MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 556 Another Golden Globe!

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   Zhang Dongcheng took advantage of the last ray of sunlight to see clearly the beautiful face in front of him.

  For the girl in front of him, to be honest, Zhang Dongcheng is extremely satisfied.

  She has an angelic face, which is liked by both the West and the East. This point has been said repeatedly, and her figure is also great!

  Objectively speaking, Jessica’s chest is not too big, but Zhang Dongcheng thinks that the bigger the better, the bigger the chest, the more top-heavy and fat. Of course, flat **** are not good either. The most beautiful **** should be round and firm, without expansion or sagging, and the most important thing is that there should be no auxiliary breasts.

  Auxiliary breast is an extra piece of breast tissue under the armpit of an adult woman. It is not fat. Many people think that the two protruding meat bags under the armpit are fat, or the meat squeezed out of wearing a tube top, but it is not true, because it is not meat, it is breast tissue. Girls with this meat have a very good breast shape. ugly.

  Jessica has almost no ugly side **** at all. Her **** are extremely beautiful, her **** are firm and round, and her underarms are as smooth as a mirror. There are no wrinkles and no side breasts. This figure is so rare.

  Whether it is a low-cut dress or a tight leather skirt, no matter how tight it is, there will be no side breasts, it is perfect!

  Look at Jessica's skeleton again. The skeleton is too small to support the aura. Too big a skeleton is not good, it looks like a man. Jessica has a moderate figure, full of flesh and blood, with curves, especially the curves of the shoulders are more attractive, smooth, moderate width, no protruding bones, and no shoulders slipping , the width and body length are in perfect proportion, the golden ratio is beautiful and moving.

  With such dignified and perfect shoulders and chest, she is not afraid to wear any low-cut and off-the-shoulder clothes, so the photos and advertisements after Jessica became Miss Coco made women crazy, let alone men!

   Let’s take a look at the hips and waists that Zhang Dongcheng is obsessed with. Europeans and Americans are born with hips and long legs, so there is nothing unusual about European and American stars with hips and long legs. What is rare is the ratio of hips to busts.

  If the width of the crotch exceeds the width of the chest, the whole person will look like a compass, and the legs are not close together.

   And Jessica... tsk tsk tsk, it goes without saying, the photos will give people the answer.

   Coupled with her height of about 1.7 meters, she looks like a super beauty!

   Combined with such a beauty, the child born will definitely be beautiful, Zhang Dongcheng is very sure of this.

   Zhang Dongcheng admired the beauty in his arms, but Jessica didn't know why he was staring at her blankly. She just took a deep breath, and before Zhang Dongcheng could speak, she straightened herself up and stood up.

   Leaning against the wall, Jessica just spread her legs temptingly, looked at Zhang Dongcheng with blurred and lustful eyes, and slightly parted her red lips: "Even if it's not about the children, don't you want me again?"

  HOHO, this Jessica really worked hard today, she seems to have orgasmed seven or eight times, right?

   Zhang Dongcheng looked at the girl in front of him who put on the most seductive look to seduce him, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

   Jessica is not a **** right now.

She was wearing a teacher-like suit and a thin tie, and the short skirt that reached above the knee was full of eye-catching marks. The black lace suspenders and the red high-heeled shoes, There is no place that does not hit Zhang Dongcheng's heart hard.

  Seeing her crumpled clothes as if she had been attacked, why did Zhang Dongcheng hesitate?

let's go!

   "Give me, and give me a child too..." Panting, Jessica clamped hard, and the huge suction made Zhang Dongcheng finally growl...

  Pressed heavily on her body, and when it was over again, Jessica was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to stand up, and fell helplessly into Zhang Dongcheng's arms as if drunk.

Zhang Dongcheng wanted to pull the limp guy out of her body, but Jessica held his arm tightly and said softly: "Don't, don't...we are standing, if you get out, you will lose your sight of."

   Suddenly realized, Zhang Dongcheng smiled and scratched Jessica's nose, hugged her and slowly laid her flat on the ground before backing out.

  Although Jessica was exhausted, she still struggled to raise her smooth and white thighs. The black lace suspenders had long since disappeared.

   "Why do you stand up like this?" Zhang Dongcheng looked at her raising her legs in puzzlement.

   "In this way, those things will not flow out, I will absorb them all, um, I will have your child soon!" Jessica smiled, her face was full of happiness.

  This lovely girl...

The time soon came to mid-January 2001, and the filming of "High School Musical" was already facing the last shot. This was the biggest song-and-dance show and party-like carnival scene in the basketball gymnasium of Eastern High School. , after finishing it, the whole movie has been completed and transferred to the post-production link.

Regarding the release schedule, Zhang Dongcheng decided to start the school season in September of 2001. Although this missed the best summer vacation, he believes that no high school student can resist the charm of this movie, and they will call it a movie in school. Invite friends to watch this movie.

Avoiding the summer schedule, I also have the idea of ​​making way for other films of Dongcheng Films. For example, the film "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Jack for the first time is scheduled to be released in mid-August. In order not to compete with his own film at the box office, Zhang Dongcheng made the above decision.

  The crane camera sweeps across the entire field, where the most intense basketball game is going on.

  "Western High School got the ball, if they scored this goal, then the championship will belong to them, and the Eastern High School Wildcats have to swallow the consequences of losing for the fourth consecutive year! God, who will save the Wildcats!"

   "Oh! Look, No. 14 stole the ball, he is very fast, and he is moving towards the other side of the court!"

  Eastern High School got the ball, Troy rushed forward with the ball, saw the opponent's defense was tight, and crossed it to his teammates, and after shaking the defender away, he got the ball again and made a mid-range shot!

   This key goal before the end of the game won the whole game, the whole stadium went crazy, everyone rushed into the field, cheers resounded through the sky.

  The entire game is over, and the Wildcats of Eastern High School finally won the championship that they have not won for three consecutive years!

   "Troy, Troy, Troy!" The crowd surrounded Troy like stars holding the moon, and it was the winning goal he threw, and Troy, who raised the trophy and was held up by everyone, shouted.

   "Who is the champion?"


   "Who is the champion?"



   "Dedicated to the game!"

  Amid the cheers, Gabriela also rushed in, took Troy's hand, and smiled excitedly.

   "Congratulations, you have won the championship!"

   "Oh, how about you, how are you?"

   "We won too!"

  The carnival crowd danced to celebrate, the sound of the music was played to the loudest at this moment, and the whole gymnasium was full of heat!

   "Let's go! Come on, let's go, let's have some fun! We'll always support each other no matter the time!"

  As this last scene ended, Jang Dong Sung nodded with satisfaction and shouted excitedly: "CUT! OK, it's over, we're done!"

   Huge cheers came, all the actors were young people who had just finished their first movie, they couldn't help rushing over, picked up Zhang Dongcheng, and threw them into the sky!

   Applause, cheers, the entire basketball court suddenly boiled, making everyone smile.

  Enthusiasm, love, singing and basketball, this wonderful high school couple was completely recorded by the camera, becoming the group of people that everyone wants to be, and want to be like them.

   You can fly with your hands outstretched, come together, face with your dear friends, and your dreams will come true!

   "Smith, are you really sure that High School Musical will be released after school starts in early September?" Adaman frowned as he looked at the release plan of High School Musical and asked in puzzlement.

   "Yes, what's the matter? What's the problem?" Zhang Dongcheng asked with a pen in his mouth, his legs resting on the desk, nestled comfortably in the boss chair.

"Isn't our High School Musical aimed at young people, even middle school students? They were already in school at that time, and they didn't have much time to watch movies! If we want to earn their money, I think it's right to arrange it in the summer vacation." !" Adaman looked at the filming plan again, and asked suspiciously: "If you want to avoid the Passion of the Christ filmed by Jack, then the last two weeks of the summer file are also fine!"

"No, no, Adaman. Although the consumer group we are facing is mainly young people, mainly middle school students, but the summer vacation is not necessarily the best time. High School Musical has this ability, it can become a phenomenon Super movie!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled, it seemed that Adaman was a little too worried, and continued to explain: "When every young person who has watched High School Musical is eager to find like-minded people to talk about this movie, when they can't wait When I really want to take my friends to learn the dance of this movie, the distance between the students is still a bit far during the summer vacation. For example, many people will go out for travel, and there will be many parties. But once I go to school, I Believe in the charm of High School Musical, students will talk about this movie outside of their studies. Even children who haven’t watched it will feel that they are OUT. When they gather in school, it will really help spread the topic. Uh huh, like this It's the best!"

Adaman thought about it, and what he said was not unreasonable. Anyway, the cost of High School Musical is not high. According to Zhang Dongcheng’s three shiny golden characters, it is not a problem to sell hundreds of millions of dollars. Since Director Smith and Zhang Da confirmed that his movie will become If you don't like a movie at the top of the list, why not just sit and watch a good movie!

Flipping through the annual film schedule in his hand, Adaman read in a low voice: "On September 2, 2001, "Swordsman Ambition" was released in 2,438 theaters. It was directed by Catherine Deneuve and Justine Chambers The starring movie, "A Game for Two" was released in 1249 theaters, and the performers were Vivica Fox, Morris Chestnut. Haha, these two movies seem to have no threat, but like "American Pie 2" " A film like Rush Hour 2 had been in theaters for five or six weeks at that point, and there was absolutely nothing that would bring High School Musical to its knees!"

  Zhang Dongcheng just smiled. At that time, "Swordsman Ambition" only had a box office of about 10 million in the first week, and the two-person game was even worse, with only more than 7 million US dollars. Without any blockbusters blocking the way, his own High School Musical will definitely be unstoppable.

"Do a good job of publicity, Adaman. For this kind of movie, we want to occupy the largest high school in the United States, contract their dining tables, contract their cafeteria TV, contract their basketball court, publicity is the most powerful weapons, they will grab the students and force them to watch the movie!"

   "OK, I wrote it down!" Adaman wrote down all Zhang Dongcheng's words, and after thinking about it seriously, he said, "By the way, Smith, we should also increase our publicity on the Internet, right?"

"Of course! Before the release, it happens to be the audition season of American Idol. We want to connect American Idol with High School Musical and make a special series of High School Musical. Let's make a special unit and let the idols show their faces in school. It’s even more explosive. Then use this as a topic to start discussions on High School Musical in all school forums, and every school must not let it go!" Zhang Dongcheng finished speaking in one breath, and then whistled : "Aha, I think we're going to start learning to make phenomena!"

"That's right. In the past, we always tried our best to make a good movie, and then we could only touch our heads and marvel at the social phenomenon it caused. Now we have to do the opposite, we want to influence the trend and create fashion! And that Just like Jobs, others are researching the needs of consumers and making products, but he is different. What he makes, consumers will follow suit! We are in the entertainment industry, and this should be the case!" Adaman said to Zhang Dongcheng's opinion Yes 100% agree.

"The cost of the entire publicity is controlled at about 20 million U.S. dollars, which is already higher than the cost of filming. Although this is only a low-cost film in my filming career, its potential is infinite and it will surprise people. !" Zhang Dongcheng twisted his neck and stood up.

   "OK, I will arrange everything." Adaman also stood up, he looked at the proposal, then at Zhang Dongcheng, and suddenly burst out laughing.

   "What are you laughing at?" Zhang Dongcheng looked at his outfit suspiciously, there is no problem...

"I'm laughing... Now the investment of 40 million US dollars is called a small cost by you... I think it was only a few thousand dollars when we filmed the sound engineer. Hey, I am so happy." Adaman stopped laughing and sighed said.

   "Hehe, one day I will tell you that we are going to invest more than 400 million dollars in a big production!" Zhang Dongcheng also smiled, and punched Adaman with his hand.

The future is still in the future, but the reality has come again. After last year's Golden Globe Awards did not give Director Smith Zhang any face, making him extremely embarrassing. Public relations, in one fell swoop at the Oscars, lost six of the nine nominations. This event that stunned the Golden Globe Awards and made audiences and movie fans across the United States breathe a sigh of relief was mentioned countless times in newspapers last year. , Let the organizers of the Golden Globes lose face.

  Everyone knows that the Golden Globe Awards are being manipulated and their fairness is questionable. In order to restore their reputation, the Golden Globe Awards invited Zhang Dongcheng early this year to participate in the 58th Golden Globe Awards Ceremony this year.

And this year, the Golden Globe Awards will no longer be able to pretend to ignore Jang Dong-seong's film like last year. If last year because Zhang Dong-seong's entry film was "Brokeback Mountain", it affected a large number of anti-gay judges, but this year Zhang Dongcheng brought a super blockbuster, the epic masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings"!

  The organizer of the Golden Globe Awards, no matter how much they ignored it, would not dare to have the slightest misconception about Lord of the Rings. This time Zhang Dongcheng will not spare them lightly.

Although his own film is the first film in the Lord of the Rings series, "The Fellowship of the Ring", Zhang Dongcheng still carried out public relations in the early stage according to the rules. Although the money spent was small, there were still several million dollars. This is what he did enough The gesture made it easy for the judges of the Golden Globes to step down.

This clearly means, you see, my film has such a high reputation, such a high box office, such high praise, and I have worked so hard to please you and give you public relations. Would you mind giving me an award?

At this Golden Globe Awards, Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring was nominated for five awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Soundtrack, and Best Original Song. In addition to Best Actor and Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Actress was not given to Smith Zhang, and almost all the nominations that the King of Fingers could get were won.

  This is also a helpless thing. After all, The Lord of the Rings is a group portrait movie. There are so many characters on the stage, and each of them has a lot of roles. It cannot be compared with other feature films.

Although the Golden Globes tried their best to satisfy Zhang Dongcheng, but he didn't dare to risk the world and give him the nomination for Best Actor and Actress casually. Zhang Dongcheng was satisfied with the result .

  So, on January 21, 2001, Zhang Dongcheng came to the Golden Globe Awards ceremony!

The Los Angeles Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel is a super five-star hotel belonging to the Hilton Group, and the annual star-studded award ceremony is about to start here, and before the start, the 58th Golden Globe Awards attracted countless people vision.

There are many popular movies this year, and the scene of the Golden Globe Awards is also the place where superstars appear, such as Russell Crowe, Will Smith, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, etc., and the super director Smith Zhang brought His team will also come to the Golden Globes, which is full of expectations.

   This time, who will accompany Zhang Dongcheng on the road to glory? Will it be Rachel Weisz from last year? Or Scarlett Johansson, who became popular this year because of Lord of the Rings, or Megan Fox, who is stunning in perfume?

  The media are full of speculation.

  When the Hilton Hotel was surrounded by spectators, movie fans and media reporters, Zhang Dongcheng was still at home waiting for the beauties who accompanied him to make up and choose dresses.

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