MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 787 I still have something to say.

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I was trying to help, and Huayue suddenly stopped in front of me. He said with a smile: "Little sister, let my sister teach you, how to respect the predecessors."

I looked at her coldly and said: "When Blackwater Gate was completely annihilated, you will be left alone. You can escape the fate of being killed. It is already a great blessing. Why are you still coming to die today?"

Huayue really smiled and said: "In the early days of your little **** level, what is your temper, what do you say to me?"

I sighed and said: "People are always like this. They are fascinated by the treasures of the world. Even if they know that the front is dead, they must also fly moths."

Huayue was very cold and said: "A big tone, if that is the case, let me see what you have in the end."

After all, she had a French seal on her hands, and the ground suddenly appeared a golden rune.

This is the complete start of the Tianyanhuasheng array!

The plants that had been covered with Li Muzi all around, but once the golden runes were lit, the plants began to peel off quickly and quickly lost on the ground.

I felt a powerful force on my body, and even the use of spiritual power became stagnant.

Huayue really sneered and said: "This day is a generation of great power. I discovered it ten years ago. It took a whole ten years to communicate with it and have the power to manipulate it. Today, you can't escape."

I clenched my fist, no matter what, I have to fight once today!

I was about to start, and suddenly Yin Yin appeared behind me and hugged me from behind. He said, "Jun Yao, we can work together to defeat them."

I turned my head slightly and said, "What are we going to do?"

"Let the gods go, accept me," he said.

Li Muzi and Axin both were anxious and wanted to come up to help. He said loudly: "Don't come over!"

The two took a step and looked at each other and took a few steps back.

I completely let go of my knowledge, Yin Hao's chin stuck to my head, and our two gods were completely blended together.

In our world of consciousness, the two seas are like two universes. They gradually merge and merge. In a moment, there is a light on the top of our head. In the light, there seem to be countless stars flashing.

"This is the secret law of the ancient times." Yin Yu’s voice rang in my mind. "It is a spell often used by ancient Taoists. The strength of the two must be equal, and the mind must be figured out in order to provoke the greatest potential. It won't hurt."

He held me tighter and said, "Jun Yao, give me to myself."

Although the three people of Huayue felt a bit of danger, they thought they had taken the lead. We had no way to escape, and they took out the skills of the housekeeper and rushed toward us.

Just as those attacks were about to hit us, the starry sky above the head suddenly expanded, sucking all the attacks into it.

"What?" The trio was shocked. "How is it possible!"

I opened my eyes with Yin Wei at the same time. The starry sky quickly spun up. The three suddenly felt a huge suction sucking them. They had a little fear in their hearts. They wanted to escape, but they found that they could not move. It is.

Aura pulled away from their bodies and quickly poured into the starry sky above our heads.

[This, this is the act of smoking stars? 】

[Good, so terrible power! What is this technique? 】

[Female anchors can always surprise us. 】

"No..." Huayue struggled with pain, but did not help, only to see the aura in the body was taken out.

And the starry sky slammed into a singularity. After a second, it quickly released, and the forces they were sucking all turned back, and they all slammed on them.

"Ah!" The three men made a heartbreaking scream and flew backwards.

The three gods were actually defeated by us.

The three people fell to the ground, and the meridians in the body were all broken. Unless they could find the top healing medicine to heal, they would be a waste in the future.

Yin Wei still hugged me and said to Ashin and Li Muzi: "Go kill them."

"Wait!" Liu Ping suddenly yelled, "Yin Zongzhu, don't kill me, I, I am willing to serve you, and I will serve you in the future!"

Yin Yan looked at her coldly and said: "No, I don't need waste to serve."

Liu Ping's face was white, and she still wanted to say something. Axin had stabbed her heart and killed her life.

A letter snorted and said, "What are you? Are you waiting for my master?"

Li Muzi came to Cheng Dingguo and Cheng Dingguo said quickly: "Yin Zongzhu, I am willing to come up with a treasure for my life!"

A vine was slammed out of the ground and pierced his heart, instantly smashing the viscera in his stomach.

"Yin Zongzhu and Master need your treasures." She said indifferently. "If you dare to kill people, you must have the consciousness of being killed."

The two went together to spend the month, and Huayue took a deep breath and said: "And slow, I have one more sentence."

Yin Hao cold channel: "Hands!"

The voice did not fall, Huayue really disappeared, and Li Muzi both were surprised.

Yin Weidao: "But it, she used this method to escape."

A letter hurriedly said: "Master, let's go chase."

"No, she is a waste person even if she escapes." Yin said, "Hurry up and wake these people up, let's go."

After that, I closed the live room, and my body was soft. Together with Yin Wei, I fell to the ground.

"Master!" Li Muzi both were taken aback and immediately ran over.

Yin Weidao: "We have spent all the aura. We can't move in one day. Let us leave immediately and return to the sect."

"Yes." Two people, one person, took us up and left the airport quickly.

Fortunately, the mountain city is adjacent to Xichuan Province, and Li Muzi also has a flying sword, and we returned to the medical king with the fastest speed.

Perhaps it was scared by my live content, it was calm all the way, and there was no trouble to open up.

After entering the medical Wangzong, Axin placed me in the next door of Yin Yu’s bedroom. I was lying in bed for a day and a night, and my body got a little strength. I sat up cross-legged, took a rock from the Qiankun bag and began to absorb the stone. The aura in it.

After nearly half a month of retreat, my aura has recovered. The trick used by Yin Wei is very powerful, but the cooling time is more than half a month. This is still the case when I keep eating medicinal herbs to supplement my aura. If you change it, you will not be weak, and you must not be weak for a year and a half.

Yin Yi was injured, and with excessive use of spiritual power, the body was extremely weak. Fortunately, there was a sigh of scent, or it would be retrogressive, and the body would still have irreversible damage.

I closed the alchemy room and refining some of the medicines that replenish the aura and repair the body, and pushed open his door.

The room was very dark. He was sitting cross-legged on the bed with his hands on his knees and a piece of Lingshi in one hand.

His face was pale and there was a white breath on his head. After eating the drug, the medicine worked and he was repairing the body.

This process will be very painful. I feel uncomfortable in my heart. I put the refining medicinal herbs in front of his bed.

This time can't bother him, otherwise there is a danger of getting mad.

From his room, Ashin’s worried face said, “Ms. Yuan, Master, he... Is he better?”

"He's fine, just need some time to recover." I said, "You are cautious during this time, don't offend anyone, find trouble for your master."

Axin nodded and said: "Ms. Yuan, you can rest assured that we will protect our master."

I patted him on the shoulder, this apprentice is good, Yin Yin is still very visionary.

I turned on the computer and looked at the live broadcasts of these times. I found that the local tyrants of the mountains and seas were more and more local, and I immediately rewarded tens of thousands of Lingshi, including thousands of Chinese spirits and a hundred top grades. Lingshi.

If these spiritual stones are taken out, there will be another storm on the rivers and lakes.

However, Lingzhi Lingcao or something, it is less, in fact, Lingshi is not very useful to me, I still like Tianbao Dibao.