MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 505

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Use dozens of [Atomic Breath] to collectively bombard this place...

Otherwise, the ten tails' defense is unbreakable.

And, if that happens;

You should also think about it, is your meat too delicious?

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to cause people to go wild.

The best thing to do is to say that there is still Aunt Snake on this planet!

With her ability, sheltering the ninjas of the entire base is simply easy.

In short, there is no need to worry about the security issues here.

Just wait for the construction team to build the base.

This can be the second refuge of the Ninja World and [Yinyin Village]...

"Ready to go?"

Looking at the four of Natsume in front of him, Kaguya asked nervously.

Obviously, he took the initiative to return to the Otsutsukimoto family.

It was also very stressful for her.

"Basically ready."

"That's right. Wait a minute, let me change my appearance first."

With a wave of Natsume's left hand, he took out another 'Otsutsuki-style clone'.

This is the second 'Bai Jue Carrier' made by Orochimaru and Amado.

The [wedge] on his body has also been completely thawed and turned into a complete appearance of Otsutsuki.

Acting in a full set, in order to be realistic.

Natsume also took off the [Golden Wheel Eye] on his right hand and installed it back into the right eye socket of the 'one-style clone'.

As for the left eye, it was deliberately left blank.

As a tragic realistic reference.

After all, according to the settings of the fake script, 'Yi Shi and Kaguya' were seriously injured by a sneak attack by a powerful enemy when they were planting the divine tree.

So losing a [white eye] is normal, right?

After the [Golden Wheel Eye] was transplanted, Natsume controlled the 'One-Style Clone' and activated the [Golden Wheel Eye]'s [Shao Ming Toru Pai Qiaojiao].

Shrink your body.

Only then did he get into Yi Shi's mind and began to secretly dominate the 'Yi Shi clone'.

Although [Shao Ming Toru Pai Qiao Xiao has reduced other life forms; but its controller is still Natsume, and it is still possible to use it to shrink his own body.

Natsume tried to move the 'one-style clone', and then looked at Kaguya.

Proactively asked:

"How does it feel? Are there any flaws and holes?"

Kaguya stared at Natsume.

After looking at it carefully for a long time, he sincerely commented:

"I can't see any flaws..."

This is a clone that is 100% thawed and covered with a 【wedge】.

Nature is exactly the same as the original one.

Unless you can get close contact and examine Yi Shi's soul, it is possible to see the difference.

"However, although I can't see the flaws, it doesn't mean that the top of the family can't see it..."

"Better be careful!"

Kaguya cautiously reminded that it was quite rare.

no way.

Once Natsume is exposed, she will surely die.

In the case of the same interests, the more careful the two sides, the better.

"Don't worry, I will!"

'Natsume' nodded, and began to imitate his arrogant and elegant appearance.

Try to match the original temperament of the other party as much as possible.

Natsume, who is familiar with "On the Self-cultivation of Actors", is still somewhat confident in acting.


Natsume continued to control the clone, moving and becoming proficient.

Although not as flexible as the main body.

But it's not too bad, and there is no problem with the basic mobility.

Then, 'Natsume' deliberately raised his tone again, pointing arrogantly at Obito and the others, and ordered:

"From now on, I must be treated as a real Otsutsuki!"

"Dou, Obito, Madara, the three of you are slaves."

"You must also take good control of your position and behavior, and absolutely must not reveal flaws."

"do you understand?"

Both Tou and Obito quickly entered the drama mode.

Immediately lowering his eyebrows and nodding his head, he responded, "Understood!"

Mottle on the side, although his brows wrinkled, he also added a serious sentence: "Understood".

Don't look at Mr. Ban's arrogant personality.

But in the face of major events, he never held back.

And as a ninja, he is also very patient!

Otherwise, they would not have endured for decades; only to resurrect the ten tails and gain the power of the gods.

Seeing this, Natsume nodded in satisfaction.

Then he ordered to Kaguya:

"come here!"

Kaguya raised her eyebrows, as if she saw the previous style, and her subconscious momentum weakened.

He had to approach 'Natsume' honestly.

Seeing this, Xia Mu was also secretly refreshed.

Not to mention, this kind of giving orders makes Kaguya helpless, it's really cool!

No wonder that **** is so addicted to power...

After that, 'Natsume' did not do anything special.

Just patted Kaguya's hand, and seemed to have established some kind of connection with the other party.

next moment.

A voice suddenly sounded in Kaguya's mind.

"can you hear me?"

It was Natsume's mind inquiring.

Kaguya was stunned for a moment, and then replied ignorantly:


Hearing this, ‘Natsume’ also nodded and responded:

"very good!"

"After the Otsutsukimoto family, we will use this to communicate."

"So as not to expose..."

[Art of the Mind]: Natsume learned another secret of the soul from the "Soul Secret Art Gift Package" given by the old man Liudao.

Through prior contact, a soul connection trace point is set, so that two people or even multiple people can communicate through the same frequency thought wave of the soul.

There are some waves of thoughts released by the "Lantern Body Technique" similar to [Reincarnation Eye].

But it is more advanced and secretive, and it is more difficult to expose.

Soon, Natsume and Madame Madara each established a 'soul communication channel'.

As such.

Between a few people, they can communicate directly in their minds through their soul thoughts.

Greatly improve the efficiency and speed of communication.

It can also greatly reduce the risk of exposure due to oral communication.

There are many benefits.

At this point, the final preparation process is completed.

A few people can finally officially embark on the journey to [Otsutsukimoto's house].

Not the slightest dawdling.

Kaguya waved her hands directly, activated [Huangquan Hirazaka], and tore open a portal.

Several people entered in turn and quickly disappeared in place.


Chapter 430

According to Kaguya, the Ninja world is far away from the galaxy where the Otsutsukimoto family is located.

in other words.

That is: in the large star field around the home, the planets that can be mined and planted with divine trees have long been smashed.

For this reason, a planting team will be sent to other galaxies to complete the planting task.

And, if the distance is very close.

It has been planted for thousands of years and there is no news of the Kaguya team. It is estimated that the family has already sent someone to check the situation.

Therefore, Natsume and his party.

It took another half a month, tirelessly supplying chakra to Kaguya, allowing him to open [Yangquan Hirazaka] dozens of times.

over a distance of tens of thousands of light-years.

Finally came to another galaxy, came to the location of the old nest of [Otsutsukimoto's house]!

It was a huge dark purple nebula.

From a distance, it looks very mysterious and beautiful.

It is a pity that in the eyes of Natsume and the others, there is infinite murderous intent, which is prohibitive.

"Is this the enemy's lair?"