MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 519 Destiny is a sad person

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"I'm creating a perfume..." Leonardo's face was filled with a happy smile, as if he was doing the greatest thing in the world, but he was not very good at dealing with people, he just said dully, no Too much to explain.

"Please lie down... this is animal fat, used to absorb your smell." Leonardo, who was immersed in experimenting with the oil separation method, just said something casually, and then applied the fat on the bare and smooth body of the street **** the arm

   "Creating a perfume? Huh?" Street girls don't believe it at all, absorbing scents from people's bodies? Never heard of such a thing.

  The tone of the girl standing on the street is teasing. She doesn't understand Leonardo's behavior at all. She only knows that a woman who sells her body meets a man who only knows that he exists to catch smells. It is destined to be a tragedy.

  The girl standing on the street laughed, and said like showing off her rich bed knowledge: "Stop pretending, admit it, you toss these weird things just to make yourself feel good, right?"

  This is right, it seems that Leonardo is a guy with serious SM tendencies, what kind of grease is smearing his body, is it another ghost idea?

   "I like my job..." Leonardo said from the bottom of his heart, immersed in his work, and told the street girl not to move around, and then took out a clean gauze.

   "What are you doing? You want to tie me up? I won't do that!" The street girl was a little annoyed.

   "Please stretch out your hand." Leonardo obviously didn't want to waste too much time with the street girl, so he directly wrapped the gauze around the street girl's greasy hands.

  Feeling the lack of cooperation from the street girl, Leonardo said annoyedly: "Just... relax!"

Lifting his eyes, the soft sheep-like eyes disappeared, and half of Leonardo's face hidden under the dim light now appeared faintly, his eyes became sharp and impatient, making people look at him involuntarily. Some creepy feeling.

  That doesn't look like a normal person, like a hysterical lunatic, a murderer who intends to kill, is on the verge of going berserk.

   "Then, what is that?" The street girl was a little panicked now, seeing Leonardo take out a tool with a sharp hook, she asked even more puzzled.

   "That's for scraping oil."

   "You, is there something wrong with your **** sister?"

   "I said relax! If you get scared, it will stink and the perfume will go bad!"

  The street girl couldn't stand it anymore, sat up and cursed: "I've had enough! You pervert, get out!"

   Grabbed the money on the table and threw it in Leonardo's face. The street girl shouted, "Take your money and get out!"

   Wiping off the grease on her hands, the street girl said annoyedly: "It makes me sticky all over, what do you think I am? A Christmas goose? Get out!"

Leonardo didn't pick up the money that was thrown on him. At this time, the close-up of the camera was all on his face, focusing on his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he carried his work without being caught by others. The impulse to understand, with the madness of how not to cooperate with me!

  Slowly stood up, just behind the cursing street girl, Leonardo raised the iron rod in his hand!

His face is expressionless, as if he is not killing people at all, his eyes are pure, and murderers will never have such innocent eyes, like a child who is just a partner who is troubled and chattering, like a child who is staring at the sky and thinking about his thoughts, Leonardo Without hesitation, he swung a stick and hit the street girl **** the back of the head, killing her.

   Now it’s all right, everything is quiet, she won’t stink because of fear, and she can collect them all at once, wrapping her whole body in a huge gauze.

Cut off her hair, wrap her in gauze full of grease like wrapping a mummy, scrape off the grease from the street girl's whole body with a curved hook, add spices and essences, mix and stir, pour it into a flask, and then heat it up. Slowly, a drop of painstaking efforts made the essence of a girl appear.

   Success, Leonardo finally found a way to keep the girl's fragrance!

   Leonardo's eyes are bright!

  The filming went very smoothly, all the actors showed their professionalism, Zhang Dongcheng’s filming this time was very smooth, there were not even many NGs, and the filming went smoothly all the way.

Due to the smooth shooting, Zhang Dongcheng even felt that the whole progress could be increased by one month. It could be completed in October 2000, and then transferred to post-production. In March next year, he would be able to meet all fans and friends. .

This is due to Leonardo's performance that seems to break through himself. Although he has always believed in the number one acting skill, although he lost the bet with Zhang Dongcheng, he still deliberately honed his acting skills, and Grenouille, who can The role performed with rich eyes and expressions is also one of the conditions that make him more and more brilliant.

   Not every actor can meet such a role.

   Well, after a happy day, Zhang Dongcheng ushered in a happier evening. Of course, if there is no storm in this romantic and wonderful city of France, how can he be worthy of himself?

  Laticia, this pretty girl, is just there, waiting to be picked by herself!

Humming a little song to put on makeup, Zhang Dongcheng took a cigarette in his mouth, and walked out of the room with a puff of smoke. Before he could put it on in a hurry, he heard a voice that sounded like someone had discovered a prank: "Aha, Mr. Smith, I've caught you again!"

Turning his head helplessly, it was naturally Megan Fox who was extremely curious about his every move, but tonight, Zhang Dongcheng really didn't want to take her there, she was just a huge light bulb, and he didn't know that he would make trouble for him. What's up.

   "Megan, you don't want to follow me today, do you?" Zhang Dongcheng shrugged, opened the door smartly, and strode out.

"Why didn't you take me? Didn't I behave yesterday? I even got Laticia drunk for you, but you didn't do it yourself! You can't blame me!" Smiling triumphantly, Megan Standing in front of Zhang Dongcheng, he desperately wanted to hang out with Zhang Dongcheng again.

   Oh God, don't make a mess, please? Zhang Dongcheng didn't want to be disrupted by Megan tonight's beauty hunting trip, after all, he was exhausted last night.

  Watching two girls fighting goblins on the bed, but I have to endure it, it feels like a man doesn't want it, okay?

   Megan pulled Zhang Dongcheng's arm with a smile, and said nothing, but the raised chin and crescent eyes told Zhang Dongcheng that she had to go.

  Zhang Dongcheng sighed, suddenly looked behind Megan, and called out in surprise: "Jessica, why are you here?"

   "Sister Jessica is here?" Megan Fox was still a fourteen-year-old girl after all, she turned her head when she heard Jessica's name, but she saw the empty corridor, and there was no sign of Jessica!

   Turning his head quickly, as expected, Zhang Dongcheng had already slipped away when Megan turned his head back, and now he is nowhere to be seen!

   "Smith, you bad guy!" The girl complained angrily from behind, but Zhang Dongcheng, who drove the car without a trace, was driving on the street.

   Soon, the hotel where Laticia was staying arrived, but there was no one at the door of the hotel.

  Looked at the time, hey, it’s a lot earlier, so wait at ease!

  Zhang Dongcheng lit a cigarette and smoked slowly, watching the smoke rise slowly.

For girls, Zhang Dongcheng never thinks that waiting is an unbearable thing. You must know that the process of waiting and pursuing is the most interesting thing in the world, and cheating them into bed or winning their hearts is just a matter of course That's all.

There is only the feeling of a girl’s feelings for you, from not paying attention to you, to slowly seeing you as the only one, thinking about being with you day and night, like waiting for a girl to dress up to go downstairs , is the coolest.

   Soon, Laticia came.

The elegant small round neck and light blue short-sleeved dress reveal the purest and naive cuteness of the girl. The 360-degree super dazzling large skirt is gently rippling in the afternoon wind, in a trance, like a beautiful swan stepping on The shocking dance steps came slowly.

Her eyes just looked at Zhang Dongcheng, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her. Her smile was so sweet that it made people feel sad, simple and elegant, and the ordinary blue dress seemed to make people feel sad. She is beyond everything.

  Every day is different, and every day is the same. This Laticia really suffers from her height, otherwise she is really a model, and she should be born to walk under the spotlight.

  Her eyes, her eyelashes, her slender and white legs, and her slender and graceful legs, just make people stay on the spot, speechless.

  In an instant, the whole space seemed to be still, as if losing color, only she came slowly and happily.

  Looking at the jumping girl, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help but sigh.

   How many girls who should have a bright future are not known by everyone?

  Fate is a troubled and sad person.

  However, since she went out in front of him, then his golden hands can naturally make her different, regain the attention of everyone, and become the darling of the spotlight.

  Everything is just your own will, it's that simple!

Zhang Dongcheng opened the car door, welcomed the lovely Laticia into the car, took her hand in a gentlemanly manner, and gently kissed the back of her hand, while Laticia giggled, but It was to find that I was alone.

   "Oh hoo, that's great, that annoying little girl wasn't here last night? What's her name?"

   "Megan, Megan Fox."

   "Haha, yes, it's Megan Fox, it's great that she didn't come! Otherwise, I don't want to come back drunk today."

  Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly: "Do you still want to drink with her? The two of you can't drink at all, so you are natural opponents."

Read The Duke's Passion