MTL - House Witch-Chapter 564 563. Mother and Daughter

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   Chapter 564 563. Mother and Daughter

   Witch Academy, God King Cathedral.

  Recently, the days of the Angel Witches are not easy. They were led by the Tribunal to ransack their home not long ago, which almost wiped out the Holy Son faction among the three major forces of the sect, and suffered a heavy blow to the already declining overall strength.

  But the room leak happened to rain all night, and the matter of the Son of God had not subsided before, but there was another wave of unrest here.

  Before, all the students in the school happily participated in the Witch's Night there, but the sirens of the God King Cathedral never stopped.

   This is a major event. The seal of the Lord of Radiance under the church was loosened. The terrifying fluctuations in divine power scared the angels and witches to sleep all night, and they worked overtime to guard the cathedral all night.

  Although everyone knows that such guards are meaningless, if the terrible king of angels really breaks the seal, then these angels and witches on duty may not be able to stop him from being slapped together.

  But the angels and witches are really helpless, this is already the limit of what they can do.

   Their family is really in decline.

  The oldest and most powerful angels and witches are the original followers of the King of God. They have either been stationed in the kingdom of God of the King of God, or they have retired early and lived in seclusion.

But in the Dragon King era, because the angels and witches couldn't see the situation clearly, they jumped too much on the strength of the Lord God King, and they were cleaned up by the Lord Dragon King. They almost didn't even keep the God King Sect. Yes, and left them this ancestral home, but the angels and witches still paid a big price.

  For example, the most elite angels and witches at that time were all scattered and sent to the front to garrison the border. They were not allowed to return to the God-King Sect until they were amnesty.

And then it is the current era of the devil king. The devil king did not suppress them any more, and even gave them a lot of support. However, because of the exile of the dragon king before, the talents in the angel and witch clan directly experienced a gap, and then the dragons had no leader. It's getting more confusing.

  All of them are eager to complete the revival of the race, but in the absence of big bosses to suppress them, the more eager they are, the more chaotic they will be. After all, they all think that they are the master of revival, and no one will obey the other.

   Therefore, various factions in the sect fought against each other, serious internal friction, and people's hearts were scattered. This made many excellent modern angel witches have had enough of this kind of smog and left the ancestral home directly, and went outside to develop alone.

  Anyway, it’s just like this, getting old, getting married, walking, and scattered, so that the ancestral family of the angel and witch clan, one of the three great royal families of witches, now only has two or three big cats and kittens.

  Let’s not talk about dealing with the Lord of Radiance who broke the seal. In fact, even the angel mission that came to “communicate” this time made them very afraid.

After all, the leader of the angelic mission, the ten-winged Archangel Shalier is really scary. This is an existence older than Lord God King. Before Lord God King was born, this Archangel had already served in the The Lord of Radiance has been by his side for countless years.

  Even in the entire western universe, this archangel is one of the oldest beings.

   And what about the angel witch? Although the head of the college who is the current Pope of the God King Sect is also a sage, there is a gap between the sages. The head of the college is a new sage in the era of the devil king, but she is real in front of the old Shalier. It's not enough to see.

   It is no exaggeration to say that without support, Shalier alone is actually enough to defeat the entire family of angels and witches.

Under such a situation of internal and external troubles, the angels and witches nowadays can only be like scared paper tigers. Apart from "strengthening their guard" to show their teeth and claws, blow their hair all over, and scare those unaware outsiders, there is nothing else. Can do it.

  If this was a few weeks ago, they would still have a "God King's Guardian Curse" as their trump card, but now, they really have nothing else but pretending.

   "Mother, are we really not going to seek help from the God King?"

  Inside the cathedral, the head of teaching Rosalind came to a kind-looking, elegant old lady, and asked with some concern.

   This old woman is the last pride of the angel witch, the current headmaster of the Witch Academy, and the third seat of the Council of Sages, Prirella.

  Over the past 20,000 years since the era of the devil king, there have been 9 new witches and sages, including 3 demon witches, 4 dragon witches, 1 sea witch, and 1 angel witch.

  Prililla is the only remaining angel witch sage. She was once regarded as the hope for the revival of the angel witch family, but obviously, even a sage who is as strong as the angel witch can't stand alone in the mess of the angel witch.

  And the big witch can stay young forever and live forever, but the last sage of the angel witch clan looks like an old woman, which shows that she is old after all.

The various power struggles of the God King Sect over the years, the continuous decline of the family in their own hands, the pressure of their ancestors, and the accident of the eldest daughter whom she had placed high hopes on more than ten years ago, these things are still important to this family after all. The heart of a new generation of sages has caused serious wear and tear.

  With her talent, in fact, if she becomes stronger with one heart, her achievements will definitely be far beyond what she is now, but her family and responsibilities have dragged her down.

   "Rosalind, who do you think God King is? Our nanny?"

   Pririlla glanced at the useless little daughter in front of her, and then said lightly.

   Rosalind: "."

  The dean was silent. She had been a little afraid of this mother since she was a child, but now that she was insulted like this, she suddenly didn't dare to say anything more.

In fact, she didn't even think about asking the Lord God King for help. After all, the whereabouts of the Lord God King have always been elusive, and you can't find it even if you try to find it. With the identity and power of my mother, I can still get in touch with this old ancestor.

   Moreover, the escape of the Lord of Radiance is obviously beyond their ability. If you don't ask the Lord God King to take action, how can others stop it.

  She thought so in her heart, but under her mother's majestic gaze, she could only lower her head, feeling a little aggrieved.

   Forget it, it’s wrong to say anything, anyway, my mother has never had a good face towards her. If my sister was still alive, my mother would not treat her like this.

   Rosalind thought so in her heart.

  Obviously they are twin sisters, but the elder sister Agnes seems to have snatched all her talents in the mother's womb. Compared with the elder sister who is known as the second king of gods, her younger sister has never been very eye-catching.

  Anyway, everyone loves her sister, and no one pays attention to her sister.

  Of course, Rosalind didn't envy or even resent her elder sister because of this. She actually liked her elder sister the most. After all, her elder sister was the only person who would comfort her in the past.

  But she actually has some resentment towards this mother. After all, it's fine if others don't care about her, but her mother is so partial, which really makes her very uncomfortable.

Moreover, a large part of the reason why my sister had an accident back then was not because my mother put too much pressure on her. Otherwise, with my sister's talent, how could she be bewitched by the Lord of Radiance because of her eagerness and become infected? The curse of knowledge.

  Forget it, mother, you must lose face, anyway, I am a waste, so you can carry it if you have the ability.

  Thinking of this, the dean chose to lie flat and rotten.

On the other side, the head of the school, Pririlla, looked at the silent little girl in front of her, and she was also furious. She really wanted to reprimand this guy who was getting worse and worse, but when the words came to her lips, she Finally swallowed it down.

  Among the two daughters, she actually prefers this youngest daughter.

  She herself is bound by family responsibilities, and she knows the pain, so when her two daughters are born, she doesn't really want them to follow the same path as herself.

  But the eldest daughter's talent is too outstanding, and her temper and character are too similar to her own, so even though she didn't ask for it, she still chose to embark on the difficult road of family revival.

   In this regard, Prirella is both gratified and a little uncomfortable. She is proud of having such an excellent daughter, but regrets that she is still not strong enough. The responsibility that should have been shouldered by her is now shared by her daughter.

   Therefore, in order to make the eldest daughter's future life easier, she is very strict with her eldest daughter.

As for the youngest daughter in front of her, her talent is mediocre, so Prirella hopes that she can live a life different from her own and her eldest daughter. She should live a little more freely without being bound by any responsibilities and obligations live.

   But obviously, her daughter's incomprehension and even resentment were the result of her "kindness".

   Now there are two daughters, one is crazy and the other secretly hates herself. Obviously, her mother failed completely.

  Thinking of this, the angelic sage sighed, the wrinkles on his face became more obvious.

  She suddenly thought of her best disciple, Euphylia.

  This student is so good that it is frightening. At a young age, his achievements and strength are already very close to her teacher, but it can only be said that what kind of master teaches what kind of apprentice, this apprentice almost repeats her mistakes.

  Uphelia's personality is exactly the same as when she was young, too domineering and strong. Such a personality is considered an advantage in career, but it is prone to problems in the family.

More than ten years ago, Prirella heard that this disciple was pregnant. At that time, she was quite relieved to feel that this disciple was finally not alone in his life, but within a few years, she heard that Euphylia's child was lost up.

   Fortunately, not long ago, this apprentice who hadn't seen her for more than ten years came to visit her teacher after a long absence, and brought good news. She found her daughter who had been missing for many years.

Moreover, during the long-lost heart-to-heart conversation between the master and the apprentice, Pririlla was a little surprised that this apprentice, who was stronger and more domineering than she used to be, would in turn persuade her that the teacher should be gentler to the family and communicate more. Don't hide everything in your stomach and carry it alone. Some things will become very simple if you explain them clearly.

  The angel and sage could tell that the experience of chasing his daughter for more than ten years had changed this disciple a lot.

   This is naturally a kind of wear and tear, but not all wear and tear is negative, after all, growth is also wear and tear.

only the guy drinking water knows it's cold or hot.

Although in Prirella's view, this apprentice has become weaker, because she has an extra weakness and is no longer the Queen of Dragons who had no weakness, but the proud and warm smile on the face of this proud disciple when he mentioned his daughter But it also made the angel sage a little sad.

  She used to have such a smile, but she lost it by herself.

  Perhaps, Euphelia is right, she should communicate more with her daughters.

  The angel sage thought so.


   "Rosalind, in fact, the one who hates the God-King Sect the most is not the Dragon King who suppressed us, but the God-King we believe in."

   Prirella was silent for a while, and then spoke to her daughter who bowed her head in front of her.

   "This is impossible, we believe in God King like that, and we are her descendants"

  The teaching director, who was still lying flat, raised his head immediately when he heard this. As a devout believer of the God King, even the mother can't tarnish the glory of the God King.

   However, when she raised her head and looked at the tired face of her mother, she couldn't continue speaking.

  My mother is a sage, both in terms of status and ability, she is far superior to her. The sage must know some news that she does not know.

   "But, it shouldn't be, our faith is so pious, and the blood of God flows on us"

  For a while, it was difficult for her to accept the reality because her faith was shaken, she muttered to herself like crazy.

   This is very dangerous, because it is a harbinger of the collapse of faith, and for the angel and witch whose main strength is the power of faith, once the faith collapses and is backlashed by the faith, it will not die or be disabled.

   Fortunately, just when Rosalind was about to lose her strength, she was hugged gently.

   It turned out to be the mother.

  For a while, the teaching director was so shocked by this shocking fact that he couldn't care about faith. After all, my mother couldn't be so gentle. I was hugged by her only once when I was a child.

   "The Lord doesn't care, Rosalind, the God King never needs our faith, whether we believe in her or not, it will not detract from the greatness of the God King."

  Mother's tired voice sounded in Rosalind's ear.

"The fact is that we are too weak and have to cling to the glory of the God King to gain strength and status. In fact, we have always been parasites lying on the God King and sucking blood. Do you think we are qualified to go to the God King? Do you want help?"

   "It's my fault. I should have told you these truths a long time ago, but I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to accept it, so I kept hesitating. Otherwise, your sister might not be crazy."

"She is too smart and talented, so that when she was able to meet the glory of the **** king and understand the truth of the matter, she was as arrogant as our ancestor who stole the blood of the gods. Thinking that they are qualified to enter the sight of God."

   "However, there is no place for mortals beside the real gods. If you are too envious of the glory of gods, you will only fall into the **** you can't ask for, just like the moths that fly into the flames, and finally catch themselves on fire."

   Prirella said so while holding her daughter in her arms.

   In fact, fanatical faith shone in her eyes, and the glory of the God King, whom she had only seen once, had long been deeply engraved in her heart, making her chase that unreachable light all her life.

It's just that her talent is limited, so she still has self-knowledge, but Agnes, this is really her good daughter, who is exactly the same as her mother, but the sad thing is that this child's talent is too high, so high that she didn't know it. This self-preservation self-knowledge.

   Rosalind: "."

  The teaching director is numb, and at this moment, she is a little confused by the shock of these truths that she didn't know before.

   However, just when she wanted to ask her mother further, she suddenly felt a change in her mother's temperament.


  She heard her mother's questioning.

   And Rosalind looked towards the corner of the church in the direction of her mother, but she couldn't see anything until the uninvited guest who broke in rashly showed her figure.

  Suddenly, the dean's pupils shrank for a while. After all, she was so familiar with these two figures that she knew them deeply.

   "Ahem, I'm sorry, dean, dean, I've disturbed your mother-daughter relationship. It's the wrong time for us to come. Let's go now."

  The masked clown nodded and bowed like this, and then pulled the white witch beside him to prepare to run away.

  The clown is taking his leave.

   Qianbao, quickly show the school leaders what it means to enjoy the favor of the **** king exclusively.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion