MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 263 Interstellar Live (25)

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The mother planet, a certain grassland.

Wu Yan and Yang Xiaobai still lived in Wu Yan's escape cabin.

Wu Yan already knew that there was a military base on the home planet, and the Fallen Beast in the Fallen Beast town near them also helped him contact the military.

The military has never responded.

Faced with this situation, Wu Yan was very anxious at first, but after a long time, he calmed down.

Since there is a military base here, then sooner or later, we will be able to contact and leave sooner or later, so it is useless to worry.

Yang Xiaobai is the exact opposite.

At first Yang Xiaobai was reluctant to let those fallen beasts contact the military base - he wanted to perform well in the wild and attract more people to watch his live broadcast.

But now more than 20 days have passed, and he can no longer endure the hard life in the wild!

He couldn't take a good bath in the wild, and he couldn't eat or sleep well!

He once wanted to move to live with those fallen beasts, but Wu Yan disagreed. Of course, Wu Yan took him to a town of fallen beasts, and he was unwilling to live with those fallen beasts.

In that so-called small town, there are only a few mud houses in it. I am afraid they are not as comfortable as Wu Yan's escape pod, and he is actually afraid of those fallen beasts.

Yang Xiaobai could only continue to stay with Wu Yan.

Early in the morning, after Yang Xiaobai woke up, he began to brush his hair and wash his face and take care of his appearance. He also specially transformed himself into a half-beast to make himself look more cute.

But after living in the wild for more than 20 days, his skin was much worse than before, and his hair couldn't be cleaned no matter how he washed it.

He is not used to the food in this place, because he always eats meat, he not only has acne, but also has gastrointestinal problems.

If he hadn't known that this was a live broadcast, he would definitely explode!

But even if he didn't break out, he was still uncomfortable. He couldn't be like the beginning, smiling all day and being a little sun that could warm people's hearts.

I don't know if his fans will have any opinion on him.

Shouldn't it? He is so miserable, his fans should sympathize with him!

And there are several people participating in the live broadcast this time. He can't stand such a living environment, and certainly others can't stand it either.

You must know that even Wu Yan has no complaints, Lu Yanzhou is like that, it is estimated that he is going crazy every day!

He doesn't have to do it perfectly, as long as he can do better than others, and Yang Xiaobai is very confident about this.

Such a difficult environment, the two girls must have been unable to bear it!

What about Wu Yan? Wu Yan is indeed doing better than him, but Wu Yan is ugly and doesn't attract fans.

Not to mention Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou is so bad-tempered and has a lot of black fans. According to the company, they even dug a hole for Lu Yanzhou...

It is estimated that his casual performance can far surpass Lu Yanzhou!

It is said that Lu Yanzhou will be thrown somewhere alone, and he does not know how much suffering he has suffered and how much he has suffered.

Taking care of himself, Yang Xiaobai looked at Wu Yan: "Wu Yan, what are we eating today?"

Wu Yan actually annoyed Yang Xiaobai, mainly because of Yang Xiaobai's love performance.

But he couldn't ignore Yang Xiaobai: "Isn't there any barbecue left over from yesterday?"

Yang Xiaobai smiled awkwardly: "Wu Yan, the weather is hot now. Meat left overnight is easy to breed bacteria, and eating it will cause diarrhea..." When they went to the river to fetch water yesterday, Wu Yan caught a small fish. A beast of shrimp, brought back for food.

As a result, the beast didn't know if it was because he ate too much fish and shrimp, and the meat was fishy and smelly.

Yang Xiaobai almost vomited after eating the meat of this beast yesterday, and naturally he doesn't want to continue eating it today.

Wu Yan knew that Yang Xiaobai didn't want to eat the meat because he disliked the meat of the beast. If Yang Xiaobai said it directly, he would probably go hunting, but Yang Xiaobai looked worried about his diarrhea... Wu Yan said: "Ignite and roast it again, bacteria Just dead, it's alright."

With that said, Wu Yan divided the meat left over from yesterday into two, kept half of it for Yang Xiaobai, and gnawed the rest by himself.

This meat is unpalatable, but hunting is not easy... In his opinion, some are already good to eat, so pick whatever you choose!

When Yang Xiaobai saw this scene, the smile on his face froze.

And at this moment, two fallen beasts came.

When Yang Xiaobai saw them, he immediately went up to greet them with a smile, and asked them if they wanted to drink water. He also took out the meat that Wu Yan left him, cut it, and brought it to him.

Those two fallen beasts were not suitable for his behavior.

They are all wolves and don't like cooked meat.

The two nodded embarrassedly at Yang Xiaobai and went to "talk" to Wu Yan.

They were from the nearby town of Fallen Beasts. These days, they had more contact with Wu Yan, and they became friends with Wu Yan.

About ten days ago, they found that they could contact the base, and they were very happy. After telling the base that they had two orcs on their side, they waited for the base to pick up Wu Yan and Yang Xiaobai.

After all, Wu Yan and Yang Xiaobai had to go to the military base, and they could leave with the military spaceship next time the passage to the home planet was opened.

But the base said that they didn't have enough manpower and planes, so they couldn't come to pick up people. Instead, they asked them if they knew the fallen beasts who were older or were injured and were dying, and said they could help with treatment.

They don't know such fallen beasts, and then the military ignores them...

They were very embarrassed, and they didn't know how to tell Wu Yan about this, so they could only pretend that they had never contacted the military.

As a result, military planes flew over them several times in the past few days.

Wu Yan curiously asked them the reason. They could only contact the military again. This time, they came to tell Wu Yan the result.

"Wu Yan, we got in touch with the military last night. The military said that all of them were sent out to find those fallen beasts that were either old or injured. I won't come to you, but when the passage opens, they will definitely take you to the base and send you away." One of the two wolves wrote on the ground, "Don't worry, you will definitely be able to leave."

"That's good!" Wu Yan was very happy. After he found out that there were orcs on this planet, he was not in a hurry - since there were orcs living here, there must be spaceships coming and going, and they would definitely be able to leave!

Now that the military planes are coming and going, it is estimated that there is something important to deal with, so he can leave later.

Wu Yan thought so, but Yang Xiaobai was a little unhappy.

The month-long live broadcast was almost over. He felt that there was no need for him to stay in the wild anymore. He could go to the military base to rest for a few days and then go back.

The audience may also want to see what the military base looks like!

Yang Xiaobai said: "Even if they have something to do, it won't take much time to pick us up, right? Why can't they pick us up by the way? What if they come to pick us up when the passage opens and miss the time? You can't help. Say a few words?"

When Yang Xiaobai spoke, he brought a little accusation, which made the two wolves a little embarrassed.

"You don't have to listen to him, we are not in a hurry." Wu Yan said quickly, but the two wolves still wrote on the ground: "Let's go and ask."

When they were done, they said goodbye and left.

When they left, Wu Yan said: "Yang Xiaobai, when the military people come to pick them up is not their control. What are you accusing them of doing?"

Yang Xiaobai was wronged: "Where did I accuse them? I just wanted them to tell the military base about our situation."

The two sides broke up again, and Yang Xiaobai found a place to wipe his tears, muttering to himself while crying: "I didn't mean to, I was just scared, there is nothing here, I'm so homesick..."

He made this specially for the fans in his live broadcast room.

However, Yang Xiaobai was afraid that he would never have imagined that there were not many fans in his live broadcast room.

Everyone went to see Lu Yanzhou treating the fallen beast, who would watch Yang Xiaobai!

Of course, Yang Xiaobai's die-hard fans still stick here, and feel sorry for Yang Xiaobai's grievance in the live broadcast: "Xiaobai, stop crying."

"Xiao Bai is too miserable. It's okay to be hungry all the time, and Wu Yan shows him his face."

"The two fallen beasts are a bit too much. Xiaobai entertains them, and they ignore Xiaobai's love."

Yang Xiaobai's fans were talking when a lot of people suddenly came to the live broadcast room: "It's been a long time, it's still the same here!"

"Their life still doesn't look good. I hope they can calm down when they see Lu Yanzhou."

"I didn't expect people on both sides to collide..."

"Yang Xiaobai is about to cry again."

The people who came to Yang Xiaobai's live broadcast room were those who had been watching Lu Yanzhou's live broadcast.

Lu Yanzhou has been walking northward these days, and while walking, he actually came to the grassland!

After approaching the grassland, Lu Yanzhou learned from Zhao Nan that there were two orcs on the grassland who had crashed and fell from his spaceship... He immediately planned to come over and take a look.

Now, Lu Yanzhou's team is speeding up to Yang Xiaobai and the others, and the viewers watching his live broadcast are one step ahead of him, coming here to explore the way, and by the way, sympathize with Yang Xiaobai and the others.

Yang Xiaobai's fans: "..."

Some of Yang Xiaobai's fans still believe that this live broadcast was planned by Lu Yanzhou and the military, just to make Lu Yanzhou famous.

They also felt that their family, Yang Xiaobai, was used as a stepping stone by Lu Yanzhou.

Because of this, they had already pinched Lu Yanzhou's fans several times, but unfortunately they couldn't. After all, they only had a fraction of Lu Yanzhou's fans.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhou had just recovered his spiritual power and was in the car repairing a beast bead for a fallen beast.

Because he was in a hurry, he did not stop the team this time, but repaired the beast bead of the fallen beast directly in his car.

The old leopard, who became a young man under his hands, thanked him.

"No thanks." Lu Yanzhou smiled at him and looked at Zhao Nan again.

Without Lu Yanzhou's orders, Zhao Nan immediately had someone take the leopard-turned person away to the toilet, and brought Lu Yanzhou all kinds of food and spiritual plants.

Lu Yanzhou was running the Ascending Dragon Art in his body while eating.

He is only one step away from being able to fully use the power in his beast beads.

And when his beast beads are completely "unblocked", he will be able to have the strength of the Golden Core Stage! His beast shape can still evolve, maybe he can become a dragon!

Lu Yanzhou was not sure whether he could transform into a dragon. In fact, if he was in the world of self-cultivation, it would be almost impossible to transform into a dragon at the Jindan stage, but this world seemed to be different.

According to the history he learned... Orcs in ancient times, that is, when technology had not yet developed, there were orcs whose beasts were dragons.

At that time, an orc with such a beast-like shape would be regarded as a natural emperor.

"Aze, eat some too." Lu Yanzhou brought some food to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze took the food and ate slowly, but couldn't help but look at Lu Yanzhou.

Since he was sure that Lu Yanzhou really liked him, he was in a very good mood, and he was inseparable with Lu Yanzhou every day these days.

He has such a good eye, and I like such a good person!

Xie Chengze doesn't think about anything else now, he just wants to practice hard and learn how to repair the beast beads, so that he can help Lu Yanzhou!

Seeing Xie Chengze looking at him like this, Lu Yanzhou couldn't help but lean over and kiss Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze typed on the contact terminal: "How many kisses do you want?"

Lu Yanzhou: "..." Xie Chengze has asked for this, he must kiss more!

The person watching the live broadcast: "It's dog food again! It's too much!"

"These two people are endless, marry me in place!"

"I just cried for that leopard and was laughed at again."

"Kiss hard ah ah ah ah!"

"Quickly take a screenshot and record the screen, these are all things that can be left to grandchildren in the future!"

Even Admiral An took some pictures.

In the future, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze will hold a wedding, these are all materials.

Marshal Lu really doesn't have this idle heart. The royal family has existed for too many years. Now some people loyal to the royal family have run away with a prince. They still have troops in their hands. Marshal Lu is a little afraid that they will cause trouble and is rushing to deal with it. .

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze kissed for a while, hugged Xie Chengze and said, "Aze, let's sleep for a while."

Sleeping for a while, of course, is not really sleeping, but lying down and practicing.

Lu Yanzhou is really diligent now, dedicated to improving his strength.

The main reason is that if he wants to accumulate merit, he should rely on those fallen beasts.

He cured them, and then after they left their home planet, they donated money in his name, and he had merit, it was perfect!

Holding Xie Chengze in his arms, Lu Yanzhou happily activated his spiritual power.

On the other side, after Yang Xiaobai finished crying, he was too hungry to bear.

As a person who knew the inside story and was appointed to support him, when Yang Xiaobai came to the mother planet, he brought the most supplies with him. The food alone was enough for him to eat for ten days.

If he saves eating, he can even survive this month with the food he brought.

But he was all about performance, he exercised a lot, and he couldn't save it, and because most of the prey caught by Wu Yan didn't taste good...

He has eaten up the food.

Yang Xiaobai could only pinch his nose, and with a gloomy expression, he nibbled at the beast meat that he had taken to entertain the two fallen beasts.

This meat is already unpalatable. There is no seasoning and the roasting is a bit dry, which makes it even more unpalatable and hard to chew.

Yang Xiaobai gnawed for a long time and didn't eat much, and when he was uncomfortable, there was only one thing that could comfort him.

It must have been worse for others!

Especially Lu Yanzhou! As far as Lu Yanzhou's stinky temper is concerned, there is no one else around... He might be hungry enough to eat worms!

After fantasizing about it, Yang Xiaobai felt that the meat in his hands was not that bad. He couldn't hold back, and went to Wu Yan to talk: "Wu Yan, what do you think the others are doing now? Are they too? Falling on the mother planet? Will he also encounter fallen beasts? Alas! Lu Yanzhou has a bad temper, and most of them don't want to get along with the fallen beasts, and I don't know if he is hungry now."

Wu Yan heard Yang Xiaobai talk about the others, and said, "I hope they are all fine."

Yang Xiaobai nodded again and again: "Yeah!" It should be all right, this is a live broadcast, and it is impossible for them to be in trouble!

According to the company, some staff will land with them!

But Lu Yanzhou's miserable life is certain, if he loses his temper in the live broadcast, there will be more and more black fans...

Maybe now, Lu Yanzhou's fans have already come to his live broadcast room!

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobai smiled.

Lu Yanzhou's fans who went to Yang Xiaobai's live broadcast room: "Don't worry, Yang Xiaobai, Lu Yanzhou is not hungry, there are a group of people rushing to cook for him!"

"Don't worry, Yang Xiaobai, Lu Yanzhou gets along very well with the fallen beasts!"

"Although Yang Xiaobai has some green tea, but seeing that he can only eat such unpalatable meat... Suddenly I feel pity for him."

"Hey, I'd better go back to Lu Yanzhou, there are many handsome guys there."

"Yang Xiaobai is about to become Yang Xiaohei, it's really miserable..."

"Don't leave in a hurry! Lu Yanzhou's team is here!"

Indeed, Lu Yanzhou's team came.

This was actually Wu Yan's first discovery. After he felt the movement, he climbed to a big tree that was rarely seen on the grasslands, and looked into the distance. From this look, he saw a convoy.

It turned out to be a team! Wu Yan was immediately excited.

If there is a convoy, it means there are orcs. Wu Yan will take precautions against fallen beasts, but he has no precautions against orcs.

Especially that there are military vehicles in that convoy...that's military people!

"Yang Xiaobai, a military convoy is coming!" Wu Yan said to Yang Xiaobai.

Yang Xiaobai was ecstatic: "Really? They finally came to pick us up?"

Wu Yan said: "They are not necessarily here to pick us up, but if they want to go back to the base, we can follow them. If they don't go back to the base, we can buy something from them."

Yang Xiaobai nodded again and again, and he was already thinking about how he would follow him after meeting with the military.

In fact, you don’t have to go to the base. When the live broadcast ends, no matter where they are, the company’s people will find them and take them away.

With such a team, if he follows them, his life will definitely be better than with Wu Yan!

He can also show fans in the live broadcast room what the military fleet looks like.

Yang Xiaobai and Wu Yan discovered the convoy, and of course Lu Yanzhou and the others also discovered Yang Xiaobai and Wuyan.

Before Zhao Nan told Lu Yanzhou and the others that there were other people living on the mother star, and after talking about the situation of those people, Lu Yanzhou guessed that they should be the ones who participated in the show with him.

Unexpectedly, none of the five of them died, they all survived!

Those two girls, Lu Yanzhou had asked Zhao Nan to take them to the base. As for Wu Yan and Yang Xiaobai... they were already so close, Lu Yanzhou planned to take them along.

Lu Yanzhou has the memory of the original owner and has a good impression of Wu Yan. As for Yang Xiaobai...

The original owner disliked Yang Xiaobai very much. In Lu Yanzhou's words, he didn't like Yang Xiaobai, but he couldn't call him disgust either.

The original owner's company wants to train Yang Xiaobai to replace the original owner, which is not very kind, but it has little to do with Yang Xiaobai.

"The two people are in front." Zhao Nan said.

Zhao Nan found a nearby fallen beast to lead the way, so their convoy moved directly in the direction of Yang Xiaobai and the others.

"Yeah." Lu Yanzhou nodded.

Among the fallen beasts he cured, a few were particularly good at mechanical modification, so he modified Lu Yanzhou's RV.

Now Lu Yanzhou is staying on the roof of the RV - it has been converted into a terrace.

The awning blocked the sunlight for him, the rocking chair under him was very comfortable, the coffee table beside him was full of delicious food, and Xie Chengze was lying in his arms...

Bai Yun and a very beautiful female orc were still cooking meat for Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze!

This female orc is also one of the fallen beasts cured by Lu Yanzhou. She is not a soldier but a civilian. Before she became a fallen beast, it is said that she was a well-known chef. She has been actively cooking for Lu Yanzhou these past few days, and she has been persuading her with loving eyes all day long. Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze eat more.

She is in her 80s this year, and she already had a child before she was injured and turned into a fallen beast. This is treating Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze as children.

No matter what... Lu Yanzhou's day is as comfortable as he can be!

Wu Yan and Yang Xiaobai ran towards the convoy, and when the two sides finally got close, they were stunned.

This team...something's not right.

The car that drove the convoy was a military car, and the one behind it was also a military car, but the one guarded in the middle was a luxury RV.

Both of them know the brand of this RV. This brand of car is really easy to use, but it is also notoriously expensive, not to mention that the RV looks like it is custom made!

On the terrace on the roof of this car, there is even an orc who is receiving top service?

It's not surprising that such a car appeared in the capital city. Some wealthy people in the capital city went to camp in the suburbs on vacation, which is how they did it.

But isn't it wrong for such a car to appear on the home planet?

What's even more strange is that people from the military are still protecting this car!

Wu Yan was puzzled, but Yang Xiaobai was very excited.

Did they meet rich people who came to play on the home planet?

If he behaves well, not only will he be able to meet a rich man, he may also be able to enjoy all kinds of luxurious treatment that only rich people can enjoy!

"Hello!" Yang Xiaobai greeted first.

Lu Yanzhou lay on the railing of the balcony and waved at Yang Xiaobai: "Yang Xiaobai, long time no see."

Yang Xiaobai felt inferior when he saw Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze Baiyun and others beside Lu Yanzhou.

He used to think about relying on his looks to make the rich treat him differently, but the rich man is handsome, and the people around him are more handsome than him...

Wait, the key is not this, the key is that the rich know him!

Yang Xiaobai's eyes lit up: "You know me?" If this person knows him, it's easy to talk. If this person is his fan...

Lu Yanzhou said: "I am Lu Yanzhou."

Yang Xiaobai was dumbfounded: "What?"

This flamboyant rich man is actually Lu Yanzhou?

Lu Yanzhou said to Zhao Nan, "Major Zhao, let's set up camp here."

"Okay!" Zhao Nan agreed, and with a wave of his hand, many people came out of the military vehicle and spontaneously started to build and arrange the camp.

Lu Yanzhou has been repairing five or six fallen beasts every day recently. These people will follow him after they recover, plus the people sent by the military to protect him, and the military medical staff who are responsible for taking care of the elderly fallen beasts behind him. ...There are many orcs in the team, and everyone is still around Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou must be very tired to help people with treatment almost non-stop. They must take good care of Lu Yanzhou!

Take Major General Tan, for example, he quickly set up a huge canopy for Lu Yanzhou, and set up tables and chairs below for Lu Yanzhou to sit down. He even asked, "Young Master Lu, what do you want to eat? I'll catch you right away!"

Bai Yun said: "You should have never eaten the beasts on the grasslands, Young Master Lu. You ask the cook for a list, and let Young Master Lu catch all the delicious food!"

Major General Tan thought it was a good idea: "Okay, just do it!" When the prey is caught, Baiyun can eat it too!

He now wants to make Baiyun fat!

As for himself... Major General Tan has been eating Lingzhi every day recently. It is said that eating this can maintain the skin.

Haven't seen Major General Xie, who was a rough man like him before, and still had many injuries on his body.

Major General Tan went hunting very aggressively - his animal shape is a lion, very good at hunting!

And Yang Xiaobai and Wu Yan were greatly shocked at this time.

What exactly is going on? Lu Yanzhou's appearance changed, as if he was awakened... Why is he still being served by so many people?

Yang Xiaobai couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? You...are you awakened?"

Lu Yanzhou said: "Yes, after getting rid of the company's control, I finally woke up!"

Yang Xiaobai didn't understand, and Lu Yanzhou didn't plan to say more: "You all sit down, you can have something to eat first... I still have things to do, I'll catch up with you later."

His spiritual power has been restored, and now he can help people with healing!

After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he went to treat the fallen beast, and Xie Chengze followed.

Zhao Yang stayed to take care of Yang Xiaobai and Wu Yan: "What do you two want to eat?"

Zhao Yang could see that Lu Yanzhou didn't take these two people seriously, but he was someone Lu Yanzhou knew, so he would definitely entertain them.

Yang Xiaobai and Wu Yan didn't even know what to eat... Zhao Yang said when he saw it, "Then let me prepare a little?"

With this casual preparation, Zhao Yang brought out a pile of food and placed it on a table.

Yang Xiaobai looked at this table of delicious food, thinking that he had just eaten a piece of unpalatable meat to fill his stomach, and was almost crying.

Wu Yan was also stunned.

But Wu Yan didn't say anything, but Yang Xiaobai couldn't hold back: "Just now Lu Yanzhou called you a major. Are you from the military, or a major? Why are you being so nice to Lu Yanzhou? He's just a little star..."

"Little star?" Zhao Nan was confused: "Isn't he the son of Marshal Lu?"

The first time Zhao Nan saw Lu Yanzhou, he saw Lu Yanzhou's animal shape, and Lu Yanzhou's surname was Lu, and Xie Chengze still looked like an old husband and wife...

He assumed that Lu Yanzhou was the son of Marshal Lu, and he and Xie Chengze had known each other for a long time, so he kept calling "Master Lu".

Mainly because he mentioned this to Laohou before, and Laohou also said that Marshal Lu had given birth to a good son!

Wu Yan: "..." Why did Lu Yanzhou suddenly become the son of Marshal Lu?

Yang Xiaobai: "..." Lu Yanzhou turned out to be the son of Marshal Lu? Is it time for him to hug his thighs now?

As for Lu Yanzhou, who is helping people with treatment...

Feeling the influx of countless merits, Lu Yanzhou was a little puzzled.

He cured not many fallen beasts. Although he arranged for some people to go out to teach other fallen beasts to practice, there should be no results now.

That being the case... how come so many merits suddenly appeared? !

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