MTL - House Witch-Chapter 580 579. Prophecy Reappearance

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  Chapter 580 579. Prophecy Reappearance

  In the main church of the God King Cathedral, a grand coronation ceremony is about to begin.

It stands to reason that the scene layout of this level of ceremony may need to be prepared weeks or even months in advance. After all, the customization of stage props, the laying of flower carpets, the notification of various ceremony attendees, the arrangement of the ceremony process and the Rehearsals and everything else takes time.

  But this concept is only applicable to weak humans. Witches obviously don't need to be so complicated, because with the help of magic, a useful and almost omnipotent power.

   "Thanks to the great witch of the forest."

   "It's too strong. Could it be that Mrs. Witch knows that we are going to hold a ceremony, so that's why she released the witch's stage magic series in such a timely manner?"

   "Mr. Witch must have participated in a grand ceremony recently, so she felt the pain of these lives, so she made a move. She really made me cry to death."

   "Not to mention, these little magics are really easy to use, which are much better than the various little tricks that the sisters in the logistics team taught me before."

   "Miss Witch, she really understands life too well, she is too down-to-earth, Forest Witch yyds"

  In the main church, some witches of the Apocalypse War Group who were arranging the scene of the coronation ceremony were discussing this while waving their wands and casting spells.

   There is one thing to say, these tasks such as arranging the stage used to be done by the logistics assistant witches of the battle group. Compared with front-line fighters who are proficient in combat and destruction, those research witches are much more ingenious.

But unfortunately, this time is after all an act of rebellion to attack the ancestral court, so the Apocalypse battle group came from the combat team, and the logistics support team was on standby. Before everything stabilized, the battle group did not dare to let those relatively " Weak" logistics support comrades came over.

Therefore, these miscellaneous tasks can only be done by front-line soldiers. Originally, these big bosses were worried that they would not be able to do this kind of delicate work. Some of them even took out their magic books to find some teaching videos on the magic net so that they could sharpen their guns before the battle. , but they brushed and swiped to the newly updated spell of the Forest Witch.

Well, just last night, the Witch of the Forest suddenly had a big diarrhea-style update, and a lot of various spells were put on the shelves at once, with various types and almost everything. This stage series is one of them. One, it is a magic that is specially used for making scenery.

   (Actually, Sibao herself was lazily sleeping, but thinking line No. 2 and No. 3 sorted out the harvest of Witch Night overnight, and then released an update.)

Although the witches of the battle group don't know if the witch of the forest has had any adventures recently, or why did she suddenly have such a big update like a sudden inspiration, but it doesn't matter, anyway, the witch is awesome and it's over Yes, they decisively took out the money and swiped their cards to win the witch's stage series of spells.

Well, the product of the Forest Witch must be a high-quality product. Don’t worry about whether you can learn it or not. Anyway, just buy it without thinking. Even if you really can’t learn it, it’s definitely not a problem with the spell. Learn to find reasons in yourself.

Fortunately, the spells of this stage series are not difficult to learn. They are all spells with relatively low number of rings, such as the red carpet refining of the witches of the third ring, the light and shadow special effects of the witches of the fourth ring, and the witches of the second ring. The art of bgm or something.

These spells are quite simple to learn, even so easy to use that people have a feeling of "that's it? I can do it if I do it". At that time, some witches thought about whether they could use these witch spells. Some little magic changes or something.

But when they tried to modify it, they got a little anxious and scratched their heads, because they found that the reason why these spells are easy to use is entirely because the difficulty and steps of casting the spells have been refined to the point that they cannot be changed. Well, if they make even the slightest modification to these witch spells, it will be a blasphemy against the perfect spell.

   "Come on, some money really deserves to be earned by the boss, but I don't deserve it."

"Didn't you notice that the style of the witch's spells has changed a bit this time? In the past, the witch's spells were all learned by comprehension, but this time there seem to be some more detailed explanations, and these explanations are very similar to those of the king of gods. Style, sure enough, the thinking of the bosses is similar?"

   "Damn it, I obviously feel that these magics can become useful attack magics with a little modification, but I don't know how to do it. Is this because my understanding is not enough?"

   "Hehe, these are the spells of the master, you still want to modify the works of the master with your ability, go to sleep."

"If you have that kind of skill, it's better to work quickly, but Mrs. Witch is really caring. She even considered that we rough people who don't understand art don't have the aesthetics even if they master the technology. She also specially prepared several sets of templates for us. For reference, I think the temple template this time is quite suitable, what do you think?"

   "Indeed, the template feels very holy, and it fits Lady Sophilia's temperament very well, as if it was specially designed for adults."

   "Well, although it is not realistic, it really seems to be specially customized."

  The witches of the battle group once again had a lively discussion.

While they were chatting, the original natural sunlight inside the church was transformed by the power of magic and became layered. The most dazzling beam of light shone on the throne on the central platform deep in the hall, making the original The majestic and noble throne is even more eye-catching, just like the throne of the king of the gods.

There were originally many angel reliefs or stained glass with angel elements in the main church, but at this time, under the power of the witch's sculptural activation spell, these works that were originally made by the master seemed to be coming to life. They really came alive, reenacting the legends one by one in the mural reliefs.

There is also the looming sound of hymns singing in unison, which is the memory in the witch's mind reproduced by the witch's bgm technique. After all, the witches of the war group are good at fighting, but they can't sing and dance, so they have to Let's make do with this magic recording first.

  In short, a very sacred and solemn venue was quickly arranged.

   On the side, Sophilia quietly watched the busyness of the witches of these wargroups, and listened to their discussions about the witches of the forest, which made the pure white witch feel an indescribable feeling in her heart.

First of all, it is the pride of "I am special" that I am the only one in the world who knows the true identity of the forest witch, and I am the first friend of the forest witch, and then the idol you worship is actually my eldest. Miss's mysterious sense of superiority, and finally a faint sense of unwillingness and urgency.

  The Pure White Witch has always been quite competitive. Even though she was defeated in front of the eldest lady several times, and even exported her own people recently, she still hasn't completely given up.

   can't give up.

Sophilia is a little worried. Once she loses her competitive spirit towards the young lady and admits that she is far inferior to the young lady, she will probably be really left behind by the young lady very soon, and may even I can't even see the back of the eldest lady.

  This kind of future is unacceptable to the White Witch.

The relationship and feelings between people tend to become cold with the distance. The distance here does not only refer to the distance in the physical sense. The gap in strength and status is also a distance, and it is far more exciting than the physical distance. unbearable.

  If she really can't even see the young lady's back, then what right does she have to stand by the young lady's side? How should she assist the eldest lady?

   Sophilia's pride is hard to accept the fact that she will be a burden to the young lady.

   "So, it's not time to rest or despair, I have to work harder to climb up."

   Sophilia raised her head and glanced at the huge god-king statue in the center of the church, thinking so in her heart.

Before, after successfully drawing the sword, her life safety was temporarily guaranteed, and the fact that she might be a **** of the God King was so desperate that she couldn't help but give birth Thoughts, but now, the pressure from the eldest lady once again gave the Pure White Witch new motivation.

She may really be unable to disobey the control of the God King, but among the angels and witches, she can still fight for the status of one person under one person and above ten thousand people. Even if she can only be used as a chess piece, she also wants to be on the chessboard. The brightest of them all.

  Then let’s set a small goal for the time being, first rectify this decadent group, and let it change from a burden to a help.

She is now the Holy Son of the God King, and the real ruler of the Angel Witch Clan recognized by the God King, so naturally she is deeply bound to the Angel Witch Clan. .

If she really doesn't care about this weakening and decaying ethnic group, then this ethnic group will become her burden sooner or later, which will make it more and more difficult for her to catch up with the eldest lady's footsteps. This is something she cannot bear .

On the other hand, once the angel and witch family revives again, this powerful group, one of the three witch kings, will also become her support. She can completely step on the back of this powerful group to narrow the gap between herself and the eldest lady. difference.

   It's just that such an ideal is good, but it is indeed very difficult to realize. Does a young man like her who has just become a great witch really have the ability to reverse the situation that countless seniors in the past have found it difficult to do? Does she really have the ability to convince the real pillars of the Angel Witch clan—those ancient Angel Witch predecessors?

   Sophilia looked at the enthronement scene that had been arranged in the church, and looked at the gorgeous throne on the high platform that looked like the seat of the king of gods, feeling a little confused.

  Her old habit of being weak and unconfident is happening again.


  "It's not a question of whether it can be done, but it must be done, must be done."

Thinking of the radiance of the increasingly shining young lady in her family, Sophilia's weak heart seemed to become stronger again under the pressure of this radiance, just like she had to do her best to change under the pressure of death in the past. It's like getting stronger.

  She is not willing to be just the shadow under the sun forever, if she is a double sun.

   After all, who isn't a sun god?

   "Come back, Lucy May."

  Seeing that the time for enthronement was approaching, Sophilia spoke up, calling out.

  So, that was always beside her, the incarnation of the fallen angel hidden in her shadow quietly emerged from behind her.

  The pitch-black angel with six pitch-black wings hugged the pure white witch with six pure-white wings from behind, and the wicked angel smiled lightly between ears and temples.

   "Hehe, I've been ready for a long time, my cute body."

   After saying this, before the Pure White Witch could react and reprimand her, the bad woman angel melted directly.

  Well, she directly turned into a pool of deep, pitch-black liquid like ink, and then the liquid exploded, directly enveloping the figure of the pure white witch, and penetrated into her body, and finally, the two completely merged into one.

Sophilia's power has always been incomplete. In order to save her life, Long Ma personally abolished the blood of the Lord of Radiance in her body, turning her into an angel who is at least pure in terms of blood. witch.

   But now, the White Witch is retrieving her lost half of her power so that she can become whole again.

Lucy Fayer is her in another branch of fate, and opposite to her, Lucy Fayer is a pure angel who was abolished with the blood of a witch and then exiled to heaven. She happens to have the lord of light that Sophilia lacks blood and strength.

  Sophia chose the line of Lucy Fairy as her incarnation from countless branches of fate, because it is actually this moment.

   It’s just that, in the past, she has been secretly monitored by the trial court, and her life safety has never been guaranteed. She dare not make such a fusion attempt, but now, she is free, and no one will hinder her from becoming complete again.


  Boom boom boom.

  When the bell that represented the beginning of the enthronement ceremony rang, a noble angel with twelve wings came down to the world.

  Six black wings, six white wings, a total of twelve wings declare their special status, after all, the strength of an angel can usually be seen from the number of wings of the opponent.

  For example, Eight Wings is at the peak level, and Ten Wings is at the Sage level.

  But the twelve-winged angel is not only about power, but also about personality, which is the symbol of the king of angels.

  Although the newly born twelve-winged angel obviously does not have the power of the king of angels, that noble personality has already begun to emerge at this time.

  Seeing this figure with black and white wings, all the angels and witches present, as well as the angel mission who had just arrived to watch the ceremony, suddenly felt an irreversible coercion.

  Under this coercion, no matter whether it was the members of the Apocalypse Battle Group, the members of the original God-King Sect who were forced to come to watch the ceremony, or the angels who had just arrived, they were unable to resist.

   Driven by the instinctive power from the belief class, they bowed their heads one after another, and then fell to their knees in awe.

   Soon, there were only three figures left standing in the field.

  One is the new twelve-winged angel witch herself, one is the deputy admiral of the apocalypse war group, the peak witch Maria, and the last one is the leader of the angel mission, the archangel Shalier.

  But soon, Maria looked at the twelve-winged figure, with relief and excitement in her eyes. She no longer resisted her instincts, and bowed her head and wings respectfully, half kneeling to show her submission.

  As for the Archangel Shalier, it was even more outrageous. When she felt the familiar breath of the old master on the twelve-winged figure in front of her, the Archangel threw herself on the ground and congratulated the birth of the young master of heaven.

And the newly born King of Twelve-Winged Angels looked around the kneeling church, and then walked forward step by step among the bowed heads. She walked up the high steps step by step, climbed up the steps, and came to the highest throne.

   At this time, before the throne, a magnificent holy sword was inserted into the ground.

  She stretched out her hand, as if she was about to draw her sword.

  Watching the movement of the twelve-winged figure, the angel, witch and angels kneeling below the stage were all very excited, and each of them looked forward with fanatical anticipation.

  However, just when Sophilia's hand was holding the hilt of the sword, there was a bang, and a stream of light appeared with a thunderous explosion, and then disappeared in a flash.

  Afterwards, a group of figures in black robes appeared at the door of the church, and the leading figure with a clown mask maintained a throwing motion.

  Following her movements forward, at the chest position of the twelve-winged angel figure, everyone quickly saw what the clown threw just now.

  It was a strangely shaped weapon, a unique weapon of the East Universe that shouldn't have appeared in this West Universe.

   That is a Fangtian painted halberd.

  So, a dazzling blood color began to spread on the pure white chest, like a red flower blooming

  Everyone is confused

   I didn’t even bother to code during Chinese New Year, I feel so impetuous, **** it, it must be because other people are playing, and I want to code, I hate



  (end of this chapter)

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