MTL - House Witch-Chapter 589 588. Travel plans

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  Chapter 589 588. Travel plan

  Dorothy was also a little speechless looking at the various documents piled up in the office.

  She was very curious, did Sophilia have a peculiar problem of treating work as a hobby, or why she was at work almost most of the time when she saw her.

   "Aren't you tired? You still have to work after you die?"

  After being silent for a while, the house witch asked curiously.

  Sophia: "."

  The White Witch was also taken aback.

   Well, she was also a little confused by the eldest lady. If the eldest lady didn't tell her, she didn't even realize it. After thinking about it for a while, she was also a little confused.

"I really didn't feel tired at all. I'm used to it. Anyway, I was in this office when I came to Hades before, and then someone asked me if I could help with these documents. I have nothing to do anyway, so I just help out." gone."

   Sophilia replied.

She has long been used to this kind of busy daily work, and she really doesn't feel too tired. On the contrary, this feeling of making herself busy even makes her feel very relaxed, after all, she won't There is free time to think wildly or to be frightened.

Although she is now safe as the Son of the King of God, she no longer needs to worry about daily life like in the past, so she no longer needs to use work to force and paralyze herself, but the habit formed in the past ten years or so is not easy for a while. Change.

   And, what does she do when she's not working?

  Sofelia recalled her daily life in the past ten years. It seems that she has always spent it in a cycle of eating, studying, practicing, working, and sleeping. As for relaxing and having fun?

   This is really not the case. She has no time to waste when her life is in danger at any time.

  If you have to say it, before the eldest lady appeared, cooking was barely her hobby, but after living together with the eldest lady, the stove was no longer her turn to intervene.

  So, she really didn't know **** the time after she was free.

  Dorothy: "."

  Hearing her roommate's natural answer, she was also a little distressed and speechless.

  This poor baby, what a miserable life you have had in the past.

   "Then I will take you with me later."

  She just wanted to say that she would play with Sophilia in the future, but the house witch swallowed the words again.

  Because she suddenly realized that she didn't seem to go out to play very much. Her past life rules were exactly the same as Sophilia's, even worse than her own roommates.

  At least Sophilia still goes out often, and she rarely even goes out of her room.

  There are only five things in her life—cooking, studying, practicing, surfing the Internet, and sleeping.

  Well, the house girl doesn’t need any other hobbies at all, just give her a little magic network signal, anyway, there are everything on the Internet.

   "Then why don't you two go on a trip together."

   A voice suddenly interposed between the two of them, saying so.


  The two turned their heads and saw Denisa's smiling angel mask.

  Miss Shepherdess is clapping her hands at this moment, as if she hit it off.

   It's just that Dorothy and Sophilia looked at each other, and they both saw bewilderment in each other's eyes.

  Especially the White Witch.

  Sofelia looked at the witch who interrupted suddenly, and recognized that this was the underworld worker who asked her to help with the documents not long ago.

  Although this mysterious lady witch has always said that she is just an ordinary civil servant in the underworld, the pure white witch is not stupid, so she will not really believe the other party's nonsense.

   After all, which ordinary civil servant can have such a luxurious and bright office, you must know that this is the Holy Palace, the power center of the entire underworld.

Moreover, none of the various documents she handled just now was ordinary, and each one was related to the operation of the entire underworld. Nerves were tense, for fear that one mistake would mess up the underworld.

  Anyway, judging from these two points, this mysterious lady civil servant will not be a simple character. She is likely to be the manager or even the controller of this underworld world.

  Sophia is more inclined to the latter, because as we all know, the master of Hades is the Lord God King himself, and the system of Hades was originally built by God King.

  Only the God King has the guts and authority to recklessly hand over the management of the underworld to a little witch of "unknown origin" like her to help act as an agent.

  If this was replaced by other truly ordinary civil servants of the Hades, who would dare to be so derelict.

Anyway, Sophilia herself thinks that Lord God King is a really talented and bold person, otherwise how could he do such outrageous things, that is the agency authority of the underworld system, how can this be handed over to someone casually? Passers-by, even if you really need to find someone to represent you, you still need to find someone you can trust.

   It can't be because God King trusts me very much, can it?

   Sophilia complained in her heart, but she suddenly fell silent.

  She thought of another past life of hers, the one that used to be the real Son of God.

  Well, if it is really based on that relationship, maybe she should call this mysterious witch lady "Mother".

  It's just that, just as the White Witch thought of this, she saw the eyes of the "Master Mother" opposite her smiling mask suddenly sharpen.

   "Since you are Hei Wuchang's good friend, you can also call Yiyi sister, um, Bai Wuchang Bai sister."

  Dorothy: "???"

   No, why did I suddenly become black and impermanent when I was doing well? My good sister, don't you give people a feeling of being too determined.

  The nerd witch was still wondering why the four-person team lacked three and one, good guy, it turned out that the one missing was myself.

  She lowered her head to look at herself in the black robe of the Grand Inquisitor, and then suddenly realized the purpose of the hat senior sister summoning the ice mirror.

   Gee, the clown is really me.

   It's just that, although she complained in her heart about her good sister's forcible behavior, would she dare to refute it?

  Of course I dare not.

   Congxin's otaku witch can only say that you are happy, sister, and that whatever you say is right, everything you say is right.

   And Sophie Liya is the same.

  As soon as she heard the words of this mysterious civil servant who was suspected (definitely) to be the God King, the Pure White Witch directly pressed Shanda.

  How could she have the audacity to call Lord God King her elder sister? Moreover, even if she doesn’t consider her relationship in her previous life, even if she is the son of God King now, isn’t it a mess to call her elder sister? It's easy to be condemned by God, right?

   "I said, don't be afraid, call me sister."

  Seeing that the White Witch didn't dare to open her mouth, Denisa smiled even more kindly.

  Although she does recognize this daughter now, does she really want a daughter?

  She has never been married, how can she have children?

   "Okay, my sis."

  Feeling the "kindness" in those eyes, Sophilia had no choice but to succumb to the power.

  Seeing this, the shepherdess who finally got her wish was also relieved, and finally solved the scourge of the past.

   "How about it, I have a good tourist place to recommend, you can think about it."

  Dinisha asked again.

   "I listen to the eldest lady, anyway, I am hers, I will go wherever she goes."

   Sophilia lowered her head and said so.

  Thus, the eyes of Miss Shepherdess suddenly became complicated, and the corners of the eyes of the majestic God King began to twitch uncontrollably.

  What kind of crime is this?

   And, my stupid ex-daughter, why are you emphasizing that?

  Dinisha always felt that the "new sister" in front of her had some ulterior motives.

  However, because of the previous guilt, the shepherdess didn't say anything in the end. She just turned her head to look at her good sister and asked her opinion.

  Dorothy: "."

  My good sister, what do you think I am doing, as if I can refuse.

  The house witch rolled her eyes.

Although she knows that even if she really refuses, the good sister will not really do anything to herself, but now it is not the night of the witch, it is reality. Faced with the kind recommendation of a witch king, who would dare to be serious? Refuse.

  Besides, she didn't intend to refuse. After all, it doesn't matter whether the king is a **** or not. She just really wants to share some worries for her good sister.

   "Okay, what place do you recommend, my lord, and what's the scenery like?"

   She also asked curiously.

   "Dongying Island, haven't you always been very interested in the news of the immortals? It happens to be the place where the immortals live in seclusion. If you are lucky enough, you may really meet the immortals."

  Dinisha didn't go around in circles anymore, and said so directly.

"Besides, this child's situation can be solved together at Dongying Island. The Dongying witch there is not a pure witch at all. It is similar to this child's situation. The Hades system over there has made some adjustments. If it is on the side, the child can be resurrected smoothly."

  Miss Shepherdess looked at the White Witch at the side again, and added.

   "Well, this is indeed a good choice."

  Hearing what her good sister said, Dorothy was taken aback for a moment, then thought for a while, and was also a little moved.

   She has always been interested in the mysterious Dongying Island, but it is a pity that Dongying Island has always been too secretive and almost closed to the public, which made it impossible for her to go.

  But now, since the good sister has spoken, even if Dongying Island doesn't want her to enter, it must obediently open the door.

   After all, no matter how special the status of the fairy hermitage is, this place is still the world of witches, and must obey the will of the witch king.

   Moreover, relying on the prestige of a good sister, can I visit more immortal ruins and think about the teachings of immortals?

  The otaku witch, who has always had a heart of cultivating immortals, has a high desire in her heart at this time, and she has begun to have some thoughts slump, thinking about whether she should use power for personal gain or something.

Fortunately, just when she had already thought of the plot of "Madam, you don't want to", she reined in in time. After all, some bottom lines should not be easily broken. She has poor self-control, and she will fall if she loses the bottom line super fast.

   "Then sister, how do you want us to travel?"

  The house witch asked curiously again.

  She was actually asking her sister if she had any special missions for her to handle. After all, something worthy of the Witch King's personal care can't really be a trip, right?

  However, Denisa stretched out her finger again and flicked the stupid sister's head.

   "You can travel however you want, as long as you have fun, um, as long as you are happy, nothing else matters."

  Miss Shepherdess was a little annoyed that her sister didn't trust her.

   Tsk, this is not Witch's Night after all, and there is still a sad gap between the two sisters after all.

   "Eh, that's really it? Sister, you really don't need to be so polite with me."

  Even if it is the body of a Valkyrie and the protection of dragon scales, it is still vulnerable to this elder sister's beloved head. Dorothy covered her head in pain and said so.

"Hehe, your small body can't stand me being impolite, it's alright, your suspicious character is really hopeless, there are indeed some small things on Dongying Island, there are good and bad among immortals, and there are always people who are rebellious That's all, those Japanese witches on Dongying Island are always thinking about what to do, but you don't need to intervene in these matters, someone else will solve them, you just have to have fun and see if you can take advantage of the chaos and get some benefits."

  Dinisha also said angrily.

   In front of this younger sister, she doesn't have the majesty that a king should have. The proud God King has never explained it so clearly to others.

   It's just that, after saying this, the shepherdess made another reassurance.

   "You really just want to have fun, but don't get involved in any troublesome things?"

  As the elder sister, she knows very well that her younger sister is also a forceful physique, and she is a little worried whether the originally smooth "eating, taking cards and wanting" gilded journey will become out of hand because of her younger sister's nonsense.

  Dorothy: "."

   This time it's my good sister's turn to be cold.

  My good sister, don't you know me yet? I am a peace-loving person, harmless to humans and animals, and never take the initiative to cause trouble. This is definitely impossible.

  The otaku witch was very aggrieved and cried out for her grievances.


  It's a pity that the shepherdess just sneered in disdain for this good sister's grievance, and didn't bother to pay attention to this guy.

  Tsk tsk tsk, if you really don't know how to do things, then I wouldn't exist now, okay?

  However, Denisa also knows that her sister can really control more than herself sometimes, so Miss Shepherdess had no choice but to look at the White Witch.

   "Take care of your young lady, don't let her mess around."

  For this ex-daughter to handle affairs, Lord God King is still at ease.


   Thinking of the fate of this former daughter as a "revolutionary", Denisa fell silent again.

   All right, this is also a matter of course.

  So, she finally stared directly at the hat on her good sister's head.

  Well, there is no need to speak this time, the trembling hat-senpai is already furiously pointing the brim of her hat.

  Senior Fanny is trembling and cold

  (end of this chapter)

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