MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 230 Blind ancestors (13)

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The people outside the Qingyun Sect were shocked because Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were going to hold the Dao Companion Ceremony, but their shock could not catch up with one ten thousandth of the inside of the Qingyun Sect.

The first to get the news was the Jindan cultivator of Qingyunzong, including Wei Yuzheng's master.

This Jindan cultivator named Yuan Zhan, Yuan Zhan is a real person who loves fighting, so he likes Wei Yuzheng, who is very strong in combat. After taking Wei Yuzheng as his apprentice, he carefully taught him.

As a result, Wei Yuzheng's residence was suddenly destroyed, and Wei Yuzheng disappeared!

These days, Master Yuan Zhan has been investigating this matter, and he didn't care about it, until the head called him and other Master Jin Dan, and told them that their master was going to become a Taoist companion with Lu Yanzhou!

Yuan Zhan was stunned: "Senior sister, don't talk nonsense!"

Shizu has been recuperating in the valley, and the world in charge came to him a few days ago, and asked him for a healing medicine for Shizu... Why is Shizu suddenly holding a Dao Companion Ceremony?

"I'm not talking nonsense." The head said.

"Master really wants to become a Taoist companion with someone?"


"Then who is Lu Yanzhou? It can't be the Lu Yanzhou I know, right?" Yuan Zhan asked immediately.

"It's the Lu Yanzhou you know, the son of Senior Brother Lu." The Sect Master said.

Yuan Zhan was stunned: "Why did the master become a Taoist companion with that weak chicken? What the **** is going on?"

As a monk who likes to fight, Yuan Zhan dislikes the way Lu Yanzhou's father raised Lu Yanzhou, and he also dislikes Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is too weak!

"Yuan Zhan, don't be rude to Lu Yanzhou!" said the sect master, "Lu Yanzhou went to the valley to take care of the patriarch, and had mutual affection with the patriarch. The two have decided to become a Taoist couple. In the future, Lu Yanzhou will also be your patriarch."

Yuan Zhan's face darkened.

Other Jindan real people are also a bit difficult to accept.

Let them call Master Lu Yanzhou, they can't stand it!

The Sect Master said again at this time, "Master's injury is completely healed."

Yuan Zhan Zhenren: "..." If you call him Master Lu Yanzhou, let's call him Master Lu Yanzhou. It's not that he is afraid of Xie Chengze in the Yuan Ying period, but he respects Xie Chengze very much.

Others asked: "Senior sister, how is the injury of the master?"

"Master thought of a way to heal the injury a few days ago. I don't know exactly how to do it," the head said, "Right now, my priority is to help Master prepare the Dao Companion Ceremony, and strive to Make this Dao Companion Ceremony a glorious one!"

All the Jindan cultivators: "..." The Dao Companion Ceremony of the Yuanying cultivators will definitely be held in a grand and beautiful place, but the other half of their master is actually a person without spiritual roots... They always feel a little uncomfortable.

The head has a feeling that everyone is drunk and I wake up alone. She glanced around and decided to prepare more photo stones, and then videotaped these people on the day of the Dao Companion Ceremony!

The master asked her not to tell Lu Yanzhou's promotion to Nascent Soul for the time being, but when the two became Taoist companions, they should no longer hide it.

At that time, these people must be stunned.

After the Sect Master finished speaking, he assigned tasks and left.

After the leader left, Yuan Zhan was still stunned, and asked a junior brother next to him: "Junior brother, is Lu Yanzhou a thousand-year-old fox spirit? Why would the master want to become a Taoist companion with him?"

"Senior brother, Lu Yanzhou is not a fox spirit, but the son of senior brother Lu." The junior brother's face was expressionless, his eyes dazed.

"I know... So how did he get the master to agree to become a Taoist companion with him?" Yuan Zhan really couldn't understand.

The junior brother's voice was very vague: "If only I knew..."

Shizu was younger than them, but he was talented and handsome. When Shizu had not yet formed Nascent Soul, he recommended himself a pillow seat and wanted to become a Taoist companion with Shizu.

Even if you can't become a Taoist partner, it's good to be able to practice double cultivation.

But the master ruthlessly rejected him.

He also thought that the master was pure-hearted and had few desires, and would not be moved by ordinary people in this life, but the master actually fell in love with Lu Yanzhou.

So at the beginning, did the master think he was too old?

The younger brother, who is nearly 400 years old, is depressed.

After the Jindan period monks knew about this, other monks of Qingyunzong also knew about it soon.

The Grand Master of Qingyun Sect is going to hold the Dao Companion Ceremony, and these people are required to help in the preparation!

Then these people were all stunned.

After Liu Ruoxian's false accusation of Lu Yanzhou and his son was exposed, the people of Qingyunzong sympathized with Lu Yanzhou.

It was a pity that Lu Yanzhou, who was amazingly talented and had an extraordinary bearing, lost his spiritual roots and became an ordinary person.

They knew that Lu Yanzhou was brought back to the valley by the master, and thought that Lu Yanzhou would spend his life in the valley like an ordinary person.

They also knew that Lu Yanzhou had asked for a lot of food and sent them into the valley, fearing that he had already exhausted his spiritual energy and could not be able to fast.

As a result, at this time, someone suddenly told them that Lu Yanzhou wanted to become a Taoist partner with Xie Chengze?

This this…

After Liu Ruoxian was expelled by her master, she lived in the place where the outer disciples lived.

Wei Yuzheng didn't want to ruin his reputation and didn't have much contact with Liu Ruoxian, but he was also afraid that Liu Ruoxian would bite him back, so he gave Liu Ruoxian some benefits in private.

Therefore, Liu Ruoxian's life can still be lived, but it's not so good, after all, everyone is saying that he is ungrateful.

On this day, a disciple of Lu Yanzhou's father made a sarcastic speech after encountering Liu Ruoxian.

Lu Yanzhou's father has passed away, but his disciple is still an inner disciple. Not only can he get a lot of cultivation resources, but his status is also higher than Liu Ruoxian.

He didn't hit Liu Ruoxian, he just said something ugly, no one would help Liu Ruoxian come forward.

Before Liu Ruoxian framed Lu Zhenren, this disciple was also affected, and he should have targeted Liu Ruoxian.

However, when the inner disciple was halfway through, he suddenly received a message, and when he saw it, his face changed greatly...

What's going on here?

This inner disciple also wants to know what's going on... The master actually wants to become a Taoist companion with Lu Yanzhou?

He is Lu Yanzhou's senior brother, and he knows a little about Lu Yanzhou. He has always been disciplined by his father. Although he is extremely talented, he has no opinion.

Now his talent is gone... How could Shizu take a fancy to him?

Before Liu Ruoxian met, the face of the person who was looking for trouble changed greatly, thinking that he had encountered a difficult situation, and immediately said: "When you see me being down, you come to insult me, but things are impermanent, who knows when you will be down?!"

Only at this time did the inner disciple notice that Liu Ruoxian was still in front of him, and looked at Liu Ruoxian with inexhaustible words: "I don't know if I will be down in the future, but I know you're going to be even worse."

Liu Ruoxian didn't know why.

This person was about to say something when someone shouted, "What? Lu Yanzhou wants to become a Taoist companion with his master?!"

Liu Ruoxian was stunned.

This inner disciple doesn't like Lu Yanzhou, but that's also his junior brother! At this time, he said: "Liu Ruoxian, why don't you look down on my junior brother? The master loves my junior brother! Fortunately, you didn't become a Taoist companion with my junior brother, otherwise my junior brother would not have such a good fortune!"

At this time, the people around also started to discuss: "How could Shizu and Lu Yanzhou become Taoist companions?"

"How did Lu Yanzhou get the master's favor?"

"What does the master look like? I haven't seen it before."

"Isn't Shizu dying soon? Otherwise, how could he fall in love with Lu Yanzhou?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Shizu is only two hundred years old! Very young!"

"Then why did he do this?"

After thinking about it, everyone couldn't figure it out, and finally they only thought of one possibility: "It's probably true love..."

The master is absolutely in love with Lu Yanzhou!

Outside of Qingyunzong, Wei Yuzheng naturally knew about this.

A few days ago, he thought that Xie Chengze was going to die, but a few days passed... Xie Chengze was going to hold a Dao Companion Ceremony with someone?

The people of Qingyunzong were confused and couldn't figure out what was going on, and so was Wei Yuzheng.

It's just that he doesn't think the two of them are true love. Xie Chengze is in the Yuan Ying stage, how could he still talk about true love with people? He and Lu Yanzhou became Taoist partners because it must be profitable.

As for what benefit...

Wei Yuzheng suddenly thought of the person who suddenly found him and killed him!

That person was not very strong, he had not reached the Golden Core Stage, but his consciousness was stronger than him, and he was injured at that time.

His body was originally taken from his body. After being injured, his soul and body were a little out of tune, and his soul was unstable.

That's why he didn't dare to go back to the sect and hid here to recuperate.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about the identity of that person, but he has compared his previous enemies over and over several times, and he can't figure out who that person is.

In the era he lived in, he was the strongest. Even if his enemies had the opportunity to be reborn, they would not have such a powerful consciousness!

Now think about it... that person has a grudge against him, but the grudge is not necessarily forged in a previous life, maybe it is forged in this life.

Could that person be Lu Yanzhou? !

When Liu Ruoxian had an accident before, he felt that Lu Yanzhou had changed a lot. Now it seems... Lu Yanzhou at that time may have been taken away!

That person's consciousness is above him, and after his death, there has never been a master who broke through the Nascent Soul Stage in the cultivation world... That person might be an old monster older than him!

This old monster has been dormant for thousands of years, and finally he was reborn, but the body he got has already been dug up by him... Can you not hate him?

In this way, Xie Chengze will become a Taoist partner with Lu Yanzhou, which is understandable. The old monster has no spiritual roots, and if he wants to improve his strength, he must use some partial methods, such as picking supplements.

That person should have controlled Xie Chengze in a way, and is picking up Xie Chengze!

Why didn't he think of this way?

Thinking of my rebirth, I only found Liu Ruoxian and other monks in the foundation-building stage, and I didn't dare to go too far when I was cultivating with these people, because I was afraid that these people would find something wrong...

Wei Yuzheng felt a little embarrassed.

He lost! Lost to that old monster older than him!

Wei Yuzheng thought about this, and didn't pay much attention to the surroundings. As a result, at this moment, a Jindan stage demon cultivator suddenly jumped out and attacked him: "The soul is unstable? It's interesting! Qingyunzong's little baby, you are not simple. what!"

The magic repair said, all kinds of means went together, grabbed Wei Yuzheng and left.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze had already left the sect.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze: "Aze, after we leave Qingyunzong, let's inquire about Wei Yuzheng! His origin is not simple, it is best to solve it early."

"Okay." Xie Chengze agreed. Since Lu Yanzhou was reincarnated and rebuilt, he said that there was a problem with Wei Yuzheng, and Wei Yuzheng should have a problem.

Speaking of which... Wei Yuzheng's residence was destroyed, and Wei Yuzheng was still missing. Most of this was done by Lu Yanzhou?

He thought that Lu Yanzhou had already killed Wei Yuzheng, but he didn't?

"Then let's kill some more demon cultivators! Especially those of the Jindan stage, we must kill them all!" Lu Yanzhou said again.

Xie Chengze naturally would not object: "Okay."

Read The Duke's Passion