MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 570 High School Musical is here!

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   That's half what the first "Agent Cody" made last year when it premiered at $14.1 million.

  David - Memet (DavidMamet) directed the military theme thriller "Spartan" ("Spartan") this weekend in the global small-scale release. The film, directed by Val Kilmer, took in tenth place with $2 million.

  The release of "The Passion of the Christ" swept away Hollywood's decline in the box office market in the first quarter, maintaining an upward trend for the third consecutive week. The top 12 films grossed $104.1 million this weekend, up 15 percent from a year earlier.

Paul Dergarabedian, president of the North American film box office tracking and statistics agency, said that before the release of "The Passion of the Christ," the box office revenue of Hollywood movies was 7 percent lower than that of the same period last year, but now it is higher than that of the same period in 2003. by 3-4 percentage points.

Dergarabidean also said, "Originally, it was estimated that this year will be an extremely miserable year at the box office, but the appearance of "The Passion of the Christ" has completely changed this situation, and it can only illustrate one fact. Rely on Dongcheng Films to save."

   "The Passion of the Christ" was released in 3,221 theaters this week, and the average box office revenue per theater was 98.3 million US dollars. This is undoubtedly a huge number for a film that has been released for three weeks. The number of theaters where "Secret Window" was released was 3,018, and the average box office revenue per theater was $6,296. "Agent Cody 2: Target London" and "Spartan" were released in 2,973 and 832 theaters, respectively, with an average box office revenue of $2,691 and $2,440 per theater, respectively.

  Schwartz, distribution manager of East City Films, said that "The Passion of the Christ" continues to show strong charm among church groups, which undoubtedly played a positive role in promoting the film's becoming a religious blockbuster. But at the same time, The Passion of the Christ also appealed to a wider audience.

  Schwartz said, "In the United States, the audience group is quite wide. Now the audience watching this film is no longer limited to church groups. In fact, there are more people rushing to watch this film."

The soaring box office and the unavoidable word-of-mouth made Zhang Dongcheng stand up again, unable to beat him with frantic scolding and parades in the air. On the contrary, although Zhang Dongcheng was once again attracted by countless big Jewish capitalists I hate him, but ordinary people like him even more, and Zhang Dongcheng doesn't care, anyway, his rise has already disgusted countless capitalists, and he still stepped on the so-called eight major film companies to get to the top, so naturally he has more debts. , It's better to be a bachelor in the end.

And those big Jewish capitalists gritted their teeth against Zhang Dongcheng, but there was nothing they could do. Although Zhang Dongcheng was a distributor, he was essentially a businessman, and he was only in charge of film distribution. What really annoyed the Jews was the director Jack and the lead actor Mel. Gibson, the two of them were the target of public criticism, and Zhang Dongcheng just used some hatred to protect the two of them.

In any case, this time the Jews finally found that the mouthpiece of public opinion they had in the past did not help them much. On the contrary, they promoted Zhang Dongcheng's Dongcheng Pictures and "The Passion of the Christ" on the side, and gradually died down. Having said that, try to allow time to downplay the impact of this movie.

   This is also a no-brainer.

And Zhang Dongcheng also breathed a sigh of relief. It is not a pleasant thing to face the firepower of the Jews. Otherwise, Mebji Pison would not be scolded so much that he wanted to jump off the building. He could finally relax and accompany the growing belly Laticia and Jessica lived leisurely in their Florida hideaway, out of the public eye.

   But at the end of the summer vacation in 2001, when most schools in the United States were about to start in a week, Zhang Dongcheng's movie "High School Musical" was about to be released!

For this movie, Zhang Dongcheng did not put much energy into it, but this did not prevent his fans from enthusiastically pursuing this movie. According to the information provided by the theater, this movie has been unanimously praised by countless film critics. The number of pre-sale tickets for the school movie that is too optimistic about singing and dancing has surpassed that of "The Passion of the Christ", which was in the limelight some time ago, and the box office has reached as much as 65 million U.S. dollars without a single screening!

Although Zhang Dongcheng’s works in the past have different styles, most of them are very popular with young people, such as "Two Smoking Barrels" that set off a frenzy in England, or "The Mummy" after coming to the United States. Both "The Matrix" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" made Jang Dong-seong occupy an incomparable position in the hearts of all young Americans. He is a good-looking movie, an interesting movie!

But this time, Zhang Dongcheng was really sincere and came up with this school song and dance movie made entirely for young people. Needless to say, countless young people will vote with their feet and pay for it with their banknotes !

"Smith, the pre-sale of our "High School Musical" is really good, and there is inevitably a long queue at the place where the tickets are sold. It's really exciting! When you make a move, the whole world will look up to you. "Adaman was sitting in Zhang Dongcheng's mansion, talking excitedly with a top-quality Cuban cigar between his fingers.

"Don't get too complacent, our opponents are not weak, and they are campus movies like us, except that they are inspirational sports movies, while we are song and dance movies, but there is not much difference in essence. It's the handsome guy who makes women drool and the beautiful woman who makes men unable to turn their eyes, as well as the passionate youth and the dreams they strive for." Zhang Dongcheng also said with a cigar in his hand, raising his eyebrows.

"You mean the movie "Pretty Girl Cheerleader"? Oh, come on bro, the director of that movie is Peyton Reed, a guy who is not famous, and the lead actor is pretty pure and beautiful, but whether it is Kers Neither Ten Dunst nor Gabriel Kenyon can compare with our Laticia, yes, there is absolutely no way to compare!" Adaman took a puff of smoke proudly and kept shaking his head Said.

Zhang Dongcheng looked at Adaman, a guy full of confidence, and shook his head helplessly. This guy regards himself as an invincible god. As long as any matter is up to him, he believes that this matter will definitely be won. Success, this is also a habit that Adaman has slowly developed in the past ten years. This guy is more confident in himself than himself.

  However, the rival of "High School Musical" "Pretty Girl Cheerleading" is not an easy nut to crack. In the original time and space, this is a film that has been produced since 2000, and as of 2009, five films have been released. Although the directors are different, the original titles of the series all start with "Bring It On", and the films have repeatedly topped the US box office charts.

And this is the first campus youth comedy "Pretty Girl Cheerleading" which was a good start and became Hollywood's new darling after "American Pie" became a hit. To join, you must win a place in the highly competitive summer file. The film lived up to expectations, and earned $17.4 million in box office revenue in the first week of its release. The momentum continued unabated in the second week. With revenue of $15.8 million, it topped the U.S. movie box office list for two consecutive weeks, and its cumulative revenue has reached $37 million. . For a low-budget film costing just $10 million, that's a solid run for the film.

did you see? How much did the movie cost? Only $10 million!

   Let's take a look at the leading actors of this movie. Kirsten Dunst made her movie debut in 1989 in "Oedipus' Trouble" directed by Woody Allen in the original time and space. At age 12, she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture for her role as the vampire Claudia in Interview with the Vampire. From 2002 to 2007, Dunst rose to fame as Mary Jane Watson in the "Spider-Man" trilogy. At the end of 2010, "All Good Things" she starred in was released in North America, and she also ended her two-year dormant period. On March 7, 2013, the movie "Against the World" starring her was released.

In this world, although Kirsten is no longer the girlfriend of "Spiderman" that people look up to and everyone is looking forward to (because Spiderman has already belonged to Dongcheng Pictures of Zhang Dongcheng, and Zhang Dongcheng, who wants to praise his own woman, put this vase But the very eye-catching role was given to Adriana Lima, the supermodel, and the girl who gave the flower crown to herself.) But her acting strength is still there, and it is still not to be underestimated.

  And another starring black girl Gabrielle? Union Gabrielle Union, born in 1972, professional model, actor.

For her, there is no need to introduce it in detail. The Lord needs to say two things. She starred in the Hollywood super blockbuster "Jedi Men 2", and he is the girlfriend of NBA Heat star Dwyane Wade !

   Well, the woman of an NBA superstar is naturally hot and can attract ****'s green eyes.

  Since the themes are similar, and there are also beauties like clouds, it is reasonable for Zhang Dongcheng to be a little worried, not to mention that he is a person who despises the enemy strategically, but attaches great importance to the enemy tactically.

   "How is our publicity plan going?" Zhang Dongcheng didn't bother to talk to Adaman so much, he just took a deep breath of the cigar, and then lightly tapped the ashtray a few times.

   "Everything is being done according to your requirements, no problem, don't worry!" Adaman said very readily, and Zhang Dongcheng was really not worried, because there was nothing that he told Adaman could not handle.

  He is a qualified warrior, the kind who charges forward.

   "What about the classification?" Zhang Dongcheng snuffed out his cigar and walked out the door.

What Zhang Dongcheng was talking about was movie grading, because Laomei’s movies are divided into age groups. You can see what kind of movie at a certain age. Although it is a bit more troublesome, it will cause a certain amount of cumbersomeness in the process of ticket sales and ticket inspection, but That's what Lao Mei is good at. They don't treat things indiscriminately, or they can or can't only have those two choices.

"HOHO, what else is there to worry about? Our High School Musical is a movie that doesn't even have a kissing scene. I heard that you will not let the actor Miller kiss Laticia? Haha, I'm so sorry, I want to laugh so much "Adaman looked at Zhang Dongcheng, who was not very good-looking, and quickly brought back the topic that had started to go astray: "We don't have any kissing scenes, and we don't have any violent horrors that make people feel uneasy, foul language or drug use scenes. In terms of description, the MPAA thinks that our film is pure youthful sunshine with a good taste, so High School Musical got a G grade without any suspense!"

  G-rated, that is, movies that can be watched by all ages, even without parental supervision.

  The full name of MPAA is the Motion Picture Association of America. All films to be released in the United States must first pass the inspection here and get a rating before they can be released.

   "Good job! Adaman." Zhang Dongcheng was finally satisfied, and made a final conclusion for Adaman, and was praised by Zhang Dongcheng. Adaman's eyes were narrowed into a slit, and he laughed so hard that his teeth could not see his mouth.

   But before the happy Adaman came back to his senses, Zhang Dongcheng quickly grabbed the cigar from his mouth and pressed it out in the ashtray.

"Hey, buddy, I only smoked half of it!" Adaman was very dissatisfied. You must know that this cigar is not easy to buy. This is the favorite brand of Cuban boss Castro. Forty cigars like this are priced at Up to fifteen thousand dollars!

"My wife is coming, they just went to the Rose Garden for a few laps!" Although Zhang Dongcheng is not married, it does not prevent Zhang Dongcheng from calling Patricia and Jessica his wives, and since they are coming, the pregnant woman How can it smell smoke? So Zhang Dongcheng disarmed Adaman without saying a word.

"Okay okay! For the sake of seeing your baby! Aha, I brought gifts for Patricia and Jessica, and of course, the children too!" Adaman touched Head, lol.

  In this enviable super estate in Florida, there are girls who love him and friends who are wholehearted. Life is really happy.

Dongcheng Films’ official website dedicated to "High School Musical" also released a trailer of about two minutes, which fully demonstrates Miller's infinite charm and Laticia's amazing beauty, and the whole movie is full of imagination. The youth craze of wanting to dance and sing has repercussions in schools across America.

When any high school student sees a scene he is familiar with appearing in front of his eyes, but the dull and joyless study life in the past is so full of fun in another group of peers, and the youthful sunshine and irrepressible enthusiasm make him feel happy. They stared closely at the trailer, watched the students dancing heartily in the bright picture, and listened to all kinds of heart-warming songs that resonated with each other, and none of them could not feel their blood boiling.

  The wonderful trailer almost caused the official website to collapse, and countless students logged in, causing the load to exceed the limit. Adaman wasted no time in adding several servers so as not to disappoint these enthusiastic students.

Jang Dong-seong is really a hands-off shopkeeper, anyway, it is a small production of 50 million US dollars, just to make Laticia and Megan Fox happy, and now all his energy is on Jessica and Patricia On Thea's body, the two girls were about to become mothers soon, and their stomachs had grown significantly.

Compared with the enthusiastic student group, the major media seem to be less interested. After all, after winning the 14 statuettes, Zhang Dongcheng unexpectedly did not shoot any blockbuster films, but chose a niche theme, a big one The youth campus movie that the director dismissed at all, naturally even the interest in interviews has weakened a lot.

   Even the critics of some columns are constantly expressing their regret and excitement.

"Smith is wasting his talent! Let's not mention movies like The Lord of the Rings for now. This is not a movie that you can have if you want it, and Smith Zhang can definitely dig out another movie like Perfume, and you can do it again. There is a movie like Dark Wars, right? Why do you want to make a song and dance movie that has no future and no money?"

"Smith Zhang is not doing his job properly! He has amazing talent, he has talent that makes people jealous, but running to make a low-budget musical film is simply eye-popping. Is this like what someone who has won the Oscar for the best director in succession does? ?”

   "Smith Zhang is disappointing, hope he gets out of High School Musical as soon as possible, such a movie is not worth his extra penny."

  The media shook their heads in regret and sighed, as if if they were Zhang Dongcheng, it would be a blockbuster movie, or a literary film won an award and got soft. They didn't even think about what Zhang Dongcheng was making movies for.

  He just makes movies for the free and unfettered heart, to experience the process that he can't experience.

Zhang Dongcheng didn't want to say this, and he didn't bother to say it, but when Laticia saw the words in the newspaper and her eyes were red from crying, Zhang Dongcheng would hug her and comfort her softly, saying that he was only shooting for her High School Musical, I don't care what anyone says.

  And this kind of emotional reflection inevitably caused Laticia to respond enthusiastically again, and the decisive battle lasted for a whole night.

On August 22, the week before the end of the summer break, "High School Musical" was finally officially released on a large scale amid people's anticipation and expectations. However, despite being ridiculed by the media, it was a disappointment for a super director who was not doing his job properly. The film landed in 3,280 cinemas in North America, and began to prepare to go to the front stage and accept the final test.

And as one of the best pre-sale movies, all the theaters are crowded with audiences who have already got tickets, and these audiences will not be all right after buying tickets, because there is a difference between North American movie theaters and Chinese movie theaters. The place where there is no seat number on the ticket!

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