MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 6 Nail children

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"Strange, the weather is so hot now, why isn't there a fly?" I said, "There is no locust on the body."

There was a mourning in the anchor room.

[Host, I am eating! 】

[Seeking a bullet shield! 】

Sure enough, some people made a large row of barrage, covering the screen with a strict, but immediately a large wave of audience gave a **** head.

[The son of the screen is not XX! 】

At this time, Tang Mingli suddenly said: "There is something below this."

He licked his mouth and nose, licked the broken leg of the chair, swept the body of the snake worm ant all the way, and picked up a notebook from below.

That record is written on the book: 304 room week recipe.

When we opened it, the original content was a normal meal, but I didn't know who used the bright red ink to smear the menu, and wrote it later: white rat, oysters and the like.

I felt a tumbling in my stomach, and I swallowed my mouth and pressed the acid water down.

Tang Mingli thought for a moment and said, "I understand. This Anshi soldier was abused in a pension apartment. The nurse who took care of him did not give him a meal. Instead, he gave him a snake worm and tortured him. So he has to come back to revenge before the first seven, killing everyone."

I frowned. "Why do nurses want to abuse him?"

"Look at the information I gave you. The nurse who took care of him was called Yang Yang. When she was very young, her father divorced her mother for a little three. Her mother couldn't stand the blow and committed suicide in front of her face. She must hate this kind of heart."

It turned out that I nodded. The female ghost I had cut before was not Yang Yang. Then, Yang Yang’s ghost will be here?

The barrage in the live room kept jumping.

[I have heard about the old-age apartment, and there is such an inside story. 】

[Perfect reasoning, the overbearing president is really the value of the face and the IQ. 】

[What are you waiting for? This kind of black wind and high killing night, not too fast to overthrow the overbearing president! 】

Fortunately, I did not look at the screen, or I must vomit blood.

I don't know where the wind came from, the window slammed and screamed, scaring us both.

Suddenly, the broken glass on the table flew up and slammed over to me. Tang Mingli pulled me a hand, then kicked it on the cup, and the cup broke.

Then the furniture of the whole house began to shake up violently. The two of us were shocked and stunned. Tang Mingli was not martial, and shouted: "Go!"

We quickly ran outside the door. At the same time, everything in the house was smashing at us, especially the snake worms, sipping down my head. I hurriedly avoided, but did not pay attention. A sharp iron rod shot at the back of my head.

"Be careful!" Tang Mingli took me to turn around. The sharp iron rod rubbed his shoulder and shot it, leaving a blood trough on his skin.

I was shocked, but he pushed me: "Go!"

I bite my teeth, while dodging the flying furniture, while flying, after Tang Mingli broke, he moved around for a while, like a flowing stream, every time he made a move to break a piece of furniture.


The door of the room suddenly closed. I bit my teeth and ran into it, desperately smashing the wooden door that had already decayed and rushed out.

I didn't stand still and threw myself forward, but I suddenly found an inverted iron bar on the ground, facing my forehead straight.

This will go down and you will die.

Suddenly one hand grabbed me and pulled me back. I broke into his arms because of inertia.

Tang Mingli’s male body rushed into my nose, which made me feel a little worried.

I was shocked and jumped away like a frightened kitten. He said, "Thank you... thank you, saved my life."

There was a suspicious flush on his face, and he coughed twice: "You are fine, if you are dead, who am I going to catch the ghost?"

I bowed my head and he laughed twice.

I don't dare to look at him. He is too beautiful and too good, and I am ugly and disgusting. I am still a three-person who has no education and no room and no money. I have a difference with him.

This makes me feel very inferior.

I bite my lower lip and say to myself in my heart, Yuan Junyao, you can't complain like this again, even if it is just a weed, trampled by thousands of people, you must live strong.

I took a deep breath and was about to talk. Tang Mingli’s face suddenly changed and stared straight behind me.

I felt that the back of the back was cold and turned around. I saw a thin old man, carrying a cane, with a gloomy smile on his face, staring at us on the side of the corridor.

I swallowed and said, "You, can you see?"

Tang Mingli has been completely stunned and nodded.

I took out my mobile phone and looked at the barrage between the live broadcasts.

[The trough! ghost! ghost! I saw the ghost! Really a ghost! 】

[I go, more exciting than horror movies! I almost scared my urine. 】

[Frightened urine +1]

My hand trembled and the ghost became visible.

Ordinary people usually can't see ghosts, but ghosts can be scary. When people are shocked, their souls are damaged. They are either stalking or possessing people.

The skinny old man showed us a strange smile, then turned and walked upstairs.

I asked: "Are we going to follow up?"

"Follow, why not?" Tang Mingli picked up the mahogany sword. "Today, just use him to try the sword in my hand."

I hesitated, took out my mobile phone and looked at the barrage.

[The anchor is going up, it’s too exciting, I have to watch the anchor to fight the ghost! 】

[The anchor, if you can hack this scum, no, ghosts, I will give you five crowns! 】

[Upstairs gods! 】

[Local tyrants, we are friends! 】

I was so shocked that my eyes would fall out, five crowns, five thousand pieces!

For the sake of these five thousand pieces, the fire on the mountain is not to be resigned!

I hung my mobile phone, and righteously said: "This ghost has killed so many people. Although I have nothing to do, I have to fight for it and fight with him! Partner, let's go!"

We followed the thin old man up. The strange thing is that we walked through the stairs one after another, but we couldn't get to the head.

Tang Mingli suddenly stopped me and said, "Look."

As soon as I looked up, I found the words "fourth floor" with blood red on the wall.

"Ghost hit the wall?" I was a little tired, holding the stair railing and gasping, and suddenly a cold hand grabbed my arm.

I screamed and hurried back two steps. Suddenly I stepped on the air and the stairs collapsed. I fell heavily.

Pain, biting pain.

The bones of the whole body were like being dismantled, and the dizziness was dizzy. Tang Ming Li Wei called me in the hole in the upstairs, but suddenly screamed, as if something was caught and dragged away.

There was a panic in the live room.

[The anchor is injured, call the police! 】

[I just called the police, the police said that I reported the fake police, I must pursue my responsibility. 】

[Before the stupid, don’t you say that it’s a hell, you said that the building collapsed and someone was injured? 】

I struggled twice. No, I can't faint. Tang Mingli is in danger. It is not easy for the big and the young to see the background. If he dies here, his family will definitely be angry with me.

Suddenly, I looked up and saw a pale, blue face.

It was a young girl, dressed in a nurse, covered in blood, and numerous nails pierced her limbs, nailing her firmly to the back of the stairs.

【what! Scared me! I just scared me to throw my phone out. 】

[Don't be afraid of the sister upstairs, where are you? Brother to comfort you. 】

[This is the female nurse Yang Yang? 】

[God, it’s too exciting, it’s more exciting than playing a horror game, the anchor is cheering, and you are rewarded with five jade. 】

The female nurse stared at me straight, and I was so scared that my scalp was numb, and I didn’t dare to move.

She twisted a bit and seemed to want to break free. I dared to ask: "You... do you want to take revenge?"

The female nurse nodded. I took a deep breath and asked: "With these nails pulled out, can you move freely?"

The female nurse nodded again and I said, "I can help you pull the nails out, but you can't hurt me."

The female nurse nodded again.

[The anchor, the ghosts are all deceptive things, don't believe them, wait for her to be free, definitely the first to kill you. 】

[Yes, the anchor, the heart of the victim can't be there, the heart of the defense is indispensable. 】

Read The Duke's Passion