MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 255 Interstellar Live (17)

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The moment Lu Yanzhou woke up, the contact terminal in his hand fell off automatically and fell into the ruins of Xie Chengze's house that was crushed by him.

But this does not affect everyone watching the live broadcast, after all Lu Yanzhou is very close to them.

Then, they saw the giant python with long horns licking people with a snake letter. With such a big head, it also drilled into Xie Chengze's arms.

How was he so funny? !

The key is... He is awakened now, but Xie Chengze can't move, why didn't he kill Xie Chengze to take revenge?

"Lu Yanzhou seems very close to Xie Chengze..."

"One dog and one snake, obviously different species, but they get along very harmoniously..."

"It looks a little sweet."

Everyone was talking a lot, but Lu Yanzhou was still rubbing against Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was unable to move after taking the medicine, and lay like a dead dog, letting Lu Yanzhou rub against him.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and a giant python like Lu Yanzhou has thick, tactile scales that feel like a blade, so it's actually not very comfortable to be next to.

But Xie Chengze likes this feeling very much.

He even wanted to lick Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou didn't kill him. He was overjoyed, but he couldn't believe it, suspecting that he was dreaming.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze, opened his mouth slightly, and put his snake letter in...

Old Hou, who had been standing beside him for a while, said, "..." These two are too much! Indecent!

Also... Lu Yanzhou's animal shape is exactly the same as that of Marshal Lu? !

As the chief of staff of the military, Laohou has a good relationship with Marshal Lu, and naturally he knows about Marshal Lu's lost child.

There are a lot of people who take the shape of a beast as a giant python, but there are very few who have horns on their heads!

There is a high possibility that Lu Yanzhou is the son of Marshal Lu!

Think about what Lu Yanzhou said before... Lu Yanzhou said that he has been under surveillance and drugged...

At that time, Lao Hou felt that what he said was serious, but if he was the son of Marshal Lu... all this would make sense!

The old man, who had always liked Lu Yanzhou very much, now looked at Lu Yanzhou more eagerly.

After hearing Laohou's voice, Lu Yanzhou retracted his snake letter, looked at Laohou innocently, and gently rolled Xie Chengze up by the way.

It's not that Lu Yanzhou doesn't want to change back to a human form. First, he just woke up. To change back to a human form in a short period of time will require a lot of energy. Second... His clothes have been torn by him, and even Xie Chengze's house has been crushed by him. Now, where is he going to change back into a human form, and where is he going to find clothes to wear?

As for rolling up Xie Chengze... Lu Yanzhou wanted to use his spiritual power to help Xie Chengze get rid of the medicinal power in his body.

The drugs used by those people are not very powerful. He will soon be able to help Xie Chengze to remove the power of the drugs. After practicing on his own, he can also adapt to his newly awakened body.

Old Hou: "..." Old Hou thought that Lu Yanzhou might not necessarily like Xie Chengze, but now... not necessarily!

If Lu Yanzhou didn't like Xie Chengze, how could he be so close to Xie Chengze?

The old man had something to ask Lu Yanzhou, but he knew that Lu Yanzhou had just woken up and needed a rest.

Not to mention he has other things to deal with...

In the old Hou's hand, he held the weapon that he had just taken to the cave.

They have all become fallen beasts, they have become useless people, no one will pay attention to them, and no one will deal with them, they come to the mother planet to wait for death.

Because of this, some fallen beasts wandered around the home planet alone, and it was rare for a group of people like Xie Chengze to live in a small town.

Even fewer have weapons, that is, Laohou and Xie Chengze have unusual identities, so they only have weapons.

Now the weapon is not used, which is a good thing!

The old man put down his weapon, **** the orcs who committed the crime, planned to wait for a good trial, and then killed the undead beasts, and moved the fallen beasts who were all weak after the attack to the square of the town.

They have a medical device that can examine fallen beasts, but this device cannot solve the drug addiction among the fallen beasts.

Fortunately, according to the data displayed by the medical equipment, the drug addiction among the fallen beasts is not serious, let them lie down for a while, and they should gradually improve themselves.

Xie Chengze's house was next to the square, so Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were surrounded by all kinds of fallen beasts.

Afraid that the two of them would be uncomfortable, Lao Hou arranged for them to be more familiar with them.

The wolf lay with his back to Lu Yanzhou, then turned his head to look at Lu Yanzhou with difficulty, his eyes were shining, as if he wanted to say something to Lu Yanzhou.

But he can't speak and doesn't have the strength to type right now.

Lu Yanzhou ignored the wolf. He closed his eyes to help Xie Chengze detoxify. Of course, in the eyes of others, he was asleep.

People watching the live broadcast: "…"

"Lu Yanzhou is simply... I slept in Xie Chengze's arms before, but now I'm sleeping with Xie Chengze rolled up again..."

"His animal shape is really mighty!"

"I heard that this kind of horned head is no longer a snake, but a Jiao, a half-dragon!"

"In ancient times, orcs worshiped dragons. If the beast's shape was a dragon or a dragon, he would be elected as the leader of the tribe."

"I'm curious now, is Lu Yanzhou the child of Marshal Lu?"

Everyone was curious when someone said, "Go and read the news released by the military. Marshal Lu lost his only child twenty-five years ago!"

"Oh my God!"

"If Lu Yanzhou is the child of Marshal Lu, then he said that he has been being watched and poisoned... Is what he said true? No one would target a starlet like that, but some people... would target Marshal Lu like that. son"

"His animal shape is so powerful, which means that his body is very strong. As a result, he failed to awaken... There must be something wrong!"

"If what he said was true, then he was not paranoid, so what about his mentally disturbed diagnostic records?"

"Because Lu Yanzhou said something he shouldn't have said in the live broadcast, it was specially concocted?"

"Those are definitely fakes! If Lu Yanzhou really suffers from such a serious mental illness, it's impossible for him to appear so calm in the live broadcast!"

"Lu Yanzhou is probably the son of Marshal Lu. He has been controlled, and his adoptive parents were killed by fallen beasts who look like Xie Chengze... You guys!"

"It's so vicious!"

Netizens are blown away.

Those who did not dare to watch the live broadcast because Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze had a high probability of being a tragedy, now all open the contact terminal and watch it.

The emperor noticed this and almost went crazy: "Damn! Damn! These bastards!"

Lu Yanzhou has awakened, and he has awakened to such a powerful beast shape that he can even be completely beast...

The emperor felt that someone around him must have betrayed him!

When the people around the emperor saw this, they were also furious.

Although Marshal Lu is very powerful, he cares about the people. In order not to hurt the people, there is a high probability that Marshal Lu will not take the initiative to launch a war.

They still have a long time to live, and even if the royal family is gone, they can reduce their income a little at most, and they can still help Marshal Lu.

But now the emperor did such a thing... If they were Marshal Lu, they would definitely be **** off.

With the current situation... Maybe Marshal Lu will launch an attack soon!

Blame the emperor.

The emperor and some of his subordinates immediately fell out.

Many people under the emperor's hands who had never done anything evil were still thinking about going to join Marshal Lu.

Marshal Lu and General An were not so angry. After all, they had been angry before. Now, they looked at Lu Yanzhou, who was sleeping with Xie Chengze, and felt heavy in their hearts.

It's a good thing that Lu Yanzhou is fine, but if Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze really like each other... even if there is no hatred between them, it would be a tragedy.

Xie Chengze's beast beads have been broken.

Xie Chengze didn't know anything about this, and now he felt... Lu Yanzhou was a little heavy.

Although he likes being entangled by Lu Yanzhou, and with his physical fitness, he can bear Lu Yanzhou's weight of more than one ton, but... it's still quite heavy...

He also wanted to change his posture.

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze struggled for a while.

Wait, is he moving?

The python's left eye opened a slit, glanced at Xie Chengze, and let go of his body.

The big golden retriever broke free from the entanglement of the python, and felt that one of his hind legs was a little numb. He jumped a few times with his three feet, and finally fell on the ground and didn't move.

Xie Chengze stared blankly at Lu Yanzhou.

He didn't feel the slightest malice in Lu Yanzhou, and Lu Yanzhou had such a powerful force, and he still didn't kill him...

Are all his previous speculations about Lu Yanzhou wrong?

"Xie Chengze, how can you move?" Lao Hou screamed and typed, letting the contact terminal read it out.

Xie Chengze: "I don't know."

Old Hou: "Why did Lu Yanzhou wake up suddenly?"

Xie Chengze: "I don't know."

Old Hou: "What's the matter with you and Lu Yanzhou?"

Xie Chengze: "I don't know."

Lao Hou was speechless: "Why don't you know anything?"

Xie Chengze was innocent: "I don't know either."

Lu Yanzhou heard the conversation between Lao Hou and Xie Chengze, opened his eyes, put his head next to Xie Chengze, and looked at Lao Hou with his big eyes.

When Lao Hou saw Lu Yanzhou, he immediately showed a smile and typed again: "Azhou, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Lu Yanzhou stretched out the tip of his tail and went around Xie Chengze's neck, as if he was wrapping his arms around Xie Chengze, and then typed on Xie Chengze's contact terminal: "I feel pretty good!"

"It's good if you feel good. Are you tired, do you want to eat some meat and take a break? You just woke up, you need to supplement nutrition and rest more, so that you can become a human..." Lao Hou's hands fluttered on the contact terminal.

Compared with the animal shape, it is more convenient to live in the human shape. He believes that Lu Yanzhou wants to change back to the human shape quickly. It is the first time an orc awakened, and it usually takes two days to rest before changing back. Of course, the stronger the body, the more rest he needs. The shorter the time, Marshal Lu only rested for twelve hours.

Lu Yanzhou typed: "I can change back now, but I have no clothes..."

Old Hou: "..." Lu Yanzhou is a little too strong!

The old man found a blanket for Lu Yanzhou, and asked Lu Yanzhou to find a place to change it back.

The effect of the blanket covering the body is definitely not as good as that of the clothes, but he, Lao Hou, and the others present were all naked and naked. Lu Yanzhou has a blanket, which is already very good!

The python left with the blanket in his mouth, and after a while, a muscular man came back!

Lu Yanzhou is particularly satisfied with the setting of this world, the whole person will change greatly after awakening, and he will become an adult immediately.

He used to look like a minor, but now he has become a tall and muscular adult man, and the baby fat on his face has disappeared, which is great!

The change in Lu Yanzhou's face was actually not that big, but the overall aura was already different.

Xie Chengze was stunned.

The people watching the live broadcast were also stunned: "After Lu Yanzhou woke up, it turned out to be like this?!"

"Too handsome?!"

"I used to treat him like a child, but now I can't!"

"It just doesn't look like Marshal Lu, Marshal Lu is not so handsome!"

Marshal Lu, who is not handsome enough: "..."

"Do you like me like this?" Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze nodded blankly.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly showed a proud smile.

He deliberately didn't use a blanket to surround his body and exposed his upper body... Xie Chengze really liked it!

Old Hou felt that if he didn't interrupt again, these two might do something shocking: "Zhizhizhi!"

Lu Yanzhou looked at Lao Hou and smiled slightly embarrassedly: "Uncle Hou."

The old man made a serious look, then clicked on the contact terminal, and read out the question he had already typed: "Lu Yanzhou, do you know who your biological parents are?"

Lu Yanzhou said, "I don't know, what's wrong?"

The old man clicked again: "Your animal shape is exactly the same as that of Marshal Lu!"

Lu Yanzhou was stunned.

Old Hou: "It is very likely that you are the child of Marshal Lu, but I am not sure. As for us, before I became a fallen beast, I was a military staff officer, and Xie Chengze was a major general..."

Lao Hou made a detailed self-introduction.

They hadn't told Lu Yanzhou about their previous identities before, but now they need to talk about it.

Lao Hou introduced not only him and Xie Chengze, but also some other fallen beasts. After a brief introduction, he also emphatically praised Xie Chengze.

Only then did Lu Yanzhou know that Xie Chengze of this world turned out to be a military major general.

His Azer is amazing!

The old man finally said: "Azhou, don't worry, we will protect you, but your situation... can you tell us in detail?"

Lu Yanzhou didn't hide it at all, and told the original owner's experience from childhood to adulthood.

He spoke out the original owner's experience completely, and added some content, mainly to repeat the panic he had spread before.

Lu Yanzhou also said: "My manager not only gave me the drugs that made my awakening fail, he also gave me a drug that would make me addicted. Fortunately, I was very careful, and I vomited every time I took it, so I was affected by it. The damage is relatively small…”

When Lao Hou heard what Lu Yanzhou said, he immediately remembered one thing: "A special drug was added to the food in your escape cabin..."

"That's it! That's why I didn't dare to eat those foods at all! During this period of time, I also got sick many times, and it was very uncomfortable." After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he quickly looked at Xie Chengze and explained to Xie Chengze, "Aze, don't worry, I am now. It's ready!"

"As far as I know, the damage to the body after taking that medicine is permanent..."

"I have a lot of research on plants. I know that if you eat some plants, your body can be repaired... I even gave those plants to A Ze, A Ze, do you feel that your body is much better?" Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was stunned again, but he felt it carefully... His body was indeed much better!

He also noticed that although he lost his hair, the places where the hair was lost had grown golden and shiny new hair.

Old Hou believed Lu Yanzhou's words, but he was very curious: "What plants do you eat?"

"I eat a lot of plants. Aze eats mainly the fruit of a fruit tree. The fruit can nourish the body, heal old wounds, and expel toxins... It's just that the fruit is a bit unpalatable, and after eating it, I will have stomach pains and diarrhea. "After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he described the appearance of the fruit.

Old Hou: "..." The fruit he thought was poisonous at first, so it still has such a role?

Thinking about it carefully, after taking a bite of the fruit, although he felt unpalatable and had diarrhea, his body was not affected, and even after that, his legs that would have hurt on rainy days didn't hurt anymore!

Why didn't he eat more?

But now is too late, he will go to pick the fruit to eat right away!

Compared with other fallen beasts, because the animal shape is a monkey, the life is more convenient, and he is very willing to live longer.

Seeing the old Hou's eagerness to try, Lu Yanzhou said to the old Hou, "Uncle Hou, Xie Chengze and I have already eaten the fruit. If you want to eat it, you have to wait for it to bear fruit."

The old Hou looked at Lu Yanzhou accusingly, there are a lot of fruits on the tree, why did you and Xie Chengze eat them all? !

At this time, Xie Chengze was already stupid.

After finding that Lu Yanzhou didn't intend to kill him, he began to think back to the past, and found that Lu Yanzhou had not done anything to hurt him except feeding him that poisonous fruit.

As for that fruit... Lu Yanzhou probably didn't know that the fruit was poisonous, so he would eat it.

But now... it turns out that eating that fruit is beneficial? !

Also, when he was fighting today, he felt that his combat power had improved!

He's also moulting...he's a whole new dog now!

Lu Yanzhou gave him so many fruits because he loved him. Lu Yanzhou was reluctant to eat them himself, so he left them all to eat!

But what about him? He actually misunderstood Lu Yanzhou!

Xie Chengze regretted it for a while, and always felt ashamed of Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was really nice to him...

After listening to Lu Yanzhou, the people watching the live broadcast were also stupid: "So Lu Yanzhou didn't plan to hurt Xie Chengze from beginning to end?"

"He gave Xie Chengze that fruit for the good of Xie Chengze?"

"He didn't lie. According to my observation, Xie Chengze's new hair is much better quality than his previous hair."

"That's why Lu Yanzhou is so happy to lick Xie Chengze's hair every day?"

"Has Lu Yanzhou never suspected Xie Chengze at all?"

"I watched the previous live broadcast. Lu Yanzhou was very calm after seeing the video that framed Xie Chengze, obviously he didn't believe it!"

"I also looked back, and combined with what Lu Yanzhou said... He looked in pain afterward, which should be the side effect of the drug!"

"When his live broadcast first started, he also looked painful, that was the side effect of the drug!"

"Those people are so hateful to give him such poison!"

The old man didn't know that Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents died at the hands of a golden retriever, so naturally he didn't ask this question, but asked something else: "Lu are so close to Xie Chengze..."

Lu Yanzhou said, "I like Xie Chengze!"

Before, Lu Yanzhou didn't dare to say that he liked Xie Chengze, because he was afraid that others would think that he loved beasts.

He didn't know anything about Xie Chengze's past. If Xie Chengze heard his confession and asked him how he fell in love with him...he couldn't give an answer!

But it's different now!

Lao Hou introduced Xie Chengze to him!

Xie Chengze is a major general of the military. He likes Xie Chengze. Isn't this normal?

Lu Yanzhou said again: "I used to go over the wall to your Xingwang, and I saw the photo of Xie Chengze, and I fell in love with Xie Chengze at first sight! I was shocked when I suddenly fell on the mother star, but then I saw Xie Chengze. I'm not afraid anymore. Cough, I have been pestering Xie Chengze because I like him."

After the confession, he and Xie Chengze can get close to him openly. Xie Chengze can lick him as he wants. Others can only envy and not disturb him. How wonderful!

The old man was stunned: "Is what you said true?"

Xie Chengze couldn't help shaking, but he couldn't move at all.

He suspected Lu Yanzhou before, and there was another reason, that is, Lu Yanzhou was very good to him and very close.

He felt that Lu Yanzhou had just met him, and it was abnormal to be so close to him.

But if Lu Yanzhou likes him...

Is there such a good thing in this world?

No, this can't be considered a good thing, after all, he is now a fallen beast.

He is no longer the warlike Major General Xie, he is now a fallen beast, a dog!

Why is he with Lu Yanzhou? !

Xie Chengze's whole dog shivered and looked straight at Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou came to Xie Chengze, opened Xie Chengze's contact terminal, pulled out a screen and drew on it. Of course, Xie Chengze was the one who drew!

He sketched Xie Chengze's appearance in three or two strokes, and it looked lifelike.

After all, Xie Chengze has always painted the most.

After painting, Lu Yanzhou smiled and said, "Aze, was this what you used to be?"

Xie Chengze nodded blankly, lying on the ground, tears silently dripping from the corners of his eyes.

That was what he looked like before. He didn't expect that Lu Yanzhou had seen him and liked him.

Lu Yanzhou had already made him grateful for not killing him. Lu Yanzhou still likes him...

Unfortunately, he has now become a fallen beast.

Seeing Xie Chengze crying, Lu Yanzhou hurriedly hugged Xie Chengze's head and wiped Xie Chengze's tears with the corner of the blanket wrapped around him: "Aze, stop crying, I feel bad for you crying like this..."

Xie Chengze was still crying silently.

The fallen beasts around were just shown affection by Lu Yanzhou, and he was envious of Xie Chengze being liked when he saw this scene.

They originally thought of wishing to bless Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, but now their eyes are a little sore, and they want to cry with Xie Chengze.

They, Major General Xie, could no longer be with Lu Yanzhou.

Read The Duke's Passion