MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 12 I'm on my way

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Brothers Linked Hearts, Zhang Dongcheng's first movie also placed great expectations on him. After reading the script, even the ignorant Adaman was full of praise. Zhang Dongcheng ran up and down excitedly, contacting the official shooting of the movie.

  The camera was borrowed, the film was bought at cost price, and there was no need to worry about the post-production, but Adaman was also a little worried about the unsatisfactory actors.

"Didn't achieve the goal? How is it possible! You have achieved a lot, so why are you still not satisfied?" On the contrary, Zhang Dongcheng, who calmed down, laughed, and patted Adaman on the shoulder confidently, his tone full of Undoubtedly sure.

"Although I always copy your exams, never listen to class, and only know how to whistle to tease beautiful women on weekdays, but you can't slander my professional quality. Except for Andy, who can barely pass the leading role, the others obviously can only play Soy sauce." Adaman was a little unconvinced, scratched his head, and said with a curled lip.

"Actors are not good or bad, only those who work hard and don't work hard. I can tell that although the five interviewees have never studied acting, have you noticed that their eyes have been hungry all winter Like wolves, they are full of longing, and this longing makes them want to seize every possible chance of success." Zhang Dongcheng smiled, and tapped the pen on the table lightly, not in a hurry.

"They are full of desire, and everyone even said that as long as they face the real camera, as long as there is a role, they don't need to be paid! I think your harvest is that you don't need to spend a penny, and you can find five people who are willing to be accepted. You exploiting guy!" Adaman laughed strangely.

"The work of a film director is not entirely for the audience to make a perfect movie, not entirely for the box office or the recognition and trophies of various film awards. The most important thing a film director should do is to The film finds its true soul, and transforms it from a sub-shot script that is quietly put on the table and unappreciated to the most touching, passionate, and radiant real picture in our lives. In a word, the director, Make words three-dimensional and make dreams come true."

  Zhang Dongcheng tapped the script on the table with his knuckles, his eyes glowing with strange brilliance.

   "Hey, buddy, I admit that what you said is very good, but it seems that you didn't explain my question just now." Adaman said shaking his head.

"When you come here, you want to find a leading actor, a memorable male lead. I have a different view. I am here to audition for a role in a movie. I don't need to find the most moving lead right away. , any role that should be in a movie has its deep soul meaning. I have already found the actors for five roles in the play, and they are very suitable. Therefore, I say that the interview this time was a great success and perfect Extreme!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly and stood up.

Adaman was stunned for a moment, looked at the smiling Zhang Dongcheng, and said with some confusion: "Uh, why do I feel that you seem to be different? Is it my illusion? The one who used to bow his head when someone said it, Where did the silent people go?"

Zhang Dongcheng smiled lightly, his eyes were full of sharpness that Adaman had never seen before, the confident eyes seemed to be sharp, making Adaman unconsciously restrain his cynical expression, subconsciously licked his thick lips, Get serious.

"Really? I'm a little different. Maybe it's because I don't want to spend my youth in mediocrity, maybe I don't want to sit in a rocking chair when I grow old, but I can't think of any crazy things when I was young, maybe It was a miracle that finally happened, the flame in my heart burned me, made me restless, and made me try my best. There is only one me in this world, the only miracle!"

  Zhang Dongcheng took a deep breath, as if the rainstorm in front of him didn't exist, he just walked into the heavy rain so easily, letting the downpour of rain drenched his whole body.

  He raised his head and looked at the dark sky. The huge rain hit his face, which made him feel a little pain. Zhang Dongcheng stretched out his hand, feeling the flame in his heart that was almost extinguished by the unbearable reality, clenched his fist tightly, feeling the desire flowing in the blood, rushing and roaring, feeling the heart can not stop , throbbing uncontrollably.

  The future movies in my mind, those movies that only belong to me, are the greatest confidence!

  This period of life that is destined to be unstoppable only needs your own hard work and persistence!

"Persevere, persevere, life will be different. Go after it, go after it! My dream is not far away, I don't want to linger, I want to realize it!" Zhang Dongcheng turned his head and wiped To get rid of the rain on his face, he shouted to Adaman, who was standing still, with all his might:

   "I'm on my way, how about you? Come with me?"

The short words pushed the brotherhood to the peak, and Adaman didn't notice that he was aroused by Zhang Dongcheng's few words. He rushed into the heavy rain without any hesitation and shouted: "I This person has no dreams, but seeing you, I may have a new dream, that is, I want to see my best friend succeed, fulfill his dream, and become the most admirable director in the world!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go together!" Zhang Dongcheng patted Adaman's **** vigorously, and ran out with a strange smile at the head of the horse, while Adaman followed closely, and the two shouted excitedly in the heavy rain ,The way forward.

   Yes, I am different.

   While running hard, Zhang Dongcheng redefines himself in his heart.


  The direction has been determined, but everything needs to be down-to-earth. Before actually directing "The Tuner", Zhang Dongcheng was still a student of the Directing Department of the London Film Academy, and his job was to take classes.

"A few days ago, the 67th Oscar Awards Ceremony came to an end at the Holy Cathedral in Los Angeles, USA. This is a grand event with frequent masterpieces, the most eye-catching, and will be recorded in history! "Forrest Gump" and "The Shawshank Redemption" "Pulp Fiction" and "Quiz" both make us feel happy to the point of luxury, and I believe our students at the London Academy of Film Arts have a deep understanding."

The chubby teacher Hebrew finished speaking in one breath, adjusted his glasses, looked at the students in the audience meaningfully, and continued: "Oscar chose "Forrest Gump", but as a new generation of films who are about to graduate Director, I want to hear my classmates' opinions on these films."

Taking another breath, Hebrew looked at Zhang Dongcheng who was sitting in the last row, and encouraged him with his strong London accent: "Everyone can speak freely, I sincerely hope that my students can also shoot such excellent works! Smith Zhang, do you prefer Forrest Gump or Shawshank?"

Zhang Dongcheng raised his head, and was about to stand up to answer Hebrew's question, but Ander, who was sitting in the front row, who was always at odds with him, didn't want to give him a chance to show off, so he stood up like a fly, and said loudly :

"I prefer Forrest Gump! To put it simply, both "Forrest Gump" and "Shawshank Redemption" are fables of "dots instead of faces", both based on the legendary life experience of a small person To interpret the true meaning of a certain life. The difference is that "Forrest Gump" generalizes this kind of thinking, so that it can be understood and easily digested by people with different cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, and knowledge structures. This artistic technique of taking a step back in order to resonate with the audience as much as possible, coupled with Zemiski's cleverness, he uses real historical events to run through the entire fictional story, creating an effect that is both real and illusory .This allows the film to get out of the trap of pure popcorn movies and successfully upgrade to an epic work."

  Ander proudly looked at the students around him who were paying attention to him. He was very satisfied with their eyes, and then said teasingly:

   "In contrast, "The Shawshank Redemption" is gloomy and gloomy, and the whole story's preaching is superficial and too superficial. Therefore, I think "Forrest Gump" deserves its honor for winning the Golden Award!"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Ander raised his chin in disdain, looked at the calm Zhang Dongcheng with contemptuous eyes, and said in a very unfriendly tone: "Of course, I think the man of the hour in our class came to our UK on behalf of that eastern country. , Smith Zhang, who is conducting cultural exchanges, must have his understanding. I am also sure that he will definitely think "Shawshank Redemption" is better, because that movie is too similar to his country, and he himself just dug hundreds of Meter tunnel, Shawshank who sneaked into the land of freedom! Haha!"

   Strange laughter sounded, and many white-minded students laughed along with them. What's more, they patted the table, whistled loudly, and looked mockingly at Zhang Dongcheng who was still calm.

   "Ender, sit down, although you have memorized the comments in the "Mirror" two days ago verbatim." Hebrew's words made all the students laugh.

But Ander didn't care about it, instead he smiled provocatively at everyone and said, "Haha, let's hear what Smith Zhang has to say, I bet this guy can't even break a fart with a sad face." one!"

  Zhang Dongcheng looked at Ander, who was elated and laughing strangely, and slowly stood up.

Read The Duke's Passion