MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 848 Fuso tree

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I hugged him from behind and said, "How about that? There is always a way. Even if we have traveled through 3,000 thousand worlds and 3,000 thousand worlds, we can always find a solution."

Dong Yue raised his hand and gently held my hand and said, "In any case, we will remove it from the extreme. This cancer must not let him live again."

Dongyue slowly nodded.

After a long day and night flight, we finally arrived at the legendary Fusang Island.

Fuso Island is an island located in the extreme east of the heavens. There is only one towering tree on the island, which is the famous hibiscus tree.

As early as in "The Songs of the South, Jiu Ge·Dongjun", this tree was mentioned. "Shan Hai Jing·Overseas East Sutra" also mentioned that this tree is the place where the sun was born.

This is a tree of gods that existed in ancient times. The age can be traced back to the time when Pangu opened the world, and it was much older than the age of the Emperor.

This is the first time I have seen the legendary hibiscus tree. It is tall and towering, and countless branches are extending in all directions.

However, it has no leaves.

Looking far away, I can only see countless branches, and it looks like it is dead. In fact, its vitality is very prosperous. I am afraid that it will not die until the day when this small world is dying.

We came under the tree, its trunk is very large, and it is comparable to a skyscraper.

I was trying to reach out and touch the trunk, but it was stopped by Dongyue. He picked up a stone and threw it on the trunk. The stone burned at once and soon burned a pile of sand.

"This is the **** tree where the sun was born," he said. "You are still a mortal body, you can't touch it, or you will be burnt into coke like a stone."

I was shocked, my heart was full of awe, I wanted to use the knowledge of God to sweep the tree and see if there was any flowering, but I found that my knowledge seemed to be suppressed, and I could not reach it.

"Or let me come." Dong Yuedao, "You are too low to be suppressed by the power of the **** tree."

He swept the tree with the knowledge of God, and I asked with expectation: "How?"

He shook his head in silence.

In fact, I understand that the hibiscus tree has not blossomed for millions of years. How can it be inexplicably flowered for us?

The rise and fall of the Three Realms has no meaning at all in the eyes of the **** tree. Even though the Three Realms are perishing, it still stands here, waiting for the emergence of the next era.

I suddenly thought of something, saying: "I have a way!"

Dongyue asked: "What is the solution?"

I took a mirror from the Qiankun bag and said, "This is a cosmic mirror that speeds up the growth of plants. I don't know if it has any effect on the hibiscus tree?"

Dong Yue asked in amazement: "Where did you get this fetish?"

I said: "It's a coincidence."

Dong Yue looked at the mirror carefully and said: "This universe is not the thing of our world, but from other big worlds, just don't know where it came from. Maybe... really useful ""

I took a scorpion and pointed the mirror at the hibiscus tree. Then I took a scorpion and pointed it at the mirror. The mirror immediately released a ray of light and hit the hibiscus tree.

However, there is no response from the hibiscus tree.

Time passes by in a minute, and it is reasonable to say that it should have passed for hundreds of years, but the hibiscus tree has not changed in the slightest.

Is it... the cosmic flood mirror is useless to the hibiscus tree?

"No, useful." Dong Yuedao, "Look at the tree."

I took a closer look. There is a tree on the trunk. It seems to be a little bigger than before.

"Even after thousands of years, the changes in the mulberry tree are very small, so it looks like it has not changed." Dong Yuedao, "But look carefully at the lines on the trunk, it has changed."

I nodded and continued to wait.

Time passed by, we waited for three days and three nights under the tree, and it was about five days, but the hibiscus tree never blossomed, and my heart gradually became anxious.

The mortal world still doesn't know how, and how many people died in the plague. If we can't take Fusang flowers back, the mortal will be finished.

Just then, a voice came from behind and said: "You don't have to bother, the hibiscus tree will not bloom."

We were both surprised. I looked back and saw a man carrying a wine gourd on his back, his face soft and lying on a white cloud, his face was red and his face was full of alcohol.

Dong Yue looked at him up and down and said: "How are you?"

"I? I am just a nameless pawn, and I can't enter the emperor's eyes." The young drunkard took the wine gourd from his back, poured it into his mouth, drank a few mouthfuls, and sat down satisfactorily.

I asked: "How do you know that the hibiscus tree will not bloom?"

The drunkard laughed twice and said, "Because the hibiscus tree is not willing to bloom, if it is not willing, you force it to bloom, can it be happy?"

I was silent for a moment and said: "How can the hibiscus tree be willing to bloom?"

The drunkard took another sip of wine and shook his head. "How can it not bloom? Let's go."

After all, he drove in the clouds and turned to fly away.

I and Dong Yue looked at each other and said, "Oh, forget it, we still drink a little wine, eat some side dishes, take a break, and don't come here."

After that, he took out a jar of wine and patted the mud. A rich fragrance floated out, and the whole world seemed to be drunk in the fragrance.

Suddenly in front of the flower, the young man came back again, sucking his nose and saying: "Good fragrant wine."

I poured out two cups, and one drink with Dongyue, the wine into the throat, sweet and sweet, both of us showed a satisfied look.

The young man seemed to be addicted to alcohol, and his heart tickles and said, "Give me a cup of tea."

Dongyue faintly said: "We don't even know your name. If you don't know the name, you are not a friend. How can you drink it together?"

As I said, I poured another glass for him. He drank it all. The young man hurriedly said, "How can such a good wine drink? You should be fine."

We have a cup of you, and we will soon finish the wine. The young man hurriedly said, "Let's do it, you give me a drink, I will tell you how to make the hibiscus tree bloom!"

We both had a happy time and turned to ask: "Really?"

"Of course it is true," he said.

I shook my head: "I don't believe, you are not a mulberry tree, how can you know how to make it bloom?"

"You don't believe it?" The young man snorted and said with dissatisfaction. "Let you see it today."

With a finger in his hand, the mulberry tree actually grew a flower bud.

Dong Yue arched his hand and said: "I have seen the Fusang tree god."

The hibiscus tree snorted from the nose and said: "Know that I am the mulberry tree god, don't hurry up and bring me the wine!"

I quickly poured a glass of wine to him, and he took a taste of it and suddenly smiled to meet the joy.

"Good wine! Really good wine!" He said, "I have tasted the world's wines all these years. Whether it is the peach blossoms of Yaochi or the monkey wine of the mortal world, I have tasted it, but I have never tasted it. So delicious. What is this wine?"

I said, "When you return to your predecessors, this wine is made from materials from different worlds and several precious cultures of the yin dynasty. The different world is the cultivation of immortal civilization, so there are so many precious and precious things. I have carefully selected for a long time, and after pondering the formula for a long time, I have brewed this altar wine, and there is no more."

The Fusang tree **** tasted the wine in the mouth and we drank a few cups together. He said: "Since you are coming for the mulberry flowers, why don't you ask me to let the flowers bloom?"

Dongyue Road: "Since the predecessors of the tree gods are willing to see us, they have already promised our request. We only need to thank our predecessors."

The hibiscus tree glanced at him and said, "You are smart! I will not let it bloom!"

I quickly said: "You don't want to be angry with your predecessors, he can't talk. Come, come, drink."

He drank another drink. I looked at his face and said: "Predecessors, nowadays the mortal virus is raging, the balance of the three realms is broken, and the spirits are smeared. Please also pity the souls of the predecessors, give us a flower, let us save the world. In the water fire."

After all, I bowed to him deeply. He nodded and said, "This is the right attitude."

He touched his chin and continued: "I don't want to let me help you."

Both of us were overjoyed and quickly said: "What are the predecessors' instructions to say, as long as we can do it, we must do it."

He looked at us and said: "My request is not difficult." He looked at Dongyue and said: "Are you a big Luo Jinxian?"

Dongyue Road: "Exactly."

Fusang Tree God said: "With your strength, you can break the void and go to other big worlds."

As he spoke, his hands stretched out and countless branches broke from the tree, flew down and landed in front of us.

"I can give you hibiscus flowers, but you must bring these branches to other big worlds and plant the branches," he said.

I am somewhat puzzled and said: "Why is this?"

He glanced at me and said, "You humans still know the truth of how many children are blessed. How can we not allow us to help the mulberry trees?"

I smiled awkwardly.

He drank another glass of wine and said, "After many years, my body will encounter a major disaster. These branches are my avatars. If there is a kind of living in other worlds, I will be born again in that world. ""

He looked at us and said: "I want you to swear to the heart, you must plant all these branches, otherwise the heart will be damaged, repaired as a fall, and there is no place to die."

I was anxious and said: "But he is the emperor of Dongyue. He wants to manage the local government. Although I am now a low-minded person, I always have to repair it when there is no great Luo Jinxian. This poison swears me to send it."

The hibiscus tree **** sneered, saying: "Who knows if you can repair that level? I never invest in potential stocks, or a potential stock that can't see the future."

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