MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 565 For the movie!

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   There is no one before, and there will be no one in the future!

  Holding the statuette, Zhang Dongcheng looked at it over and over in his hands with some emotion, and then suddenly raised it up to show everyone!

   "Zhang Dongcheng!"

   Following Zhang Dongcheng’s action, his name was called by countless people, not Smith Zhang, not Smith, but pure Chinese, Zhang Dongcheng!

"Thank you to everyone, to my crew, and to the fans who have always supported me. Thank you to Orlando, Scarlett and other good friends. It is you who made me win this award. It is your struggle and hard work that allowed me to be on this stage. Speaking to the world from above is one of the most honorable moments in my life, and I think I will keep working hard and keep going!"

"Movies are the blood that keeps flowing and roaring in my body. Movies are the only belief in my life. For it, I can gamble everything!" Zhang Dongcheng tried his best to hold back the tears in the corners of his eyes, doing the last Summary: "My movies, I hope they can bring memories to everyone, bring fragments that occasionally lie on the sofa and suddenly think of them, bring those that make everyone think, let everyone marvel, and bring unimaginable worlds. I will keep going on the road of movies!"

   Above the camera is Zhang Dongcheng's extremely firm face, with the inexplicable light shining in his eyes, which serves as a commentary for tonight.

   Won the Best Director Award, and now Zhang Dongcheng is only one step away from the historic moment of breaking eleven statuette records!

"The last award, our grand ceremony is over after this award is announced! Oh God, I am so reluctant to leave this stage." The host Steve said a little joke to ease the tense atmosphere, and then addressed The microphone said, "Let's see which films are nominated for Best Picture."

  Five movies appeared on the screen on the stage, all of which were so wonderful.

   Picking up a short sword in the blood and fire, tossing and turning between tigers and gladiators, and yearning for nothing but the taste of soil, the taste of freedom.

  The ground under your feet is not the earth, but layers of bamboo leaves, unbelievably elegant and Chinese Kungfu, the sword is so light, it is a unique and unsolvable oriental element.

   Fighting against the powerful and powerful persistently, even a small person can shine with the flame of the soul!

  The grotesque visual representations of those drug addicts on the streets of the United States, the revolving lantern-like characters with distinctive personalities, this is an ukiyo-e!

  The moon blade of the elf princess, the ring of the tyrant of Sauron, countless orcs charged and shouted, blood splashed everywhere!

  These five candidate films had no opponents throughout last year, the best of the best, but as opponents, they stayed quietly, waiting for the only crown to be truly worn.

  The faces of the five directors on the camera finally became a little more relaxed. Anyway, it is the last award. The best film is the award that the production company values ​​more, but if your own film can get it, it is of course the best.

The envelope in hand was slowly opened, and the award presenters looked at the names inside, and announced to everyone joyfully and excitedly: "The winner of the 73rd Academy Award for Best Picture is... who made that magical world appear so wonderfully in everyone. In front of people, the one who transformed Tolkien's text world into pictures, Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring!"

  The entire Holy Cathedral is completely insane. What does the announcement of this award show?

   It shows that Zhang Dongcheng has obtained the twelfth statuette, officially confirming the number one person in the world, and from today onwards, Zhang Dongcheng will be remembered by everyone, become history, and freeze today!

  It was like pouring a handful of salt into a frying pan, and the heat exploded. Under the exciting background music, everyone clapped desperately, and everyone stood up to applaud Zhang Dongcheng, regardless of whether their palms were flushed.

  The twenty-seven-year-old Zhang Dongcheng, the undisputed number one director in Hollywood, and the complete establishment of the entertainment kingdom, is today!

  In the eyes, there are cheering Andy, Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves and Nicholas, not to mention Jessica who is so excited that she is crying, huh? Why is Leonardo crying too?

  In the eyes, there are Jumping, Suzanne and Thomas who are jumping up. They represent their strongest backing and countless fans.

  Going to the stage, the last golden statuette is waiting for him!

This short few steps has already been walked more than ten minutes ago, but this time it seems to be different. The scenes of the past seven years echoed in my heart and rushed to my heart. Those crazy and shocking fragments, People can't help but feel emotional.

   That was me sitting on the ground, looking at the bucket full of foam, with a stack of rejection letters behind me.

   That was the crazy self for the tuner in Cannes, France.

  That is myself racking my brains to impress investors.

  Finally, it is me who is now carnival in front of everyone!

   Zhang Dongcheng, who won a total of 12 statuettes and set a new record, the brilliant light of the Chinese director is so dazzling today that people dare not look directly at it!

  Of course people can be moved by the scene in front of them, and scream and shout, you must know that Zhang Dongcheng is only 27 years old now! Everyone looked enviously at Zhang Dongcheng who was slowly walking towards the middle of the stage, and cheers were endless.

Countless people stretched out their hands to him, countless people said congratulations to him, and countless people hugged him, especially when Ang Lee, who is also a great Chinese director, stretched out his hand to Zhang Dongcheng, the two hugged with a smile Xingjing made all the reporters frantically take photos, and the rolls of film died instantly.

The best film award is naturally not only due to Zhang Dongcheng alone, but also the entire Lord of the Rings crew with him on stage, including actors representing Orlando, Scarlett Johansson, soundtrack composer Howard, photographer Jack, singer Siya, editor The master, special effects producer, prop master, and all the representatives, together with Zhang Dongcheng, stood beamingly behind him, watching him lift up the last statuette, applauding and cheering non-stop.

"Thank you everyone, thank you Oscar, I didn't think I was a well-known director until now..." Although Zhang Dongcheng was joking, he was deeply inhaled when he held up the trophy high and the applause of the entire venue resounded through the sky. Huh, enjoying the most glorious and glorious moment as a director.

  In this era, I am the brightest star in the starry sky. Among Hollywood superstars, I am the only one tonight!

   "This is the most memorable moment in my life, the most glorious moment." Gently kissing the last and most important statuette, Zhang Dongcheng's voice trembled a little.

"Thanks to my crew, without them I would have never been able to make such a movie. Someone once asked me in an interview with other media, if one day I lose everything, can I stand on this stage again? I think as long as you are still here, and you are still behind me, I will definitely be able to stand on this stage again and make this world more colorful! Compared with these fame and status, you are my most precious wealth!"

   Bowing deeply, Zhang Dongcheng looked at the crew behind him, and that speech brought tears to the eyes of countless people.

Like Jack, there are many employees who have followed him for several years and won Oscars in his hands. His favor cannot be measured by anything. Hearing the emotion Zhang Dongcheng said at this time, naturally his heart is full of emotion. feeling.

   There was thunderous applause, some of the crew wiped away tears, some responded with a smile, and everyone recalled the filming process with some emotion.

"Finally, I would like to thank the Oscars for their recognition of me. I have always believed that movies are beliefs. Movies are worth my life. Movies bring me joy and sorrow. Movies convey and deepen thoughts. Movies show human imagination and understanding. Good hope. And the existence of movies just proves one thing, that is, we all have dreams, chasing them, chasing them. As a young director, I am a proof that as long as there is hope Everyone can achieve their dreams!" The corners of Zhang Dongcheng's eyes were shining, and he couldn't control his emotions at this time.

"Thanks to my family for bringing me life, thanks to my teachers for teaching me to grow up, and thanks to the fans for supporting me! Thank you everyone!" Zhang Dongcheng said the last sentence in Chinese, and according to the previous Zhang Dongcheng Speaking must speak Chinese, the translator of the Oscar Organizing Committee immediately translated this sentence to everyone present.

Zhang Dongcheng's voice and smiling face spread to more than 100 countries and regions around the world through the broadcast signal of the TV station. Hundreds of millions of viewers heard this sentence in Chinese. The cheers and applause pushed this Oscar ceremony to the top. At the peak, this night of carnival is over for ordinary audiences, but for Zhang Dongcheng, it will continue.

In the interview room of the Oscars in the Holy Cathedral, a few stars were being bombarded by the major media, and so many flashes were on, completely reflecting the place in white, which made people feel It was so shaking that I couldn't keep my eyes open.

These are the movie stars who won awards at the Oscars, and they are the only ones who have made a big splash at this year's Oscars. They have left countless filmmakers behind, and they are the most shining few on the star-studded Avenue of Stars. pieces.

Either smiling slightly, or pretending to be calm even though they are excited, or simply showing their true colors, the excited stars are being interviewed in different areas. The atmosphere here has not faded with time, but it is It's getting hotter and hotter.

These stars who are eager to take a closer look, and the respected guests are here in front of the ZDC TV station and the background wall of the Oscar logo, facing the countless impatient microphones in front of them, showing off their superstars in a decent manner Fengcai, told the media how it feels to win the award, this is something movie fans are eager to know.

Media reporters are now like lions looking for food in groups on the prairie, scrambling to record these great superstars with their cameras. Those gentle, charming or handsome photos will be on the front pages of major newspapers tomorrow Headlines, meet everyone.

As an unprecedented person, Zhang Dongcheng, who has created the super record of twelve statuettes, is naturally the protagonist among the protagonists, surrounded by countless reporters like stars holding the moon, or carrying, lifting or stretching the lens on his shoulders There was only his smiling face, and the microphones with the logos of major media were on his lips, and all kinds of questions swept in like crazy waves.

"Dear Mr. Smith, this is your fourth Oscar trip, right? After you won six awards with Brokeback Mountain last time, this time you won a record-breaking twelve Oscars. Can you tell us about the Readers of The Voice, what else can this Oscar bring to you other than glory?" A white man held a microphone and asked Zhang Dongcheng enthusiastically.

"Actually, these awards should be received by Mr. Peter Jackson... Well, to be recognized by the Oscars, any one of them is the recognition of a director. A full fourteen seats, huh! Today is the happiest and most memorable day in my life, especially Leonardo finally won the Oscar winner, which makes me happier than winning twelve statuettes. It took a lot of hard work to coax him to make a perfume." Zhang Dongcheng started jokingly, then turned the topic to the other side, and his eyes stayed on Leonardo, who was also surrounded by water.

Although Leonardo didn't hear what Zhang Dongcheng said there, there are indeed too many people here, and it is too noisy, he just instinctively said: "I can get this statuette, all of them are Smith Zhang. If he hadn’t tried his best to get me to act, I might have given up on the movie Perfume, which means that I might not have had a chance with this statuette at all, so Zhang Dongcheng is my benefactor, and I am very grateful to him!”

"Then, Mr. Smith, you have made many completely different types of films, such as fantasy films, literary films, police films and even musical films, so do you have a plan for the next film? What type will it be?" A reporter rushed to ask, and this question was also a question that many people wanted to ask. For a while, everyone looked up at Zhang Dongcheng, wondering what his answer would be.

"I can't answer this question now. I can only say that no one likes to repeat themselves. Maybe some people specialize in shooting a certain type of film, but for me what I want to shoot depends entirely on my mood. I can only be sure of one thing. If there is one thing that appears in my world, touches my heartstrings, moves me, or confuses me, then I will write the script and then shoot it! Do whatever you want, let everything go.” Zhang Dongcheng He smiled slightly, as if nothing could stop him at all.

"Mr. Smith, director Ang Lee won the Best Foreign Language Film Award at the Oscars this year, and he competed with you for the best director, and lost to you in the end, but he is also a Chinese director. What do you think is the difference between you and him? What, did these differences make you win in the end?" A beautiful reporter asked Zhang Dongcheng with a flirtatious wink with her tall chest.

  Aha, very informative! Zhang Dongcheng saw the white flesh shining in front of his eyes, and his throat was itchy, but there was no reaction on his face, but the beautiful reporter said in disappointment: "This question is interesting, of course. Yes, as a Chinese, I naturally like director Ang Lee’s work Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. He completely captures the chivalrous style of the oriental world, allowing Westerners to see the charm of the East. On this level, I completely I have to learn from him! Compared with Director Ang Lee, I am still a lot worse, but today is my luck, and I also borrowed the limelight from Master Tolkien. He is the pride of our Chinese, I hope Hollywood will There can be more Chinese figures." Zhang Dongcheng's answer is watertight, he is a man who has experienced many battles.

  The reporters all laughed. It seems that it is not easy to find Smith Zhang's language problem.

  Patiently answering everyone's questions, Zhang Dongcheng was modest and generous, all the reporters were satisfied, and Zhang Dongcheng could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and hid in a corner to smoke a cigar to get over his addiction.

Here I just took a puff, the puff of smoke was still reverberating in my mouth, and a deep and deep man's voice came from behind Zhang Dongcheng: "Mr. Zhang Dongcheng, hello! Congratulations on winning fourteen awards, This year's Oscars has completely become your solo dance!"

   Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the words. It was said in Chinese, but who would talk to him in Chinese in Hollywood, America?

   Breathing out smoke, he turned himself around, and the person who appeared in front of Zhang Dongcheng was none other than a representative figure of Hong Kong movies. When talking about Hong Kong movies, he must mention his brother Fa, Zhou Runfa!

   Zhou Yunfa (Chow Yunfat), born on May 18, 1955 in Lamma Island, Hong Kong, is a Chinese film and television actor, photographer, and national first-class actor.

  Graduated from TVB artist training class in 1974, starred in more than 20 drama series such as "Frenzy" and "Shanghai Beach". He entered the film industry in 1976. During the heyday of Hong Kong films in the 1980s, he pioneered gunfight films, gambling films and other types of films, and became a representative of Hong Kong's "violent aesthetics" style films. In the 1990s, together with Jackie Chan and Stephen Chow, they were called "Success on Double Mondays".

   In 1995, he went to Hollywood to develop. Starred in "Anna and the King", "Bulletproof Monk" and many other films of different styles, and has served as a guest of the Oscar twice. In 1999, he left his handprints in the "Central Plaza" of Los Angeles Chinatown. In 2000, he won the Special Achievement Award at the Deauville Asian Film Festival in France. In 2004, he became the DVD player with the largest collection of DVDs in the United States with the image of a gunman portrayed in films such as "Blood Heroes". The top three male actors. In 2005, he was named the first place in the "Classic TV Drama Niche" by Hong Kong netizens; in 2007, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the "Asian Excellence Awards Ceremony" by AZN TV in the United States.

In addition, Zhou Runfa is also keen on public welfare. In 2000, he was selected as one of the seven "Earth Celebrity Heroes" by the American "Time" magazine. In 2003, he was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star of the SAR Government. A Chinese textbook for the first grade of middle school published by Si Publishing House.

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