MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 830 Trading with the king

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My gaze is still cold, as if without a little bit of emotion, chasing a few steps, and then stabbed a sword toward the ground.

There was a scream in the ground. I pulled the sword out of the ground and the cave king was brought out by me.

I moved my wrist and smashed it into pieces.

These pieces began to beat and then began to gather, in an attempt to reconstitute a cave king.

Just then, a voice came and said: "His body is made up of rocks. As long as he is still on the ground, he will be resurrected endlessly. You must kill him and take him away from the ground."

I glanced at the place where the sound came, standing there with a man in a black cloak with a cane in his hand and a black hood covering his face.

I didn't take care of him, stretched my hand, and used strong knowledge to raise all the scattered stones on the ground into the air, and then an energy swept out and crushed all the stones into powder.

Among the powders, there is a fist-sized bead. I took it with my knowledge and held it in my hand, full of warmth.

This is the inner king of the cave king.

Earth system Dan.

I put it in the Qiankun bag, but suddenly touched something.

That is a jade box.

In my heart, I took out the jade box and opened the lid. The bright red flower inside filled my eyes.

Gathering flowers!

My hand was a little trembling, as if I saw hope again at this moment.

Although their flesh has died, I can gather their souls with the Ghost Flower. The body of Dongyue Emperor is still in the palace of the Yin Cao, I can send his soul back to Dongyue Palace.

As for the soul of Yin Yi, I will take good care of it and find another female coffin in the future, and then reshape a body for him!

I saw hope again.

Holding the jade box, I ran towards the land of mourning. The man in a black cloak followed me behind me. I kept going very far. I couldn’t bear it. I went back and said, "What are you doing with me?" ?"

The black cloak man bowed to me and said: "According to the rules of our hell, you killed the cave king and inherited his territory and became the new cave king."

"I am not interested in being a king." I said, "Give me a roll!"

The black cloak man sneered again, smashed his hood and revealed a beautiful face.

He saluted me again and said: "Respected Queen, I am the King, I am willing to serve you."

"I will say it again." I said a word, "Roll!"

Wang Wang is not angry at all, smiled and said: "You want to go to the mourning land in the west? I can lead the way for you."

"No need." I sighed.

Yu Wang said: "Dear Queen, you don't know where you are now. Looking at the city like this is actually a labyrinth. If you don't believe it, you can try it. You can't walk out of this street."

I naturally don't believe it. I walked towards the end of the street. Who knows that halfway, the houses around me suddenly moved.

They turned around, the street in front of them disappeared, and another street appeared.

I walked along this street for a while, and the houses around me moved again.

No matter how many times I go, the house will always block my way and form a new street.

In my anger, I punched a punch in front of the house and smashed the house.

Originally, I wanted to make a **** road. Who knows that the surrounding houses immediately gathered and filled the location of the house that was just destroyed.

"Don't do nothing more." Wang said, "My Majesty the Queen, this is the power of the law, you can't force a breakthrough."

I looked back at him and said, "What do you want?"

Hey, he laughed and said: "It's very simple, I want your blood."

My face sank and said: "Hugh."

Yan Wangdao: "You don't need much, just a small cup. You can feel your blood under the respect of your majesty. It flows under your white and jade skin and exudes a charming fragrance. I have a hunch, as long as If you can eat your blood, I will be able to re-long the flesh and get a strong flesh."

I sneered at his suggestion, snorted and continued to fight the maze, but I tried my best and never went out.

"You should be very anxious." The king appeared on the roof behind me. "You only need a small glass of blood, and you can get out of the maze. This business is very cost-effective."

I clenched the jade box in my hand and bit my teeth. The time was delayed for too long, and the collection of souls would be more difficult.

"Good!" I sighed. "If you dare not keep your credit, I will not spare you."

Yu Wang showed his joy and made a gift to me. "The great Queen, you can rest assured that the whole **** knows that my credibility has always been good."

I cut my hand with the dagger, and the blood suddenly came out. I was looking for a cup to install it. The king had come to me, took my hand, and started to drink.

I only drank three or four, and I took my hand and said, "It is enough."

The king of the king showed the original shape. It turned out to be a skeleton of Bai Sensen. His jaw was covered with my blood, and the soul fire in his eyes kept beating.

At this moment, he felt his hands burst into heat, looked down and found that his arms actually grew some muscles.

Although only a little longer, my blood is really effective.

He looked at me with excitement, and the soul fire in his eyes screamed with a strange light: "I didn't expect that your blood is so effective. If you can drink all your blood and eat all your meat, I will be able to immediately Growing up in the flesh!"

I looked at him with cold eyes and said, "Why, do you want to violate our agreement?"

"Oh." He sneered, "I am too stupid, and I will believe in me. In hell, I have always been strong and I will never keep my promise."

After that, he lifted the crutches and looked at me deeply. "Goodbye, Her Majesty, you can only die here today. If you blame, you will blame you for being stupid."

I looked cold and stood still and looked at him.

He is suspicious, and he can't help but have some doubts. I am so calm, is there any card?

But my flesh and blood temptation is too big, he could not stand the temptation, rushed to me in desperation, exhausted all efforts, to kill me completely.

And I am still motionless.

The gem on the crutches shot a black light, and it was about to hit me, but it stopped in front of me.

His face became a bit weird, grinding his teeth, and starting again, but still can't kill me.

There was even a strange feeling in his heart. I felt that it was very important to him. It was too cruel to kill me.

This thought made him feel scared. He dropped his crutches and rushed up, grabbing my neck with the hands that had just grown a little.

I looked at him, he stared at my eyes for a long time, and finally pushed me to the ground angrily, roaring: "What have you done to me?"

I patted the dust on my body and said, "Do you think that there is such a good thing in the world? Drinking my blood and eating my meat, you can get the flesh again without paying any price. ?"

Wang Wang looked at me with amazement: "What do you mean?"

I did not answer him, saying: "Take me first to mourn the land."

He angered: "You dare to instruct me!" After all, a hand, body shape, disappeared at the end of the long street.

I stood in the same place, waited for five minutes, he came back, and turned into a handsome look, his face was a bit ugly, said: "I will take you to the land of mourning, you tell me, what did you do to me? ""

I am cold and honest: "You are just fulfilling your previous promises. I have wasted so much time and actually want to open new conditions?"

Yu Wang’s face is even more ugly. I also know that I will give a sweet date when I hit a stick. “If you can help me, I can give you a muscle to speed up your muscle growth.”

The eyes of the king are bright: "Do you speak?"

I snorted and said, "Do you think I am you? Speaking as fart?"

The king snorted and said, "Okay, I believe you will go with me this time."

He used a strange way to lead me out of the maze. I looked back and looked at the houses. The houses were constantly changing. If no one leads the way, even if the gods come, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out. .

Since the labyrinth came out, the things behind it were much simpler. I took the flying sword and spent five hours before arriving at the mourning ground.

I did not expect Tang Mingli's formation to send me so far.

When I arrived at the land of mourning, the inside was a mess, overlapping and I don’t know how many thousands of years of ice have actually begun to melt.

I asked the king to go around and inquire about it. Some monsters said that it was a few hours since I saw a terrible person flying out of it.

It has already left.

I was about to enter the land of mourning, but I was stopped by the king.

He said with a heavy face: "Don't go in, the ancient treasure hidden in the mourning ground has been taken away, the temperature inside rises straight, the ice begins to melt, and some ancient monsters that have been frozen in millions of years. Start slowly recovering, if you go in, I am afraid I will die inside."

I looked firmly and said, "I have to go in."

After all, I took out a jade bottle from the Qiankun bag and threw it to him. He said, "This is the raw muscle Dan. Take it for yourself."

The king stunned for a moment, and did not seem to think that I would actually follow the promise.

I walked into the land of mourning without hesitation. He looked at the jade bottle in his hand, bit his teeth, swallowed all the medicinal herbs inside, and quickly followed.

I frowned. "What are you doing with you?"

Read The Duke's Passion