MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 550 new journey

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  Eastern High just got prettier, it must be photogenic! Every Eastern High student is thinking so excitedly.

The grass was already full of extras in youthful attire and of the same age as high school students. They were all recruited locally, most of them were students from specialized performing arts schools, and a small number were from the eastern part of the country. Real high school students in high school.

  Colin was hit by the bullet of happiness and was selected as an extra in High School Musical. His class even made an exception for him, allowing him to participate in this may be a good memory for a lifetime.

Excitedly chatting with a few acquaintances who were equally lucky, Colin watched the photography crew busy, they had to make all preparations in advance, and a photographer with a ponytail kept talking Conducting the final equipment debugging with a loudspeaker and some not-so-proficient English.

Colin was full of interest in everything about the film crew. He watched the lighting engineer pass by him, arguing about the range of lighting and the amount of exposure, and a track had already been laid, and the track car was traveling back and forth on it. , doing preparations before shooting.

  The whole crew is busy but not chaotic, obviously there is a strong cooperation and tacit understanding, and on the other side, the leading actors are there.

  Although Director Smith Zhang once again announced that High School Musical will use completely newcomers to appear on the screen, such a move did not disappoint American movie fans, because everyone knows Smith Zhang's sharp eagle-like eyes.

  The outdated stars, with his help, regained their second spring, one by one turned from box office poison to box office bomb, this part is represented by Brandon and Keanu Reeves. Under his command, the unknown people seem to be reborn in his movies, and they become a blockbuster. These people are represented by Orlando and Scarlett. It is unimaginable that the popular stars participating in his movies are so popular, and these people are represented by Brad Pitt, Nicolas Cage and Leonardo!

  Whether you are famous or not, no matter whether someone knows or no one knows, as long as you join the film crew of Smith Zhang, you will be popular!

  In the hands of Zhang Dongcheng, there are no less than seven actors whose salary has exceeded 15 million US dollars in one fell swoop, and he has only made eight movies in total, one of which is a micro movie!

  Golden Hand, well-deserved reputation.

   Now, in the eyes of Colin, a student at Eastern High School, the lucky ones are right there, studying the script carefully, and whispering together from time to time.

  Colin didn't know these men and girls, but he looked at the leading actors from head to toe carefully based on his own aesthetics, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

  Well, the image is very good, and he can definitely get a high score. It seems that Smith Zhang will make a few new stars popular this time!

  The male protagonist is in good shape, but looks very young. Colin thinks that there is no problem for him to sit in his classroom, but what he doesn't know is that Wentworth Miller is already twenty-eight years old...

  Young, handsome, sunny, those eyes are unforgettable, if such a male protagonist dances and sings, he will definitely fascinate a lot of girls!

   And turning his attention away, there are two completely different, but equally attractive girls!

One of them is a pure and beautiful girl with slightly foreign blood. She has a small face the size of a palm and a height of about 1.6 meters. But her clothes are completely different, showing the temperament of the girl next door who is eager to get close.

   This is Laticia Dorilla, I heard that she is the beauty Smith Zhang found in Spain during the shooting of the perfume.

   Well, it's really beautiful.

   And the other one made Colin's heart beat faster and he couldn't move his eyes.

  That is a blonde girl with an extremely hot body, **** makes people spurt blood (Jang Dongcheng asked Megan Fox to dye her hair blonde for the needs of the High School Musical plot).

She is Megan, and she has already performed in the perfume, but it was an innocent girl like Laticia, but within a few months, her image changed a lot, and she really showed her perfect beauty. With a top-notch figure, she plays the second female role in this high school movie.

  Looking greedily at Megan, who was wearing a cheerleading outfit and showing her **** waist, Colin really wanted to go up to her and ask for an autograph, um, it will definitely be very valuable in the future!

   And beside the three actors, it was Smith Zhang!

   There was a warm light in his eyes. He was talking to the three actors, and he kept making gestures to emphasize his statement. He was full of respect as expected.

   It's time to start!

  Looking around, Zhang Dongcheng walked behind the camera, took a cigar in his mouth, looked at the crew who had made all the preparations, nodded in satisfaction, and ordered: "OK, start shooting!"

  The scene recorder took a slap on the slate and shouted out the sequence number and scene number of the shot: "High School Musical, the first scene, the first scene!"


  The extras acted immediately, according to the pre-made plan, either walking alone or gathering together, the whole scene came alive, just like the real high school reopened.

  Looking at the monitor, Zhang Dongcheng completely shifted his mind to the film. Although the investment in this film was small, the prestige and glory of the super director could not make him a little bit of failure.

   and failed, hehe, how could it come?

  A classroom in the school has completely changed now. There are comfortable sofas, various brightly lit spotlights, and countless balloons and streamers. This is not a school classroom at all, but a bar.

  Classmates wearing all kinds of New Year's costumes gather here, but this is not a scene belonging to Eastern High School. This is the scene when the hero Troy and the heroine Gary Buela meet for the first time at the official opening of the movie.

   "Miller, how are your preparations going?" Zhang Dongcheng patted the shoulder of the actor Wentworth Miller and asked.

  At this time, Miller has completely turned into a little fresh meat. Under the hands of the makeup artist, his already charming facial features have the characteristics of a young man, and it is completely impossible to see that he is already twenty-eight years old.

  However, some celebrities are indeed the type favored by God. Time seems to have forgotten him, just like China's Jimmy Lin who never looks old.

   And Miller is the same, and he is in good shape, more like a basketball team captain.

   "OK, I'm ready, I'm going to show my voice here and blow you away!" Miller shrugged and said with some excitement, after all, this was his first time as a leading actor.

  Therefore, there was some joking in his words.

"That's good, pay attention to your expression later, think back to how you chased girls when you were sixteen or seventeen, and just show that state!" Zhang Dongcheng said bluntly, but suddenly noticed a slight change in Miller's eyes .

  Although it was only for a short moment, Zhang Dongcheng still saw it keenly. At this time, he suddenly thought of...

   Oh god, I got a real **** lead character...

  Humbled, Zhang Dongcheng jumped away from Miller and ran towards Laticia.

  Looking at the glamorous and more beautiful Laticia under the hands of the makeup artist, thinking that she will flirt with Miller and make eye contact, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Although I have been outside for so long, and I am engaged in a job that requires the most acting skills, I still feel a little weird about my own woman acting with others. This may be caused by the traditional Chinese culture that is still running in the blood and bone marrow. Bar.

   But it’s okay now, Miller is **** and Zhang Dongcheng is relieved, no matter how lingering and affectionate they are on camera, it will only make Zhang Dongcheng feel a little funny instead of sour.

   "Zhang Dongcheng, are you about to start? My heart is beating so fast..." Laticia stroked her chest, her face flushed a little.

  Like Miller, this is a memorable time for her as an actor, and she is still acting under a big director like Smith Zhang. If she is not nervous, it must be fake.

   Zhang Dongcheng saw her like this, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Aha, I thought Laticia was not afraid of anything."

"I don't want to act well, and I don't want to mess up your movie..." Laticia raised her clean and charming chin, and said reproachfully, if it wasn't for the fact that there were too many people on the set, she would definitely have a few fans Fist does not give up.

"Relax, any big-name actor will face the camera for the first time. High School Musical is the easiest and most stress-free time since I made a film, so you don't need to be stressed, just perform well." Zhang Dongcheng laughed He said in a low voice, and then lowered his voice and said in Laticia's ear: "Just treat Miller as me, I won't blame you!"

  Laticia glanced shyly at Zhang Dongcheng, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help being stunned by that affectionate and gentle appearance, and then said excitedly and happily: "Got it, isn't this look right?"

   Putting up two thumbs up, Zhang Dongcheng praised: "Yes, that's right, that's what I want!"

   At this time, the assistant director shouted: "Mr. Smith, it's OK, everyone is ready, we can start shooting!"

   "Very good, everyone cheer up, let's start!" Applauding vigorously, Zhang Dongcheng watched everyone looking at him, and walked to the monitor.

   Once the slate is shot, the scene officially begins!

  The camera starts with the hero Troy walking in. In the gentle and beautiful music, he puts his hands in his pockets and walks a little bored among the happily chatting crowd. Although this place is very lively, it seems that he is out of place.

  Garibuela, played by Laticia, walked in with a large book in her arms. Her beautiful and charming face quickly attracted the attention of men, and whistles and accosts kept ringing.

   "Hey beauty, hello!"

Laughing softly, Laticia played the enthusiastic and generous girl who kept her heart alone very well. She smiled friendlyly at everyone, but she was still sitting alone on the sofa reading a book. Forget about the lively environment, and after briefly showing her soft smile, she retreated into her own little world.

   "HOHO~~Okay, let's give some applause and encouragement!" The host shouted from the stage, the song just now was sung by a man and a woman.

  Everyone screamed, whistled and applauded the two off, and the host looked around and said with a big smile, "Great! Now, next, who's going to sing for everyone?"

  Troy stayed aside, there were people he didn't know here, he shrank his neck when he heard the host's words, and yawned casually!

  Aha, this yawn is really big, which fully demonstrates that Troy has no interest in singing at all. Compared to his favorite basketball, um, it’s a bit boring to only use a yawn to represent this party.

   "Who? Who will sing?" the host shouted, while everyone was just laughing and playing, but no one came on stage.

  A beam of light hit, and Troy just stopped yawning, seeing the beam of light on his body, his face was full of surprise.

   Oh SHIT, why did you choose me?

The beam of light shifted and shone on Garibuela, who was sitting on the sofa and still reading a book. The girl raised her head and even frowned to hide from the glare. Obviously, she didn't know what happened. what's up.

  Everyone clamored and screamed harshly, and someone pulled Troy to ask him to sing on stage: "Hey, buddy, you've been chosen, come on stage and sing!"

   "Oh NO~!"

   "Go, go, just sing"

  The host took the panicked Garibuela with one hand, laughed and said, "Aha, yes, there is also you, go on stage!"

  Garibuela looked in horror at the people whistling at her around, stood up reluctantly, and was pushed onto the stage without even knowing the situation.

   "Oh, my God, everyone, I can't sing!" Troy still wanted to struggle, but was pushed onto the stage by the undisputed crowd, and the applause burst out immediately.

   Standing on the stage, Garibuela and Troy looked at each other, both of them were a little embarrassed...

   The two people who had never met before looked at each other for the first time, but there seemed to be no spark.

  Garibuela even folded his arms and stood on the stage with his head bowed as if he was a little scared. This small gesture made Zhang Dongcheng, who was watching the monitor, very satisfied.

   "By the way, that's what I want. It's a good feeling to be timid and helpless!" Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers, and Zhang Dongcheng also whistled, staring at the monitor without blinking.

  The host jumped onto the stage, with a smile on his face, and said mysteriously to the two: "You know, maybe one day you will thank me for what happened today!"

  Put the microphone in Troy's hand, the host grinned: "Maybe not."

When the music started, Troy looked at the microphone in his hand in disbelief, and turned his eyes to the beautiful and charming girl beside him. As if she didn't like being watched by so many people, the beautiful girl folded her arms uneasily and shrank. Shrunk, as if trying to escape Troy's eyes.

  You don’t even dare to meet your eyes, how can you sing like this? Troy was even more embarrassed standing on the stage.

Looking around, fortunately, the people around him pushed them onto the stage and chatted with each other. Although the room was full of people, few were looking at them. better.

  Put the microphone back into the microphone stand, the music has already started, Troy even sang too slowly and missed a word, he hurried to catch up, and finally sang the first line.

"Living in my own world, I don't understand at all." Troy's voice was good, and the first sentence at the beginning was a bit surprising, making Garibuela on the side turn his head and look at him secretly .

  Just on stage, Troy was a little nervous. He felt his throat tickle just after singing the first line, and coughed awkwardly before continuing: "Anything is possible, as long as you take risks."

Looking around, everyone was chatting on their own. His singing did not attract people's attention. Such a sense of defeat made Troy quickly lose his confidence in singing, and he turned his head and wanted to leave. Step down and go.

  However, at this moment, a female voice sounded like the sound of heaven, waking up his ears, making the leaving footsteps stop unconsciously!

   "I never believe it, I don't see it with my own eyes, and I never open my heart."

  This pure sound like the ding-dong of spring water, this charming sound like an angel descending, this unbelievably charming sound, made Troy stop and turn his head to look...

   That's her, she's singing, although I don't know her, I don't even know her name, but this kind of voice can make the boy turn his head and look at the girl singing softly.

  Turning around, Troy didn't know why, and grabbed the microphone again, followed her, followed her, and sang.

   "I know, things have changed, I've never felt this way, just tonight, a new journey has begun!"

  The chorus of two people is like a golden boy and a jade girl, like a mountain and flowing water, like a piano and a violin, they complement each other seamlessly, and they are so full of joy that makes the notes jump.

  It’s like the meeting of two people, meeting in the vast sea of ​​people. It’s such an obsessive and infuriating fire, gently probing, slowly merging, and meeting in the music that makes people smile.

Looking at each other secretly, just for a moment or two, Garibuela lowered his head shyly, only to find that singing with him is so happy, and there is such a tacit understanding, as if there are a pair of invisible hands in the dark, Let two people stand together and sing loudly.

The same is true for Troy, he also peeked at the beautiful girl from time to time, listening to her sweet and charming voice, the feeling of singing with her was so good, it made him seem to find another door in his life. A door, a door he never noticed, a door that wasn't about basketball.

   "And now, seeing your eyes, I feel with all my heart..." Garibuela finally let go of her heart and began to enjoy this wonderful moment, her eyes fixed on Troy, waiting for him to catch up.

   "I feel from the bottom of my heart..." Troy's chorus was so appropriate and appropriate, and he warmly responded at the moment when the girl needed it most, making Garibuela smile with satisfaction and continue singing.

   "A brand new journey has begun!"

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