MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 209 Wealthy Old Man (12)

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Xie Chengze saw his car as soon as he left the meeting.

He was a little tired, he walked quickly to the side of the car and opened the door, and then he felt the exhaustion all over his body was swept away.

Lu Yanzhou was actually in the car with a bunch of flowers in his hand, and was smiling at him: "Aze!"

The corners of Xie Chengze's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Not far away, Tan Shaojun saw this scene, but felt a little contempt in his heart.

He didn't expect that Xie Chengze, who he regarded as a great enemy, would be moved by some small favors and benefits, and he really liked a useless person like Lu Yanzhou.

He just had such a thought in his heart, and suddenly thought of what Xie Chengze said before - the meaning of Xie Chengze's words is obvious, that is Jiang Mi, who is not as good as Lu Yanzhou.

When Tan Shaojun came home, his face was not very good.

"Shao Jun, you're back!" Jiang Mi greeted Tan Shaojun happily when he saw Tan Shaojun.

In the past, Tan Shaojun would be in a very good mood when he went home and saw the person he liked waiting for him, and then went to kiss Jiang Mi.

But today...

Tan Shaojun asked, "Is there anything to eat at home?"

"There are snacks and milk, do you want to eat?" Jiang Mi asked.

Tan Shaojun was suddenly unhappy: "I didn't come back so late, you don't know how to make a late-night snack?"

Jiang Mi felt that Tan Shaojun was unreasonable: "You didn't tell me! And you didn't eat supper before!"

When Tan Shaojun heard Jiang Mi say this, he also felt that something was wrong, but he still said, "Then go and make me something to eat now." Tan Shaojun invited the aunt who was cooking, and it was very late now. , Auntie went home early, but the ingredients in the refrigerator are still there.

Jiang Mi said, "Didn't I tell you that I can't cook?"

The fire that Tan Shaojun had just suppressed came up immediately: "Do you want to do it, or can't do it? You are not young, or you were born in an orphanage. You can't cook?"

Tan Shaojun really doesn't understand Jiang Mi. He usually doesn't cook, and when he mentions it to others, he also says he doesn't know how to cook.

But in the past 30 years of his life, when he was studying abroad, when he went out to camp, when he was celebrating the New Year or his family's birthday, he would occasionally cook and eat what he made.

Jiang Mi can't be the next noodle, right?

"Those who are born in the orphanage must be able to cook? I said it long ago, but I won't!" Jiang Mi said with tears in his eyes.

Tan Shaojun's use of "orphanage" to stimulate him is too much!

And there are so many people who can't cook now, why should he know how to cook?

If it was before, Tan Shaojun would definitely feel distressed, but now he wants to curse.

He often went to Lu Yanzhou's side to find Jiang Mi before, and sometimes when it was time for dinner, there were home-cooked dishes on the table.

Is that all done by Lu Yanzhou? Jiang Mi didn't even hold hands?

As long as Jiang Mi is on the side, he will not know anything after watching too much, right?

"Jiang Mi, how come you know nothing? You can't compare to Lu Yanzhou!" Tan Shaojun blurted out.

Tears welled up in Jiang Mi's eyes.

Tan Shaojun was in a bad mood and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He went into the kitchen by himself, found the dumplings prepared by his aunt in the refrigerator for tomorrow morning, and gave himself a bowl.

When the dumplings were cooked, Tan Shaojun looked at his phone and saw that the secondary card he had given to Jiang Mi had been swiped by tens of thousands.

He tried his best to get Jiang Mi to spend his money before, but Jiang Mi was not happy if he didn't spend it, tens of thousands of yuan was even a small amount of money for him, but Xie Chengze just satirized him...

Tan Shaojun asked Jiang Mi with a cold face: "What did you buy? It cost tens of thousands?"

There was really no clothes to wear, Jiang Mi, who went out to buy some clothes during the day, was stunned.

The two had to quarrel again. The next morning, Jiang Mi gritted his teeth and went to the Xie family to find Lu Yanzhou.

In the past, when he quarreled with Tan Shaojun and was in a bad mood, he would go to Lu Yanzhou.

And what happened last night... There were a lot of snacks at home, but Tan Shaojun deliberately asked him to cook, and he was angry with him because he bought some clothes. He couldn't stand it!

Lu Yanzhou is not like this! If it was Lu Yanzhou, if he came back late from the entertainment, he would only bring him food!

Jiang Mi thought about Tan Shaojun's anger last night, saying that he was not as good as Lu Yanzhou, and suddenly felt that Tan Shaojun was not as good as Lu Yanzhou.

But soon, Jiang Mi threw this thought out of his mind.

If nothing else, Tan Shaojun left Lu Yanzhou a few streets away in terms of identity.

When Tan Shaojun went out, everyone respected him, what about Lu Yanzhou? He had seen Lu Yanzhou running sales before, and he would even nod and bow to others.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mi couldn't help but complain about Lu Yanzhou again. It was wrong for Lu Yanzhou to owe money. He just said a few words, why did Lu Yanzhou ignore him?

Lu Yanzhou had clearly said that he would be good to him for the rest of his life, why would he go back on his promises?

Jiang Mi learned from Tan Shaojun's mouth that Lu Yanzhou was now working in Xie's, but he was here for the first time and had no idea where Lu Yanzhou was, so he could only ask the front desk for help.

"Sorry, we can't disclose the employee's personal information. If you want to find him, you can call him and ask him to come down." The front desk said.

However, Jiang Mi didn't have Lu Yanzhou's phone number at all.

When the front desk saw this situation, it was even more impossible to tell him Lu Yanzhou's information.

Jiang Mi stayed at Xie's door for a long time, but could not see Lu Yanzhou.

It was also a coincidence that he saw Xie Ruanxin from a distance...

The moment he saw Xie Ruanxin, Jiang Mi ran away, lest he would be stared at by Xie Ruanxin.

He had never come to Lu Yanzhou before, but he was actually afraid of Xie Ruanxin.

Lu Yanzhou didn't know that Jiang Mi was looking for him, but Xie Chengze knew about it early because he arranged for someone to stare at Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou was so kind to him, and Xie Chengze sometimes wondered if Lu Yanzhou fell in love with Jiang Mi after giving up on Jiang Mi.

But Jiang Mi and Tan Shaojun have been together for a few years, and Lu Yanzhou still pays for Jiang Mi every few years; Jiang Mi and him are still completely different types.

These days, Lu Yanzhou disliked Tan Shaojun, but Jiang Mi...he never mentioned it except at the beginning.

Moreover... Lu Yanzhou is good to him, but compared to Lu Yanzhou's treatment of Jiang Mi, I am afraid it is nothing.

Lu Yanzhou received 50,000 to 600,000 yuan a year, and at least 300,000 to 400,000 yuan was spent on Jiang Mi, and he also washed and cooked for Jiang Mi.

Xie Chengze didn't plan to tell Lu Yanzhou that Jiang Mi came to find Lu Yanzhou.

Before Lu Yanzhou left him, he would never let Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi come into contact.

As for Tan Shaojun...

Ever since Lu Yanzhou said that Tan Shaojun wanted to use Xie Ruanxin to obtain Xie's secrets, Xie Chengze had been on guard.

He really found out that it was wrong.

Of course it wasn't Xie Ruanxin who stole the secret, but it was indeed related to Xie Ruanxin. If he didn't find out, the Xie family would definitely suffer huge losses.

Now he found out... Xie Chengze in turn dug a hole for Tan Shaojun, and at the same time, Xie started to target Tan in all aspects.

Mr. Xie's actions were not small, and Mrs. Tan naturally couldn't have been unresponsive. For a while, the two sides made frequent use of tactics and made repeated moves.

"Damn Xie Chengze!" Tan Shaojun was extremely angry at being targeted by Xie Chengze recently.

Ever since he learned that Xie Chengze was dying soon, he had been eyeing Xie's family, and even wanted to swallow Xie's family.

Who would have thought that Xie Chengze would fight back?

Didn't Xie Ruanxin say that Xie Chengze was going to die? Why didn't he think that Xie Chengze was going to die? If Xie Chengze was always there, how would he get the Xie family?

Tan Shaojun was angry, and heard some rumors, saying that he clearly liked men and cheated on marriage.

Tan Shaojun and Jiang Mi have been involved for several years, and many people know about it, but Tan Shaojun is still very popular when they are said to be cheating on marriage.

In particular, some people said that he didn't know people well and was deceived by Jiang Mi.

In addition, Xie Chengze has been in the shopping mall for a long time and has a wide network of contacts. Many people do not deal with him now because of Xie Chengze...

Tan Shaojun talked through Xie Ruanxin and asked her to play with the medicine Xie Chengze usually used.

The insulin used by Xie Chengze needs to be stored at a fixed temperature, neither too cold nor too hot. Generally, the unopened insulin should be refrigerated, and the opened one should be stored at room temperature of about 20 degrees.

This medicine is difficult to replace, but if it can be exposed to temperatures above 30 degrees, it may lose its effectiveness.

Xie Ruanxin couldn't get in touch with Xie Chengze's commonly used medicines, so he "paid" Xie Chengze's assistant and let Xie Chengze's assistant play with the medicine.

Xie Chengze's assistant is Xie Chengze's confidant. When Xie Ruanxin first contacted him, he had already told Xie Chengze about it, and Xie Chengze knew all his contacts with Xie Ruanxin after that.

After Xie Chengze confiscated the money that Xie Ruanxin gave him, he also divided it into two equal parts as a bonus for him and another assistant.

The money has been reduced by half, but the money for making money and killing people is flustered. The bonus given by Xie Chengze is different, and it is comfortable to use.

The assistant who was contacted by Xie Ruanxin was the younger of the two assistants of Xie Chengze, and when he saw the bonus of several hundred thousand, he was in a very good mood: "Mr. Xie, if I threaten Miss Xie, she may be willing to come out again. A sum of money..." If he wants another sum of money, his down payment will be enough!

"Aren't you afraid of being sent in for extortion?" Xie Chengze was speechless.

Young assistant: "..." Forget it, let's save the down payment slowly.

Another assistant was older. He took the money and asked Xie Chengze, "Mr. Xie, what are we going to do next?"

As Xie Chengze's assistants, they know Xie Chengze very well, know many things about Xie Chengze, and vaguely know some of Xie Chengze's plans.

Xie Chengze said: "In a few days, I will go to the hospital to let them relax their vigilance."

It's time to close the net!

Tan Shaojun even used such a method, and he would not let him go.

And Xie Ruanxin... Xie Chengze originally wanted to pull her, but now he has given up on this plan.

He didn't owe Xie Ruanxin, and what happened to Xie Ruanxin in the future had nothing to do with him.

After get off work, Xie Chengze waited for Lu Yanzhou as usual.

Since the relationship between the two was made public, Lu Yanzhou no longer went to the car to wait for him early, but came to him on time, and then got off work with him.

"Aze." Lu Yanzhou laughed when he saw Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze showed some loneliness at the right time, and smiled bitterly: "Yanzhou."

Seeing Xie Chengze like this, Lu Yanzhou immediately asked, "Aze, what's wrong?"

Xie Chengze said: "Xie Ruanxin wants to bribe the people around me and manipulate the medicine I use."

Lu Yanzhou was shocked when he heard this.

Lu Yanzhou knew that Xie Chengze would be hospitalized because of drug problems, so he repeatedly reminded Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze used a custom-made incubator with a power supply to store the medicine. Lu Yanzhou coaxed him to change the password of the box.

In the end, things still happened, but fortunately Xie Chengze was well prepared.

Lu Yanzhou couldn't help but say: "Is she stupid!" Xie Chengze's accident did not benefit Xie Ruanxin at all!

Xie Chengze sighed: "It's probably because of her mother's influence. She doesn't trust me very much. I can't do anything about her at all. I think I'm a propaganda anti-fraud now, but I've said it many times, and she's still deceived."

Lu Yanzhou was also helpless: "Aze, what are you going to do now?"

"I plan to take the plan and go to the hospital for a few days, and then close the Internet." Xie Chengze said.

Lu Yanzhou was particularly interested in dealing with the Tan family and attached great importance to it, and would occasionally ask Xie Chengze about his progress.

He's also very knowledgeable about business...

Because of this, all the things Xie Chengze did during this period were not concealed from Lu Yanzhou, and Lu Yanzhou also gave Xie Chengze a lot of ideas to deal with the Tan family.

If you want to cause problems with the Tan family, you still have to start from the inside of the Tan family. Xie Chengze has been collecting evidence of the Tan family's violations some time ago, and now he has almost collected it.

"Okay." Lu Yanzhou agreed, thinking about asking Yaoshi for help.

But that has to wait until tomorrow.

Xie Chengze's time after get off work is all his.

Xie Chengze has been hit a lot recently, and he is very busy and needs his care.

When I got home, the nanny had already prepared the meal.

The two ate together and went for a walk in the community together.

They have been busy recently, so their dating has stopped, but they still take walks together, which is good for Xie Chengze's body.

The night was beautiful and the breeze was blowing. Lu Yanzhou thought of something and asked Xie Chengze, "Aze, do you want to go somewhere in the future? Is there anything you want to do?"

Xie Chengze said: "No... I didn't think about it."

"Then you can think about it now! Let's go together later."

Xie Chengze smiled: "Okay!"

A few days later, Xie Chengze was admitted to the hospital.

As soon as he moved in, everyone knew that he was in poor health and was seriously ill. Even his liking for men was exposed, and Xie's stock price jumped on the same day.

Xie Chengze knew very well that Tan Shaojun did it.

After thinking about it, Xie Chengze contacted his own investment company and asked them to buy Xie's shares.

He is not optimistic about his own future, but he is optimistic about Xie's future.

The most important thing is that Tan Shaojun is also buying Xie's shares, and he doesn't want Xie's to fall into Tan Shaojun's hands.

It's just... Xie Chengze just got in touch with the person who helped him manage the investment company when he learned a piece of news that surprised him.

"Mr. L's latest request is to deal with the Tan family?" Xie Chengze couldn't help but want to confirm it again.

"Yes, Mr. Xie, he also contacted the official, gave something that made the official's heart move, and then said that he had a grudge against Tan Shaojun."

Xie Chengze was a little shocked. Tan Shaojun was so capable of making enemies with others that he even offended such a big guy.

The mysterious Mr. L is not interested in fame or profit, and he gave them so many artificial intelligence-related technologies without asking for a penny, and now he actually asks them to deal with Tan Shaojun?

This time, the Tan family is afraid of bad luck.

Xie Chengze was very curious about Mr. L, but he did not know that Lu Yanzhou, who named himself Mr. L, was in a little trouble now.

The technology he sold to Yaoshi in the first place was precious, but not much of an eye-catcher.

But this time, in order to deal with the Tan family, he came up with a more precious technique.

Officials have long confirmed that the technology he gave was not stolen from elsewhere, it should have been researched by himself... Researchers like him naturally hope to win it.

So now Lu Yanzhou can receive countless news from the official every day, and the conditions offered by the person on the opposite side are getting more and more tempting day by day.

He already has a lot of merit and virtue, and the small world's rejection of him is getting weaker and weaker. If he engages in scientific research... in fact, it is possible.

He wants to take Xie Chengze's soul away from the small world, and to get this world out of Xuanwu's control requires more merit, so he can't stay in Xie's all the time.

The most important thing is... He is about to accumulate enough merit to treat Xie Chengze. When Xie Chengze recovers, he will naturally realize that he is different, and then he can cover him.

With Xie Chengze covering him, no one would doubt him.

Lu Yanzhou replied, saying that he was willing to join the official research institute and become a researcher after the Tan family's affairs were over.

As for those favorable conditions... He can don't, just let the other party exchange money to help donate it.

Lu Yanzhou's behavior undoubtedly made the official impression of him better.

Lu Yanzhou secretly contacted people, and returned to Xie Chengze's ward.

Ordinary patients who are sick can eat something to make up for it, but Xie Chengze can't eat a lot of it, and things like fruit can only be eaten a little to taste.

"Where have you been?" Xie Chengze asked Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou said, "There is a bit of work to be done."

Xie Chengze sighed secretly.

He told Manager Zhang that he should not arrange work for Lu Yanzhou. Where did Lu Yanzhou have to deal with the work?

He was hospitalized these days, and Lu Yanzhou would leave from time to time, and he didn't know what he was doing.

However, Lu Yanzhou was as considerate to him as always.

But, when Tan Shaojun has a problem, will Lu Yanzhou still do this?

That Jiang Mi was crying and begging, would Lu Yanzhou go back?

Is it possible that Lu Yanzhou will stay with him?

But even if Lu Yanzhou stayed by his side, with his body like this, he wouldn't be able to accompany Lu Yanzhou for long.

They are not destined to last long.

He is a person who doesn't even like his parents, and also has a broken body. If he doesn't have money, I'm afraid no one will love him.

Luckily, Lu Yanzhou didn't want his money.

Xie Chengze sometimes thinks that it would be great if Lu Yanzhou came for his money, as Tan Shaojun said.

He has enough money, and he can definitely let Lu Yanzhou accompany him through the rest of his life.

It's a pity that Lu Yanzhou didn't even ask him for money when he was in debt.

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