MTL - House Witch-Chapter 613 612. Heroes in Troubled Times

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   "My mother? What happened to her? Didn't she say that she was actually quite quiet when she was young?"

  As soon as she heard Aunt Zi's words, Dorothy immediately became excited. She was still a little curious about what happened to her mother when she was young.

   "Well, senior sister was really quiet back then. She didn't look like an armed witch at all. On the contrary, she looked like a research witch. She was very academic and deceptive."

   Yaezi nodded, and then looked at the harmless niece in front of her.

   "Well, just like you."

  The blond witch added so.

She saw this little niece fighting the oiran very clearly before, who would have thought that this little guy who is only 16 years old and has only 5w Domana's magic power is actually a Valkyrie, I can only say that he is worthy of Yu Fei Liya senior sister Daughter, she has the demeanor of her past.

  When the teacher asked everyone to choose their own opponents in the actual combat class in Witch Academy, I saw that the senior was very quiet, so I chose her, and then...

   Forget it, the past is unbearable, so stop here.

   "Sister, you are joking, how can I compare with my mother, I am just a half-witch, okay?"

   Seeing that the topic was about herself, the otaku witch was a little shy and self-effacing, and tried to change the subject.

   "Sister, you should continue to tell your story, don't digress."

"What else is there to tell about my story? After that, I was still addicted to food and was beaten by all kinds of society. The superiority of the descendant of the immortal who once claimed to be noble was trampled. Back then, I was still ambitious. You really thought that I might be able to become the fourth king of the Witch World, but this dream has been shattered by your mother, hey, I'm so pitiful."

  Yue Zi rolled her eyes, and then pretended to cry, and Dorothy subconsciously clenched her fists, wanting to punch a monster.

   Tsk, the centenarian woman is still so pretentious, really.

   Well, not to mention, she is really cute. Being good-looking is an advantage, even if she acts maliciously like this, it will not make people disgusted.

   But, the fourth king of the witch world? This is not a good idea, it is unlucky, and it is not a good idea.

  Thinking of Aunt Zi's goal back then, the otaku witch couldn't help looking up, and glanced at the hat on her head.

   "Sibao, I warn you not to go too far. We have a contract and can perceive each other's mind. Why am I ashamed? No matter how embarrassing I am, I am better than you. Don't force me to beat you."

  Feeling that she was offended, Senior Sister Fanny was furious, the tentacles under the hat swayed, punched, and directly warned with small fists.

   "Little guy, your hat is quite interesting."

   Yaezi also looked curiously at the hat that suddenly exploded on the little niece's head, and said so.

As a peak witch, her inspiration attribute is not low. Naturally, she can see this strange witch hat that ordinary people cannot see. However, even her eyesight can hardly see through the details of this witch hat. Advanced equipment that should not be low in strength.

   She didn't find it strange about this. After all, with the senior sister's wealth, it would be normal for her to equip her daughter with divine weapons. It would be strange if Dorothy didn't have any advanced equipment.

"Hee hee, senior sister laughed, this is my charging treasure familiar, this guy also wants to be the fourth king in the future, so I get excited when I hear about your ideal, sister, ignore her, tell me about your sister How did it become black after that, it couldn't be blackened by my mother's attack."

  Dorothy asked while enjoying the tentacle head massage service from the maddened Fanny-senpai.

   In response, Yaezi stretched out her hand a little annoyed and flicked the forehead of her niece.

   "It's not big or small, how can you say that the elders are blackened, and how can I be blackened? My goal from the beginning to the end is to make Dongying Island great again."

  The blond witch said angrily.

  Hmm, that means you’ve been black since the beginning, so it’s okay.

  The house witch thought so in her heart.

   "Okay, let's go back to the dragon's veins. This time, the upper echelons of Dongying Island lost their morals, which caused the dragons to escape. This is indeed a bad thing for the upper echelons, but it is a good thing for Dongying Island itself."

  Being interrupted by the little niece, Yaezi lost her previous disappointment, and she continued to talk.

   "What do you mean by that?"

  The house witch sensiblely handed over the microphone.

   "This is about the most famous and brilliant secret technique among Fengshui techniques—Xunlong acupuncture point."

   Yaezi nodded in satisfaction and continued to explain.

"There is a saying that it takes three years to find the dragon and ten years to tap the acupuncture points. It means that it takes a long time to learn how to find the dragon's veins, but it is even more difficult to know how to tap the acupuncture points, and it takes even ten years. The correct way, even if it takes a hundred years, it may not be possible.”

   "The purpose of our search for the dragon is to find the specific location and location that can be used to build the yin and yang double house. This specific location is the acupoint."

  "The vitality of the dragon comes all the way from the dragon's ancestral mountain, and it will form holes when it reaches the intersection of mountains and rivers, just like a luxuriant melon and fruit that blossoms and bears fruit."

   "The ancestral mountain is the root, the dragon's veins are the trunk, the branches and leaves are the guards, the gorge is the knot, the fruit stalk is the qi, and the acupoints are the fruit."

  "Melons and vines are where the vitality of melons and vines are formed, and acupuncture points are the holes where dragons' energy is condensed. Only melons and vines with deep roots, luxuriant branches, and lush leaves can bear good fruits, and true acupuncture points can only bear true dragons."

"The reason why the upper strata of Dongying Island are so stubborn but can still sit firmly in the high position is because they once occupied the dragon's lair and enjoyed the nourishment of the dragon's veins and dragon energy exclusively. They are blessed by God. No matter how useless they are, they can Being nourished by dragon energy, it becomes a powerful waste."

"But this time the dragon's veins have been displaced, all the former dragon's lairs have also been displaced. Those wastes have lost their previous support, and the lower class folks will naturally emerge lucky people who have been nourished by the dragon's lair by chance. They will become The protagonists in this chaotic world, as the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times, and those favored by the dragon veins are true heroes."

   "They think they will inject new vitality into this stagnant Dongying Island."

   Speaking of this, Yae Zi paused for a while to give her little niece time to digest.

   And the house witch is also very interesting to hear, and if you find the dragon's lair, you will be favored by the dragon's energy, and the dragon's energy can nourish the waste into a powerful waste. Doesn't that mean that your hip-pull magical talent can also be saved?

   It’s just, can the dragon’s lair in the east really nourish the magic of the witch in the west? This power doesn't quite match, does it?

  Dorothy was a little uncertain for a while.


The house witch glanced at Aunt Zi in front of her, and felt that the dragon's veins on Dongying Island might not be right. After all, normally, the dragon's lair should be a piece of land, which can be used to build a house or bury things, but the dragon's lair on Dongying Island is afraid It's not perfect.

She suspected that Aunt Zi in front of her was one of the dragon's veins and dragon's lair, so the question came, for this human-shaped dragon's lair, how to order it, what to use, and how to get the dragon's veins and dragon energy from this dragon's lair What about nourishing?

  A treacherous idea suddenly popped into Dorothy's mind, although she was quickly strangled to death by this idea.

   "Sister, what do you mean we are going to find the heroes of the troubled times, follow them to find the location of the dragon's lair, and finally build a large barrier on the dragon's lair?"

  The otaku witch shook her head, to shake off the distracting thoughts in her mind, and then asked.

   In response, the blond witch nodded.

   "Well, that's pretty much what it means. The dragon veins of the old era are hopeless, and the decayed Dongying Island should be reborn. What we need is to stabilize the new dragon veins and ensure the stability of the new era."

"I looked through ancient books and found some records about the dragon veins of Dongying Island. The dragon veins are Yamata no Orochi, which looks like a big snake with eight heads. Each snake head is a dragon's lair. Therefore, the displacement of the dragon veins will raise eight heroes in troubled times. Come out, and after so many years of observation, there should be almost all candidates."

  Eightfold Purple looks like everything is under control.

   "You also went to the oiran banquet today. According to my observation, Mr. Ibuki is one of the eight heroes, so this wave must be won."

  The blond witch looked at the little niece in front of her and said so.

   "Well, it must be taken."

  The otaku witch subconsciously nodded and agreed, but she was taken aback for a moment.

   "Sister, take it down if you take it down, what are you doing watching me?"

  Dorothy silently moved aside, feeling ominous.

   "Of course you won it. Isn't Taifu Ibuki beautiful? Isn't he rich enough? Don't tell me you're not tempted by Dorothy? Aren't you the kind of kid your age is full of romantic fantasies? My sister supports you."

   Yaezi smiled and gave her little niece a thumbs up.

"Look, Taifu Ibuki gave you the best demon sword today, and even made an exception to agree to your invitation to fight. This is clearly showing you a different opinion. Come on, little guy, as long as you pass the second feast after The test, you will be able to hug the beauty back."

  Dorothy: "."

  Good you Yaezi, I treat you as my sister, yet you want to betray me?

"I don't think so. I'm just here to travel. I don't have the heart to find a lover. Besides, my small body is not blessed with such an oiran. Sister, I suggest you find my teacher. She is old single and just needs a lover." Mate, how fitting."

  The house witch resolutely sold her teacher backhand.


   "I really wanted to introduce it to Rose, but isn't that because she didn't live up to expectations? She didn't get Taifu Ibuki's favor."

   Yaezi also glanced at the room behind her, and said with some disgust.

"Sure enough, this guy has a good skin and looks like a wife, but he was stunned. There is a reason for being single for so many years. I am also stupid. I expected this single dog to play a beauty trick. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I might just have to do it myself."

  Dorothy: "."

  My Aunt Zi, there is something I don’t know whether to say or not, can you please look in the mirror? Let's not talk about the second sister for the eldest sister.

  Looking at such a blond aunt who is obviously beautiful and elegant, but also single and has no self-awareness. The house witch was panicking with her old trough.

   "I still don't think so, the age difference is too big, and Ibuki Oiran is about the same age as my mother."

  The house witch retorted again.

"You child, you are really young. I don't know how good my aunt is. Besides, we are witches, and we are all immortal witches. Why do you care about age? There is an old saying in the East Universe, female juniors, holding gold bricks , female college three thousand, ranked in the fairy class."

   "Although Taifu Naibuki is only a hundred years older than you and cannot make you a fairy class, it is also a big gold mine, and no one else can ask for it."

  Looking at the little niece with a face of reluctance, Yaezi cheerfully and vigorously stomped on the fire.

   "Hehe, isn't there a golden mountain in front of me? There is even one lying in the house, why bother to look far away."

   Naturally, Dorothy would not be fooled, she sneered, and said so.

  Come on, hurt each other, I will directly poke your old aunt's age, see if you are in a hurry.

   It's just that the house witch obviously underestimated someone's face.

"Alaala, it turns out that you fell in love with my sister, little guy. That's not okay. I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm only one year older than you. It's not a golden mountain, but the one in the room is really good. Anyway, that guy is also married. Don't go out, why don't you, Dorothy, as an apprentice, work harder and take her in, and treat it as a disaster for the people. Let me tell you, Rose is actually a descendant of the devil king, and she is more or less a Here comes the princess, your family is really good, and it will save you from working hard for the rest of your life."

   Covering her face with a double purple folding fan, she teased with such a smile.

  Dorothy: "."

  Trough, Jiang is really old and hot. Auntie, your century-old face is really thick. I lost.

   "I don't listen, I don't listen, anyway, I quit, sister goodbye, tired, little witch should go to bed."

  Since the old ones are shameless, the house witch stopped pretending and said goodbye directly.

  Besides, regardless of whether it is a beauty trick or not, Aunt Zi, I think you have time to be a matchmaker to introduce someone to others, why don't you go back and study Feng Shui more.

  Miss Oiran, is that a snake head? That's the tail of the snake. Well, the head of the snake is actually yourself.

  When Dorothy closed the door, she took one last look at the blond witch who was admiring the moon and flowers in the courtyard.

  If it is true what Aunt Zi said, the winner of the dragon's lair is the hero who set off troubled times, then there is no doubt that Aunt Zi is one of the heroes, and she really wants troubled times.

   It's just that this guy really doesn't have a b number at all. It seems that she really doesn't know that she is one of the people favored by the dragon veins.

That's right, just like a doctor can't heal himself, a feng shui master probably can't tell his own fate. Speaking of which, the prophecy school also has similar unspoken rules. Break this rule.

   "So, Sophia, what do you think?"

   Thinking of her roommate, Dorothy patted the coffin behind her and asked.

   "I think Miss, you should follow your Aunt Jinshan."

  In the coffin, the pure white witch's cold voice came.

  Dorothy: "."

   Tsk tsk tsk, my angel sister, something is wrong with you.

  The house witch is speechless

   Tsk tsk tsk, resisted the urge to ask for leave on the 1st with great perseverance, ah, the leave slip after reset, eager to try

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