng District, Jianghai City.

   Li Jing walked through the road to the deepest part of the market and turned straight into a chicken shop.

Do not misunderstand.

   This chicken shop is very serious.

   sell chicken.

   In front of the chicken shop counter, a beautiful and enchanting woman is lying on the counter lazily.

   Seeing someone come in suddenly, the woman quickly raised her eyes.

   Seeing that the person was Li Jing, she immediately lost interest and went back.

   "What? I thought it was a visitor. The feeling is that you, Li Tianwang, who eats rice, came to work."

   Li Jing heard this and took a meal.

"Sister Sisi, I don’t like to hear what you say. Why did I eat plain rice? I came to you to work for three months, and I got the minimum wage in Jianghai City. I did all the hard work for you, in the shop. I'll kill all of your chickens, so how can someone else be willing to work hard for this salary?"


   Liu Sisi rolled his eyes.

   "Your kid comes to work every day with a pinch of food on time, and you come to me for a meal on time, not sooner or later! Don't you eat more than your salary?"

   "When I first came to apply for the job, the work meal you said was employee welfare."

   Li Jing replied with a roll of eyes, entered the door without letting the topic stop, and asked a sentence.

   "Business is not good today?"

   "Don't mention it, there has been no business all day, and I don't know if it can open at night."

   Liu Sisi sighed lightly and waved his hand.

   "Since you are here, go to the back kitchen to kill a chicken and wait for me to cook."


   Li Jing nodded.


   Into the back kitchen.

   Li Jing looked at dozens of old hens roaring vigorously in the chicken coop, his eyes as if he was looking at a lover.

   It's not that he has a special hobby.

   but these chickens, not simple.

   These in the cage are all spirit-injected alien species, spirit chickens cultivated through the aura of heaven and earth by special means.

  Ling Chicken is a high-end product among poultry, the meat is delicious and extremely nourishing.

   One, it costs fifty thousand yuan!

   Liu Sisi said that he was eating plain rice, and it was these chickens that he was distressed.

   But for Li Jing, the price of these chickens is not the point.

   The point is that in his eyes, a red blood bar is suspended on the head of every chicken in the chicken coop, which is marked with a value ranging from 5 to 11 points.

   Looking at the blood bar on his head, the blood bar marked 11 chickens and grabbed him, Li Jing felt emotional.

   Unknowingly, it has been three months since I came to this world.

   It's not difficult to accept this kind of thing to be honest.

   Living in the 21st century, who is all right without reading novels and comics?

  The difficulty is that at first I couldn't adapt to a completely different life.

   He is now in a world where individuals cultivate immortality, and the cultivation of immortality goes deep into his life.

   In addition to the most basic water resources, electricity, oil, gas, etc. have all been eliminated.

   The phone charge is not electricity, it's aura.

   Driving to burn is not oil, but aura.

   Even the stove is relying on Reiki.

  Almost all modern products related to life are driven by people's own aura to achieve self-sufficiency.

   While being extremely environmentally friendly, it is doomed that it is difficult for an outsider to live without aura.

   Li Jing was a purely ordinary person when he first came, how can there be any aura?

   In a world where even mobile phones need to be recharged, he is no different from a primitive man.

   No relatives, no money in his pocket.

   In addition, I don’t know how to practice, and I don’t have aura in my body. It’s hard to find a place to live.

   If he were not clever enough, he ran to the farmers market immediately after clarifying the situation, and Liu Sisi's shop just happened to be a killer. Not only would he live on the street, he might even starve to death on the street.

   Fortunately, the most difficult period has passed.

   Thinking about it now, everything seems to be destined.

   was able to see Lingji in Liu Sisi's shop, and he realized that as a traverser, his affair had already arrived.

  Walking to the pool, Li Jing took the kitchen knife and dropped the knife in his hand, and cleanly wiped the neck of the chicken in his hand.


   The blood is flowing like a note.

   In an instant, the blood bar on the top of Lingji's head was cleared, and the value returned to zero.

   Then, Li Jing's ears sounded a non-emotional female voice that resembled electronically synthesized sounds.

   "Experience +11."

   Hearing the female voice, he couldn't help but glance at the shivering old hens left in the chicken coop.

   From the time he started killing the first chicken three months ago, he had already made it clear.

  His system needs to kill things that can see the health bar to get the same amount of experience points.

   Blood bars, not everywhere.

   At least so far, Li Jing has only seen it on the head of a chicken in Liu Sisi's shop.

   Given that only Liu Sisi in the farmer’s market sells psychic aliens, he bought an ordinary old hen for testing.

   The result proved that you cannot gain experience points without seeing the health bar.

   is in Li Jing's eyes at this moment.

   These chickens in the chicken coop are not chickens, but one experience after another+? ? .

   It's a pity that these chickens can't be killed.

   He can't move at least until a customer comes to buy it.

After the death of    Lingji, the aura will dissipate over time.

   Refrigeration does not solve the problem.

   Because of this, it’s a fresh chicken.

   During the day when he is away, Liu Sisi sells directly.

   If he doesn't care about these spirit chickens, Liu Sisi should look for him desperately.

   In the chicken coop, but millions.

   The spirit chicken whose neck had been wiped was pressed on the side of the pool for bleeding, Li Jing thought for a moment, and a transparent panel appeared in front of him.

  Host: Li Jing

   Experience value: 132/210

   Level: 5

   Spiritual power intensity: 22

  Equipment: None

   Passive skills: None

   Active skills: None

   A transparent panel shaped like a game status bar, which is concise and clear.

   There are three items of equipment and passive active skills at the bottom of the status bar. Li Jing is not sure how to make changes for the time being.

   What he has figured out is.

   As the level of harvested experience increases, the strength of spiritual power will increase in the form of twice the level.

  1 level, increase the intensity by 2 points.

   Level 2, the strength increased by 4 points.

   and so on.

   As the strength of the spiritual power increases, the spiritual power in his body will grow stronger.

   It is worth mentioning that his spiritual power is very different from the spiritual qi cultivated by people in this world.

   Reiki is the invisible and colorless qi.

   I can feel it, but I can't see it.

   can only be instilled into objects that can hold aura, or released by constructing spells.

   The spiritual power in Li Jing's body is liquid energy that can be internally viewed or even directly released, and can be attached to anything to increase its external strength.

Not only that.

   spiritual power can be used as aura in daily life, and the efficiency is ridiculously high.

   Take a mobile phone as an example. It takes 15 minutes for a normal person to charge up a mobile phone.

   Li Jing can fill it with just one thought.

   This world cultivates immortals.

   There are one to ten, ten realms divided.

  Each big realm has three smaller realms: primary, middle, and last.

   But when using some of the more sophisticated small devices, there is no difference in level.

   Things like mobile phones rely on Reiki batteries to run.

   Reiki battery is the same as Li Jing’s rechargeable battery in his previous life.

   There are rated standards.

   No matter how high your realm is, you can only deliver Reiki little by little according to the standard, otherwise you may blow up the Reiki battery.

   Whether he can charge the Reiki battery, Li Jing doesn't know.

   After all, it’s full of "pop".

   I can’t recharge it, he didn’t have a chance and didn’t want to try.

  He is here in Liu Sisi, and only has a salary of 2,500 yuan a month.

   The rent and water and electricity alone have to be cut off for one thousand and five.

   There is one thousand left as daily expenses. He has tightened his belt for three months.

   If I can save it, I can save it. I finally got 800 yuan and bought a low-end rice machine.

   is going to blow up the phone to play, he must not feel distressed?

   It is enough to make sure that the superiority of spiritual power in charging efficiency is obvious.

  Others, I'll talk about it later.

   He hasn't even learned the skills of the Eight Classics, so he has to save money.

   is in Li Jing's understanding.

   The passive and active skills on the panel should be spells and the like. If you want to learn spells, you can go to the Fairy Academy.

   But he can't afford the high tuition, and full-time colleges are not suitable for him.

   There is only one way to learn spells.

   Through various online Xianxue websites, research by yourself.

   There is a charge for learning spells on the Xianxue website, otherwise you can only see one name.

   And different spells charge different standards.

   The cheapest is at least five thousand oceans, which he can't afford at the moment.

   After putting out the blood of the lingji in his hand, Li Jing put a pot of hot water in a hot bath, and wondered whether to find another job.

   Liu Sisi, as long as he comes to help in the evening, he doesn't use it during the day.

   Even if life was unstable before, now that it is stable, he consciously needs to consider it.

   Experience gain, but second.

   Li Jing does not expect to find another high-end agricultural product store helper with spirited livestock.

  The key is to have a high salary.

As the saying goes.

Money is not all powerful.

   But without money, it is absolutely impossible.

   Not just to learn skills, Li Jing wants to change to a better rental house.

  The soundproofing effect of the ruined rental house he now rents is extremely poor.

   At night, I always hear some weird sounds disturbing my dreams, and it’s hard to sleep well.

   What do you say?

   I can only say that the one who cultivates immortality is different.


   As a 21-year-old young man of sound mind, Li Jing said he couldn't bear it.

   was pondering, there was a sudden loud "bang" outside, and countless exclamations rang out.


   Li Jing was taken aback and turned his head blankly.

what's going on?

  Whose Reiki canister exploded?

   hurriedly walked out of the back kitchen, he just saw Liu Sisi retreating from the store door with a pale expression, quickly closed the store door, waved his hand and took out a piece of talisman paper from his waist to stick it on the glass door.

   Then, the transparent glass door of the shop was covered with a thick layer of white light.

   First-order curing symbol!

   one piece of 300,000!

   Li Jing's heart twitched.

   Just about to ask a question, Liu Sisi turned around three steps and walked to him in two steps.

   "There was a soil **** suddenly demonized outside! Several people were pecked to death! Don't panic, the people from the inspection department should receive the report soon. The farmer's market is so big, the chicken may not come to us."

   Just after speaking, a big blood-colored rooster with flapping wings and full of blood appeared outside the door.

   suddenly saw the big cock, Liu Sisi couldn't help but screamed.

   I didn't know who was chasing before, but the big **** who was going to run past the door was successfully attracted by this scream. After a pause, he turned his head and looked into the shop.

   Liu Sisi's face turned pale on the spot.

   Li Jing was also surprised.

  The so-called demonization is the occasional event in which the beasts of this world feel the aura of the heavens and the earth, and are able to unlock their wisdom to step into the practice incarnation of monsters. The probability of occurrence is extremely low, even lower than the probability of winning the lottery!

   Li Jing came to this world for three months and only saw relevant events in the online news.

   I never thought I would see it with my own eyes today!

   The situation in front of me is not so bad!

   Domestic pets and wild beasts that are not in contact with people in the wild usually do not become evil to people as soon as they are demonized.

   But in a place like a farmer’s market, once demonization occurs, it will be a disaster!

   After all, here are all livestock that people regard as food for sale.

   has opened up Lingzhi, how can I not hate it?

   Just like the big demonized **** in front of me...

  Who knew how many times the butcher knife almost fell on its head?

  Who knew how many wives of it were slaughtered and sold, and how many children of it were made into tea eggs?

   It's so hard to die, Liu Sisi still sells old hens here.

   There was a chuckle from the kitchen after this meeting.

   Secretly gritted his teeth, Li Jing stepped forward, blocking Liu Sisi behind him.

   At this time, men must stand in front.

   What makes Li Jingyi so moving is...

   He saw a long blood bar on the head of the demonized **** outside the store, which was marked with 574!


   If you can kill, it is 574 experience points!

   is equivalent to nearly 57 blood bars longer than 10 chickens!

   Liu Sisi saw Li Jing approaching, thinking that he wanted to rush out, so he hurriedly reached out and held him. UU reading

   "Li Jing! Don't be impulsive! Demonized monsters cannot be dealt with by ordinary people like us!"

   Li Jing was about to say that I was not impulsive, and Liu Sisi said in a steady tone like an old dog.

   "Don't worry, the curing talisman in my hand was prepared for this unexpected situation. At any rate, it is a thing of hundreds of thousands. This big **** has just been demonized and died in the middle of the first stage, and it will definitely not be broken."


   Li Jing twitched the corner of his mouth.

   talk back to talk.

   Liu Sisi, the flag is planted...

   is like piercing them to death together!

   The key is that she just inserted one and it came true, so she didn't rush to insert the other.

   At this time, shouldn't you just shut up and don't say anything?

   What do you say?

   What are you afraid of?

   The demonized big **** outside the door suddenly raised his head and hissed, his head suddenly pecked on the glass door.


   The glass door, blessed by the curing amulet, withstood it.

   But the wall beside the door didn’t stand up...


   Seeing the cracks on the walls on both sides of the store door and the tilt of the glass door, Liu Sisi's face turned white at that time.

   Li Jing almost couldn't resist scolding his mother.

   He wanted to turn his head and say the last sentence.

   Big sister!

   Why did you only strengthen the door and not the wall together! ?

   Without thinking about it, Li Jing hurriedly pulled Liu Sisi back to the kitchen.

   "You stay in the back kitchen, don't run around, I will try to deal with it outside."

   Without waiting for Liu Sisi's response, he returned to the store with the kitchen knife that usually kills chickens without saying anything.

at the same time.

   There was another "bang" in front of the store.

   glass door, completely dumped.

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