MTL - Holding On to My Man-Chapter 103 end

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The means of the immortal is not comparable to the mortal, Yin Yin and Gu Bai leave in the blink of an eye.

When he returned to the palace, he only tried to break the opponent's imprisonment, put away the disguise, and stared at the man in front of him.

"I don't mean not to go out alone?" Yin Yin's voice was hoarse, and Gu Bai's gaze was a little uncomfortable.

"Why don't I go out alone? Are you afraid that I will find the night?"

Gu Baiyu's wrist is lightly smiling, his eyes are calm and his tone is calm, but there is a kind of coldness that makes his heart contract, which makes Yin Yin's breathing stagnant.

"You have been lying to me... From the moment I opened my eyes, you are lying to me. You told me that it was simply incomplete."

Yin Yi was stiff and looked at Gu Bai with a gloomy look. The hand hidden under the sleeves clenched his fists, and the voice was dumb.

"I'm sorry... I won't tell you, just because some memories are for you, don't remember better..."

"Why not? My own memories, good and bad, are my own things. Why do you decide for me?"

Gu Bai sneered, no matter whether he had memories or not, he can be sure that he will not like this place, because this place is full of concealment and deception for him, as well as those hidden malicious.

Looking around the big fairy palace, Gu Bai no longer hides and chuckles.

"You don't have to write a story again, because I have never believed in you, and you haven't believed me. I don't believe that during this time I tried my best to take information from the waiter's mouth. You didn't find it. After all, you are the Lord of the Immortals, the magical powers... But why are you doing this? Why not stop me? Let me guess..."

Gu Baiqi's own temple, as if thinking, the voice of ridicule makes Yin Yin's heart tighten.

After a few moments, Gu Bai was able to put down his hand in the temple, and his eyes looked back at him, slowly slowing down.

"I think... Are you also testing me? Are you testing whether I am really amnesia, but why do you want to test this again? Doesn't this make me doubt you? Isn't that worth the loss?"

"So... I guess, did you set up a game for me? If you confirm that I really amnesia, then this game will end here. If I don't, then maybe this game has just begun, this process is really Incomparably complicated, but your purpose is actually very simple, you just want to erase my memory of the night sky?"

The slow tone of the voice is still calm, but it makes Yin Yin's heart rise with a fear, his breathing stops again, he looks at Gu Bai, almost no voice, trembling.

"You... all remember,..."

"No, I really don't remember..."

Gu Bai shook his head, his clear eyes were still so clear that he could reflect the figure of the person, but it was very ethereal, like a huge whirlpool, reflecting people while sucking away the soul.

He continued to smile while he spoke openly.

"I really don't remember what happened. I don't know if I really are the Yin Bone in your mouth. I really don't know anything... But before I met you, I had already met the night. Cang, and... I still fell in love with him."

Yin Yin raised his head fiercely, and his breath was cold for a moment.

Gu Bai looked at his reaction and his face smiled even more.

"If I don't meet the night sky, maybe I will believe the story you said, then a perfect lie says the same as true... But even if I believe in your story, I believe that I am Yin Bai bone, but I Do not believe in the love of Yin Baigu and Yin Yin."

The last words are like a sharp short blade, plunged into the Yin's chest, and stirred his heart into a mass of meat, as if it used to be painful again.

He looked at the white face with a smile and a calm face. The clear eyes were the same as before, even the indifference hidden under the smile, the same makes him difficult to breathe, destroying his will and soul.

Yin Yan’s throat was filled with sweetness, then he smiled low, the laughter was full of bitterness, and he was persistent. He reached out and touched Gu Bai’s face, his eyes were shocking and mad, and he smiled softly.

"You are still as smart as before. You are right. I have only one purpose. I will erase your memory of the night sky. I will never allow it, whether it is once, now or now. You still remember him..."

Gu Baikai opened his hand and did not speak, silently expressed his resistance.

At this moment, with the huge sound that broke out from a distance, the entire fairy palace suddenly vibrated.

Gu Bai felt the connection between the soul and the night celestial in a moment, and the eyes burst into surprise. Yin Yin then tightened his eyes, and then hurriedly rushed into a guard to report.

"Emperor, no, not good, the seal is broken, the night has escaped, and the entire nine abyss guards have been annihilated, the emperor, the emperor, what to do now..."

The guard's face was terrified and terrified. Even if he was lying on the ground, his body was afraid of being unstable and his legs were shaking.

"First let people stop! Immediately notify the elders to go to the temple to wait for me..."

Yin Yin Yin Yu commanded.

"Yes, but... yes, subordinates."

The guards heard the commandment of the embarrassing color, but they could only listen to the order and hurry. There is no other way at this moment, only to obey orders.

When the waiter hurriedly left, Gu Bai was once again looking at Yin Yi, bright eyes bent, and the delicate face showed a few smiles.

"Yin Yin, I think you can consider putting me now, otherwise I think my man may kill all of you..."

"You are not his person! No!"

Yin Yin violently interrupted Gu Bai’s words, and the atmosphere of the whole body was cold again. In a moment, the entire palace, except for the accidental things and the waiter’s fairy, was frozen into ice sculptures, and then he trembled and left.

Gu Bai looked at his back, the smile on his face disappeared, looking around the fairy palace, sneer.

He still has something to tell Yin Yin, that is, the person who knows the most about himself in the world is always himself. If he is really Yin Bai, he will never believe that he will be willing to be played by these people.


Since it has been shown in the show, Gu Bai will naturally not disguise himself. When he sees Yin Yin, he will no longer conceal his resistance and indifference. This kind of performance makes Yin Yin very painful, but he is still very persistent and comes to abuse every day.

After doing so many tasks, Gu Bai is not surprised that Yin will have this kind of performance. Even if he is a fairy king, he is a person, a person who has cultivated from the mortal world into a fairy, the owner's seven passions.

The original double-decoration ceremony had to be cancelled under the sudden release of the night Cang, and the atmosphere of the entire Tiangong suddenly became intense and serious.

Although Gu Bai could not get out of the palace, but from the waiter's face, he could still guess that the night outside would have created a lot of trouble and fear for these people.

It was only that he could feel the breath of the night through the contract, but he still couldn't see each other. Gu Bai couldn't act, he could only wait patiently. He could only do it at the moment.

In fact, the situation outside is more intense and serious than Gu Bai’s guess. The entire fairyland is already in a state of fear.

The madness and horror of the night sky have already been taught a thousand years ago. The burning of the ignorance of the ninth abyss has not burned him. Now, once the return, the power is better than before, the new hatred is added together, the madman Will you let them go?

Everyone in the hall is in danger. Everyone thinks of the horror of the past, and the back is cold.

"Emperor, the madman of the night Cang is only a hundred bones, but it is still very good to talk about, let's give it to him."

All the immortals stared at Yin Yin's gloomy eyes and screamed in unison.

You can't blame them. Anyone who has experienced things three thousand years ago must do this. In the face of the night, this kind of person can't be touched.

Night Cang is not afraid of death, they are afraid, in addition to a few fairy sages in the fairy world, who is not in the lower bounds to work hard for thousands of years before they fly to become immortals, who wants to die?

But looking at Yin Wei’s indifferent expression, it is clear that he did not intend to hand over the people. The people were full of sorrows and worried, and could not help but ask again.

"Emperor, the night mad madman can do anything, it is luck to seal him in the past, and thanks to the rest of the four worlds to help..."

"But now, the power of night sorrow has been better than ever. The other four sectors don't say that they are helping us. All of them are self-concerned and they have started to guard against the defensive array. The madman of the night, the bonfire of the nine deep abyss can not burn him, who can still Kill him? There are those who are lingering in the devil world. They will definitely throw away all the things that have been re-supported by the night. Emperor, please pity the sentient beings of the immortal world and let the bones of the bones be released..."

Everyone is embarrassed and sincerely requested.

Yin Yan’s expression stared coldly at the immortal in the hall. The beautiful face was full of ridicule, and the pressure of the whole body exudes a little, and it sounds quiet.

"Pity the sentient beings of the immortal world? The Emperor tells you, if the Emperor had mercy on you, do you think that you can still live to the present? If it weren't for you, how could he have a chance to meet the night? You are afraid of the night, is it right? When the Emperor is a display? I tell you, Yin Bai bone is definitely not put, I will dare to disobey my meaning, night Cang can destroy the fairy world, the Emperor can do it, you all give me With the funeral! If you don't want to die now, just give me the opportunity to open the Heavenly Palace to protect the law and fight against the enemy!"

After that, Yin Yin sleeves went away, leaving a group of dazzling faces full of fear and sorrow.