MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 813 Feilian

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"Ms. Yuan, do you know how many years have there been in this prison?" he asked.

I shook my head. He said: "It’s been a hundred years. It was built by more than a dozen people in China in the same year. This Feilian is the first person to be taken in. It is recorded in the historical data that in order to arrest him and die. Three masters of the peak of the gods."

I took a breath of air, so strong!

The general commander paused and said: "As for what he was arrested for, no one knows, but the historical materials say that he is very dangerous and must not let him go."

I meditated for a while and said: "Head commander, do you think that his words are credible?"

The general commander said: "Ms. Yuan, do you know why the warden hated him?"

"Why?" I asked quickly.

"Because he has planned several prison breaks." The general commander said, "This prison is made of special materials and can isolate the gods, but I don't know why, his knowledge is able to penetrate the wall and confuse several. A young jailer used them to create chaos and wanted to go to jailbreak. Although not successful, it can be seen how dangerous he is."

He said, he came slowly to me and patted me on the shoulder and said, "Ms. Yuan, no matter what he said to you, don't listen."

I nodded and said that I understood.

From the secret room, the warden immediately came to me, and his eyes showed a bit of fierceness. "How? Want to persuade the general commander to fly out? I advise you to die this heart. Even if he agrees I will never allow it, and no one of you can get out of this door."

I am going to rebel, Tang Mingli came to my side and said with a bad eye: "As long as I am there, no one wants to hurt her."

The warden squinted his eyes and looked at him up and down. For a long time, he sneered and said, "Do you think you can protect her?"

"If you don't believe it, I don't mind trying it." Tang Mingli's eyes are like sharp knives, stabbing on the face of the warden.

The warden was silent.

Tang Mingli turned and took my arm and said, "Let's go."

At this time, the warden suddenly said: "Your eyes remind me of a person."

Tang Mingli’s pace was slightly stunned and he did not pay attention to him.

I hesitated and said, "Tang family, thank you for helping me, but I can solve it myself."

He was silent for a moment and said: "The warden is not an ordinary person, or it is less irritating."

I thought in my heart, obviously he provoked me, why did I take the initiative to provoke him?

At this moment, the old Feng on the screen punched on Lei Ying’s body, and his chest was sunk. Lei Ying flew out and slammed into a prison door, which was closed in the cell. The monster seemed to feel a bit, hitting the metal door desperately.

Lei Ying fell to the ground, no more.

Old feng glanced at him coldly, grabbed one of his feet and dragged it into the elevator. After a while, he appeared in the command room, throwing the half-dead Lei Ying into the front of the commander.

At this time, he once again became the sleeping ghost who could not afford to open his eyes. He made a big yawn and said, "He is very powerful, but he has met me. If you have anything, please ask him, he I haven't lived for a long time."

The commander blinked and said, "Tie up."

Immediately, two heavily armed prisoners rushed up, put on his locks and handcuffs, and then took out a spray and sprayed on his face. He immediately woke up.

The chief commander said coldly: "To be honest, what conspiracy do you have?"

Lei Ying suddenly laughed, laughing and showing his contemptuous eyes, saying: "Stupid! It's stupid Chinese!"

The chief commander was shocked and said: "I will inform everyone immediately and strengthen the alert!"

When the voice did not fall, I heard a staff member shouting: "The chief commander, the monitoring of the sixth floor has been changed!"

We looked up, the staff member quickly tapped on the computer, and the general commander frowned: "When can I recover?"

"There are two more minutes." The staff said.

"It's too slow!" The general commander sighed. "I only give you thirty seconds!"

The staff was so sweaty that the old Feng angered: "What is the use of these? I personally went to see."

When the voice did not fall, I saw the staff loudly: "Recovered!"

The screen on the sixth floor flashed sharply, showing a real picture.

The jailers who were on the sixth floor were all put down, and two masters in black had already arrived at the door of the ninth cell.

They opened the door.

Both the commander and Chairman Tan showed an unbelievable look.

how is this possible!

The ninth cell is the highest level of password locks and seals, and it is impossible to open it so easily!

The metal door had already opened, the glass door was gradually rising, and Fei Lian was still sitting on the sofa, looking calmly at the two, with a cold smile on his lips.

In the eyes of the warden, almost fired fire, and angered: "The commander, immediately give me permission to go to the sixth floor! As long as I am the warden, I must not let him leave!"

The voice did not fall, the staff suddenly shouted: "Total command, you look!"

Everyone looked at it again, but found that Fei Lian shot, his hand waved, a black practise appeared in the air, swept over the two black men, the black man’s clothes immediately smashed down, very Quickly fell to the ground, people have disappeared, only a pool of blood flowing from the clothes.

I was shocked.

What is this power? Actually so strong!

The two black men can all be god-level masters!

I suddenly lost my hair.

Fei Lian suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of the camera, revealing a strange smile, saying: "Now you believe, can I help you get rid of Satanism?"

The chief commander whispered: "Close the door of the cell immediately!"

The staff quickly operated for a while, his face was a little white, saying: "Off, can't close, must be manually closed by the highest authority."

"Manually shut down?" I asked, frowning.

The staff swallowed and said, "Must... go to the scene... manually shut down."

Chairman Tan frowned: "No, the commander, you are the top leader of the special department, guarding the safety of China, can not take such a risk!"

The warden's cold voice: "Give me the permission, let me go."

Chairman Tan looked at him with some embarrassment and said: "Your authority, once transferred, will be reauthorized after at least twenty-four hours."

The warden's face was full of anger, but his voice was cold as a knife: "If that's the case, you'll just die."

The chief commander indulged for a moment and said, "I will go in person!"

"No!" Chairman Tan immediately stood up and pulled him. "The commander, you can't go. This must be a trap of flying cheap, just to lie to you."

The general commander held his shoulder and said: "Old Tan, in your eyes, I am so bad?"

Chairman Tan stunned and the commander continued: "You said, I guard the peace of China in the dark. If I am really easy to be killed by him, can I still guard China?"

Chairman Tan was said to be speechless, and the general commander stepped into the elevator, and Lao Feng followed closely.

The commander looked at him over the side and suddenly sighed and said: "Old Feng, why are you suffering?"

Feng Jiu looked at him and said firmly: "This is my errand."

When the elevator door closed slowly, Tang Mingli smiled and said: "It is said that the special department agent who was hunting Feng Qiwu at that time was the chief commander."

The two heroes cherish the hero and become friends with their liver and gallbladder.

I stared at the screen. The commander and Feng Jiuyi came to the door of the No. 9 cell. Fei Lian sat on the sofa with a smile on his face. He said: "The commander has not seen it for a long time."

The general commander said: "I don't want to see you."

When he said, he went to the front of the password disk. Fei Lian smiled and said: "I advise you not to do this."

The general commander put his face in front of the password disk and scanned the iris, but he suddenly found something, and suddenly it rang, and the password disk actually sent a strong current.

That current is extremely strong, even if it is a **** level, it may not be able to hide.

My heart suddenly mentioned the eyes of the blind, and Chairman Tan was upset and shocked.

However, after the electric light passed, it was found that the general commander stood a few steps away, and he was not injured by a little bit.

I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The general commander is the leader of a special department. If this little trap is hidden, there is no need to mix it.

The general commander narrowed his eyes and looked at the password disk that had become a coke. He said, "Is this your hands and feet?"

Fei Lian smiled: "Is it easy to have the hope of escaping, how can I let you close the door?"

The commander looked at him and said, "In this case, why are you still not going?"

Fei Lian mouth corner hook, said: "It seems that you still know nothing."

The general commander frowned. Old Feng rushed forward and blocked him. He said: "Head commander, go!"

"Since it is here, why bother to go so fast?" Fei Lian body rushed out of a force, stabbed toward the general commander, the commander of the old Feng Shuangzhang pushed forward.


An earth-shattering loud noise illuminates the dazzling white light.

After the white light, the commander actually stopped in front of Lao Feng, holding a pen in his hand and writing quickly in the air.

What he wrote was a cursive script, and his power was wide open.

"Huangshan, Taishan, Lushan..." The name of the mountain appeared in the air, and then hit the body of Feilian. Each name carries the weight of the mountain. Just like Yin Xiao’s hill magic weapon, it can be pressed down. Make people smashed.

And this pen is even stronger than the hill magic weapon.

He can not only transform countless mountains, but as long as he can write it, it can be changed.

Fei Lian stood up, his finger in the cup, and then flicked outward, the water droplets hit the word, the word immediately smudged open, turned into a black ink.

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