MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 322

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The girl's boudoir, the bathroom, and even the bathroom were not spared.

For more than three months.

For Kevin, the girl no longer has any secrets.

He even knows exactly which part to wash first in the shower.

Siegfried would be very relieved to know, but also very disappointed. Because Kevin just watched, but didn't make any extra moves...]

Kevin cracked.

He didn't understand why the Q&A system was targeting him this time.

Others are at best some innocuous black history.

This time he has involved moral life attacks.

"My lord, please calm your anger. You are just and at ease. Regarding your character and achievements, it is the greatness that has been accumulated and nurtured under the long river of time. The world knows what glory is. You don't need to say more, time will clean up all uncleanness for you."

Well, that's right.

For the sake of his life, Raven said a series of nonsense.

Sometimes, the boss doesn't need a solution, what the other party wants is just an attitude.

As Teresa said.

Black history or something, after a long time, you will get used to it.

With Raven at the beginning, Jackal and Gray Snake also reacted.

Jackal: "Endless longing burns my heart, the conviction is justified, the sentence is unjust, the ignorant, fearless and incompetent, the desperate kneels down and begs for destruction, the heart is full of hatred, the power is not enough, the scumbag who slanders the Lord should know what kind of person I am. An insignificant existence, ants dare to call people great."

Gray Snake: "The world shall wail! For the day of His return is at hand, and when it comes, it will come like destruction from the Almighty. Destroy sinners..."

Isn't it just talking about some lofty claims?

The cadres of the world snake are always good at it.

Kevin blinked.

A cold knowledge, Kevin is a fighting talent, Dr. Mei has something to say, once it comes to the professional field.

In the laboratory, Kevin is not allowed to touch a test tube.

All in all, great results.

With the world snakes boasting together, Kevin's surveillance without dead ends was exposed.

The video continues.

[He has been repeating this operation, day after day, always maintaining the minimum consumption and energy saving, to ensure that he can go to the battle at any time.

Kevin has his own reasons for this.

The other party is a humanoid weapon that grows ghost horns and crackles discharges all over the body when you are excited. If you hug, kiss, or even get too excited when you hit a home run, and you become rhythmic all of a sudden, then you may be honored to be on the top of the list. Shame is also the most exaggerated way to die.

No way, no way, someone really risked turning into a dead man, or even turning into a beast, to pick up a monster.

Of course, as far as Kevin is concerned, he himself has never thought about the relationship between men and women.

Time passed by, and Kevin frowned slightly.

According to Leiden Mei's forward speed, he should have returned home long ago, but at this moment, there was no other figure in the monitoring.

Kevin threw away the soaked instant noodles, dodged, quickly fell to the ground from the water pipe and air conditioner in the building, rushed to the location of the building, and observed from the corner of his eye.

The next moment, the corners of his eyes twitched.

He saw a group of drunks standing in front of Leiden Mei, speaking obscene language, and compulsively inviting Leiden Mei to play with them.

Mei refused indifferently, she didn't intend to pay attention to the group of drunks, and directly walked around them towards the door of the apartment.

Dark night, alleys, beauties, crowds of people.

Drunkards don't want to miss this great opportunity. Taking advantage of the alcohol, they planned to make a move on Raiden Mei. Seeing this, she sank her center of gravity, her fist was ready to strike, and she was about to hit the first punch of destruction.

Raiden Mei is not a weak girl, and her family's sword technique is not a skill that cannot be performed without a sword.

The next moment, a black shadow appeared between the two of them like a flash, preventing the tragedy from happening, perhaps another tragedy was born. The person who came was Kevin...]

The text of Chapter 619 "Confession of Love"

[Kevin held the drunk man's wrist, and the strength of his palm gradually increased. He seemed to hear the crackling sound of bones cracking. The drunk man's expression twisted and he wanted to withdraw his hand, but he was no match for Kevin.

Kneeling down, the other drunks turned around and fled when they saw the situation was not good. Kevin ignored them, and the strength of his palms became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, Mei Lei grabbed his wrist.


Kevin let go of his hand, allowing the drunks to leave, and the two looked at each other.

Mei Lei thanked her coldly, but her eyes were full of vigilance. The timing of Kevin's appearance was so coincidental that she suspected that Kevin had been following her in the dark.

Although this is also true, how could Kevin be exposed.

what to do?

How to dispel the vigilance of dealing with it?

Kevin went back to Siegfried and the way he described coping with the embarrassing situation in his head.

So, while Mei Lei was stunned, Kevin spoke slowly.

"I adore you deeply."


Instructor Siegfried said that when faced with mission objectives, he didn’t know how to open the topic, and he only needed to follow his method to solve all problems smoothly.

Kevin knelt down on one knee and grabbed Raiden Mei's hand.

The blue eyes and the other party's violet pupils looked at each other, with a tone of reading

"I love you deeply, whether it's winter or spring, whether it's blooming or falling."

"If I can turn this love into a star, I would like to be a shooting star falling for you;"

"If this love can turn into flowers and plants, I would like to be a vine growing by your window;"

"If this love can only turn into a dream, I would also like to be a passer-by in your dream."

"And now, I just want to stay by your side, I only want time to stop at this second, I only want to hold your hand until the world is destroyed."


Mei stood there in a daze, looking at the stranger in front of him with no expression on his face, and said such nasty words in a flattering tone, but didn't know how to respond for a while.

Staring at Kevin's emotionless eyes, she couldn't help but touch her forehead, and Mei Raiden sighed helplessly.

"So that's what your purpose is..."

She shook off Kevin's hand, the warmth in her eyes flashed away, and her eyes became contemptuous, like a noble queen looking at a criminal ant.

"I've seen too many guys like you. I don't know where you got these love words from, but I suggest you, when you confess your love next time, put in more emotion."

Mei turned and left, leaving only a lonely back of Kevin, but there was something strange in his eyes.

The hero saves the United States is an old-fashioned, but very practical.

Kevin raised his head, looked at the nearby terrain, and thought about adding a camera here.

Siegfried has warned that, apart from being useful the first time, the next time you will be treated as a hooligan and pervert...]

"What an embarrassing confession."

"Yeah, it's the first time in my life that I've heard such a carefree confession."

If Fu Hua has something to say, it is true.

In St. Freya Academy, Fu Huake won the title of Lord Prince as a woman.

In the peak period, there was the experience of being confessed a hundred times in a week.

"It's a short move." Einstein said regretfully: "The hero saving the United States is an old-fashioned old-fashioned way. If Kevin's confession was not too blunt, it would definitely leave a deep impression on Mei Lei's heart."

Back then, Einstein was also a flamboyant girl swimming in the sea of ​​roses.

She has seen too many young ladies, younger sisters, female men and so on.

The Raiden Mei in the video is just a young lady who has never been in love.

Psychological fluctuations were easily seen.

Rita: "Doctor, you have good eyesight. Rita, I only noticed a clue, and you gave me a letter of approval. You are worthy of a well-known doctor."

"Where is there." Einstein waved his hand. If possible, she would like to pass on the level of scientific research through the ages.

"Wait! Mei fell in love with Kevin?!"

Qiyana was dumbfounded, how could she have such a dream.

Back then, in order to break the thunder and lightning bud clothes, she not only tore the Herrscher's wings with her hands, but also slapped her face every day, and at night, she won the opponent's heart.

Her face is ugly, Mei's peer, fell so easily? !

In the end, Kevin got everything he wanted with just a confession taught by his stinky dad.

"It's not fair. Heterosexuality is considered true love until you meet true love."


It was Xier who retorted. She held Bronya's hand, her face flushed.

"No, sister Kiyana, feelings are actually very simple. The moment you meet the right person, you will suddenly realize in your heart, oh, so the miracle is by my side."

Seele didn't dare to look at Bronya's face anymore.

"Xie'er, it's so cute—" Bronya hugged Xi'er back.

The dog food posted by the girl should be read by many people who are single, widowed, and raising children.

So everyone's eyes returned to the video again.

[The first contact between Kevin and Raiden Mei was not satisfactory. Although it was full of various misunderstandings, fortunately, it didn't arouse Mei's suspicion. At least the other party didn't suspect that she might be under surveillance.

So, the task continued, and Kevin continued to monitor Leiden Mei's every move, her sleeping face, her kicking, and the way she lifted the quilt restlessly in the middle of the night to reveal her belly...

The time has come to a time node of a month.

Kevin, who was standing on the top of the tall building next door, looked at Leiden Mei's apartment, which was crowded with various TV reporters, and the door of the apartment was surrounded by water.

As for Kevin's target, Leiden Mei, under the protection of a group of black-clothed bodyguards, she passed through the crowd with a pale face while bearing the barrage of questions from the reporters.

On this day, Raiden Ryoma was arrested by the police on suspicion of financial fraud. As the next successor of the ME company, the eldest daughter of Raiden Ryoma, Raiden Ryoma's daughter, replaced Raiden Ryoma's position and was pushed to the forefront.

Even though Kevin doesn't quite understand the seriousness of the situation, he can see how pessimistic the situation is from the change in Raiden Mei's complexion without talking about a quarter of observation.

That night, Raiden Mei returned home, sat on the sofa, and stared blankly ahead.

There was no other movement throughout the night, as if the heart had died, like a puppet that lost its thread.

Kevin suddenly had a sense of déjà vu, just like himself back then.

Suddenly, Lei Dian Yayi moved, she picked up the family portrait on the bedside table, the next moment, the monitoring screen was affected, blurred, snowflake screen, intermittently may be broken at any time...]

Chapter 620: The End of "Confession of Love"

【As the first echelon fighting against Honkai, Kevin is very sensitive to Honkai energy.

Even if it is separated by one kilometer, he will never admit that the Honkai energy is purer and more malicious than the Honkai Beast Warrior.

"The Third Herrscher is about to awaken?!"

Kevin looked at the apartment, and in the clear sky, suddenly a thundercloud floated over the apartment.

The Houkai energy emanates from the apartment building.

Kevin turned his head subconsciously. In the blurred surveillance screen, Leiden Mei picked up a handmade knife and pointed it at the main artery on his wrist. He closed his eyes and trembled all over...

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kevin pulled the sheets from his side casually. His excellent physical fitness allowed him to fly over tall buildings.

Bang—When the blade was about to pierce the girl's skin, Kevin kicked open the balcony window...]

"That Ryoma guy was arrested again on suspicion of financial fraud..."

Read The Duke's Passion