MTL - House Witch-Chapter 535 534. The Key to Victory

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   Chapter 535 534. The key to victory

  Noah left with a smile and tears.

She cried because she found out that the two teachers who were closest to her were not as close to her as she imagined, and even today she was humiliated and worshiped the enemy who took everything away from her as her teacher, and now she has a third teacher .

   And she laughed because .

  Well, it smells so good, and Mrs. Dorothy is really wonderful.

  Although this apprenticeship was forced to make a helpless choice at the beginning, Noah's mentality changed quickly after Teacher Dorothy pulled her on the spot and started the first class on the spot.

  Hmph, I only worshiped you as my teacher out of desperation for the aid of the Sorcerous Republic, you bullying bastard.

  Hey, I have to admit that the other party is worthy of being the original author of "Genesis". These views are indeed a bit interesting.

  Hiss, are you the roundworm in my stomach? How can you understand me so well? Ah yes yes, that's what I thought.

  My dear friend, I only hate that I got to know Dorothy too late, and that Sophilia mistook me.

   Absolutely, what Sophilia, what Eve, I, Noah, only have one teacher, and that is Teacher Dorothy.

   Well, it’s actually not to this extent, it’s a bit exaggerated, but in the short two-hour first class, Noah really recognized the existence of this teacher sincerely.

After all, the compatibility between the two is really good, that is, just chatting a few words casually, almost every word of Teacher Dorothy was said in her heart, and Noah couldn't help but sigh in her heart several times. "How can there be someone who understands me so well in this world?"

  Really, if Miss Dorothy had been a man, she might have married right away, even she had started to think that women don't seem so unacceptable.

  Although she lost her home again today, she has another like-minded teacher.

   "Fart, I'm still at a loss, woo woo woo."

  Noah left with a smile and tears.

  Too many things happened today, she needs to be alone.

  As for the next reform action, she is no longer worried about it, because Teacher Dorothy is here, and this time it is really stable.

In the first class just now, the two mainly discussed the next change plan. Although Teacher Dorothy was too eager to evaluate her change plan, she still helped her check the original plan. A lot of patches were made to fill in the gaps.

   It can only be said that once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any. At first, Noah thought her plan was perfect, but compared with Teacher Dorothy, it was full of flaws.

   I really don’t know why Teacher Dorothy is so proficient, and how many times she has made changes. It feels like she has mature theoretical guidance and systematic reference templates for this set in her heart, which is outrageous.

  In short, her wave of teacher apprenticeship is really not a loss. With the secret support of the Sorcerous Republic, coupled with the meticulous plan revised by Teacher Dorothy, the next reform action will definitely be extremely smooth.

  Thinking of this, the smile on Noah's face gradually overwhelmed the sadness.

   On the other side, Dorothy, who had returned to the chapel in Pandora City, also had a smile on her face.

   "Okay, the last piece of the puzzle has been completed, and now it's done."

  The otaku witch who was directing the kitchen utensils to start cooking in the kitchen cheered in her heart. She never expected that she could pick up treasures just by taking a walk.

  Because the heart is the source of magic power, so she is in a good mood at this time, even the magic she casts is joyful.

  The pots and pans in the kitchen were bouncing and bouncing, and the sound they collided with each other was like a symphony orchestra playing, and the ingredients in the pot were also dancing with the rhythm, like a graceful dancer.

  Therefore, there was a seductive aroma spreading out from the kitchen dance.

Xiao Feilong, who was practicing boxing outside the house, smelled this smell, and immediately didn't bother to practice anymore. She moved her fat short legs, ran to the dining table in a hurry, and then started to sit on the stool. climb.


   "Go wash your hands, how many times have I told you to cleanse before meals."

  Dinisha on the side looked at the impatient little fat dragon, stared and reprimanded him.

  Suddenly, Emora shrank her neck subconsciously, and obediently jumped off the stool again.

  Although she is usually timid, she doesn't know why, but she is always very afraid of Denisa. Often when the shepherdess stares, she will be so frightened that she can't breathe.

So, the little fat dragon ran to the side and opened his mouth to take a breath of dragon's breath on his hands, then looked at his little fat claws that had become clean, and took another mouthful of worry, before returning to the dining table , showing Denisa her clean paws that were burned by two dragon breaths.

   Well, probably there are no bacteria that can survive the baptism of these two dragon breaths.

   As for this, the corners of Miss Shepherdess's mouth twitched a little. This handwashing is indeed a bit too hardcore.

   And you are too lazy, the kitchen is next to the dining table, and there is a vegetable sink after two steps, are you afraid of taking two steps? And spraying dragon's breath is obviously more energy-intensive, okay?

   Tsk, was Nid Hogg so naive in his previous life?

  Dinisha felt so emotional in her heart.

From the memory shared by the main body, this apprentice of the Dragon King has a very old-fashioned and serious character, and she is very self-disciplined. Apart from being a bit greedy, she strictly abides by the rules in other things, but she is not like the little guy in front of her now. So lazy and naive.

   And when Emora saw that Denisa would stop talking, she immediately climbed up on the stool happily and sat down again.

  At this time, Artie, who had just returned from get off work at the Magic Web Research Institute, also came over after smelling the smell. She also subconsciously wanted to go directly to the dining table and sit down.

  But this time, before Denisa could reprimand, Xiao Feilong opened his mouth first.

   "Ah Ti, you forgot to wash your hands. You need to be hygienic. Do you need my help?"

  Emora stared at Atie sincerely with wide-eyed eyes, and opened her mouth, a scorching dragon's breath was brewing in her mouth.

   "No, no, I can't take it, I'm going to wash my hands."

  When the evil little loli saw this battle, she was immediately frightened and ran to the side vegetable sink to wash her hands.

  She is just a mortal with a mortal body, and she really can't afford the treatment of washing hands with the dragon's breath.

   However, when little Lolita moved the small bench and struggled to wash her hands in the kitchen sink, she glanced at Dorothy who was cooking next to her out of the corner of her eye, and saw a very strange scene.

  I saw a strange witch's hat on the head of the otaku witch stretching out its tentacles to eat crazily.

  The evil little loli has long noticed the strange hat on Dorothy's head. She also found that it seemed that no one else could see the hat, but she could see it clearly.

   And the weird hat seemed to be aware that his stealing was discovered. Before Artie could open his mouth to report, he stretched out a tentacle and stood on the brim of the hat, making a gesture of silence.

   But is Artie the type to keep quiet? As a villain, she is determined to hurt others even if it hurts herself, so little Loli opened her mouth and wanted to report.

  But as soon as she opened her mouth, the weird hat over there seemed to understand what she wanted to do, and suddenly an invisible tentacle directly entered her mouth.

  Because the tentacle was stealing food just now, the piece of barbecue that was originally wrapped around the tentacle was also stuffed into Artie's mouth.

  Well, it smells really good.

Feeling the explosion of deliciousness in her mouth, Artie blinked, and suddenly didn't want to report it. She just spat out the tentacles in her mouth, and then blinked at the hat, signaling that the hat would be worth it to her again, and the hat He also stretched out his tentacles and gestured for a thumbs up.

   One person and one hat looked at each other and smiled, in a panic.


  Then, the two of them were sanctioned by Dorothy who discovered that her food had been stolen.

   "Really, wouldn't it be more delicious to eat something secretly? The meal will be served soon, and you can't afford to wait for just a few minutes."

  The otaku witch reprimanded the two bad guys angrily, but she didn't expect the two bad guys to nod at the same time. It seemed that they really thought that the food they ate was delicious, which made her roll her eyes.

   "Senior sister, don't spoil the children, okay?"

   Dorothy said to the hat senior sister with some dissatisfaction.

   As for this, Senior Sister Fanny spread her hands, very innocent.

   "I think Xi Bao, you have mistaken the master-slave relationship. She is the teacher and I am the disciple. It is obvious that she has led me down. Who has the ability to lead a real demon king down."

  Hot Witch: "."

   Ah, what she said made sense, but I was powerless to refute it.

  Dorothy turned her head and looked at the few people in the family

   Tsk, except for herself, this is a real king's banquet. The four future Witch Kings are neat and orderly, and the master-student inheritance is orderly, and she herself is like a husky among wolves.

   But during the meal, it doesn’t matter whether you are king or not, the one in charge is the biggest, so don’t eat if you don’t like it?

   "You two halved the steak for dinner today and gave it to Emora."

  She emotionally pronounced the punishment for the two thieves who dared to offend the majesty of her kitchen king. This made the gangster group dejected at first, and then glared at each other, and began to fight among themselves. Both sides felt that the other party had dragged themselves down.

   Just like that, the master and apprentice of the third king and the fourth king turned against each other for a few pieces of meat, and the little fat dragon of the second king blinked his eyes a few times and laughed happily.

  Thank you for the delicacy that fell from the sky, and praise the master of the kitchen, Qianmen.

   After the laughter, the family started today's dinner.

  Although compared with the witch's dinner in reality, this dinner seems a bit shabby.

  Even though Dorothy and Denisa are the rulers of the Sorcerous Republic, neither of them has the kind of personality that likes to use power for personal gain. Their food rations are actually the same as ordinary people, that is, liquid nutrition meals.

  It's just that Dorothy used alchemy to reverse-reduce the ingredients in those liquid nutrition meals, and then processed them into delicious meals again.

  The otaku witch relies on the weight of the ingredients she restored to determine whether the Ministry of Agriculture has cut corners. This is also a kind of surprise inspection.

  Of course, in addition to the normal ration of nutritious meals, Dorothy actually went out to hunt wild from time to time, killing a few disaster beasts and returning to improve her food.

It's a pity that the meat of the Calamity Beast contains too much yin energy, and ordinary people can't eat it. Even those witch players may not be able to survive. If there is no house witch who can deal with the yin energy, Then only the strong can enjoy it.

   Otherwise, the Sorcerous Republic might have an additional stable source of meat in addition to the magic insect farms in the underground pasture.

Well, that's right, the main source of meat now is actually the meat of a kind of magic insect newly researched by the Ministry of Agriculture. After all, it is the end of the day. How can there be so many pigs, cattle and sheep? Now it is an animal, so it is to cherish and protect animals. inedible.

However, the witch students do have a few brushes. The silver spoon of the alchemy society and the rich wine of the potion society have jointly developed a kind of magic insect that can grow up quickly by eating soil underground. The protein content of meat is six times that of beef, which is old and nutritious.

  And it grows very fast, and a batch can be harvested in a month. Recently, the witches have even bred beef-flavored devil worms, mutton-flavored devil worms, pork-flavored devil worms and other flavors.

  The only problem is that the appearance of this thing is not good, and normal people may not be able to accept it, so it is usually used to break it into minced meat, and finally made it into a liquid nutritional meal.

   This made Dorothy sigh with emotion. After all, magic is the primary productive force in this world. If only relying on technology, the current biogenetic technology department of the Sorcerer Republic cannot do this kind of thing.

Anyway, don’t look at the Sorcerous Republic’s miserable appearance on the surface, but that’s purely to deceive Sophilia better. In fact, people’s lives are pretty good, and they can eat enough and wear warmth. People won't vote randomly every day and complain every day, it's all because they are too full to make trouble.

Really, sometimes Dorothy sees the weird complaints made by those scumbags, and really wants to throw these guys on the Noah's Ark in the Kingdom of Glory next door, and let them experience for themselves what is original. The original doomsday survival.

   And just as she thought of the Kingdom of Glory, Denisa on the opposite side also spoke.

   "Dorothy, are we really going to work with those guys now?"

  Miss Shepherdess is the incarnation of the God King after all. She is influenced by her ontology, and she doesn't like the Angels or the Radiance Sect.

  Before there, she didn't speak out against her sister's cooperation with Noah, but now that she's back home, she's somewhat dissatisfied.

  Of course, she is not dissatisfied with the cooperation. After all, Ontology also took in many church defectors back then. She just thinks that now is not the best time to cooperate.

   After all, the icing on the cake is far worse than the timely assistance.

   "Actually, you can wait until the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse make things worse there, and then we will take action. Then they will be more loyal to us."

  Dinisha suggested so.

  She took her sister for a walk there today, in fact, she wanted to show Dorothy the chaos there, but unfortunately, she was accidentally interrupted by that puppet of fate.

  Moreover, Dorothy's emphasis on that Noah really puzzled her. After all, in her opinion, she was a very ordinary human being.

   However, the house witch shook her head at her good sister's suggestion.

   "It's not necessary. The loyalty obtained in that way is not real loyalty. Besides, I don't want Noah's loyalty. She doesn't need to be loyal to me, she only needs to be loyal to human beings."

  The otaku witch raised her head and looked in the direction of Noah's Ark. Then she also felt amused. She remembered the origin of "Genesis" that Noah told her before.

"It turned out to be an experiment. You really belonged to me, Sophia, but I would like to thank you. Thank you for completing the last puzzle for me. Then I will accept this victory without hesitation." down."

   Seeing that her good sister still didn't understand, Dorothy shook her head and said.

"Dinisha, whether it's you or my roommate, you all look down on mortals too much. Although they did pull a little bit, it's just that they lacked a suitable leader, but now, I have found a suitable leader. For the next game, we just lie down."

  Dinisa: "???"

  God King is in doubt.

  (end of this chapter)

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