MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 248 Interstellar Live (10)

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Lu Yanzhou never doubted Xie Chengze from beginning to end, and naturally he would not have any special reaction when he saw such a video.

As for whether the death of his adoptive parents will shock him...

He is not the original owner.

He will do his best to avenge the original owner and his adoptive parents, but the original owner's adoptive parents have been dead for several years, and he can't be sad about it.

Instead, he thought about something else.

For example, this is obviously someone using him to deal with Xie Chengze.

Could it be that the original owner landed in this place and was deliberately arranged by some people?

Why would that person do this? Because you know that Xie Chengze likes him?

Also, are there any of their people in this fallen beast town?

In the original plot, the original owner wanted to leave this fallen beast town, but Xie Chengze contacted the military but no one came to pick him up.

Now he has a good relationship with Xie Chengze, and then someone gave him a chip immediately and wanted him to treat Xie Chengze as an enemy...

I don't know who Xie Chengze offended. Is that person the same person who harmed the original owner?

Lu Yanzhou thought about it a lot, but for a while he really couldn't think of the plans of the people behind the scenes.

That person's energy should not be small, so it's enough to kill people directly? Why go round and round with so many things?

To make him and Xie Chengze suffer?

Lu Yanzhou didn't think about it, so he didn't want to, but he couldn't deny that he felt a sense of urgency.

Before, although he knew that on the home planet, he would encounter danger, but he felt that if they stayed in the small town, even if they encountered danger, they could deal with it.

But now... the fallen beast beside Xie Chengze is also unbelievable!

Lu Yanzhou buried the chip he had destroyed in the corner of the house and lay down to practice as if nothing had happened.

But after cultivating for a while... if he didn't pay attention, he fell ill again!

Lu Yanzhou curled up in discomfort.

All the things that Lu Yanzhou has experienced, the people on Xingwang naturally see it in their eyes.

At first, everyone adjusted the angle, saw the words written by the goat, and saw Xie Chengze go to find food for Lu Yanzhou, they sighed that Xie Chengze was really good to Lu Yanzhou.

"The big golden retriever is really fond of Lu Yanzhou."

"Hey, he must like Lu Yanzhou very much."

"I've watched a lot of the horrors of remote planets in the past two days. I just wanted to watch this live broadcast to make myself happy, but the candy in this live broadcast is full of glass slag."

"In the past few days, I have seen a lot of videos of our soldiers trying their best to save people and stop the Zerg... They are all heroes of the Golden Retriever."

"I didn't chase stars before and didn't have any interest in the mother star. I haven't watched the live broadcast. It's not easy for them to come to see them in the past two days."

"I cried while watching."

Before, although many people thought that Xie Chengze and the others were heroes, they were nothing more than that.

Everyone looked at the way the fallen beasts were jumping, and they all thought it was very interesting, and they had to laugh and laugh.

But now, the hearts of those watching the live broadcast are heavy.

Among these fallen beasts, many of them may not be very old, have never been in love, and then degenerated into animals.

Xie Chengze likes Lu Yanzhou, but there are very few things he can do, and there is a high probability that Lu Yanzhou will not accept him.

After Xie Chengze left, everyone saw that someone gave Lu Yanzhou fruit...

"Lu Yanzhou is so popular!"

"Those fallen beasts like Lu Yanzhou very much."

"I saw a video released by the military. Some soldiers said that he fought desperately, just hoping to protect those behind him who lived happily... They are also protecting Lu Yanzhou now!"

"They're talking about heavy topics, let me be happy... If Xie Chengze was here, the fallen beast who gave the fruit might be beaten!"

It is so! The big golden retriever is a big vinegar jar!

Everyone was in a better mood, but the next thing was going in a direction they could never have imagined!

Lu Yanzhou took out leaves from the basket and found a chip.

Fans of Lu Yanzhou know that to Lu Yanzhou, the most important people are his adoptive parents.

In the past, when Lu Yanzhou was in a normal state of mind, he would always thank his adoptive parents in interviews and recall the warm life with his adoptive parents when he was young.

His adoptive parents have no biological children, only him, although they cannot provide him with a rich life, they are very kind to him.

Later, Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents died.

Many old fans of Lu Yanzhou feel that Lu Yanzhou's mental problems are related to his failure to awaken, but the bigger reason may be that his adoptive parents have passed away!

If his adoptive parents were still alive, no matter how many setbacks Lu Yanzhou encountered, he would still have a harbor where he could live.

But now he can't go back!

It's no wonder that Lu Yanzhou's spirit has problems.

In this live broadcast, they watched the whole process, and found that although Lu Yanzhou would be paranoid about being murdered from time to time, and he would suffer from seizures, but most of the time he was very peaceful, especially when he was with the big golden retriever, he was obviously very happy. .

As a result, at this moment, someone suddenly mentioned his parents in front of him...

That person is definitely evil!

Just as everyone was thinking about this, together with Lu Yanzhou, they saw the video in the chip.

Lu Yanzhou could see at a glance that there was something wrong with the video. He could see that the person in the video was not Xie Chengze, but those watching the live broadcast couldn't tell.

They saw that the golden retriever in the video killed Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents, and they were all stunned for a while.

Thinking back carefully, the Golden Retriever has indeed treated Lu Yanzhou very well from the very beginning, and was very indulgent.

It turned out to be because...he killed Lu Yanzhou's parents?

God, Lu Yanzhou has already suffered a lot of blows, and he will definitely not be able to take another blow like this!

The people watching the live broadcast were especially sympathetic to Lu Yanzhou, and then found that Lu Yanzhou destroyed the chip as if nothing was wrong.

"How is this going?"

"I'm a longtime fan of Lu Yanzhou. He cares about his adoptive parents! Why is he so calm now?"

"I, a passer-by, felt very uncomfortable when I saw this video. Why didn't he react?"

"Did Lu Yanzhou already know about this?"

"Don't forget, there is something wrong with Lu Yanzhou's mental state!"

"He is a patient now, and it is very likely that he is in great pain, but he can't express it!"

"Actually, Lu Yanzhou didn't react at all, it was the biggest reaction."

People watching the live broadcast made up their minds that Lu Yanzhou was very sad. Later, when Lu Yanzhou lay down to practice, he was just in time to fall ill, and everyone believed this even more.

"Lu Yanzhou must be very painful."

"I thought the big golden retriever was cute before, but I didn't expect him to be a murderer!"

"It's too much, why did he not get punished for killing people, and it's okay?"

"What happened to the death of Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents?"

Originally, the public opinion had turned around in the past few days, and everyone was supporting the military, but now, Lu Yanzhou's adoption of his parents has diverted everyone's attention.

Countless people want to know the truth of the year.

Why did Xie Chengze kill someone without being punished in the slightest, and still live happily on his home planet?

Even if he degenerates into a beast, he still has human memory, how can he kill!

"Lu Yanzhou is already very pitiful. Now it's hard to get close to the big golden retriever, but the big golden retriever is still his enemy for killing his father and mother."

"I went to investigate the case back then. Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents were indeed killed by a fallen beast, but the fallen beast ran away and was not caught!"

"I asked a professional technician to analyze the video, and there is no trace of fraud, which means that Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents were indeed killed by a huge golden retriever."

There was another commotion on the Internet, and the military had discovered this situation immediately. After all, they were also watching the live broadcast.

After seeing the video, Marshal Lu's expression changed greatly.

This is definitely someone targeting Xie Chengze! Xie Chengze has turned into a fallen beast, and there are still people harming him, it is too hateful!

Xie Chengze's popularity has been very high recently, but the military had no plans to disclose Xie Chengze's identity.

In fact, Xie Chengze's experience is very touching. If it is made public, it will be good for the military.

It's just that Xie Chengze has become a fallen beast, and they still use Xie Chengze for publicity, which is a bit not good.

But now the situation is different, Xie Chengze was actually framed for murdering innocent people!

Marshal Lu immediately ordered someone to find out Xie Chengze's relevant information, they must not let Xie Chengze suffer unjust injustice! Also to be investigated is the case of Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents.

Xie Chengze's information was quickly sorted out. As for the latter, before Marshal Lu could investigate, someone disclosed the murder of Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents on the Internet.

The man even made the identity of Xie Chengze public, saying that Xie Chengze had a close relationship with Marshal Lu. He became a major general before the age of 30. After becoming a fallen beast, he was arranged to recuperate on the planet where Lu Yanzhou's parents were, but he couldn't stand it. When he turned into a fallen beast, he ran out of the hospital and ended up causing a tragedy.

As soon as this person opened his mouth, other people "speaking the truth" one after another, saying that Xie Chengze killed more than Lu Yanzhou's parents.

Royal Palace.

Because Lu Yanzhou was talking nonsense in the live broadcast, saying that he was being monitored and poisoned in all directions, the emperor could no longer attack Marshal Lu by smearing Lu Yanzhou.

He simply changed his path and attacked Marshal Lu by smearing Xie Chengze.

You must know that although Marshal Lu did not formally adopt Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze was raised by him, and he was almost his adopted son!

The emperor had read Lu Yanzhou's report on military exploits, and in that report, Xie Chengze had given an unknown amount of credit.

But those things, the emperor did not believe at all.

How old is Xie Chengze? He is still dumb, how could he have the ability to make so much credit?

In short, the emperor felt that Xie Chengze's military exploits were concocted by Marshal Lu in order to give money to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze will turn into a fallen beast in battle, which also shows that Xie Chengze's strength is average.

Now he wants to see how Marshal Lu will explain to the people that Xie Chengze became a major general at a young age!

"Xie Chengze is only in his early thirties, yet he is a major general?"

"This is hilarious! How did he get promoted?"

"I'm from the army, let me tell you anonymously, Xie Chengze is the adopted son of Marshal Lu, so... you know."

"I was still accusing the royal family of corruption before, but it turned out to be the same raccoon dog?"

Netizens were very angry for a while, and even their opinions on the army were no weaker than those on the royal family.

The corruption of the main royal family has long been recognized.

Even if there is no matter of ceding the planet to the Zerg... I don't know how many bad things the royal family did in the early years.

The emperor who is currently in power has had a lot of salacious operations.

So if something goes wrong with him, everyone will scold him, but they will feel normal, but if something goes wrong with a man like Marshal Lu who has just been promoted to the altar, everyone will feel that they have been deceived.

And just when everyone was filled with righteous indignation and especially angry, the military gave an explanation.

The military was very direct and released hundreds of videos all at once, but the explanation was: "Xie Chengze is a brave and skilled fighter. If he really wants to kill civilians, those civilians will be powerless to resist."

In the public video, Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents resisted the big golden retriever for a while.

According to people familiar with the matter, they later worked together to drive Xie Chengze away.

But Xie Chengze really wants to do it... Can a group of peasants drive him away?

Xie Chengze is really outstanding in the army.

When he was eighteen years old, his combat power was already able to crush many veterans, and later he participated in many battles and won.

The video released by the military is full of scenes of him taking his forward team, fighting around or doing various tasks.

He really can't speak, but in war, they don't use language when issuing orders, but give instructions one by one.

Xie Chengze is not only capable of individual combat, but also has one of the best commanding talents.

Even people who don't understand war can see the strength of Xie Chengze when they see the video related to Xie Chengze issued by the military.

Look at the video posted by the military, Xie Chengze, who has a powerful aura in control of the audience, and look at the golden retriever who has spent a lot of time against two ordinary people...

Everyone was silent.

Some people carefully compared and found some inaccuracies.

"I compared it carefully. Xie Chengze's animal shape is bigger than that of the golden retriever that killed Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents."

"I also did some research. The place where Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents are located is on the same planet as the sanatorium they said Xie Chengze used to recuperate, but they are far away. Even if Xie Chengze escaped from the sanatorium, why would he want to? Going that far to kill someone?"

"Everyone who watches the live broadcast knows that Xie Chengze's love for Lu Yanzhou is obviously that of his lover, not out of guilt or anything else."

After watching the video of Xie Chengze's battle sent by the military, many people felt that Xie Chengze's murder should be fake.

At this time, the military sent some news.

Among them... Xie Chengze never went to that sanatorium for treatment at all.

Almost all the injured people went to that planet, including many fallen beasts, but Xie Chengze didn't go because he was too seriously injured.

As far as his injuries...he couldn't even get out of bed and move around!

The military gave Xie Chengze's entire treatment record, and even a long video captured by surveillance cameras. Not only that, the military also made Xie Chengze's Xingwang account public.

It was an ordinary-looking account, and the account name was just one word, called "Ze".

Previously, the Star Network on the Capital Star side had many restrictions on accounts from remote galaxies like Xie Chengze, so this account did not leave a message on the Star Network.

Probably the same, Xie Chengze did not set various privacy settings on the account.

Netizens can also see that this account has many purchase records, and most of these purchase records are related to Lu Yanzhou.

On the day Lu Yanzhou's parents died, this account even watched the live webcast of Lu Yanzhou's concert on, and even gave Lu Yanzhou a lot of money.

It is impossible for Xie Chengze to kill Lu Yanzhou's adoptive parents while watching Lu Yanzhou's live broadcast.

"I just watched Xie Chengze's video and thought he was an indifferent and powerful general, but I saw this in a blink of an eye..."

"So what Lao Hou said is true, Xie Chengze is a fan of Lu Yanzhou!"

"No wonder he likes Lu Yanzhou so much."

"I watched the whole thing today, and it was very uncomfortable after watching it. Xie Chengze was younger than me, he started fighting at the age of 18, and he became a fallen beast at a young age."

"He has degenerated into a fallen beast, and there are people who want to harm him!"

"Yes, there are still people trying to kill him! It's too hateful!"

"It must be the royal family's trouble again!"

The military responded very quickly, and the dirty water splashed on Xie Chengze's head was quickly washed away.

Xie Chengze even has many more fans.

The young general who became famous at a young age is still handsome... I don't know how many people watched Xie Chengze's video and cried when they saw it: "My family Azer is too miserable!"

"I like him so much!"

"Why did he become a fallen beast?"

"Someone actually killed him on purpose!"

"The royal family is really going too far!"

The royal family was scolded again, but this was not the first time that the royal family lay flat, and others couldn't do anything about them.

Of course, the emperor was very angry.

After he did this, he didn't take it out to attack Marshal Lu immediately, because he was afraid that Marshal Lu would come up with enough evidence to clear Xie Chengze.

But Xie Chengze has been sent to the home planet, and three years have passed. He thought that the military would not be able to produce evidence. Who would have thought that the military's counterattack would be so fast?

He didn't even expect that Xie Chengze's military exploits turned out to be real, and those soldiers in the military are still speaking for Xie Chengze!

But it's nothing.

What if people on Xingwang believe that Xie Chengze is innocent?

Lu Yanzhou couldn't see the news on Xingwang!

Lu Yanzhou was about to fall ill, and if he was stimulated again, he would definitely want to kill Xie Chengze.

The emperor thought that Lu Yanzhou was very smart, and he was very tolerant according to his reaction.

He might be able to kill Xie Chengze quietly!

The words that he couldn't kill Xie Chengze... He attacked Xie Chengze and was killed by Xie Chengze by mistake, which is also interesting.

He doesn't ask for anything else now, he just wants to see Marshal Lu unlucky and sad!

The emperor thought so, and the rest was just pure worry.

Lu Yanzhou watched that video... He can't believe it!

Xie Chengze likes him so much, if he treats Xie Chengze as an enemy... that's really abusive!

Fallen beasts on the mother planet know nothing about the commotion on the Internet.

In that valley, Xie Chengze really found a lot of ground potatoes. He used his claws to dig the ground and dug up a lot. He also caught and brought back the beast that was entrenched in the valley.

This beast is carnivorous, and the meat is not as tasty as the herbivorous beast... Xie Chengze threw the beast to others and went back with a basket of potatoes in his mouth.

Back at his residence and opened the door to go in, Xie Chengze couldn't help wagging his tail first.

Because things were too turbulent, more people came to watch the live broadcast today.

Many of those new viewers are people who admire Xie Chengze very much after watching Xie Chengze's battle video.

Then they saw the big golden retriever wagging its tail... They were immediately stunned.

"I don't have dazzling eyes?"

"Xie Chengze is like this now?"

"General, you are so powerful, why do you like Lu Yanzhou!"

"General look at me!"

Even those who have watched the live broadcast for a long time have a different mood at the moment: "I thought Xie Chengze should be very old before, I was wrong!"

"Xie Chengze is really handsome... I used to be a fan of Lu Yanzhou, but now I'm climbing the wall."

"The big golden retriever is really cute, I really want to rub..."

Of course, they couldn't rub it, but Lu Yanzhou, when he jumped on it, just rubbed it.

His family Aze is so pitiful, he has become a fallen beast, and he has to be calculated!

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze several times.

Xie Chengze: "..." Lu Yanzhou seduces him all day long!

But he still liked it very much, that is, he didn't dare to lick Lu Yanzhou, and he didn't dare to get too close to Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze rubbed Lu Yanzhou with his head, motioning Lu Yanzhou to look at the potatoes.

"Aze, this is for me? Thank you!" Lu Yanzhou laughed, "Let's bake it later, I like this!"

Xie Chengze nodded, and wagged his tail lowly again, thinking that he would dig some potatoes and come back tomorrow.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou remembered what happened before, and hesitated to remind Xie Chengze.

In this fallen beast town, someone wants to kill Xie Chengze!

However, at this moment, the old Hou came, screaming and calling them to eat.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze went out, intending to pretend they didn't know about it.

The fallen beast that had given him something before had a disguise and walked so fast that he didn't even recognize the person's identity.

Now after he told Xie Chengze, it would be bad if the other party found something strange and jumped over the wall. You must know that in the original plot, Xie Chengze died under the attack of the beast.

That was definitely not an accident. For example, at this moment, there should be someone staring at him, maybe there are cameras around him or something.

The top priority is to improve his strength as soon as possible. If he can awaken... There are no large-scale hot weapons on this planet, and he should be able to protect himself at that time.

Lu Yanzhou put the cassava that Xie Chengze brought for him into the fire and roasted it, and planned to ask Xie Chengze to take him to the neighborhood tomorrow to see if there were any spiritual plants.

As for the person in the dark... He didn't act for a long time, should that person contact him again?

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