MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 294

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Chapter 569 Question 55 1/4

The story Suzana told had too many loopholes, and after being stripped one by one, everyone took this video as a girl's self-imagining.

The next moment, things reversed.

【"Your inference is very interesting, it reminds me of another possibility." Yalvette approached Suzanne, leaned over her ear, showing a mysterious expression.

"Another possibility?" The girl froze.

"That's right, Suzanne, as long as you replace a concept in your guess...everything can be explained."


Suzana continued to be at a loss.

"Let me remind you again. The captain's strength is different from ordinary people. I am afraid that in this era, no one is her opponent. No matter what kind of enemy, she can easily deal with it. She is as calm as if she has experienced it long ago. Yes, she is always racing against time, every minute and every second is in her hands-"

"I still don't quite get it..."

"[Even if you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future], in fact, you have touched the edge of the truth!"

Alvette lowered her voice, and said with a proud face, "Captain Ulandal is not some alien...she is—"]

The picture freezes here, staying on the girl's dark and mysterious smile, it's hard not to arouse people's reverie.

Then the picture was broken into dots of light dust, gathered, surrounded, and gradually condensed into rows of handwriting, which were displayed in front of everyone.

[Fifty-fifth question (1/4) Retrospect before the new life, the continuation of the fairy tale dream, the goblin who entered the dream of others, set off a wave called nightmare.

Some people are talking, they don’t want to disappear, some people are whispering, they don’t want to leave that person, some people are mourning, they don’t want to be silent in the quantum sea forever, and become a quantum ghost that can’t touch, hear or see clearly.

Dreams, thoughts, accidental miracles, the rudiments of the fairy tale demon world born, and the story under the starlight, may I ask what is the real identity of Youlandelle in Yalvette's guess? 】

[A: Traveling in the sea of ​​stars, the wandering traces of the planetary disaster Janna, the cosmic disaster messenger who spread death and helplessness

—Sorry, I can't save you; Sorry, I can only bring news of natural disasters; Goodbye, I hope we can meet again in the future wanderings. 】

[B: Traveling through time and space, reversing cause and effect, leading the hero of the old civilization, wandering in cause and effect, a future time traveler who tries to destroy the Moebius circle that connects the past and the future.

—50,000 years ago, 100,000 years ago, 150,000 years ago, 200,000 years ago...I have seen too many reincarnation and destruction of civilizations, I are not the next . 】

[C: I am the cutest magical girl DURANDAL in the world, the savior of this world, the super-dimensional light, you monsters, what awaits you is destruction! Blazing star magic, burn it up!

——The ultra-dimensional stick that seals the dark power, show your true power here! The power of miracles turns into stars, the magic of light gathers me?, DIMENSIONSONATA! Ehe-drop your TERITERI—]

[D: If you know the ideal ending, will you continue to fight for your ideal? Whether it's a "borrowed" ideal or not, let's be honest, from beginning to end, Ulandle, you are just a partner of justice that you are imitating.

—Even if your life is treated like a machine? Yes, even though my life is full of hypocrisy, I still want to insist on being a partner of justice]

【E: Unable to be killed, including suicide. It wasn't until the human species was completely extinct, and Honkai scattered from this planet, that the girl named ??? ushered in liberation, so please continue to drown in your fantasy dreams.

—No one can kill me, including myself. What I have experienced is not a play house game as you understand it. 】

"I've heard a fallacy that what doesn't kill me can only make me stronger. According to logic, it is to learn from failures and grow, but the problem is..."

Tesla has the expression of an old man on a subway phone.

"But the problem is that the funny video in the preview video and the answers to the newly listed questions, in a sense, are completely different, two different probabilities!"

Indeed, the knowing smile in the preview video, I thought it would continue the style of painting.

But in the end, healing suddenly turned into depression, and the span was so great that it was comparable to witnessing a senior sister turn around, Fu) (Landa, there is also the situation where the kettle boiled while reading text messages.

The person was stunned and almost couldn't come back.

Einstein: "I think Destiny needs to spend more time on the ideological education courses of the Valkyrie, at least not to raise black and disabled old-fashioned Valkyries."

Alvette is so terrifying—

Yalvette's reputation was murdered—

Teresa: "Youlandal, you are the captain of the Immortal Blade, and you are in the same team. As the captain, do you understand Alvette's character?"

Ulandelle nodded his chin and recalled,

"Sorry, I only remember the scene where she blushed and screamed at me 'Lord Youlandell'."


"I see."

Rita: "Yalvette is a good seed with a calm personality, clear thinking logic, and rich combat experience. Although her strength is not comparable to that of an S-rank Valkyrie, she is also the number one Valkyrie at the A-rank level. .”

Rita's and Ulandal's descriptions of the same person are vastly different.

If you don't know the reason, you may think that one of them is lying, and there must be some kind of ulterior secret behind it.

But if you understand the situation a little bit...


"I see."

"Leaving aside the analysis of the problem, option C is the principal's magical girl transformation line."

Kiyana complained.

"Bronya agrees with Kiana's words, and how many times have we seen the 42,000-year dream in option E."

Bronya had doubts about the relevant content.

The existence that had been sleeping for a long time before was exposed in the issues related to Qiyana.

But this time it was Youlandelle's turn.

"It seems that Bronya's assumptions were too taken for granted. I thought it was Qiyana from other worlds, but now the variables of Youlandelle are mixed in. All Bronya's guesses and analyzes have to start from scratch. .”

Youlandelle's eyes narrowed. Originally, she didn't pay much attention to this existence that could not be redeemed, but after seeing Bronya's analysis.

She suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

After all, she is also Kiyana...

Chapter 570 No one can kill me, including myself

"Briefly outline who the options represent."

"A is the dead alien who spreads natural disasters, B is the future man who reverses time and space and wants to erase the Mobis circle from the source, C is the magical girl Durandal, D is the hypocritical justice partner, E is the forced A sleeping terror exists."

"According to the current clues, multiple conditions must be met, different from ordinary people's strength, unsuitable for the world, the means to quickly become stronger or restore strength, know many important people, and secretly seem to hide a secret background."

Einstein sorted out the answers and dissected the requirements, stripping out plausible intelligence.

"Excluding option A, Suzana's aliens have been OUT in advance."

"The possibility of option B is not very high. Time is a mark engraved on the human record tape. Human beings cannot reverse time, nor can they defy time."

Talking about time is the regret and pain that Otto will never let go of.

Now that the string in his heart has been triggered and his long-cherished wish has been fulfilled, Otto sincerely shares his information.

After saying hello to the green-haired witch with a frog and snake headdress, Otto walked into it with the silent Karen.

"I can't even imagine the magical girl chosen by C, with the character of Youlandelle."

Kiyana recalled the appearance of Youlandelle whom she had met a few times.

The mature, blond-haired sister, whether it is strength, temperament, or the pursuit of knights, is a quality that Kiyana does not possess.

She really couldn't associate the magical girl whom she wanted with her, even if it was an old version.

"A partner of justice is quite suitable for Youlandelle, the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny. I have heard of her teleportation. She once wiped out the collapse of nearly a state with one person."

Ji Zi can be regarded as a more responsible Valkyrie. Her understanding of and responsibility for the destiny information is not comparable to this group of little girls.

"But in the options, the partner of justice is a borrowed hypocrisy. I can't see that Youlandell has a disguise, she has the same attitude on the outside, and in the silver smile of betrayal, the head of the school used anti-entropy to travel. Excuses, successfully tricked, with this simple gesture, I really can't see the disguise."

Be one of the first to be selected by the question answering system.

Although Raiden Mei didn't fully write down all the information, but when she and Bronya later sorted out and analyzed it together and recorded it, she more or less grasped about 70% of it.

"Actually, partner of justice is not a compliment."

Bronya was silent for a moment, holding Xier's hand and tightening it slightly.

Cocolia used to have a sincere dislike for war, but after joining anti-entropy and launching the X10 experiment because of the world snake, her whole person changed.

She didn't even know her daughter anymore.

Raven: "In the mercenary world, I know a dreamer who believes in world peace, but is a ruthless realist in practice."

In the mercenary world, although Raven is not considered a highly respected old man.

But their identity and experience are also considered to be first-class among the younger generation.

In order to win her over, how many mercenary organizations revealed a lot of information.

One of them was deeply remembered by her.

"That mercenary's nickname was Kiritsugu. He only had a wrong name, but not a wrong title. His life was as distorted and complicated as his title."

"Only accept missions that target those who are full of evil. When one of the employment missions was completed, the cruise ship he was on hit a reef, and he could only leave with the help of two passing ships. However, both ships broke down. Among the people present, Only he can repair the ship, and he was trapped on the small ship with forty people, and his fellow ship begged to stay and prevented him from leaving."

"Then he shot and killed almost all of the forty men, came to the boat of sixty men, repaired the boat, but then things went wrong, and the boat hit the reef again and split into two boats again."

"It's like a joke made by God, two ships were damaged again, and he was also on a ship with a smaller number of people."

"Thus, things happened again and again, until finally, less than ten people survived the yacht with hundreds of people. I heard that after he got off the boat, he chose to commit suicide on the spot."

Hearing the story of the raven, everyone suddenly felt a lot of estrangement from the partner of justice.

Always felt unlucky.

As for the last option.

Kiyana: "It's him again, how many times."

Tesla: "Three times, now it's the fourth time."

"Unable to be killed, including suicide, until the species of human beings is completely extinct, and Honkai disperses from this planet..." Ulandal frowned.

"Besides, the desperate girl finally woke up from the destruction, and recalled what she had done before. Only death can save her, but..."

"No one can kill me, including myself. What I have experienced is not a play house game as you understand it."

Ulandell couldn't imagine what kind of despair it was.

Kevin: "The answer I can think of is the end."

It is true that pre-civilizations failed, but they took civilization as the starting point and armed with life.

Exhausted the last drop of blood, reached the final checkpoint.

The feat is undeniably great.

"Okay, the general information has come out. At present, A and E can be ruled out for sure. The possibility of Yu C's magical girl is the least, followed by justice partners and future people. If you are confident, you can proceed. chosen."

Einstein opened his mouth and gave the information he currently has.

"Let me first, let me first!" Teresa took the lead, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that the magical girl was very good.

I was very resistant in my heart, but I also had a feeling of wanting to choose it.

As the saying goes, when a person dies, she is really dead.

But when there is an opportunity, the number of social deaths can be reduced to two, or even more.

The person who died at the beginning will become a life-threatening devil, luring more people to die together.

And the number of social deaths will increase exponentially until everyone is socially dead, then it is equivalent to that no one is socially dead.

This is the true perception of a cold, box-like person.

So Teresa chose C.

She swears it's an option she's really analyzed, not dark emotions lurking in the dark.

[Theresa Apocalypse submitted the answer, choose C]

【wrong answer】

[Theresa Apocalypse was punished, I want the children to live like individuals, instead of becoming monsters with blood on their hands like me—"The Origin of St. Freya o The Death of the Holy Maiden" . 】

Read The Duke's Passion