MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 534

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   It’s almost Chinese New Year, and the updates are a little less, sorry everyone~~

   Blaise also smiled, and bumped fists with Adaman.

"Well, you two have a chat and put this matter into practice. Then let me talk about the second point, which is also the most important. The success of American Idol has made the whole United States and the world see the power of reality shows. During the break, we can launch another reality show to make up for the gap." Zhang Dongcheng's eyes were sharp, and he extinguished many cigars in the ashtray.

   Seeing Zhang Dongcheng's actions, both Adaman and Blaise knew that the point was coming, they sat up straight and looked at Zhang Dongcheng seriously.

"I call it America's Next Top Model to select girls who are truly worthy of the title of supermodel among ordinary people. America's Next Top Model not only helps the contestants realize their dreams, but also gives them opportunities. Different places and classes in the United States, different ages Contestants over the age of 18, after screening, will be tested on various aspects such as fashion runway training, photo shooting and publicity skills from among the contestants who hope to one day be on the cover of fashion magazines such as Vogue and Elle, and Subject to 24-hour strict monitoring, each episode has several fixed or guest guest judges to participate in the review work; one contestant is eliminated every week, and the fittest survive until the final stage is successfully entered.

  Then, if you win America's Next Top Model, you will get a contract with a top model agency, an endorsement contract and bonus of 100,000 US dollars, as well as a fashion endorsement of a global high-end fashion magazine, as well as a special issue of the issue, and be on the cover of the magazine. "

  Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers, finished speaking in one breath, and then saw Adaman smiling like a flower.

"Wow, the selection of supermodels? Selection from ordinary people? This is so interesting and fascinating! If I were the audience, I would look forward to seeing it tomorrow!" Adaman smiled, but his face showed Zhang Dongcheng didn't know what to say about him because of his obsessive appearance.

Zhang Dongcheng knows what this guy is thinking. In the supermodel competition, the final champion is of course a young girl with a great figure and appearance. Even if she is not the champion, the top ten have great potential in the entertainment industry and are likely to become a blockbuster. .

  Beautiful and with a good figure, it will naturally attract big fish like Adaman, but most of those girls will accept it except for a few...

  Although Adaman is fickle, he has never been in trouble. Zhang Dongcheng just looked at him and let him go.

   But Blaise was really happy about this idea, he clapped his hands and shouted excitedly: "Adaman is right, this is really a great idea, I will arrange it right away."

   "Let's go, let's go get something to eat, you really worked hard." After finishing the matter, Zhang Dongcheng heaved a sigh of relief and stood up, beckoning the two generals to set off, and rewarding them well.

"Haha, I'm going to kill Smith hard today!" Adaman also stood up, said with a smile, and then tilted his head and asked: "Smith, your investment in China has now exceeded five billion U.S. dollars , do you want to continue voting?"

"Vote, continue to vote! The next ten years will be the ten years when my motherland will be reborn and fly high, and I will naturally help it!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded vigorously. This is the third leg he is most worried about. It still looks thin and devours a lot of dollars like a bottomless pit, turning into countless buildings and shopping malls on the hot land of China. Everything still looks so unpredictable now.

"Okay." Adaman didn't hesitate at all. Zhang Dongcheng's words were the imperial decree, not to mention just throwing money, even if he was told to jump into the fire pit, it would be the same. For so long, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes that seemed to be favored by God are enough to prove that he success.

   After a pleasant lunch, Zhang Dongcheng left with satisfaction, and at this time, the promotional campaign of the perfume officially started!

Dongcheng Pictures moved quickly. After all, he is now the ninth largest film company in Hollywood. Although the number of films produced is not a fraction of that of other companies, the names of those films can shock every practitioner. , even... fear!

Harry Potter, The Bourne Shadow, Spider-Man, etc., these movies that can carry a company at the box office are very famous. Although Dongcheng Films releases no more than ten movies in a year, the total box office revenue But it occupies the top three of all Hollywood film companies!

  Huge investment, huge income, all these can only be done by Zhang Dongcheng!

The theater owners are no longer the ones who tried to kill Zhang Dongcheng after he filmed The Matrix. They lowered their heads helplessly in front of him. Although they are not as humble as others, fair trade is inevitable. that's it.

Hearing that Zhang Dongcheng's movie has been prepared, the theaters have already started to arrange for the release of the perfume without Adamando saying. Compared with other movies produced by Dongcheng Films, this movie was shot by the super director Smith Zhang himself Movies are obviously more appealing and more reassuring for theaters.

  Smith Chang's movie will lose money? Those who say this will definitely be swollen by reality, and before the movie is released, they will be thrown into the trash by countless fans of Director Smith and Zhang Da.

  Dongcheng Films has just released a little rumor that the perfume directed by Zhang Dongcheng is about to be released, and those fans who have been waiting impatiently have already begun to strongly demand that it be released as soon as possible.

There are more and more comments and messages on Director Smith Zhou’s personal official website, all of which are all kinds of expectations and expectations. It has not been long since the last Lord of the Rings, and everyone seems to be looking forward to it for several years. It is simply unbearable. .

Returning to the movie, the more anxious the audience was, the more Zhang Dongcheng could bear his temper and just moved forward steadily according to the plan. He was like a master sitting on the Diaoyutai, just playing tricks with the fish, waiting for everyone's pockets. Banknotes can't wait so far.

   In addition, this perfume is not a commercial film, it is between a commercial film and a literary film, especially the inhuman role of the protagonist is not acceptable to all audiences, Zhang Dongcheng needs time to let fans know in advance.

Because of the above reasons, Zhang Dongcheng has to make the audience wait even more impatiently. Only in this way, when the perfume is released, will enough people enter the cinema to watch the movie and relish it in their own movie. Think, get something.

   This is the highest mission of the film!

   Fortunately, during the period when the perfume was about to be released, there were no blockbuster movies released. The only one that could be called "Meet the Father-in-law" had a box office of over 100 million, but it was a comedy.

   And "Charlie's Angels", which also has a box office of over 100 million, is even less likely to have any communication with "Perfume", it is an action movie.

   A little further back, "Green Stole Christmas" also did well at the box office, but it's also a comedy, and it still stars Jim Carrey, the king of comedy.

  So, in terms of the type of drama or their final results, there is not a single movie that can compete with or threaten perfume. The only enemy is myself!

  Early this morning, Zhang Dongcheng rushed to his company, because today Dongcheng Films is going to hold a press conference, the purpose is to promote the perfume before the release.

  All publicity agencies have been activated, and their own attendance is also indispensable. This world has long since lost the concept that the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and even the best goods must be publicized!

  Of course, the leading actors of the perfume are all present today, and they are also required to show up. They can create momentum and create topics for the film's performance.

The place where this press conference was held was in the multi-functional hall of Dongcheng Film Company, which can accommodate thousands of people. Impossible to go wrong.

When Zhang Dongcheng arrived at the company unhurriedly, all the actors of the perfume had already arrived. Leonardo DiCaprio, who played Grenouille, was dressed in a formal suit, so handsome that the girls screamed, pure Jessica Alba, Rulian, and Megan Fox, a girl who cannot escape her fate, are all here.

  Finally, she wasn't so shy anymore. Jessica no longer hid and ran away when she saw Zhang Dongcheng as before. Although she was still a little nervous and uneasy, she finally wouldn't slip away without a trace.

  After seeing Zhang Dongcheng, Jessica's breathing involuntarily began to rush. She tried her best to control her emotions of wanting to escape, and said with a smile: " are here."

Faced with such words, Zhang Dongcheng smiled, and while there was no one around, he put Jessica's slender waist into his arms with one hand, kissed her slightly blushing pretty face lightly, and smiled. He said, "Jessica, can you call me by my Chinese name? Zhang Dongcheng, Zhang Dongcheng!"

   "Zhang Dongcheng..." The words were correct, and Jessica in front of her was blushing, but she whispered in Zhang Dongcheng's ear.

  Hehe, this girl is really interesting, did she practice secretly? Calling my name so smoothly?

Zhang Dongcheng was really happy. He rubbed his arms around that slender waist up and down, feeling the perfect curve, and said with great satisfaction: "Well said, Jessica, after the press conference is over, give Point your reward!"

   "Reward? What reward?" Jessica, who was hugged by him and wanted to escape but couldn't escape, sighed secretly, could only be restrained in his arms, turned her pretty face, and asked curiously.

   "The reward is to reward you for being my woman!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled evilly, watching the red clouds gather on Jessica's face, and laughed.

"You... you are really..." Jessica didn't know what to do, biting her pink mouth. Zhang Dongcheng always said those words to tease her, but he didn't do it himself, which made her always worried. For a long time, but there was no sign of him, the girl's heart went up and down, and he played with the applause.

"When the press conference is over, where shall we go for something to eat?" Zhang Dongcheng's fingers dishonestly brushed across Jessica's pretty face. That perfect face coupled with the perfect touch made people sigh secretly God really is partial.

"Oh, no, I don't have time to eat, you'd better go with Megan Fox, she's waiting so long for your invitation!" Jessica hid, and finally couldn't help it The fear in his heart made him escape first.

  Seeing this extremely **** girl with her waist twisted, and her high-heeled shoes stepping on the marble floor crisply, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help snapping his fingers proudly, and then walked towards the venue confidently.

  The outside of the venue was crowded with people, and the main characters in the perfume were made into large posters and posted on the wall, attracting the attention of countless reporters.

The camera in his hand kept on taking pictures of the handsome Leonardo, the pure Jessica, and of course the 14-year-old but extremely beautiful Megan Fox, All the journalists were frantically snapping photos of everything they could see.

Of course, no one dares to neglect the movie made by the highest boss of Dongcheng Films. Although the investment of this movie is less than 50 million US dollars, of which there is still 20 million to be paid to Leonardo, but it is different from other Dongcheng Films. In terms of blockbuster movies with hundreds of millions of dollars, this perfume still has super popularity and attractiveness.

  No one else, this is a movie made by Zhang Dongcheng!

Many reporters are fans of Zhang Dongcheng's movie. At this moment, taking advantage of the convenience of their work, they are the first to take pictures in front of the promotional posters, and the reporters who cannot line up and the TV station or Internet reporters who are carrying equipment will stand outside the venue. The water is tight, just waiting for the time to enter.

  The door opened, and the reporters were quite qualified. Instead of rushing forward, they lined up and filed in, filling the large conference room that could hold thousands of people.

  Good guy, it looks like it's just a little bit worse than the US presidential election...

Everyone's waiting didn't last long, Zhang Dongcheng soon appeared in front of everyone, although he looked so young, so young that it seemed that this was not the emperor and founder of an entertainment empire at all, he was like a street with ears , like an American youth passing by on a skateboard.

Maybe it's because he has made too many movies and is too famous, which makes people have the illusion that a great director must be very old. Today, when Zhang Dongcheng appeared in front of everyone in a white shirt and jeans, wearing an extremely relaxed casual attire , everyone suddenly realized...

  Zhang Dongcheng, only less than twenty-six years old!

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the press conference of my new film, "Perfume". I am surrounded by the best actors in my opinion, Mr. Leonardo, Jessica Alba and Miss Megan Fox. Well, I believe everyone can't wait any longer, so let's get straight to the point, do you have any questions for me, or the leading actors around me?"

   Zhang Dongcheng calmed down, smiled at everyone, and behaved gracefully like a typical gentleman, talking to everyone in a leisurely manner, and quickly ended the long nonsense before the press conference, and went straight to the point.

  Time is precious, instead of entangled with these reporters for a long time, it is better to go back early and take Laticia out on a yacht!

  As soon as Zhang Dongcheng's voice fell, the reporters below raised Rulin's arms in unison, their longing eyes fixed on Zhang Dongcheng, and several impatient reporters almost didn't stand on the chairs directly.

   "Sir, please ask the first question!" Zhang Dongcheng pointed at a reporter in his thirties.

"Oh, I'm very happy to be the first to ask Mr. Smith Zhang a question. The movie you filmed is Patrick Suskind's famous novel "Perfume". The film industry recognizes that this is a world that cannot be described by movies at all For you, what is the biggest challenge in bringing the novel "Perfume" to the screen?" The reporter pushed his glasses and asked excitedly.

  This question was one of the concerns of all the reporters present. Soon all the reporters took up pens and paper, trying to completely record every word Zhang Dongcheng said.

"Well, this question is very good. Shooting perfume is the biggest challenge for me since I have been in the film industry, and the male protagonist in the novel has an incomparable fascination with the world of smell. And the sense of smell that cannot be described in words or pictures becomes Vision is an impossible task. We have put a lot of effort into how to convey the taste of the movie to the audience through the performance of the actors and the description of the lens. After countless comparisons, we decided to use the simplest way Representation: When people see a fish market full of unprocessed, **** raw fish, they know it must be very smelly; when people see a field of lavender, they know that such a place must be very fragrant. We use close-up The camera shows the state of Grenouille smelling with his nose, which achieves our goal and makes the audience feel like he is on the scene.” Zhang Dongcheng’s words have a sense of imagery, making it easy for reporters to understand.

"Finding locations that represented 18th-century France was another challenge for the film. Paris is completely different today, so we had to start our search in places like Croatia, which is more appropriate overall, but The locations there were too far apart—the locations were at least two hours away from each other by car, and we would have wasted too much time on the road. Then we moved to Barcelona, ​​which was more expensive but far from each other. Close. We used Girona, which is an hour’s drive from Barcelona, ​​where we shot all the urban grime, and we found Figueres, thirty minutes from Girona, which also had the leather shops we needed. , dungeons and other parts. Of course, we shot lavender fields in the south of France, which is the only lavender field in Europe. In order to determine the image style of this film, we did a lot of visual research. We refer to After reviewing a number of films from that era, including Sleepy Hollow, Vidocq, etc., we found that every single film about the period lacked the urban roughness we hoped for in Perfume. We It takes a grimy city to make it feel real. Thankfully, our movie totally delivers on that."

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