MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 796 Thunder resort

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Tang Mingli said: "This is not difficult, I have a way..."

I haven't finished talking yet. Suddenly, a sense of crisis has risen from my heart. My face has changed. I said loudly: "Not good! It is dangerous to Dongyang!"

I rushed out one by one, but found that the door next door was locked and could not enter.

I looked a sinking, and I had a long-spirited sword in my hand. A sword stabbed the door, the door shattered, and an evil atmosphere came on the scene.

"Dongyang!" I made a French seal in my hands, opened a protective barrier around the body, and then rushed in.

This room is full of extremely corrosive evil spirits, and in a moment, all the tables, chairs, benches and the like in the house are corroded.

There are no people in the house.

I have been jumping in my heart. Is it that Dongyang has been corroded into a pool of blood?

Tang Mingli and Shangguan Yun also followed in. Shangguan Yun’s face was black and scary, and Tang Mingli went to the table that had not been corroded. He said, “Is there fruit in this room?”

I said: "Before people gave each room a seasonal fruit, I checked it and found no problems."

Tang Mingli smiled and said: "There is no problem with the fruit, but there is a problem with the house."

He came to a wall, took off the landscape picture hanging on the wall, and then waved it with his hand, and a black enamel pattern appeared on the wall.

The pattern is extremely corrosive and corrodes the wall as soon as it appears.

This house has been secretly cursed since the beginning. This concealed spell is superimposed with three layers of hidden curses. They are all masters of this skill. If it is not a secret spell, I am afraid I can't find it.

He pointed to the table again and said: "This kind of secret spell needs a thing as an introduction. It can be anything. As long as the man who casts the spell is casting a spell, he will do it. If I don't guess wrong, The introduction of this secret curse is a certain kind of fruit."

The anger in Shangguan Yun’s eyes was in the air of a layer of black, wrapped around him, and the Satanists repeatedly engaged in the activities of his villa, and did not put him in his eyes.

At this time, my heart was cold.

Is it dead to the east?

His gas is so high, so he died silently?

Because of my negligence, he is...

"Master." The clear male voice came from behind. I looked back in horror and saw that I was coming out of the door and was shocked by the situation inside. "I am going to go, this is how it is." What happened?"

I frowned. "Where did you go?"

To the east: "I am a little hungry. I saw a few oranges on the orange tree, and I picked a few."

He raised the plastic bag in his hand.

Shangguan Yun seems to think of something, said: "You go out from the door?"

"No, it's out of the window, no door." He was a little embarrassed. "I have to go around the front door for a big circle, so I turned the window."

Shangguan Yun narrowed his eyes and said: "The Tang family, start this secret spell, need someone to manipulate it?"

Tang Mingli nodded: "Yes."

Shangguan Yun said: "There was someone in the village who saw that he had returned to the room in Dongyang, and immediately started the secret spell, but he did not expect that Dongyang would actually turn the window and pick the oranges."

"At that time, the location of this person was just where you could see the main entrance of the house, but you couldn't see the window." He sang, "Come on!"

Several of his men immediately sneaked in and bowed and bowed: "Home."

Shangguan Yun’s gaze swept over them and said: “You have been hiding in the dark, waiting for my dispatch, telling me where you are.”

"Yes." The five people said the place they had just hidden. Three of them could only see the main entrance and could not see the window.

The spies of Satanism are among the three.

Shangguan Yun’s eyes were swept over by three people, and all three of them looked down and said nothing.

Suddenly, he started.

As he stretched out his hand, three golden threads flew out of the palm of his hand and into the body of the three. All three screamed and fell to the ground.

"Home, homeowner." One of the men was shocked. "The owner is forgiving, not me, really not me!"

Shangguan Yun looked at them with cold eyes and said: "Yes, I will know soon."

The three men showed an extremely painful look, and they kept rolling on the ground. Shangguan Yun said faintly: "I have planted a melting metal inside your body. It is very hot and will swim in your meridians." Go, from your flesh and blood, pull out the oil until you have exhausted all your flesh and blood."

His eyes were indifferent, saying: "This process is very painful and very long. After seven days of severe pain, you will die and die."

The eyes of the three men showed extreme fear and kept asking for mercy.

Shangguan Yun said coldly: "In the end, who is the spy of Satanism, and confessing, I can give him a quick death."

The three people screamed incessantly, but no one confessed. They said that they did not do it themselves, and they kept on loyalty.

Shangguan Yun had no patience and shot a little on top of their heads. The three men changed their faces, the screams were even more miserable, and there was a layer of shine on the body, just like they had just fished from the tank.

Hiding to Dongyang behind me, he was the first to see such a miserable scene. The former, he had seen the worst, but he was a man who offended the dignitaries and was abused by several big men.

At that time, he thought that the man was really miserable. How did he spend the rest of his life?

Unexpectedly, compared with the torture seen today, it is like a game for children.

At this time, Shangguan Yun suddenly reached out and grabbed three silks from the three heads and returned to his body.

The three of them were relieved at once, fell to the ground, and made a comfortable sigh.

Even the three people felt incredible. The homeowners who have always been cold-hearted and cold-faced have let them go.

Shangguan Yun shot again and grabbed another man standing next to him. The man was not in front of the gate.

"Home, homeowner." The man shouted in horror. "Oh, I have been hiding in the trees in the east!"

Shangguan Yun sneered and asked the other four people, saying: "Have you seen him?"

The four looked at each other and shook their heads.

They all know where their hidden positions are, but they can't stare at each other, and they don't monitor each other.

"That is, he has the opportunity to leave the bush." ​​Shangguan Yundao.

The man quickly said: "My family has clearly observed that I have not left the trees. My family has been doing things in the Shangguan family for three generations. My father also sacrificed for the Shangguan family. Our family is loyal to the Shangguan family and it is impossible to betray!"

Shangguan Yun gave him a cold look and said: "Because your family is loyal to the generation, no one will doubt you."

He snorted and said: "You have been hiding very well, but unfortunately, your instinct has betrayed you. I just used the three men to torture, you seem to be very scared."

The man quickly said: "The homeowner Thunder means, his subordinates, how can he not fear?"

Shangguan Yun sneered and said: "I can't tell why you are afraid?"

After all, he grabbed his head and a powerful god-level **** stalked into his head and shook his mind.


Shang Guanyun directly searched him for the soul!

The man trembled and his eyes turned white. It was like a ghost. After a few minutes, Shangguan allowed him to be thrown on the ground. He kept twitching, foaming at the mouth and fainting.

The method of searching for the soul is to forcibly extract memory from the human brain, destroying the other's brain and making him an idiot.

Shangguan Yun opened his eyes and coldly smashed his hand and said: "We went to the official house to treat your family. When your father sacrificed for the Shangguan family, we gave you a large amount of resources for compensation, or you How can I have today? I didn’t expect you to hate our family and trust in Satanism. It’s sinless!”

After all, he turned to the three men who had been sentenced before, and said, "It’s hard for you, go down and get a big Dan."

All three showed a pleasant look, and they all retreated after thanking them.

Read The Duke's Passion