MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 3 President in a Cage (3)

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Lu Yanzhou thought a lot, but he never let go of Xie Chengze, and Xie Chengze didn't let him go.

As soon as he lowered his head, he could see Xie Chengze leaning motionless in his arms.

Xie Chengze has lived in a sterile environment since he was a child, he has not seen the sun all the year round, and eats nutritious meals prepared by doctors... His skin is very pale and flawless, and he looks several years younger than his actual age.

Even if he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, others might believe him.

Xie Chengze, who lives in a glass cage and hardly has contact with outsiders, is probably very young in mental age.

Lu Yanzhou used to be a little confused about the person in front of him and the deserted friend in his memory, but now they are completely separated.

This is Xie Chengze's soul fragment, can he be regarded as... Xie Chengze's child?

Lu Yanzhou lovingly touched Xie Chengze's head, feeling a little distressed.

The original owner and Xie Chengze got along for the money from the beginning to the end. It was fine as a child, but he never came close to this wall when he was an adult. Every time he came, he just stood far away and said a few words to Xie Chengze.

His so-called reporting to Xie Chengze was all to fool Xie Chengze, and he didn't tell Xie Chengze anything real.

But Xie Chengze didn't know anything.

Lu Yanzhou recalled for a while, remembering that when Xie Chengze was young, the Xie family invited Xie Chengze to teach him, and taught Xie Chengze through this plastic film, but then Xie Chengze's grandfather became worse and worse and went abroad to recuperate, and the original owner's aunt stopped the tutoring. .

Xie Chengze has no schooling, no friends, no normal social interaction...

Lu Yanzhou really felt that the child was miserable the more he thought about it. He also noticed that the child was very thin.

"Aze, have you eaten today?" Lu Yanzhou asked.

At first, he always wanted to call Xie Chengze more intimately, but he was afraid that Xie Chengze would be unhappy, so he could only keep calling "Brother Xie"... Now he can call "Aze".

Xie Chengze blinked and shook his head.

Lu Yanzhou said, "Then go get something to eat."

"I don't want to eat." Xie Chengze's voice was low.

"Hungry is not good for your health, be good, go eat." Lu Yanzhou coaxed.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou, his eyes clouded with fog: "Are you leaving?"

So Xie Chengze is afraid that he will leave? Lu Yanzhou said: "I'm not leaving, I'm here with you."

Xie Chengze was both surprised and happy.

Lu Yanzhou urged him: "Go and eat something."

Lu Yanzhou didn't hold Xie Chengze tightly. Before, Xie Chengze was mainly close to him.

At this moment, Xie Chengze reluctantly moved away from him, then quickly ran to the dining table in the living room, took a bag of paste and ran back, and came to Lu Yanzhou again, next to Lu Yanzhou.

He leaned on Lu Yanzhou's body, and then skillfully opened the paste in his hand and started eating.

Lu Yanzhou frowned upon seeing this.

Although Xie Chengze lives in a sterile ward, people outside can deliver things to him, as long as he goes through the long disinfection pipeline for repeated disinfection.

This is how Xie Chengze's food is delivered. The doctor who is responsible for taking care of him delivers it to him once a month.

It's just this thing... but Lu Yanzhou just looked at it and felt that he had no appetite.

Other children are picky eaters, but what about Xie Chengze? He was forced to eat this kind of mush every day.

In fact, Xie Chengze can eat other foods. Those packaged sterile foods can be eaten after they are sent in through the disinfection channel. Unfortunately, no one even thinks of giving them to him.

Lu Yanzhou asked, "Aze, do you have anything to eat?"

Xie Chengze raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yanzhou blankly: "No..."

Lu Yanzhou felt as though he had been punched in the chest, and felt stuffy in his heart.

Did Xie Chengze...haven't eaten anything else?

He said: "I will find some food for you to try tomorrow. If you like it, I will buy it again."

"Okay," Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou hopefully, "Will you come to see me tomorrow?"

After the original owner became Xie Chengze's assistant, he no longer came to see Xie Chengze every day... Lu Yanzhou said, "I will definitely come tomorrow."

Xie Chengze frowned and showed a small smile.

Lu Yanzhou said again: "By the way, Aze, I have something I want to tell you..."

"What do you want to say?" Xie Chengze asked.

"Didn't I manage the money for you? I used some..." Lu Yanzhou didn't know how to speak.

The behavior of the original owner...that is, stealing money!

If the original owner didn't do this, he could have borrowed money from Xie Chengze, but the original owner did it...

"Use it if you need it." Xie Chengze smiled sweetly at Lu Yanzhou.

"I got a little too much..."

"It's okay!" Xie Chengze said again.

Lu Yanzhou was a little helpless.

Xie Chengze estimated that it was because he had contacted too few people and things, and had never spent money, so he had no concept of money at all.

It is such a person who can manage his billions of assets to a person who studied history in a university.

Yes, the original owner studied history.

Although the original owner did not see Xie Chengze under the pretense that he was busy studying in junior high and high school, in fact he never studied hard.

However, he was smart, and he finally stepped on the score line and was admitted to the newly opened history department of a certain science and engineering university.

He had been in the history department for four years in college, and he didn't learn anything, so that when Lu Qiqi found a relationship with him to join the Xie family, he could only be an ordinary clerk in the logistics.

Xie Chengze actually entrusted all his belongings to him... This child is too simple.

Although Xie Chengze's assets are mostly shares, the original owner could not take the initiative, but the original owner of the dividend can move, and the 30 million is the dividend given by the company in which Xie Chengze holds shares.

Lu Yanzhou said: "Aze, didn't your uncle find a tutor for you before? Where did you learn?"

Xie Chengze looked a little proud, with light in his eyes: "I'm in the fourth grade!"

Lu Yanzhou was silent for a moment, and then said: "Aze, I will bring you some books tomorrow to teach you the following content... Do you want to learn?"

Xie Chengze nodded repeatedly: "Yes!"

At first Lu Yanzhou thought about how Xie Chengze would convince him if he didn't want to learn, but Xie Chengze agreed.

I think it's the same, Xie Chengze usually doesn't see people, he likes to get along with people, of course, he is eager to be able to attend lectures.

"Then it's settled." Lu Yanzhou said.

"Hmm." Xie Chengze nodded again and again, and leaned on Lu Yanzhou again, almost pushing Lu Yanzhou out.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou said, "Let's sit down?"

Xie Chengze took the initiative to sit down, and Lu Yanzhou sat next to him and asked him some things in life.

This sterile ward cost a lot of money to renovate, and it was upgraded a few years ago, and there is nothing missing in it.

Xie Chengze also has electronic products such as computers and mobile phones.

But Xie Chengze seemed to have no interest in these electronic products, but every time the original owner came over, he was very happy. After the original owner became his assistant, if he could not see the original owner for a few days, he would call the original owner to come over.

The two sat and chatted for a long time, when a voice suddenly came from outside the door - someone came up the stairs.

Lu Yanzhou got up quickly and stayed away from Xie Chengze.

According to the memory of the original owner he got, no one in this Xie family took Xie Chengze seriously. He was too close to Xie Chengze and might cause trouble for Xie Chengze.

In the original historical trajectory, the original owner would have thought of killing Xie Chengze, which had a lot to do with Xie's father's illegitimate son An Chenyuan's uninterrupted hints. Xie's father also turned a blind eye to Xie Chengze's help when he faced death...

As for the original owner's aunt Lu Qiqi, she disliked Xie Chengze's stepson.

After Lu Yanzhou moved away, he went to see Xie Chengze for the first time, and saw Xie Chengze looking up at him, his face full of disappointment.

He gave Xie Chengze a reassuring smile, and then looked towards the door.

The door was opened, and the butler dressed meticulously, but with a bit of contempt in his eyes, walked in: "Master Biao, the kitchen is preparing lunch... Do you want to stay here for dinner?"

Lu Yanzhou said, "No, I'm leaving." Lu Yanzhou was not a sensitive person, but he could sense that the housekeeper didn't want him to stay for dinner.

What's more, he has already met Xie Chengze, and there are still many things to do... Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze who was sitting by the wall: "Aze, I will see you tomorrow."

"Well." Xie Chengze raised his head, showed a small smile to Lu Yanzhou, lowered his head again, and pulled his trousers with his hands in despair.

This child is too pitiful, he must be taken away from the Xie family quickly, but he does not have enough merit to nourish Xie Chengze's soul now.

Lu Yanzhou sighed secretly and turned to leave.

He took his coat at the door of Xie's house, started the car and drove slowly to his residence.

The original owner's family background is ordinary, and the family has no money, but the victory is Lu Qiqi who married into a wealthy family.

Although Lu Qiqi did not give money to her family, she arranged work for her family.

The original owner's father is now the security captain at Xie's headquarters, and the original owner's mother also works in Xie's canteen, and their wages are not low.

Seven or eight years ago, they bought a house in S City with a loan.

The house is quite big and the location is good, but it's a bit old. It's a staircase along the street in the old town.

The old building is not soundproof, the sound from upstairs and the street is almost everywhere, and parking is not easy downstairs... The original owner was very dissatisfied with this house.

Lu Yanzhou searched for a while before he found a spot to park the car, and then went upstairs.

It's cold outside, and it's cold inside, and his house doesn't keep warm.

Lu Yanzhou took a deep breath, took out the buns he bought for breakfast in the morning but hadn't eaten from his jacket pocket, heated them in the microwave, and ate them one bite at a time.

He was hungry all morning, but he had no heart to eat.

After eating, Lu Yanzhou went back to his bedroom, rummaged through the cabinets, found a notebook, and began to write the next plan.

He was sealed with most of his power and memory, but the ability he has now is still far beyond ordinary people.

The 30 million must be spent on the most valuable places, and the rest of Xie Chengze's property also needs to be carefully managed. Anyway, he can't invest Xie Chengze's funds like the original owner, but he keeps losing money.

After Lu Yanzhou finished the plan, he thought of something, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze can communicate with the outside world. After inheriting his grandfather's property, he even has his own team.

It's just that those people have different thoughts, and most of them don't take Xie Chengze seriously.

A leader who can't even leave the sterile room, how can he manage his subordinates? Xie Chengze has never received relevant education.

As soon as Lu Yanzhou sent the message, he received a reply from Xie Chengze.

While chatting with Xie Chengze on his mobile phone, he went out.

Although his house has many shortcomings, the supporting facilities are very good. There are no shortage of elementary and junior high schools around, and there is a bookstore not far downstairs.

Lu Yanzhou walked into the bookstore and began to sweep the books in the bookstore.

Xie Chengze did not graduate from primary school and must make up classes!

At the same time, Xie's house was on the fourth floor.

In front of Lu Yanzhou, the cute and cute Xie Chengze was sitting on the sofa in his living room, playing with his mobile phone.

But his expression was completely different from when he was in front of Lu Yanzhou.

His expression was cold, his eyes were also cold, and there was a dead silence in his beautiful apricot eyes: "After taking the money... I'm much more obedient."

Read The Duke's Passion