MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 545 escaped hero

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  So it is reasonable for him to stand up for a good friend now.

   "Did I forget him?" Zhang Dongcheng said strangely, but he couldn't remember who he had forgotten.

"Remember, Boss, when you took over ZDC TV, you once thought about releasing a TV series, but then it was temporarily stranded due to a change in strategy. He could have become a hit, but now, haha, he waited for so long , I haven't waited for the opportunity yet. He is my good friend, and I recommend him to you." Yang Qi also laughed, as if laughing at his friend's bad luck.

It was not easy to get the appreciation of the super director, and he was appointed as the male number one of the new TV series, but because ZDC TV turned to the direction of the main variety show, who wanted to become a millionaire and American Idol became popular, but this poor child is getting more and more popular. Waiting day after day, I don't know when Zhang Dongcheng will remember that he also thought about making a TV series!

   Ahhh, I really forgot! Zhang Dongcheng slapped his forehead, indeed, it was indeed his own mistake, forgot him.

who is he? He is none other than the stillborn prison escape hero, Wentworth Miller, who is yet to be filmed!

   In a flash, two or three years have passed, and Miller, who was selected by him at the beginning, is still waiting for the opportunity, which makes Zhang Dongcheng feel a little embarrassed.

   "Haha, call him over and see how his image is now." Zhang Dongcheng returned to his office and said to Yang Qi.

   "Okay, I'll call him over right away!" Yang Qi was overjoyed, this time he finally helped Miller.

   Half an hour later, someone knocked on the door of Zhang Dongcheng's office, but Zhang Dongcheng, who was immersed in his work, said without raising his head, "Come in."

  The door opened, and a tall man walked in.

  Putting aside what he was doing, Zhang Dongcheng raised his head, and the actor whom he had forgotten for two or three years, Wentworth Miller, came into view.

   Wentworth Miller (Wentworth Miller), born on June 2, 1972 in Oxfordshire, England, is an American film and television actor. He is 1.85 meters tall and has different eye colors. His left eye is hazel and his right eye is light green.

In the original time and space, he has been acting in movies since 1998, but he was struggling. He was tepid until 2006, and he was completely unemployed around 2004. In 2005, it finally became a hit in the TV series "Prison Break", which set off a frenzy in the United States and was quickly known to all movie fans.

  Prison Break came to China, and it was unexpectedly popular beyond description. It can also be said that the rise and recovery of American dramas in China depended entirely on its own power.

  In this drama that reflects family and courage, Wentworth's character Michael Scofield walks between black and white factions with wit, calmness and affection, and implements the escape plan in an orderly manner, which is amazing.

  The only thing that seems a bit out of place is that he is now 28 years old, long before he was a high school student.

  Zhang Dongcheng didn't speak, but carefully looked at the face in front of him, which was still a little green to the audience.

  Miller is undoubtedly extremely lucky. He looks like a boy who doesn't grow up. If he doesn't shave his hair, he is no different from any high school boy now.

  Heroic, **** with melancholy, exquisite but without the slightest blush, the first handsome guy in the future to wear a prison uniform so handsome that he couldn't bear it, standing in front of him like this, a little nervous and a little uneasy.

  Especially those eyes, gold and silver demon pupils with completely different colors!

   Zhang Dongcheng was extremely satisfied with his appearance. He was examining the executive chair, but pointed to the sofa: "Sit down, Mr. Miller."

   "Thank you." Nodding, Miller sat down and looked up at the super director who was a little younger than him in front of him, his hands sweating from nervousness.

Carding his hands, Zhang Dongcheng made a move that all directors would do. He put his hands together to look like a shot, and aimed at Miller, and he immediately nervously put himself in the middle of this fake shot, HOHO, this shot feels But it's extraordinary, no wonder he became the person Yang Qi has been paying attention to.

Yang Qi's flattery is not a star, but the smart Yang Qi will not casually associate with everyone. He knows what he is shouldering, which is to make Zhang Dongcheng's work as simple as possible, so, Only those who are worthy of his friendship will become the candidates he recommends.

  Miller, that's great!

   "Give me a right side, Mr. Miller." Zhang Dongcheng said.

   Before he finished speaking, Miller turned sideways to face the camera, his brows involuntarily showing the melancholy that would make him famous all over the world in the future, and let the **** girl linger.

"OK, turn around now, um, very good, why are you frowning? Come on, let's have a smile." Zhang Dongcheng continued, and when Miller heard that Zhang Dongcheng asked him to smile, he was very embarrassed and blunt smiled.

   "I...I don't like to laugh very much, Mr. Smith." Miller said a little uneasy after laughing.

   "Why don't you like it?" Zhang Dongcheng put down his hands, but laughed to himself.

"Well, my friends say I'm different from other actors when I frown... You know, when I'm coming to meet you, all my friends are crazy, and they all remind me that I have to be different." Thinking of those losses A smile appeared on the corner of Miller's mouth at the words of his friends, but he soon became serious again.

   Sure, his sexy, brooding look would have captivated a lot of girls, but right now, he's not Mike from Prison Break, he's Troy from High School Musical.

  In terms of appearance, although Miller is already twenty-eight years old, there is no problem in that he can go back to his high school days with makeup and his fresh appearance.

   Then, there are a few more issues to resolve.

   "Can you play basketball?"

   "Play basketball? I will. I usually play basketball to relieve stress when I have nothing to do. My skills are not bad..." Miller quickly replied. It seems that his basketball skills should be good, otherwise he would not have such confidence.

   Very good, one item was settled, Zhang Dongcheng nodded in satisfaction, and lit a cigar.

   "Can you dance? Mr. Miller?" Zhang Dongcheng said to Miller, biting his cigar.

"Uh, what kind of dance is it?" Miller stood up. He already knew that this was an interview, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to do. He just looked at Zhang Dongcheng, wanting to present his best side come out.

  Once selected, the time of waiting will pass, and Zhang Dongcheng's hand of making superstars will make him a superstar!

  Which actor who embarked on the road of acting doesn't want to become a superstar?

   "Fight, fight!" In Miller's heart, there was only a booming sentence.

   "Well, sir, by the way, you took off your shirt." Zhang Dongduo bit his cigar and said in a cloud.

  Take off...undress?

  Miller was a little puzzled, but without any hesitation, he took off all his clothes at once, revealing his muscular body, but he wasn't that big, model-level figure.

  HOHO, very good!

  Although there are many fat people in the United States, there are also many people who like to exercise. Miller is obviously a person who loves to exercise, which can be seen from his perfect figure.

   But he is not the kind of muscular guy who is like a basketball player, not the kind who has only muscles all over his body, he has a great figure!

   Seeing Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help whistling, Miller suddenly felt a little weird, but he quickly withdrew his weird eyes and began to dance jazz.

   Very good, good dancing, and training to become the captain of the Wildcats is not a problem at all.

  Although the height is much taller than that of the original lead actor, it is not the reason why taller and shorter can dance well in dance. It depends on the type of dance, the height of the supporting dancer, and the symmetry of the body.

  Of course, the level of choreography is even more tested.

  The dance was very good, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help applauding, and Miller's strange eyes quickly caught Zhang Dongcheng's attention.

"This, this, this... There seems to be something wrong with this look... Why is it so similar to Orlando's look at Brad Pitt when he was filming Brokeback Mountain?" Zhang Dongcheng felt vaguely uneasy, and Miller's future data and situation in his mind gave him a big picture. gave him the answer.

  On August 21, 2013, Wentworth Miller refused to attend the St. Petersburg International Film Festival due to his opposition to Russia’s homophobic laws, and publicly announced his coming out——Future Information.


  His sister really took a fancy to a **** this time? Zhang Dongcheng had a strange feeling in his heart.

  Although he filmed Brokeback Mountain himself, and did not object to others becoming Brokeback Mountain, Zhang Dongcheng was still a little uncomfortable when a real **** appeared beside him.

   What are you afraid of, what are you afraid of? Can Miller eat you? Zhang Dongcheng kept cheering himself up...

  It doesn’t matter if Miller is gay, at least he can’t act like Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens in the original version and become a real couple, haha!

  Zhang Dongcheng suddenly felt that he would really find reasons for himself.

   Well, the super director Smith Zhang no longer cares about the background of his actors, their sexual orientation, or whether they will announce their coming out in the future. Now, there are only movies!

   Once Zhang Dongcheng's movie was confirmed, the entire Dongcheng Film Industry cheered up. Although Dongcheng Film Industry released a lot of blockbuster movies every year, countless box office broke 100 million. But Jang Dong Sung simply said, I want to make a movie, um, invest 20 million dollars...

  The whole world is going crazy!

  Even if it’s only a $20 million movie, even if Zhang Dongcheng said he’s going to make a school song and dance movie… Um, wait, what did you say?

  Campus song and dance movies?

   Isn't it a gangster movie with guns in full bloom? Isn't it a war movie with the roar of chariots? Isn't it a magical film about swords, guns, bows and arrows, or a literary film that makes people think deeply?

  Oh NO, why is it a campus musical!

"It is undeniable that Director Smith Zhang Da has a completely different understanding of movies. He has said to the public more than once that he likes completely different movie themes and doesn't want to be a repeat of himself. Therefore, he gave up the director of The Lord of the Rings who has reached the peak. , gave up the director of The Matrix who created the era, and even literary films such as Brokeback Mountain and Perfume did not stop him. He has been changing.

Throughout his career in filming, he has been in different genres, different directions, and even unexpected movie themes, and this time the latest news from Dongcheng Films shows one thing, Smith Zhang is going to declare war on himself again, shooting a movie he has never touched theme. But this time, he seemed to be a little dazzled by his invincible results, and he actually wanted to shoot a musical about campus youth!

   Musical! Fans, what is Smith Zhang going to film? He's going to do a musical...hahaha! I'm sorry I laughed so hard I cried.

   Musical and musical films are already the genre of the sunset, and the dancers in the dark are just a flash in the pan. What movie fans need now is amazing pictures, weird and surprising storylines, and intricate character relationships. That kind of singing and dancing Hollywood musical, you should go to the big theater to watch it! Watch it at the cinema? Haha, I bet Smith Chang's first failure is imminent! Well, who dares to bet with me? "

  --From the **** Zhang Hei, Los Angeles News Advisory, Gavin!

"Smith has been successful more than once, but he cannot be successful forever! After all, he is still a Chinese, not us Americans. Although he has stayed in this free world for five or six years, he cannot understand the spirit of the United States. This time he arrogantly chose to shoot a musical that has long been abandoned by fans, which shows that the stupid side of his IQ has the upper hand, and his good luck is gone forever! We are fortunate to be able to see a great empire before its collapse The moment, then fell apart! Hey Smith Zhang, if you can see this comment, thank me anyway, if you listen to me and stop making musicals, then you are wise, if you are going to go your own way, lol, we Next year will see a dispirited figure leave Hollywood!"

  No matter when, successful people are always accompanied by countless sunspots. Those sunspots hide in the dark, or gnash their teeth and curse, or openly speak nonsense, wishing that all successful people will be unlucky.

And as Zhang Dongcheng became more and more successful, because of his skin color, a small group of big American guys who hated him when they saw him jumped up and down even more, cursing and sending out all kinds of things on the more and more free Internet. counterargument.

  “I think Smith should have gotten out of Hollywood long ago, for no reason!”

   "Musical and musical? Oh NO! Can't there be another Matrix movie? His sister's Lord of the Rings is also fine, no matter how bad the perfume is, it is always suitable for this academic director who came from a British movie theater. What kind of youth musical movie?"

"Disappointed, so disappointed, Smith's new movie turned out to be a musical with an investment of 20 million U.S. dollars? Why didn't he make a super blockbuster with a cost of 200 million U.S. dollars? That way he could lose himself faster and get out of here." Out of America!"

Of course, these scoldings naturally aroused strong and angry counterattacks from Zhang Dongcheng's defenders. This is the fans and fans who have been cultivated by Director Smith and Zhang Da for six years and eight films. The super defenders who are not idols at all scold Zhang Hei in the forums, on Yahoo, and on the official website, and are engaged in an authentic big battle.

  Of course, those endless Internet insults and posts haven’t reached the point where Zhang Dongcheng stopped. He has already led the team to start the film’s early preparations.

The most important male and female protagonists of the movie have been confirmed, even the second female lead has been confirmed. As for the other supporting roles, it is up to the assistant director who chooses the casting, and Zhang Dongcheng has put everything down now, and is just doing more important things .

   First of all, that was finding a real home for East High in the movie.

In Salt Lake City, Utah, Zhang Dongcheng appeared here with Yang Qi. No one knew that the Eastern High School in the movie had its own school, and this school was not called Eastern High School at the time, but its full name was Salt Lake City Eastern High School .

  Standing at the gate of this youthful high school, Zhang Dongcheng looked at the glittering golden letters of the English letters of Salt Lake City East High School, and couldn't help whistling.

"Do you know? Lao Yang, this is East High School in Salt Lake City, but after my movie High School Musical is released, they will change their name to East High School. Can you understand why?" Zhang Dongcheng stood at the school gate, a little proudly Ask Yang Qi.

   "Ah... I don't know, why did they change their name?" Yang Qi blinked his small eyes, expressing that he couldn't think of it at all.

  With his intelligence, how could he not have thought of it? It's just that as a subordinate, it's natural to be a little stupid, so that the boss can stand taller, and flattering him can be smoother!

   Right now, Zhang Dongcheng is quite comfortable being photographed by him.

"Haha, let me tell you. First of all, my High School Musical is going to be a big hit, leading a trend in the United States and even the world, and because of this strong and powerful trend, the extremely huge fame made East Salt Lake City High School The three words Salt Lake City were removed. Because they no longer need these three words to distinguish other Eastern High Schools, there is only this Eastern High School in the United States after High School Musical!" Zhang Dongcheng pointed to the Eastern High School. An English word, speaking domineeringly, the arrogance in his words made Yang Qi keep nodding his head.

"Oh, yes! Boss, you are so right! After your movie is released, no matter how many Eastern high schools in the United States, the only one that will remain in everyone's heart is this Eastern high school!" Yang Qi pretended to suddenly realize The appearance of the girl was applauded, and the whole face was like this.

   "Hey, let's go, let's go chat with the principal, and tell him that Zhang Smith is going to give him a big fortune today!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled, but walked into the school first.

The teaching building area of ​​the East High School in Salt Lake City is a "concave" architectural pattern, with buildings on three sides and empty roads and lawns in the middle. In fact, this school is not very famous among high schools in the United States, nor is it the largest. Or best of all, Zhang Dongcheng didn't know why he chose this school back then.

   "Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The security guard poked his head out and called to Zhang Dongcheng who was wearing big sunglasses.