MTL - Horror Camgirl-~ [Extra] Chapter 4: Three thousand worlds·technical civilization (4)

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He took me into his arms and said: "The big prince, regardless of appearance and cultivation, is not my opponent. How can I eat his vinegar?"

I was a little bit in my heart, resting my head on his lap and saying, "My heart for you will never change."

In the next few days, we all lived freely. We found an elegant highland and planted the branches of the mulberry tree. As for whether or not we could live, we saw the creation of the mulberry tree.

These days, it turned out to be the best day I have ever had.

But the good days won't last long. This morning, I suddenly felt something, woke up from my sleep, and was again put on clothes by Tang Mingli, broke through the ceiling and flew out of the hotel.


A loud noise, the hotel we just stayed in was blown up, and the fire of the sky rose from the ground, blooming a dazzling mushroom cloud.

Tang Mingli’s face is ugly.

The screams and the crying sounded, and suddenly it was a mess. Through the fire and the smoke, I saw a man in a red robe standing on the roof of the opposite high building.

The appearance of that one seems to be only in his thirties, but I know that he is at least three hundred years old.

This is a master.

I am not his opponent.

Tang Mingli squinted and said, "Who are you?"

"Yuanzheng." The man in the red robe looked stunned and looked at Tang Mingli. "You are the SSS master who suddenly appeared in the Central Star?"

“Yuanzheng?” Tang Mingli said, “I have never heard of it.”

In the eyes of Yuan Zheng, a scream of anger was issued, and the anger turned into a real flame, and his body continued to fly around.

It seems that he is very famous in this world and thinks that Tang Mingli deliberately insulted him.

Where did he know that Tang Mingli was only telling the truth.

"Ignorance of children!" Yuan is roaring, a powerful force is coming to me.

Tang Mingli came to my ear and said, "Let's find a place to hide."


These three words are extremely ironic to me. When can I not become his burden?

I nodded and jumped down and escaped a few blocks away. The army had already entered and protected the surrounding civilians from evacuating.

"Ms. Yuan." Suddenly an aircraft parked on top of my head. I looked up and saw the door open, revealing the face of Fei Yu.

"Ms. Yuan, here is dangerous, come up soon."

I set foot on his aircraft, and the flying saucer-like thing crossed the low sky and flew in the opposite direction to the palace.

"Who is this yuan?" I asked.

His face is serious: "Yuan is the national teacher of the enemy country, SSS level master, he has never come out of the enemy capital star, this time I must have heard that there is also a SSS level master in China, only to make a special trip to kill Mr. Tang ""

He paused and sighed and said: "The world, there is only one SSS level master, Yuanzheng, he is the strongest person in the world. Over the years, the enemy has been pressing us to fight because of his existence. He has become accustomed to living high and living a revered life like God, and naturally will not tolerate others to threaten his position."

There was a sigh of relief in my eyes.

"Unforgivable!" I said with a grin.

The aircraft flew into the mountains, and there was an underground castle inside the mountain. The interior was filled with the elegant style of the ancient earth. There were pavilions, birds and flowers everywhere.

I walked on the covered bridge and looked at the lake below and the squid swimming inside, and I fell into meditation.

“Do you like it here?” Fei Yu asked softly.

I did not answer, he said: "You can avoid disaster here, you can rest assured, as a family, I will protect you. I have to protect the civilians and leave."

"Wait." I stopped him. He turned back: "Is there anything else?"

I slowly came to him and looked at his eyes carefully, as if to see his heart.

"The arrival of Yuanzheng, are you planning?" I sighed.

He snorted and said, "Why do you think so?"

"How many levels do you have to go from the capital star of the enemy country to the central star of the War Dragon Empire?" I said coldly. "If an SSS-level master can come and go, you can't even hear a little wind. The War Dragon Empire is early." It is dead."

My voice has increased by eight degrees, and said fiercely: "Flying feathers, don't treat me as a fool! I look like a brainless woman? What do you want to do?"

Fei Yu was silent for a while and said, "You are the last person of the Protoss. Do you think that you have the responsibility to continue the descendants of the Protoss?"

I frowned and my eyes were colder.

He suddenly held my shoulder and said, "Jun Yao, let's get married."

"What?" I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, and I found the language for a long time. "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know." He said eagerly, "I want you to have a baby for me, a child with Protoss!"

He looked at his hands and his eyes were full of disgust: "I have always been proud of my own blood, but in order to survive, I have to escape from the mountains and seas in the way of the soul. After I got this body, I have not One day is not remorse. If there is no pedigree of the Protoss, what do you mean if you survive?"

He looked at me deeply, and his eyes showed a bit of fanaticism: "Until I saw you, the moment I saw you on the star network, I knew that you are a protoss, a pure Protoss! At that moment, I finally have Hope! Yuan Junyao, you are the light of my hope!"

I took a step back and said, "Flying feathers, don't forget, even if I gave birth to your child? He is still not a pure Protoss, but a hybrid!"

This sentence is like a knife blade, slammed into his chest and gave him a fatal blow!

He lost a few steps and silently for a moment, saying: "No, Yuan Junyao, as long as my descendants have protoss bloodlines, thousands of years later, there will always be one to return to the ancestors, just like you!"

I shook my head and said disappointed: "You are crazy."

He sneered and said: "Yes, I am crazy, what about it? Do you know what I experienced in the mountains and seas of the year? In the dark days of the cellar, when they were pumping blood endlessly, I am already crazy!"

His eyes were blood red, staring at me, saying: "Yuan Junyao, what is wrong with me? I can make you the queen of the War Dragon Empire, what you want, no matter the ends of the earth, I will find Come, present in front of you. You will have power and status, and possess something that you didn't even think about before!"

I looked at his crazy look and felt very sad.

What if you are born again?

He is too attached to the past and cannot integrate into this new world. It is more painful than death.

So what about other people? Are they okay?

I took a deep breath and said, "Fei Yu, you listen to me. I want something, I will take it, I don't need someone to get it in front of me, I won't be despicable to sell my child. exchange."

I said in a word: "You are insulting me! Insulting the Protoss! Now you are no different from those who imprison you!"

He was shocked and began to tremble.

He seems to be hesitant, but in the end he still has the upper hand for the protoss lineage. He grabbed my hand and said, "Yuan Junyao, you listen to me, I will never let you go, I will think Try to kill the man and send his head to you!"

After all, he took a step back and said loudly: "Come on!"

I haven’t finished talking yet, I suddenly shot.

I took a shot at him, and the palm of the hand was very fierce, with a thrilling dragon, killing him.

He sneered and said: "I am a S-class singer, the equivalent of the power of the fairy, with your current strength, can not hurt me."

After all, he raised his hand and easily took over my hand.

However, the next second he found that his body was like being crushed by a mountain, heavy and incomparable, and could not move!

He bowed his head in disbelief and glanced at the symbol in his hand.

It turned out that I was hiding a symbol in that palm.

That is the real killing trick.

"This... this is the patriarch print!" he said, "How come you... is it condensed?"

"He has already printed the patriarch to me and hides it in my body." I looked at him condescendingly and said, "Even if your body is no longer a Protoss, but the soul is still, this family is long, Still effective for the soul."

He stayed on the spot for a long time, and suddenly he laughed.

"I didn't expect it, I was so eager to be a Protoss, and in the end I was destroying me. It turned out to be the only thing related to the Protoss in me!"

A drop of crystal tears slipped down with his eyes, and looking at him in front of me, I couldn’t hate it at all, only that I felt like a cotton in my chest and I was panicked.

Just then, a figure walked in slowly. He looked at Fei Yu and threw a round thing in front of him.

The smell of blood spreads in the air.

That is actually a human head.

Yuanzheng's head.

"You deliberately leaked my news to him, and then opened the door for him. Isn't it just to kill me and then steal my fiancee?" Tang Mingli said, "Unfortunately, he is too weak, if you want to kill I am looking for at least ten yuan."

Fei Yu glanced at the man's head, cold and cold: "Waste."

Tang Mingli leaned over and looked at him and said: "I have removed the strongest enemy of the enemy for you. Should you pay me a little reward?"

After all, his momentum suddenly became cold, saying: "Where is the creation stone?"

Feiyu laughed again and said: "Tang Mingli, you are smart, but you will still be fooled. There is no creation stone at all. The only thing I found is the little one!"

Tang Mingli naturally did not believe, and snorted, saying: "Since you don't say it, I can only search for you!"

I hesitated and said, "Ming Li, he is my family after all..."

Tang Mingli said: "Reassure, my strength is so big with him. Searching for his soul will not make him an idiot. It will only make him a headache for a year and a half."

After all, he put his own knowledge into the mind of Fei Yu.

Fei Yu made a heartbreaking scream.

I can't bear it, but I have to harden my heart.

For a long time, Tang Mingli took back his hand and his face was full of disappointment.

The feathers are soft on the ground, blood is flowing out of the nostrils, and the eyes are a bit sluggish.

"What he said is true?" I asked.

Tang Mingli was angry and burned. "You dare to lie to me. If you don't see you are a member of Junyao, I have already killed you!"

My heart is very uncomfortable, said: "Ming Li, let's go, leave the world."

He looked back at me and the anger was full of dissipating at this moment.

He took me into his arms and gently touched my long hair and said, "Okay."

it is good!

Science and Technology Civilization·End