MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 820 Big ritual ceremony

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Taylor was relieved and bowed and said: "Yes, Lord Pope."

He looked at a few people and said, "Hello, Lord Odin..."

"Oh." The Pope snorted and said: "Odin betrayed the master and sneaked on the master when he swallowed the soul. The master was seriously injured and fled."

Taylor was shocked and his face was a little angry. "Odin is dare to make such a big thing. You, do you want to immediately issue a wanted order to let all the believers in the world chase him?"

The Pope nodded slightly and said, "Good, you can do it."

"Yes." Taylor retreated to the side and walked into the castle. He took the black cloak on his body and threw it at Taylor. He said, "I will inform all the priests immediately, let them all come back. I will hold a big ritual. ""

Taylor’s earthquake, the great ritual ceremony is a very important ritual in Satanism. It will be held once in a long time. Every time it is held, ten beautiful virgins will be sacrificed on the spot, and all the priests will participate.

Once the Great Sacrifice is successfully held, Satan will drop the gift and all the priests will be promoted to the next level.

This ritual is rarely held because modern society, the sacrifices are more and more difficult to find, each sacrifice must be a sixteen-year-old virgin, not only looks extraordinary, but also must be versatile, knowledgeable, and noble.

In ancient times, there will be many aristocrats who will donate their own unloved daughters in exchange for benefits. In modern society, there are fewer and fewer such people, and Satanism does not dare to arbitrarily plunder the noble women.

We must know that there is a Holy See in the West. The Holy See has always been the opposite of Satanism. It is ready at all times to annihilate Satanism.

Taylor was hesitant and said: "Hello, is it too early to hold a big ritual?"

The Pope's face sank and said: "Isn't the sacrifice already prepared? The master has just got a strong avatar. It is the strongest time, we can't give up this opportunity."

His voice became harsh and said: "Do it now, the sooner the better!"

Taylor had to nod and said, "Yes, sir."

After Taylor left, the Pope returned to his study and swept it with God. He did not find any cameras.

Satan is a powerful figure, and naturally he will not tolerate anyone on his territory.

He opened the wine cabinet and pulled out a red wine from inside. He said, "Is it a red wine from 1784?"

With a few black men behind him, he smiled and said: "In 1986, Christie's auction house in London shot a 1784 ChateauDyquem, which sold for $56.88 million. This kind of wine, of course, Have a taste."

The voice of the Pope is clearly Tang Mingli, and the voice of the black man is clearly Shangguan Yun.

I touched my chin. Is it that every dignitary is acting? In the performance of Tang Mingli just now, if the Pope was killed by myself, I really thought that Tang Mingli was replaced by him.

However, these powerful people must mediate with people every day, obviously hate the other side to hate to die, but they still have to show a close look and anger, this acting has already exploded.

"Jun Yao, come and try it." Tang Mingli handed me a glass of wine. "There will be a bad fight tonight, relax first."

I took a drink and said that I really can't appreciate these foreign wines.

After drinking the wine, Tang Mingli said: "Let's get familiar with the environment first, pay attention, don't show your feet."

From the pope's bedroom, I came over to Dongyang and whispered: "Master, that... I will accompany you."

I gave him a blank look and said, "Let with your sister."

I bowed to Dongyang and immediately rejoiced and said, "Thank you Master, or Master hurts me."

When I said it, I posted it to Li Muzi, and I was very diligent.

I shook my head, they are now men, this scene is really spicy eyes.

I walked through the castle, and everyone who came and went to nod and said hello to me. It seems that the people around the Pope are in a high position.

I really don't like these ancient castles in Europe. The lighting is very bad. It is too dark. Fortunately, the climate here is pleasant. Otherwise, in the mountainous city, the climate is humid. In a few days, it is covered with moss and cannot live.

Fortunately, the castle has been renovated and modified over the ages. The interior is full of Rococo luxury, with lanterns everywhere, and the whole castle looks like a white.

Just as I walked up the stairs made of stone, and came to the attic, suddenly a person came out from behind.

The man has been following me for a long time. I blinked. Did I be discovered?

Suddenly, the man speeded up and rushed behind me. I was about to turn and kill him, but I suddenly heard someone in the attic, and the hand that had stretched out was taken back.

The man came to me, grabbed my shoulder, pushed me to the wall, and bowed my head to kiss my lips.

I suddenly stunned and immediately opened my face. He sneered and said, "What? If I don’t see it for a few days, I dare pretend not to know me?"

I looked at the man in front of me, a middle-aged bearded man, and carefully recalled the information that Tang Mingli gave me. He seems to be Arthur?

"Arthur Priest." I respectfully said, "What are you doing?"

He grabbed my chin and said, "Don't you forget? I am your master?"

What is this stuff?

The look of his eyes is like watching a lover, is it... that oh... the atmosphere of foreigners is really open!

Wait, open this silky atmosphere, he said that this man is his person?

The man I changed is the closest personal attendant to the Pope. Is he actually a priest of Arthur?

Is it... he is also undercover?

"Of course I know." I bowed my head and said, "The priests, this is not the place to talk."

Said, I looked at the wooden door in the attic.

Arthur sneered and said: "What are you afraid of? The inside is all the sacrifices tonight. They are going to die soon. Are you afraid that they will leak?"

I nodded: "Primary priest, what are you doing, please let me know."

Arthur let me go, coldly said: "I heard that the one who has not invaded the enemy has been swallowed up by the owner?"

"Yes, priests." I said, "It is what the subordinates see."

Arthur frowned and said: "There was such a big credit for the Pope. Does the owner appreciate him?"

I said: "The owner said that he would reward him well before he would come back to hold a big ritual ceremony. In this ritual, the Pope's cultivation will rise two levels."

Arthur’s eyes flashed and said: “No wonder he wants to open us, risking, and going to China in person, it’s such a big advantage.”

He indulged for a moment and asked: "Odin really betrayed the owner?"

I looked at his face and thought about it. "Odin didn't betray the owner, but the master tried to get rid of him."

Arthur sneered and said: "I will know that there will be this day sooner or later."

He reached over my chin and forced me to look up and said, "You will stay with him and monitor his every move. If anything, you must find a way to tell me."

"Yes, priests." I quickly broke free from his hands, bowed his head and said respectfully.

When he saw that I was very resistant, he said coldly: "How? Going to China, what is going on? Dare to reject me?"

I was full of black lines and quickly said: "The priests have misunderstood. Tonight is the big ritual ceremony. The Pope is very attached to this ceremony. I don't want him to see the flaws."

Arthur stared at my face carefully, and made me look creepy for a long time: "After the big sacrifice ceremony, you have to compensate me well."

After I finished, I went away, my face muscles twitched a few times, wiped the sweat on my forehead, this is what it is!

When Arthur walked away, I turned my head and swept the inside of the attic with my knowledge. I found a few blond girls tied in it. From the perspective of wearing and temperament, I was born very well.

On weekdays, the Satanic Church searches for sacrifices around the world, lists the people who are suitable for the sacrifices, and, if needed, binds them.

I don't know how many young and beautiful girls died in this sinful castle.

I clenched my fist and flashed a sharp edge in my eyes.

All Satanic people are damned.

The night came again, and the moon tonight was big and bright, with a trace of ominous blood, the cold wind blowing, echoing in the castle, making a squeaking sound, like a whimper.

A limousine sneaked into the castle of the Miller family, and the men in black cloaks silently walked into a temple deep in the castle.

This temple is the temple where Satan came and gave the Pope a dagger to let them kill me and seize my luck.

There is an altar in the temple. The Pope, who was transformed by Tang Mingli, stood before the altar. The priests lined up in two columns from the stone arches and slowly came in.

"The believers of Satan." Tang Mingli turned around. His body was wearing a gorgeous black robe with golden silk threads embroidered with complicated runes. "Our great master has got the most powerful avatar, and the owner is very happy." Give grace and reward us with powerful power."

"Praise Satan!"

Tang Mingli’s mouth evoked a cold smile and said: “Now, let us offer the most beautiful sacrifices and please the great master.”

After all, he waved his hand and said: "Send it up."

The waiters in black suits came in, and together, carrying a stretcher, the stretcher seemed to be a few years old, with many runes engraved on it.

There are ten stretchers, and each beautiful stretcher is lying on a beautiful woman. These women are all blond, wearing medieval dresses, all like princesses coming out of fairy tales.

Read The Duke's Passion