MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 503 kiss her again

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   Zhang Dongcheng lowered his head and looked at the girl in his arms, and he naturally noticed that she raised her small face to look at him. The eyes were full of some strange emotional factors, full of some inexplicable expectations, desires and struggles.

This face, which is only the size of my own palm, is so shattered, as if Westerners' large pores and freckles that can't be covered are completely insulated from this girl, but those beautiful eyes have the most beautiful eyes of a Western girl. The power to touch people's hearts is so pure that it makes people's hearts beat and frightens them.

  Then, it is the most memorable red lips that are really as clear as water chestnuts.

  The water chestnut mouth is a kind of mouth shape. Some people have a smile, some people don't. It is a bit like the fruit of an aquatic plant called water chestnut. The upper lip is thin, sunken in the middle, protruding on both sides, the corners of the lips are upturned, the lips are full, and there is a small curve at the corners of the mouth when smiling.

   There are not many girls with a water chestnut mouth. Every girl who is lucky to have it is basically a beauty. This is a mouth shape that only belongs to beauties.

And Laticia's water chestnut mouth is more alluring and charming, that's because her face is small, her mouth is also small, the rosy feeling is more obvious, and her angel-like appearance, if you make her work hard He opened his small mouth and swallowed it with difficulty, seeing the red lips stretched out, just thinking about this scene makes people excited.

   Just now I kissed Laticia for a long time. Although it was soul-stirring, but because the lights in the bar are not very bright, I haven't noticed that her mouth is the best water chestnut mouth. Now that I found Zhang Dongcheng, how could I miss it?

  Come on, kiss her again!

   With the screaming and gasping on one side, Zhang Dongcheng tentatively approached Laticia slowly, breathing directly on each other's faces, and their eyes met.

Laticia looked at Zhang Dongcheng getting closer and closer with a blushing face. The nineteen-year-old girl was in a state of confusion, and the spirit that gradually woke up let her know what the man in front of her wanted to do. The eyes in his eyes were like flames. The same light confused Laticia's girlish mind.

When I kissed him just now, I was completely drunk and confused. Now that the alcohol has finally passed, I want to sit on this toilet and kiss the man in front of me who I have known for less than an hour. In an environment that doesn't seem suitable for kissing?

  Doing this, will it be too…

  Seeing him getting closer and closer, Laticia instinctively hid back, her shy face burning like fire.

   But, do you want to resist? Laticia didn't know if she was really drunk. Facing this strange man in her heart, she didn't have any thoughts like that. She just hid helplessly, as if she could escape the endless stalking of the man in front of her. Entanglement and advancing step by step.

  It’s just so big here, and Laticia is still weak in her hands and feet, and she has to rely on Zhang Dongcheng’s help to keep her from falling to the ground, so even if she tries to dodge as much as possible, she still gets closer and closer.

Gently holding Laticia's small face, the cold fingertips greedily absorbed the heat of the girl's delicate skin, a feeling of intoxication suddenly occupied Zhang Dongcheng's whole body, and the rationality that originally wanted to play a role was also there. The soft and elastic touch of this little face melted away.

  Looking at the mouth that has been deeply engraved in his mind, Zhang Dongcheng is so close, so close that he only needs to lower his head a little more, and he can firmly touch her mouth.

   But even with such a thin, thin line of distance, the kiss that was about to fall still did not fall, which made Laticia's breathing gradually became faster with a pretty face.

  Suddenly, straightening up slightly, Laticia gently and slowly kissed Zhang Dongcheng's lips, and that perfect water chestnut red lip was completely pressed against her.

Ok? She takes the initiative? Zhang Dongcheng's heartbeat instantly rushed away, and his body became a little stiff at this moment.

  In the screaming space, the air conditioner hissed and sprayed cold air, and the sound of lips touching lips suddenly seemed a little clearly audible.

   Laticia leaned on Zhang Dongcheng's chest with her shoulders, half of her body sideways, actively hugged his waist, closed her eyes and raised her head, her appearance was a little indescribably charming.

  Leave, touch again, leave, touch again.

  The corners of the mouth meet hers, and you can feel the flawless outline and curvature of the corners of the water chestnut mouth. Zhang Dongcheng kissed slowly, moving slowly from the corner of the mouth, and finally, the kiss was in the middle.

  This sultry kiss...

  Laticia's small tongue tentatively touched Zhang Dongcheng's lips, and Zhang Dongcheng smiled in his heart, but suddenly opened his mouth and bit the tip of her small tongue.

   What audacity to tease me so much?

Zhang Dongcheng slowly regained control of the situation, gently teasing the tip of his tongue in Laticia's small mouth, he was already a master of kissing skills, and he took the whole scene back into his hands with a little trick. , Laticia took the initiative to attack, but unexpectedly, it caused her own total collapse.

   She wanted to open her eyes, but she didn't dare. She wanted to close her eyes, but she couldn't bear to let the man who wantonly occupied her disappear. Laticia seemed to have fallen into the sea. Warm, warm, the sea gently brushed her face, soft.

   Separated, this time for a long time, Laticia couldn't help but opened her eyes, and looked at Zhang Dongcheng in front of her reluctantly, intoxicated by his kiss, why did she separate so quickly?

   At that moment of dissatisfaction with desire, Laticia's breath was taken away again!

  The scorching man's breath rushed towards his face, and the warm and hot lips pressed tightly against the flaming diamond lips again, tossing and rubbing on the delicate and domineering lips.

No longer the gentleness just now, but with the unique sense of oppression and conquest of men, Laticia moaned excitedly, like a cat being provoked, it seems that what she likes is also a domineering man .

As if such a kiss was not satisfactory enough, Zhang Dongcheng's hand suddenly went around Laticia's charming hair, supported the back of her head, hugged her with his left hand, and directly hugged her, even making her stand On the toilet, the whole person fell down and kissed him deeply.

  Laticia groaned in surprise and uncontrollable, and began to respond greedily. Even the most kissable French man in the world couldn't do this crazy kiss.

  Laticia's body drugged by alcohol gradually woke up, but her heart gradually became drunk.

  Her little mouth smelled purely masculine, with a faint smell of smoke, her lips and tongue were flexible and extremely possessive, and she savagely knocked open her lips and tongue, setting off the prelude to this war.

  Confused and fascinated, Laticia put her hands around Zhang Dongcheng's neck, completely fascinated by this condescending kiss.

Now she seems to be the queen of England, the ruler who never sets the sun. She stands so high that she even attaches herself to kiss Zhang Dongcheng who raised her head. This change of identity makes Laticia feel fresh , I feel very depressed.

   And Zhang Dongcheng's hand supported her waist, and the woman in front of her was lifted to the top by him, but with his help, as long as he exerted a little force, this high queen would fall to the dust.

  Hehe, it's ridiculous that the queen is so happy that she can't help herself.

I have never been so unscrupulous, and this battle of lips and tongues is not over. Under Zhang Dongcheng's flexible challenge, Laticia finally let go, showing off the style of a Spanish beauty, entangled with him, with the tip of her tongue Between you and me, no one will give in and no compromise will be fought to the end.

During the exchange of lips and tongues, her chest gradually became hot and her heartbeat gradually accelerated. Laticia felt that time seemed to stand still, and only the man in front of her seemed to kiss her to age. The heat flow became more turbulent.

  The sound of breathing in the ear was getting heavier and heavier, this kind of kiss was simply a top-level foreplay where the **** was picked to the highest level, and Laticia, who was not very experienced, couldn't control it.

  The French man next to him let out a muffled groan, and the banging on the wall finally stopped, and the man and woman were panting violently. Then Zhang Dongcheng let go of the girl in front of him who was about to be melted by him, and just smiled slightly at her.

   "Okay." Zhang Dongcheng gradually withdrew his lips, the corners of his mouth were still a little moist.

  Laticia suddenly felt that the oriental man in front of her was really interesting!

  The man and woman next to each other were chatting happily, you and I went out, and only Zhang Dongcheng and Laticia were left here.

   "It's getting late, I'm going back..." Lowering her head, perhaps because she felt that she was a little too out of line than usual, Laticia finally regained consciousness, opened the door and wanted to slip out.

   "OK, see you again!" Zhang Dongcheng didn't stop him, just smiled, and then walked out, but they parted ways, as if Laticia's departure made him calm.

   Uh, why isn't he happy at all? I behaved so impolitely...

  Laticia was thinking in her heart, but suddenly said something that she didn't understand: "You, what's your name?"

"Me? Is it necessary to ask my name?" Zhang Dongcheng just threw down a chic smile, turned his head and left, not at all worried about the girl who has been kissing him for a long time, but then hurried away feeling angry.

  Looking at the back of Zhang Dongcheng going away, Laticia was a little fascinated for a while, but a gust of wind blew over on the street where the sun was about to rise.

  The wind is really good, it blows away the smell of alcohol, huh? Why is it so cold down there?

   My God, where is my little Nene? Oh, **** it, that oriental man took my little Nene!

  Waving her fist angrily, Laticia didn't know what to say. She thought that the oriental man was a gentleman, but she didn't expect to be!

Back at the hotel, Zhang Dongcheng was playing with the little golden inner, thinking back to that delicate face, he couldn't help laughing, when this girl found out that she was naked, she would definitely rage and call herself a pervert Bar…

   Still, it was fun.

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