MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 837 Thirty-two changes

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He whispered in my ear: "Jun Yao, I am not dead, I am still by your side."

I can no longer control my tears, hugged his neck and said, "Hey, don't leave me, don't..."

He leaned my head on his shoulder and said, "I am, I have been, I will never leave you."

I hugged him and cried darkly.

He said nothing, quietly holding me, until I was tired, he wiped the tears on my face with his hand, saying: "Don't cry, I know you are under tremendous pressure, experienced Too much pain, don't be afraid, I will stay with you to protect you in the future, no one wants to hurt you any more."

I put my face on his chest and listened to his powerful heartbeat and sighed softly.

"The next thing, what are you going to do?" I asked, "The medical king's thing..."

"I will carry forward the medical king." He said, "That is my dream, I will not give up."

"But... how do you explain with Yin Wei's disciples?" I asked.

Dong Yue smiled and said: "I have a solution, rest assured."

Just then, Li Muzi came knocking at the door and said, "Master, the Shangguan family is here."

Dongyue browed and picked and said, "He came to see me. He is like a wealthy wolf hidden in the dark, staring at me. Once I die, he will pounce on it and eat for me. flesh."

He paused and his eyes became cold. He said: "There are many people like this."

He patted me on my back and said, "Let's go, let him see and see, I am not dead, but also become more powerful."

When Shangguan allowed to see Dongyue, he narrowed his eyes.

Dongyue pulled out a red wine from the wine cabinet and said, "How? Seeing that I am still alive, are you not happy?"

Shangguan Yun said with a cold face: "No, I am ecstatic." He looked around and asked me: "What about Yin Zongzhu? I heard that he went to **** with you."

Dong Yue said calmly: "He has passed away."

Shangguan allowed a moment, and there was a kind of light in his eyes. It was the excitement of the beast.

Dong Yue’s gaze swept through him coldly and said: “Before he died, he had already handed over the medical prince to me. I will inherit his will and carry forward the medical prince.”

Shangguan Yun narrowed his eyes and said: "Who doesn't know if you are not in harmony? Will he hand over the medical king to you?"

Dongyue smiled lightly and said: "That is because you don't know him. He knows that I am an upright person. I believe that I can make the medical king to the peak, and I am willing to hand over the sect of my own."

Shangguan Yun sneered and glanced at me. He said: "It seems that he not only handed over his ancestral door to you, but also gave the woman to you. This trip to the Western Hell, you are really rewarding. what."

Dongyue mouth is hooked and said: "You have gotten a lot. These days, you are busy killing the remaining forces of Satanism in various places, taking their resources and making the Shangguan’s power bigger and bigger, but very busy. what."

Shangguan Yun’s smile was somewhat meaningful. He looked at me coldly and said: “Yuan Junyao, I really didn’t think that Yin Haogang’s death was not long before you were together with Tang Mingli. It seems that they said that you are a woman with watery poppies. I really didn't say anything wrong."

I was so angry that I was about to get angry. Dongyue shot.

His eyes moved, and Shangguanyun flew out and slammed into the wall.

In the next second, Dongyue had already rushed to him, holding his neck in one hand, his eyes cold as a knife, sweeping over him, just like he was late.

Shangguan Yun suddenly gave birth to a burst of coldness.

For the first time, he felt that Tang Mingli was so terrible.

No, he seems to be more horrible than before.

"Shangguan Yun, you remember to me, if I let you hear my woman in this tone, I will tear your limbs off the body and throw you into the sinister house. Let your eternal life be eternal and tortured!"

Dongyue said in a word, the powerful pressure was pressed against Shangguanyun, and his hands were slightly trembling.

He clenched his fist immediately and didn't want people to see his fear.

Dongyue finished, and when he put it on his hands, Shangguan Yun clenched his teeth and stared at him, saying, "You... have you advanced?"

Dongyue overslept and looked at him with contemptuous eyes and said, "Go and fight the flies with the flies, that is your identity."

In Shang Guanyun's eyes, there was a humiliation, his face was full of resentment, his eyes seemed to burn two black holes in him.

Dong Yue waved and said: "You can go."

Shangguan Yun snorted and glanced at me, his eyes full of complex looks.

At this moment, he felt humiliating.

He didn't want me to see him so humiliating moments.

I am silent and my eyes are cold.

He bowed his head and strode out of the Yuan family.

I looked at his back and sighed helplessly.

Suddenly one hand reached over and hugged my waist and said, "Why, Jun Yao, reluctant?"

I hugged my chest with both hands and said, "He is a jerk, but this **** drank my blood because of the margins. I am responsible for him."

Dong Yue suddenly reached out and grabbed my arm and looked at me deeply. He said, "Jun Yao, you are not a babysitter. They are not your responsibility. You don't have to protect them and carry them."

I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart and nodded.

Dongyue was silent for a while and said, "I don't want your eyes to have other men in your eyes."

After all, he hugged me up and reached the wall and said, "Jun Yao, I want you to only look at me."

After that, he kissed me.

His kiss still carries the roughness of the sandstone, which reminds me of Yin Wei and thinks about Tang Mingli.

They are... very similar.

However, I instinctively pushed him away.

His body is Dongyue Emperor. This face is exactly the same as Tang Mingli. He is lingering with him. I have the feeling of betraying Yin Yin.

This feeling makes me very uncomfortable.

He seemed to see my embarrassment, silence for a moment, back a few steps, and suddenly a transparent figure emerged from the body.

I looked at him with shock, and I haven’t returned to God for a long time, saying: “Hey...hey?”

His soul is actually what Yin Yin looks like.

He smiled and said: "The half of Yin Wei's face, the proportion of the face is more, so after the fusion, the soul is his appearance."

I feel that my three views have been refreshed, and I have not returned to God for a long time.

He opened his hands and took me into his arms and said, "Now, do you still have psychological barriers?"

I raised my hand and tried to touch his soul. The hand passed through his spirit. I flashed a touch of loss in my eyes. He paused and returned to the flesh. Then, his body was filled with After a layer of golden light, his appearance changed completely.

It became Yin Yi.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak.

Dongyue Road: "How? Surprised?"

I didn't talk, but he smiled and said: "Many myths and legends, the gods can change their looks, many demons and ghosts can also change their appearance, and even the legendary seventy-two changes."

I swallowed and said, "Can you change your looks?"

"Of course, after becoming a fairy, this is a very common skill." He said, "Only the gods are very proud, and they will not change their appearance easily."

"Then you..." I hesitated.

Dong Yue smiled and said: "Don't forget, my soul is originally two people, and it is normal to change between the two looks."

He hugged me and came to me and said, "Now... how do you feel?"

An impulse rushed out of my chest, I opened my hands, grabbed his neck and kissed his lips.

The kiss is very deep and long. My nostrils are filled with his unique taste, some like the smell of grass, and some like the smell of mint.

The two flavors are mixed together, which makes me feel a strange feeling, as if I am holding Yin Yi and Tang Mingli at the same time.

When his breathing became so fast that he put his hand into my clothes, I pushed him away.

Dong Yue looked at me strangely and said: "What happened? You are not satisfied?"

I took a deep breath and said, "Now is not the time to do this. From the extreme, they will soon be evil in the world, we can't..."

Dongyue glared at me and said, "Not in these two days."

I was shocked: "You, can you... can do it for a day or two?"

Dongyue mouth slightly evoked, said: "Don't look down on a mixed yuan without great Luo Jinxian, not to mention my ability is definitely the strongest."

He leaned into my ear and whispered, "Would you like to try?"

"Don't!" I said in a hurry, "I don't think there is no great Luo Jinxian, it will be very difficult to see."

I paused and said, "I will wait until I advance to the mixed yuan without great Luo Jinxian."

Dongyue's face sank at once and once again put me on the wall, saying: "Jun Yao, are you going to drive me crazy?"

I twitched my mouth twice and said: "This... you are a fairy, I am just a flesh, I can't take it..."

He whispered: "Can you afford it, or you have to wait until you have tried it."

I seized an opportunity, got a drill, and got out of his arms. He said, "That... I will talk about it later. There are still many things to be dealt with in the Tang family. They have sent people several times. If you don’t go back, those who are not in the right place will have to make trouble."

Dongyue snorted and said: "Let them wait, but it is a small family of people. Can I manage the entire sinister house and deal with a small Tang family?"

After all, he kissed me again. I finally pushed him away. He said, "I am going to deal with the Tang family. You are waiting for me at home. I will come back for dinner."

Read The Duke's Passion