MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 220 Blind ancestors (3)

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Before going to the secret realm and being dug out by Wei Yuzheng, the original owner had had many conflicts with Wei Yuzheng. From the outsiders' point of view, these conflicts were all initiated by the original owner.

For example, the first conflict between the two was when the original owner approached Wei Yuzheng and asked for a duel.

But from the beginning to the end, it is the original owner who suffers.

So far, the original owner has never killed anyone, so how can he fight against someone like Wei Yuzheng, who has been working as a loose cultivator for decades, and did not join Qingyunzong until the late stage of qi refining?

Now, on the original owner, there are many dark wounds that Wei Yuzheng deliberately left to the original owner!

The original owner's father was of average talent. When his life was about to end, he was lucky to cultivate to the Golden Core Stage, and his long life allowed him to accumulate a lot of good things.

However, in order to have children, to train the original master, and to find a Taoist companion for the original master, he has already consumed almost all the resources. If not, he would not go out to find resources when the original master's Taoist companion ceremony was about to be held, and finally returned die outside.

The original owner had no father and no resources, and these dark wounds were not healed. Fortunately, Xie Chengze recently gave him some elixir, which he could use to heal his wounds.

The original owner has cultivated since childhood, and the foundation of this body has been laid well. As long as these dark injuries are taken care of, it will not take long to take care of them.

Dark injury is not a problem, the next step is to cultivate.

Thanks to the original owner's father, the original owner knew a lot of cultivation methods of the right way, and because the original owner later became a magic cultivator, the master he followed was still the highest in the magic cultivator... The original owner also knew a lot of magic cultivation methods.

Lu Yanzhou read all these exercises, and combined with his own situation, he knew what was going on in this world.

Let’s talk about the cultivation of righteous monks first.

If a cultivator of the right way wants to cultivate, and wants to draw Qi into his body, he must have a spiritual root. As for the function of the spiritual root... it is actually used to attract spiritual power.

The thicker the spiritual root, the more attractive it is to the spiritual power. For example, Xie Chengze, he has the water-type spiritual root, then the water-based spiritual power naturally likes him, and he will run into his body without any need for him to do anything.

If it weren't for this, Xie Chengze's master wouldn't have discovered his rough jade.

People with two spiritual roots and three spiritual roots cultivate slowly. On the one hand, for such people, each spiritual root is generally not thick, and on the other hand, after attracting several spiritual powers, different spiritual powers may Will fight in the body.

Generally, such a cultivator will choose the thickest one from his spiritual roots, and specifically absorb the spiritual power of this department, and don't give up and not practice in other departments.

But even if they give up, those spiritual roots are still there, which sometimes affects their cultivation speed.

To put it bluntly, spiritual power will only be close to people with spiritual roots. Without spiritual roots... Lu Yanzhou does not have any kind of spiritual power to see him in his current body.

Even if he fights his fate and turns to practice, no spiritual power will enter his body.

The spiritual power in his own body will even escape.

The right way exercises focus on becoming "friends" with spiritual power, living in harmony, and without harming the body when cultivating, but the magic exercises are different.

They will imprison their spiritual power in their bodies.

They will even use various means to rob other people's spiritual power to strengthen their own strength.

Their attitude towards spiritual power is repression and control.

The advantage of doing this is that all the spiritual power can be grabbed and used, but there is also a disadvantage. These spiritual powers will attack them.

Therefore, there are very few strong demon cultivators. After the Nascent Soul period demon cultivator died under Xie Chengze a hundred years ago, there is no Nascent Soul period demon cultivator in this world, and there are very few demon cultivators in the Jindan period.

Of course, magic cultivators also have some means to prevent or reduce the backlash of spiritual power.

Speaking of which, they can only plunder the cultivation of others, but cannot directly plunder the spiritual power that exists everywhere in the world, because the spiritual power plundered from others has already been "tamed", and those spiritual powers will be more obedient.

As for the spiritual power in the spiritual stone in the can only be used by the righteous cultivator slowly introducing it into his body.

And if the magic cultivator has spiritual roots, he can do this too. If he forcibly absorbs such spiritual roots, he may explode and die.

In fact, there is no spiritual root, and there is no way to forcibly absorb it.

After understanding the entire cultivation system, Lu Yanzhou was a little worried.

He has no spiritual roots now, how can he cultivate? ! Do you want to go all the way to the dark and cultivate magic arts like the original owner?

Well, the original owner is now using the magic cultivation method to imprison all the spiritual power that has been cultivated in his body before and has not escaped, and let them stay in his body, so that his strength does not continue to decline.

If he can supplement others, or plunder the skills of others, he can also strengthen the spiritual power in his body.

But Lu Yanzhou would definitely not do this kind of thing!

But if he wants to get back the spirit root... without force, how can he get the spirit root back?

Looking for help? Except for Xie Chengze, I am afraid that no one will help him!

But Xie Chengze couldn't use force, his cultivation was used to suppress the injury.

And... even if Linggen is found, Lu Yanzhou doesn't know how to put Linggen into his body.

After the original owner was with that demon cultivator, every time he caught a righteous cultivator, he had to dig out the spiritual roots of others, and even tried to transplant the spiritual roots on others, but he couldn't succeed at all.

I don't know how Wei Yuzheng managed to dig out the spiritual roots of the original owner and give it to others.

That being the case, how can he improve his strength?

Wait, Lu Yanzhou suddenly realized something.

Before he came to rescue Xie Chengze, he suppressed his own strength, but his soul strength was still much stronger than that of ordinary people. The experience in the previous worlds also made his soul strength a lot stronger.

And the strength of the soul will bring him some benefits.

In the ordinary world, his memory and understanding will be very good, and in the interstellar world, his spiritual power will be far beyond that of ordinary people.

As for being in this world... He has a very powerful consciousness.

The original owner's spiritual sense was very weak due to lack of experience and other reasons, but he was different. His spiritual sense... Lu Yanzhou made an estimate and felt that his spiritual sense should have reached the peak that this world can accommodate, definitely not better than those of Nascent Soul Poor monks.

In this world, the improvement of strength depends not only on the accumulation of spiritual power, but also on the realm, or the strength of spiritual consciousness.

His realm should have reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

This is definitely good for him, that is, he needs to be careful when using his divine sense, at least no one can suspect him. If someone thinks that he is not right, he may be noticed by the Heavenly Dao of the small world.

And with this kind of consciousness...

Lu Yanzhou could feel that in this valley where Xie Chengze lived, spiritual power was very abundant.

And because of his strong consciousness, he could even feel the spiritual power of various colors dancing and jumping around him, and the most numerous spiritual power was undoubtedly the sky blue water spiritual power.

After all, Xie Chengze, a water-system Tianling root, stayed in the valley.

When the original owner possessed the Ice Spirit Root, the water system spiritual power was very close to him, but now... these water system spiritual powers are regarded as Lu Yanzhou's non-existence.

Lu Yanzhou touched these spiritual powers with his divine sense and found that he could drive them away with his divine sense.

According to legend, the powerhouses in the Nascent Soul stage can make only the spiritual power around them that they can use, or let them have no spiritual power around them. This should be what they rely on.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yanzhou grabbed a wisp of water-type spiritual energy with his divine sense and tried to integrate it into his body.

But this spiritual power is not obedient at all, and it refuses to enter his body.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou simply suppressed it with his divine sense and wrapped it up...

Uh... This spiritual power is so obedient all of a sudden!

Those spiritual powers were compressed into water droplets and merged into Lu Yanzhou's body.

This method works!

After Lu Yanzhou recalled the magic cultivation method, he wanted to cultivate by "plundering" the spiritual power of nature... It turned out to be true!

In this way, he doesn't have to rob other people's spiritual power, and can strengthen himself!

Lu Yanzhou thought so, grabbed another ball of spiritual power, compressed it with his divine sense, and let it enter his body after the spiritual power was obedient.

He went back and forth, enjoying it endlessly, and then found that the spiritual power that entered his body after being taught by him was even more obedient than the spiritual power that the original owner had worked so hard to cultivate, and he didn't know what was going on.

Spiritual power also bullies the soft and fears the hard?

That is to say, spiritual power has no IQ, otherwise Lu Yanzhou will definitely be scolded: "You are the one who bullies the soft and fears the hard!"

To be honest, these spiritual powers are not bullying at all, it is simply that Lu Yanzhou's strength is too strong to control them.

Spiritual power itself can be controlled with formations and the like. Lu Yanzhou has such a powerful consciousness, it is not surprising that he can control it!

There are many cases where monks of the same level have the same amount of spiritual power in their bodies, but their strengths are very different. It is because some monks have low spiritual awareness and are too weak to control their own spiritual power.

Before the original owner, it was like this.

On the contrary, Wei Yuzheng has experienced countless experiences, and his consciousness is relatively strong, he can use the least spiritual power to launch the greatest attack, and his combat power is almost unmatched at the same level.

When Wei Yuzheng was in the early stage of foundation building, he could even challenge the middle stage and late stage of foundation building.

Consciousness is very important!

In fact, Xie Chengze in this world can cultivate so fast because even if he is just a piece of remnant soul, his soul strength is stronger than that of the aborigines in this small world.

Ordinary people in the small world, even if they practice for hundreds or thousands of years, their spiritual consciousness is completely unable to compare with Lu Yanzhou, so they can only speed up the absorption of spiritual power and drive away spiritual power, but they cannot directly control it like Lu Yanzhou. Godless Spirit.

Not to mention ordinary monks, they can only use their spiritual roots to coax and deceive... Well, it should be said that they practice various exercises, and then let the spiritual power enter their bodies for their use.

Of course, no one followed Lu Yanzhou's path, and part of the reason was that Lu Yanzhou's approach was actually very inefficient.

After tossing for a long time, he grabbed a little spiritual power and stuffed it into his body.

Still have to think of other ways, such as using spirit stones, or some genius treasures.

The spiritual power in the spiritual stone is more than the spiritual power in the air. It is better to grasp it, right?

It's just that he is really poor now, and there is no spiritual stone to use at all.

The original owner's father died outside, and all the things he carried with him were gone. What about the original owner? The original owner went to the secret realm to meet Wei Yuzheng. Wei Yuzheng not only dug up the original owner's spiritual roots, but also snatched away the elixir spirit stone that the original owner brought with him.

Now, on the original owner, there are only some things that he and his father would not bring with them, such as exercises...

As for how the spirit stone will come... Lu Yanzhou thought of the female cultivator who almost became his Taoist companion, but now she has become one of Wei Yuzheng's lovers.

Yes, one of the lovers.

Wei Yuzheng is especially popular with women. There are several women around him. After he dug out the original master's spiritual root, he put it into the body of one of his lovers!

Not to mention Wei Yuzheng... The female cultivator who almost became the original master's Taoist companion was named Liu Ruoxian, who was eighty years old this year, fifty years older than the original master.

Her aptitude is not very good. Although she is a single spiritual root of the water system, her spiritual root is relatively thin. Because of this, when the original owner's father approached her and made her a Taoist companion of the original owner, she immediately agreed.

As a result, she took a lot of things from the original owner's father, but in the end she didn't regret it, and even slapped her back, saying that she was persecuted by the original owner's father.

Yes, those words were said by Wei Yuzheng, but she did not deny it or help the original owner to clarify!

Lu Yanzhou pondered that she could get back the resources from her.

There is only one Nascent Soul in the Qingyun Sect, Xie Chengze, and although there are quite a few cultivators in the Jindan stage, they add up to twenty or thirty.

The original owner's father was bent on surpassing his rival in love, so he chose a sect that had hatred with his rival's sect to join him.

If the Qingyun Sect is prosperous, it can suppress the sect of the original owner's father's rival! The original owner's father naturally worked hard for Qingyunzong. Of course, Qingyunzong also gave him a lot of resources.

He is diligent and has no other problems except that he is a little crazy about raising his son, and his popularity in Qingyunzong is also good.

The original owner's father stayed in Qingyunzong for hundreds of years, without merit or hard work, so when the original owner's father just died, in fact, several Jindan cultivators wanted to accept the original owner as a disciple, but the original owner was thinking about his father at that time, and his heart was high. Qi Ao felt that he didn't need a master, so he refused.

Later, the original owner focused on looking for trouble with Wei Yuzheng, and was repeatedly slapped in the face by Wei Yuzheng, and his reputation became worse and worse. These people also saw that the original owner's heart was not good, so they slowly gave up the original owner.

There is also the cave mansion of the original owner's father... In fact, the cave mansion itself belongs to the Qingyun Sect, and it is only for the Jindan cultivator. It is reasonable to say that once the original owner's father died, the sect would be taken back. It is also because of the original owner's father's many years of contributions, it has been given to the original owner. keep it.

When the original owner's spiritual roots are gone... The sect definitely can't use the cave for him. It's not a good thing for the original owner to keep the original owner in it.

Later, the original owner entered the valley where Xie Chengze lived. The head of Qingyunzong, and other Jindan cultivators should also know it. If it wasn't for the original owner's father, they would not let the original owner contact Xie Chengze.

The original owner couldn't understand it, and had resentment towards the sect, but Lu Yanzhou could understand it. He also found that the head of Qingyun Sect had actually persuaded the original owner several times to tell the original owner not to get into the horns, saying that it was more important to focus on himself, but unfortunately the original owner couldn't listen. .

The original owner had a big temper and was unwilling to show weakness for help, but Lu Yanzhou didn't mind.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou felt much more relaxed, he turned over and lay down to sleep.

When Lu Yanzhou was sleeping, in the cave not far away, Xie Chengze opened his eyes and felt that something was wrong with him.

Xie Chengze's life was really boring.

He was bullied when he was young. Later, he cultivated in addition to cultivation. Later, he was seriously injured... He couldn't even practice cultivation.

It was from that time that he used his divine sense to observe the people and affairs of Qingyunzong.

In the beginning, his consciousness could not "see" too far, he could only "see" the situation of a few nearby hills, but later, his consciousness became farther and farther.

When Lu Yanzhou was born, his consciousness could already cover the top of the mountain where Lu Yanzhou's father lived.

At that time, when he saw Lu Yanzhou falling to the ground, he thought this child was quite cute.

In the thirty years that followed, he would "see" Lu Yanzhou from time to time.

He saw that Lu Yanzhou was forced to practice at a young age by his father, and when he saw that Lu Yanzhou was not feeling well, he couldn't stop practicing...

His master was not so strict with him.

Because of this, Xie Chengze even went to the head and asked the head to remind Lu Yanzhou's father not to push the child too hard.

It's a pity that Lu Yanzhou's father is stubborn and does not listen to other people's advice, but only blindly persecutes his son.

In this regard, Xie Chengze has nothing to do.

After that, he still went to see Lu Yanzhou from time to time - he inexplicably liked this child.

Lu Yanzhou grew up slowly, reaching the stage of foundation building, and then his cultivation base stagnated.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou's problem was due to his temperament, so he asked the chief to find Lu Yanzhou's father, and persuaded Lu Yanzhou's father to let Lu Yanzhou go out to practice.

But Lu Yanzhou's father regarded this son as a treasure, the meaning of life, and his everything.

During the foundation building period, he went out to practice. If he was not careful, he might die, so he did not dare to let his son go out.

And if he follows, it doesn't really matter.

The last solution Lu Yanzhou's father came up with was to find a Taoist companion for Lu Yanzhou.

After Xie Chengze found out, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't think about it. Then, things suddenly changed...

Although his divine sense is strong, it has not been able to completely cover the entire Qingyunzong. After all, the Qingyunzong is too big.

And he is not always concerned about the people of Qingyunzong.

Plus he didn't want to watch Lu Yanzhou's Dao Companion Ceremony... During that time, he didn't use his spiritual sense to observe the surroundings.

When he used his spiritual sense to look at Lu Yanzhou again, Lu Yanzhou had already lost his father, and lost his Taoist companion who had never been there.

Xie Chengze could even see that many people were talking about Lu Yanzhou.

But he can't help too much. In fact, there is no way to ban this kind of talk. In the past hundred years, he has even heard people talk about himself, and those talk are not all positive.

There are some things that Lu Yanzhou can only think about.

After that, Lu Yanzhou went to the secret realm. He didn't approve of it, nor did the headmaster. He even persuaded Lu Yanzhou, but unfortunately Lu Yanzhou didn't listen, and even felt that they were uneasy and kind.

And then... when Lu Yanzhou came back, he didn't even have his spiritual roots.

After the head took back the cave where Lu Yanzhou's father lived, he told the head that Lu Yanzhou could come to him.

He is no different from a **** now, and so is Lu Yanzhou. Maybe Lu Yanzhou will feel better when he comes here?

The most important thing is that with him, Lu Yanzhou will not be hurt.

Because of his decision, the head did not take away the token he had given to Lu Yanzhou's father from Lu Yanzhou, and even gave Lu Yanzhou a few words to let Lu Yanzhou go to the back mountain.

Lu Yanzhou really came to him, but... Lu Yanzhou practiced magic.

He had been focusing on cultivation in the early years, but he didn't actually deal with the demon cultivator much until he met the demon cultivator in the Nascent Soul period.

He did kill the demon cultivator, but the demon cultivator fought back desperately before he died, and actually put his life's skills into his body.

He is now severely injured and can't use his cultivation, because he has the cultivation of the devil in his body.

The cultivation base of the demon cultivator is above him, and it cannot take root in his body, causing him great pain, and he can only use his own cultivation base to suppress it.

If he was accidentally bitten back, two different spiritual powers in his body collided with each other, and he might explode.

Under such circumstances, his understanding of the magic cultivator has increased, and he also knows how the magic cultivator's cultivation technique is practiced.

In addition, his consciousness is far beyond ordinary people...

Lu Yanzhou has never absorbed other people's spiritual power. Others can't see that Lu Yanzhou has practiced magic, but he can see it.

When Lu Yanzhou used some clumsy means to please him, he even guessed Lu Yanzhou's plan.

Perhaps, Lu Yanzhou wanted to rob him of his skill.

This... should he say that Lu Yanzhou is whimsical?

No matter how bad his situation is, he is still a master of the Nascent Soul stage. Lu Yanzhou, a person who was originally in the foundation-building stage and now in the qi-refining stage, actually wants to plunder his cultivation? !

If Lu Yanzhou really wants to do this, he will only be overturned by the spiritual power in his body and explode directly.

Xie Chengze was quite helpless. In this situation, if he told the Sect Master about Lu Yanzhou's cultivation of magic arts, Lu Yanzhou was afraid that he would only have a dead end.

He had an inexplicable affection for Lu Yanzhou and couldn't bear to do it, so he didn't say anything and kept Lu Yanzhou by his side.

Finding that Lu Yanzhou was injured, he also gave Lu Yanzhou the elixir that he had accumulated in the past, or the elixir that the head had given him over the years, so that Lu Yanzhou could heal the injury.

He hoped that Lu Yanzhou could find his way back.

Last night, he released his spiritual consciousness as usual to observe the surrounding situation. As a result, he saw Lu Yanzhou who was in great pain because of the loss of his spiritual roots.

He himself was in constant pain because of the spiritual power of the magic cultivator in his body.

So seeing Lu Yanzhou in pain at first, he just watched calmly, because he knew he had to endure it by himself, and because he couldn't help Lu Yanzhou.

But then... I don't know why, he suddenly felt very distressed for Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou, who was shrouded in his divine consciousness, seemed to have something different, which made him want to get close to Lu Yanzhou.

No, it's not that Lu Yanzhou is different, it's that he is different, or that his feelings for Lu Yanzhou are different.

Xie Chengze had withdrawn all his consciousness, and he suddenly realized something.

He... fell in love with Lu Yanzhou.

He didn't realize this before. At that time, he probably didn't like Lu Yanzhou too much.

But now... Maybe Lu Yanzhou looked too miserable in pain, and his feelings for this person suddenly deepened.

Knowing that Lu Yanzhou was going to be a Taoist partner, he was just uncomfortable and didn't want to see it, but now...

If Lu Yanzhou wants to become a Taoist partner now, Xie Chengze just thinks about it, and feels out of breath.

He should have taken action to prevent Lu Yanzhou from becoming a Taoist companion with others.

Xie Chengze was a little dazed, not understanding why things turned out like this.

He had never liked anyone before, how could he suddenly fall in love with Lu Yanzhou?

Maybe not suddenly? He had a crush on Lu Yanzhou before.

The key is... He grew up watching Lu Yanzhou grow up. Apart from his talent, Lu Yanzhou actually has no advantages.

He was strictly guarded by his father since he was a child. He has no assertiveness, lack of ability, and even worse strength. He can't bear any setbacks. He can't go far on the road of immortality.

Not to mention that he has no spiritual roots now, and he has switched to magic arts.

Lu Yanzhou was even playing his way!

He kept Lu Yanzhou and took good care of Lu Yanzhou. It was very strange. He actually fell in love with Lu Yanzhou?

Xie Chengze felt that he was crazy.

But in his heart, unfamiliar emotions were still surging, making him want to touch Lu Yanzhou, to touch Lu Yanzhou, and to wrap Lu Yanzhou with his own consciousness.

Xie Chengze: "…"

Could it be that he was influenced by the spiritual power left by the magic cultivator in his body?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze sat down with his legs crossed and concentrated on meditation.

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