MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 508 How about a handshake?

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Zhang Dongcheng is rich now, and he pretends to be in a place that countless people don't know. It seems that he is so low-key that no one knows about it. In fact, his jeans and white shirt and a pair of casual leather shoes handcrafted from pure crocodile leather , the total price of the whole body exceeds tens of thousands of dollars!

  Now, being laughed at by a guy who has all the clothes on his body and even the wallet in his pocket is worth at most a shirt on Zhang Dongcheng, Zhang Dongcheng is really speechless.

  Steve regarded Zhang Dongcheng as a light bulb, why didn’t Zhang Dongcheng regard this broken Steve as a light bulb?

  Damn it, just what you said, my buddy got into a fight with you. Originally, I just wanted to have fun with Laticia and solve the spiritual loneliness at night. Now, I have changed my mind!

  It must be in front of your face, which makes you desperate! Zhang Dongcheng suddenly made a decision in his heart.

   "Whether the fee is expensive or not depends on the craftsmanship. As long as the craftsmanship is good, how much money is not a problem! Laticia, find a pattern you like, and I will invite you today!" Zhang Dongcheng waved his hand aggressively.

   Just kidding, don't talk about a broken tattoo, even if you buy this store, it's okay to buy old Jeff by the way!

   "Really, you treat?" Laticia said happily, and immediately pulled Zhang Dongcheng's arm like a little woman.

Spanish beauties are notoriously independent and conservative, and they are very different among European girls. They always have AA with boys when they go out, but this does not mean that they will be unhappy when boys treat them. On the contrary, they will be very happy. happy.

The higher the skill of the tattoo artist, the more expensive the fee will be. Some tattoo artists charge by pattern, how much is a picture, while advanced ones charge by area, the bigger the more expensive, and like old Jeff The teacher and father of Zhidao for more than 20 years charge by time, how much is an hour!

This is the best tattoo artist in Paris, and the charge for an hour is as much as one thousand dollars equivalent to US dollars, so the lead singer of this broken band, the cash-strapped Steve just chose a simple geometric figure, and the tattoo looks like this high speed.

  Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's treat, Steve's expression changed, but the fact that he had no money in his pocket reminded him that now is not the time to swell his face and pretend to be fat.

French men are romantic, but also realistic. Steve could only stare at Zhang Dongcheng fiercely, and stood up: "Laticia, since you are invited, I have to leave beforehand, and my orchestra still has to rehearse." , we will definitely be a blockbuster at this music festival!"

  When she spoke, she was full of confidence and looked very amazing, and Laticia nodded seriously: "Okay, let's go, I will take Smith to see your rehearsal in two days, okay?"

   "Did you bring him here?" Steve's face was a little ugly, but soon he seemed to think of something, and laughed: "Haha, welcome, I hope Mr. Smith will come to our orchestra and listen to our music!"

  Hehe, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes were like knives, and he had already seen through that this guy would definitely arrange something to make himself look ugly, so he was unhappy that Laticia took him there at first, but then his face changed and he agreed to go there.

  What is there to be afraid of? Who is Zhang Dongcheng? Longtan and tiger's lair dare to break through, not to mention the place where the French rock band is?

   "OK, no problem, I will definitely come to bother you in a few days, I also like music very much!" Zhang Dongcheng said with a smile, but it made Steve feel as if he saw that Zhang Dongcheng had made an embarrassment in front of him, and his heart was full of joy.

   "Okay, we'll see you then!" Rolling his eyes, Steve intends to teach the oriental boy a lesson, so he stretches out his palm-sized hand, signaling to shake hands with Zhang Dongcheng.

  Handshake? Then hold it!

   Zhang Dongcheng did not show any weakness, how could he back down in front of Laticia's ignorant smile? Straight away, he stretched out his hands, but Steve, who was as strong as a bear, held them together.

   "You guys are really nice, you hit it off right away!" Laticia thought that the two had really become good friends, but she didn't realize that the eyes of the two had already seen swords and swords, and sparks were flying everywhere.

  As soon as he grasped Zhang Dongcheng's hand, Steve let out a smirk, and squeezed his palm hard, trying to pinch this thin, tall, handsome boy until he cried.

  However, it seemed as if he was holding a big iron block. No matter how hard Steve tried, Zhang Dongcheng was always smiling, without feeling any pain at all.

Ok? what happened?

Steve only used 50% of his strength at the beginning. He was afraid that he would crush the frail Zhang Dongcheng, so he withdrew a little. Unexpectedly, Zhang Dongcheng remained motionless, and the relaxed expression on his face seemed to be forever exist.

  Sister's FUCK, work harder!

  Steve started to work harder, from 50% to 7%, then to 100%, and then to, 200%!

  The blue veins were bulging, the teeth were gritted, and the hair was standing on end like a bull after seeing the red cloth. Steve tried his best to **** the milk.

   Zhang Dongcheng kept smiling, letting Steve pinch desperately.

At first, Laticia thought that the two were good friends who had hit it off before shaking hands, but gradually he also realized that something was wrong, and quickly pulled Steve and shouted: "What are you doing, Steve, let go of your hand! "

  Is there any need to talk about the current situation? Naturally, it was Steve who bullied others. Didn't you see that he was big and round like a bear, while Zhang Dongcheng was as gentle and elegant as a scholar?

"Let go, let go!" Feeling sorry for Zhang Dongcheng must have been pinched, Laticia was very angry at Steve who bullied Zhang Dongcheng because of her strength, and kept hitting his hand, wanting to He lets go.

  Seeing Laticia coming to help him, Zhang Dongcheng turned his face and smiled at her, while Steve turned his face to Laticia, with tears glistening on his face.

ah? Steve, is Steve crying? Laticia stopped moving, but looked at him stupidly, at a loss.

This tall and burly Steve has tear stains on his face, but he scolded in his heart: "I FUCK, let me let go, I should let go if I can, now I should tell this kid to let go! Oh oh hurts me!"

It turned out that when Laticia told him to stop, Steve wanted to make a good image in front of the beautiful girl, and he couldn't get rid of the delicate-looking Zhang Dongcheng no matter how hard he tried, so he wanted to take back his hand , but unexpectedly, Zhang Dongcheng suddenly exerted force, holding his hand like an iron hoop, and gradually increased his strength!

   Pain, pain, pain!

The irresistible power penetrates the skin and muscles and reaches the bones. The strength and pain that make people's eyes full of tears makes Steve can't help but shed tears. He wants to get rid of it. It's just a dream in the face of absolute power. !

   This kind of pain seems to carry an electric current, shuttling and rolling in the bones, and the pain it brings is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

  That's why Steve did what Laticia thought. The one who cried bitterly was not Zhang Dongcheng, but him!

Just as Steve's teeth were about to be gritted and he was about to howl, Zhang Dongcheng suddenly let go of his hand and laughed loudly: "Mr. Steve is so enthusiastic! I hope your music can also let you My eyes were wide open!"

   Stretching out a hand as stiff as a chicken paw, Steve threw down a look-and-see look viciously, and rushed downstairs in embarrassment.

  He didn't want to stay in this shameless place for a minute.

   "Uh...Is Steve okay?" Laticia asked Zhang Dongcheng with her small mouth open in surprise.

"Is something wrong? What can it be? Don't worry, he's fine! You know, it's the first time I've met such an enthusiastic person, and I can shake hands with tears all over my face." Zhang Dong shrugged and said very speechlessly He said that he was also surprised.

"You guys, it's really interesting!" Since Ketiff ran away, Laticia didn't plan to care about it anymore. Instead, the east city in front of her was becoming more and more clear, but she couldn't understand it any more. Yes, her eyes were like autumn water, sweeping across Zhang Dongcheng's face, with some doubts.

  Zhang Dongcheng coughed quickly and changed the subject: "Okay, let's see what kind of pattern you want to tattoo."

  This sentence reminded Laticia, and said quickly: "Oh, hurry up, let's get tattoos!"

   This is a super price of one thousand dollars an hour. If it is not done quickly, even Zhang Dongcheng will be unhappy no matter how rich he is. After all, it is a treat.

  Laticia is very considerate of Zhang Dongcheng and wants to save him money.

Looking at the various patterns provided by old Jeff, it is too simple to describe each one as exquisite and unparalleled. Those atmospheric or mysterious or terrifying or sacred patterns are so beautiful, let Ratty Thea is completely dazzled!

  This, that, and this, ah, I like them all, what should I do, do they have tattoos all over my body?

  Looking at the beautiful patterns admiringly, Laticia didn't know how to choose.

   "Oh my god! I'm going crazy! I don't know how to choose!" After choosing for a while, Laticia completely went berserk, put the pattern in her hand on the table, and held her forehead, not knowing what to do.

   "What? You like them all?" Zhang Dongcheng also rummaged through the patterns on the table, but unexpectedly found a pattern full of Chinese characters, and it was elegant and unrestrained, his favorite cursive script.

  Running script is developed on the basis of regular script. It is a font between regular script and cursive script. It was created to make up for the slow writing speed of regular script and the difficulty of recognizing cursive script.

  Tang Dynasty calligrapher Zhang Huaiguan said in his "Shu Yi": "The husband's running script is neither grass nor true. It is far from the square and round, and cares about Ji Meng. Those who are both true are called true lines, and those with cursive are called cursive."

In the Ming Dynasty, Fengfang had a more vivid description in "Shujue": "Writing without stopping, paper without engraving, light turning and heavy pressing, like water flowing like clouds, without any interruption, it is always a business. "