MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 539 The magic of perfume

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The environment here is ridiculously bad, and there are so many homeless orphans, basically they are sticking to each other, because they were taken up by the basket containing Grenouille, and they were frightened by it smelling their fingers strangely. The boy proposed to kill him!

   Covering the baby's head with a cloth, four or five pairs of small hands pressed it up. This world of killing people like a child's play shocked all the audience.

  But the cries alarmed the director of the nursery, and he was beaten down with a whip.

   Then all the children knew that this child was unusual...

   Soon Grenouille grew up, and his talents began to show. Most of the time, he did not observe the world through his eyes, but through his nose and sense of smell.

  He smells stones, he smells fruit, he smells everything, and he can even smell danger with his nose!

He smelled the corpse of the dead mouse, and the terrified eyes of other children in the baby center. He picked up the dead mouse and kept smelling it. Rotting maggots. .

  Grenouille grew up slowly, and he began to understand that this special ability belonged to him and was unique to him, as if he was the most important person in the kingdom of smell.

  With his eyes closed, he can smell wood, grass in the distance, pool in the distance, and cold water, but even underwater, he can still smell it.

   Big stones, wet stones, wet frogs..

  On the screen, the frog is ovulating, and after the messy frog eggs, Grenouille frowned strangely, and his lack of language could not express what it was.

The headmistress of the nursery sold the thirteen-year-old Grenouille to the tannery, and then died in the hands of the robbers. In the tannery whose expected life cycle is only five years, he is like Tenacious germs grow, and grow up.

   Turning around, the protagonist played by Leonardo officially embarked on the road to Paris, and smelled greedily in this scent utopia until he met the girl who sold yellow plums played by Jessica.

Leonardo sniffed behind Jessica, sniffed his nose, and kept sniffing, while Susanna, who was watching the movie, stared happily at the big screen and said to the girl with glasses on one side: "Wow, will they In love? Jessica is so beautiful, and Leonardo is so handsome, they are a natural couple!"

  The girl with glasses twitched her lips when she heard this, but the following plot frightened Susanna quite a bit. Leonardo accidentally smothered Jessica to death in order not to let others find out. .

Seeing that Leonardo struggled a little, but couldn't control himself, he stripped Jessica naked, and smelled desperately on her dead body, smelled her smell, smelled her bony ribs, smelled over her chest, extremely greedy.

   Cupped her hands, as if the smell was water, and held them to her nose and to her face. This crazy and weird behavior made Susannah's mouth open involuntarily.

"It's disgusting... what a kind girl this girl is!" The girl with glasses was obviously moved by Jessica's act of giving plums to the widowed old man at the beginning, but she didn't expect that she would turn around and die in front of Leonardo. In his hand, he couldn't help saying bitterly.

"No, no, it can't be Leonardo's fault. His nose is too sensitive and he is too obsessed with smells. Jessica's death was completely unintentional. He did it unintentionally." Susanna immediately felt sorry for Leon. Nadou found a reason, and the unreasonableness of Yan-controlled creatures began to gain the upper hand.

  The movie continues, Leonardo finally understands the meaning of his life, he must learn how to preserve the smell!

The camera turns again, and a bridge is full of tall buildings. This style of buildings is now uncommon. In the buildings on the bridge, an outdated perfumer is drowsy in the shop. This one is called Baldini The perfumer has no customers at all.

Tried to unravel the ingredients of "Love and Psyche", but failed. The perfumer who had blended several bottles of well-known perfumes could no longer smell the ingredients in the perfume. From sunrise to sunset, he tried his best but could not crack.

  Suddenly, Baldini, who was so tired that he fell asleep, was awakened by a knock on the door, and Leonardo appeared in front of him carrying a large pile of leather from the tannery.

  As if it was fate, as soon as Leonardo entered the perfume shop, he was deeply attracted by the various fragrances in front of him. He decided to seize this opportunity and resist fate!

"You want these leathers to smell better, don't you? Are you using the perfume of Cupid and Psyche by a perfumer named Pelissier?" Leonardo pointed to the leather, and then pointed to Baldi Ni used someone else's perfume.

Baldini looked at Leonardo strangely, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and Leonardo pointed out the shortcomings of this bottle of perfume in order to seize this unique opportunity: "Sir, this bottle of Cupid is not the same as Psyche. Well, too much rosemary, and, too, too much of this!"

  The extremely sensitive nose could easily distinguish all the components of the big-selling perfume, and even an unnamed fragrance, Leonardo also found them out.

"My nose can distinguish all the smells in the world!" Leonardo looked at Baldini seriously and told him about his talent. This scene seemed like the weak counterattacked, and the oppressed person finally turned around, which made Susanna very happy. is input.

   Clenching her fists hard, Suzanne cheered for Leonardo: "Baldini will definitely appreciate Leonardo's talent, and he will definitely become the most famous perfumer!"

   But Baldini didn't think so, because he is such a professional, he has studied deshui for decades, how could he lose to such a little boy who can't even name all kinds of fragrances?

  Baldini didn't want to give Leonardo a chance to speak, and angrily cursed: "You are too rude and arrogant!"

  But soon Baldini changed his mind again, and he said in a mysterious way: "You are so strong, can you tell me what the formula of Cupid and Psyche is?"

  Leonardo had a slight smile on his face. He looked at Baldini with big bright eyes, and said firmly, "I can help you make Cupid and Psyche out now!"

  HOHO, such a powerful answer made all the audience excited.

  Although he felt that Leonardo was just fooling around, Baldini still gave him a small graduated cylinder and asked him to operate it.

"You have to let me do it in my own way..." Leonardo didn't know how to make perfume just because of his gifted nose, and then, Baldini sat aside quite melancholy with his chaotic approach, a picture The old faces were twisted into a ball.

When he saw Leonardo pour countless essences into the small measuring cylinder and start shaking, Baldini couldn't bear it at all, and shouted: "Stop, stop! How can perfume shake like this! "

  But Leonardo didn't say anything, just put the shaken perfume on the table, and said confidently: "I'm done."

   Do, done? Adding random additions and shaking them around for a while, and you have finished someone else's carefully formulated perfume?

Baldini looked in disbelief, but still tried the perfume. After the burst of fragrance, he looked at Leonardo with a face full of shock, and he almost couldn't even speak clearly: "Really, it's Eros and Psyche..."

  Susanna was sitting under the stage. Seeing this, she was so excited that she couldn't help it. She just leaned on the back of the chair and said excitedly in her heart: "YES, Leonardo succeeded!"

  The domineering Leonardo is like a king about to ascend the throne at this moment: "Sir, this perfume is not good. If possible, I can help you improve this perfume."

  Baldini was completely dumbfounded, just watching Leonardo busy and preparing in a disorderly manner, and handed himself the perfume he had mixed, feeling a sense of disappointment swept over him like a wave.

   After so many years of struggling in the perfume industry, I was defeated by a young boy with messy tricks! Such a blow even made Baldini a little disheartened.

  He didn't accept the perfume from Leonardo, but said in frustration and helplessness: "I'm not in the mood now, I have other things to worry about, you can go."

  Leonardo's eyes full of flames slowly dimmed. He just put the prepared water on the table, then lowered his head and left slowly.

  At the moment of going out, Leonardo, who still didn't give up, said sincerely: "Let me work in your morning, sir, is that okay? I have to learn how to preserve the smell..."

  Perfume, only these incomparable perfumes are the driving force for him to live.

   But Baldini was in a mess, and just waved Leonardo to leave.

   Waiting for Leonardo to leave in a daze, Baldini returned to the room and picked up the perfume he had prepared in a way that was simply nonsense.

  Smell it, and the whole world changes!

  That inexplicable perfume, that transcendent perfume, that perfume that intoxicates the whole mind!

  Like a miracle, like God waving his hand gently, the montage on the screen decomposes, gathers, and melts these perfumes that can only be understood.

Baldini is like being in the boundless sea of ​​flowers. If you go back to your youngest time, a beautiful girl sends a kiss to his ear, expressing love. This perfume that transcends everything in the world creates a The reality is like a dream, it is such a shock.

   "Oh my god, this perfume...if only there was such a perfume in the world." The girl with glasses faced the screen and sighed inexplicably, her eyes full of longing.

"Yeah... Even though I know it's just a movie, I can't help but want it to be real. Leonardo should be able to become a super perfumer, right? Be rich, get rich, and marry a rich lady ?” Susannah began to lose control of her thoughts.

   However, the movie continues.

"Perfume is divided into top notes, middle notes, and back notes. There are twelve kinds of spices in total. The top notes are the initial experience, stay for a few minutes, and then enter the middle notes. Legend has it that in the tomb of a pharaoh, a The amphora still lingers after thousands of years, the fragrance is delicate and strong, and twelve elements of it have been distinguished, but the mysterious thirteenth fragrance can never be judged..."

Baldini's teaching taught Leonardo how to make perfume, which made the business of the perfume shop unprecedentedly hot. The lost perfumer became a famous nobleman again, and the new favorite of the rich lady, but Leonardo didn't care about these materials. He dreamed of the girl who was mistakenly killed by him, he must learn how to capture the smell, and then own it!

In the perverted possessive desire for smell, Leonardo found that he was a person without smell. He could smell everything in the world, but he couldn't smell his own existence, which gave him the illusion that he didn't exist at all. He felt that his life was insignificant to others, and he was afraid that he would be neglected and annihilated. Finally, he woke up from the life of living alone in the mountains and forests, and he wanted to make the most wonderful perfume in the world!

   On the way to Grasse, the city of perfume, a carriage passed by, and Leonardo was fascinated by the smell alone. That is, it was the deodorant of a young girl, very attractive!

  Madness grows in the heart, the heart is twisted in desire, Leonardo starts, kill!

  Take off the clothes of the cheating girl and soak her naked body in a large glass jar. The girl is as beautiful as an oil painting, but her life is gone...

In horrific murders again and again, countless girls were found naked and dead all over the place, with their hair shaved off, but Leonardo quietly looked at the thirteen bottles in his hand, watching them being killed one by one. The girl's life is filled.

  Perfume can make rude people polite, and high-pitched scolding can be turned into polite questions. This miraculous perfume is like magic, and people's thinking is controlled by it, as if Pandora's magic box has been opened.

  The murder made the whole city panic. A genius came to this city, but it was a devil. The curfew didn't stop the death, and the corpse of the girl whose hair was shaved was still being found.

The people panicked, and the nobles panicked too. The nuns around the bishop were all murdered. The killer on the opposite side seemed to have black wings, and everyone started to go crazy. With the cruelest criminal law!

The last girl died, under the strict protection of her father, even if the father even used a disguise to let the girl who followed him pretend to be him to leave from the other side, even if they rode their horses and galloped all night, even if it was They were about to reach the safe zone, even if the girl woke up suddenly, she just looked at Leonardo obsessively without making any noise, but on the last night, Leonardo who kept tracking the girl still killed her. Loved her, shaved her hair, and found the final destination and answer for the thirteenth bottle of perfume.

  The heartbroken father, who hated Leonardo to the core, finally found him and arrested him.

  At this time, all the audience knew that the scene where Leonardo was dragged to the rooftop for interrogation at the beginning was the continuation here.

Such a killer, a murderer who killed more than a dozen girls, made everyone unable to utter a word of hatred. Leonardo's behavior made people feel ashamed, but no one scolded him, and everyone was silent. Watching, watching him being tortured by that father in prison.

  The execution time came, and people from all directions gathered together. Everyone wanted to watch the demon die, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

The executioner came, and all the people present cheered as if they saw a hero. When he used an iron rod to simulate how to crush Leonardo's limbs cruelly, there was a roar of applause like a tsunami. rise up!

  Everyone is wishing that Leonardo would die!

  In the entire venue, no less than thousands of people gathered, and the hoarse shouts were earth-shattering, but Leonardo in prison quietly held the bottle of perfume in his hand.

   "Leonardo will die... so many people want him to die..." Suzanne said nervously, and suddenly felt that she couldn't breathe.

   "Take him to the execution ground!" The soldiers grabbed Leonardo roughly by the chain, pulled him to the ground, and kicked him violently, as if they wanted to kick him alive before he went to the execution ground!

  The perfume in his hand was opened, all the angry expressions of the soldiers disappeared, and the picture froze.

   "What's the matter? What's the matter with the perfume?" Suzanne said anxiously, almost standing up.

  At the same time, the crowd in the square was packed like sardine cans, densely packed, and everyone wanted to watch Leonardo scream and die in front of him.

  The bishop also came and sat in the front row. At this time, he represented the will of God with a serious face. He also wanted to watch the death of Leonardo who dared to kill in his church.

  The strange thing is that when Leonardo came, he didn't come in a chained, filthy, wretched way. He came in a four-wheeled carriage, like an emperor on tour!

  Poured the perfume on the handkerchief, Leonardo wiped the handkerchief on his neck, and everyone was stunned by the strange way of approaching.

   Is this how the murderer who is about to execute the bone-crushing sentence arrives?

Under the attention of everyone, Leonardo stepped down from the carriage, dressed in aristocratic attire, so elegant and handsome that he looked like a rich man watching the fun. At this time, he looked around, and thousands of people present were still shouting The people who wanted him to die collectively lost their voices, and the whole square was eerily quiet!

  The real identity is a death row prisoner, but when he walked slowly, people who saw him took off their hats and offered gifts, and even knelt on one knee, as if they were not welcoming a death row prisoner, but the emperor, God!

  People's eyes began to change, showing joy and admiration, no longer the gnashing of teeth just now, all these changes are because of the perfume Leonardo put on the handkerchief!

  Good full of magic to control the heart, an unparalleled perfume.

  Perfume in exchange for the lives of thirteen girls.

  This huge and incomparable contrast made all the audience sit up straight nervously, looking at the incredible scene in front of them, watching this scene that can leave traces in movie history, speechless.

Leonardo slowly walked up to the execution platform, and the crowd below began to be a little commotion. When the bishop who was watching from a distance looked surprised, the executioner suddenly dropped the iron rod and knelt down in front of Leonardo. !

"This man is innocent!" shouted the executioner. The faces of the people on the stage were full of intoxication, admiration and love. They could no longer distinguish between reality and perfume, wishful thinking that Leonardo was innocent. There are smiles on the face, some people hold their hearts with their hands, some people have confused eyes, the magic power of such detached perfume subverts everything!

   "It wasn't him, it wasn't him!"

   "Impossible, he didn't do it!"

  Everyone shouted, and an extremely weird situation just happened!

Leonardo took out a handkerchief, poured some perfume on it, and made a graceful movement. With his waving gesture, the perfume slowly spread to the crowd. At this time, the crowd seemed to be swept away by the wind. The blown wheat, wave after wave, is poured by the fragrance one by one, like being hit by a bullet. The unspeakable fragrance makes everyone immerse themselves in the most beautiful Garden of Eden, close their eyes, enjoy and fantasize.

  The archbishop in red in the distance was also shocked by this breath. He stood up and shouted obsessively as if poisoned: "This is... this is an angel!"

  Following these words, everyone in the square knelt down to Leonardo. The scene shocked the people in the audience to the point where they opened their mouths wide and even forgot to eat the popcorn.

The perfume is spreading, just like the frustrated perfumer lost in the garden at the beginning, everyone entered the illusion brought by the perfume, Leonardo opened his arms, at this time he is no longer a murderer A girl's murderer, he is a god!

   He is God!

  Ru Lin raised his arm, controlling the power of the world's hearts. At this time, Leonardo is a god!

  Cheering, screaming, everyone is his devout believer, the camera rotates 360 degrees, wherever it goes, there are people's outstretched hands, people's crying faces, and people's intoxicated eyes!

  Crying with excitement, looking at Leonardo on the stage, countless people were crying with excitement, crazily crowded, crazily shouting and stretching out their hands, just wanting to touch the angel's hand...

  The father of the last girl who was murdered was extremely shocked. He tried his best to resist the power of the perfume, and looked at the crowd who were completely out of control, completely unable to understand.

   Waved the perfumed handkerchief again and threw it to the people below, and at this time the breeze was blowing, and the handkerchief flew over the people, flying with the wind.

  People were scrambling, as if they were scrambling for the gospel of God. Suddenly, as if the base note of perfume came suddenly, people fell to the ground one after another.

  Can't help kissing, pulling the stranger beside him and starting to kiss, and even started to unbutton the other person's clothes.

  Thousands of people laughed and took off each other's clothes, and the most shocking scene in the history of movies appeared!

   Tens of thousands of ML scenes!

The camera sweeps slowly, various poses, thousands of people, people who are fascinated by perfume don't know what they are doing, they just **** each other's body, push her down, or sit directly on his body body.

  Even those sanctimonious cardinals and nuns couldn't help doing it, and the whole square became the largest prostitution place in the world, and it was extremely beautiful.

And a basket of yellow-scented plums kicked over by lustful people attracted Leonardo's attention. Meeting each other, fantasizing about their love at first sight, fantasizing about them embracing each other, fantasizing about them doing the best things like tens of thousands of people in front of them.

  However, she died, she died a long time ago, she died by her own hands.

  Tears flowed slowly from Leonardo's eye sockets. This tear is the essence and key of the whole movie.

   "You can't fool me!"

   A loud cry woke up Leonardo. Under the camera of countless people having **** on the spot, the girl's father slowly approached Leonardo with a long sword in his hand.

   "Kill him, kill him!" Some audience couldn't help standing up and shouting. It is undeniable that this audience is a man.

   "No, don't! Don't kill him!" Suzanne stood up as if being set on fire, and shouted, her eyes were already full of tears.

"He knew he was wrong, he just wanted a love, Leonardo just wanted a love!" Suzanne said in tears, facing the **** the screen who was approaching Leonardo step by step with a sword Father yelled: "No, don't kill him!"

  The closer you get, the more struggling and struggling the girl's father's face becomes.

  He loves his daughter so much, he hates the murderer who took his daughter's life so much, but, under the magic power of perfume, he is still defeated!

   Kneeling in front of Leonardo, the girl's father was in tears and said in pain and struggle: "Forgive me..."

  At this moment, the last sane man collapsed, kneeling in the perfume that contained his daughter's life.

  Holding Leonardo's leg, he cried so hard that he couldn't help himself, the crying was so heart-wrenching and sighing.

"As long as he wants, the perfume on his hand is enough to conquer the whole world, but if he wants, he can do whatever he wants, he can let the king kiss his feet, let the pope declare him the new savior, but there is only one thing that perfume can't do , it cannot make him love and be loved like ordinary people."

  In the voice-over, Leonardo is heading towards the unknown, and his heart is already full of will to die.

  The girl I love the most is dead, the final perfume has been prepared, and I have no more survival value, so let the world, the perfume, and himself go to hell!

  Leonardo came to Paris, and the taste in his memory brought him back to the place where he was born, full of hungry bums and homeless wretches.

  He opened the perfume, poured all the perfume on his head, and suddenly the golden light shone, attracting countless poor people.

"I love you…"

  The illusion appeared again, and people flocked to him, tearing up Leonardo and swallowing him.

  There is nothing on the camera, Leonardo is eaten up by these people, and these people's hearts are full of holy light, because they feel that what they do is from the pure love in their hearts.

  It was dawn, and the whole market returned to its original appearance. Only the last drop of the world-changing perfume was left, which was slowly brought to the dirty ground by gravity.

   When it dripped down, the screen went black, and the perfume was over.

it's over? it's over?

  Susanna finished watching standing up at the last point, but no one blamed her, because everyone stood up.

Read The Duke's Passion