MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 486

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Never be a slave!


Chapter 412

But five minutes later. (The picture has been supplemented)

Natsume took the initiative to disperse [Susanoo].

And he sat on the boss's head, stroking the boss's head with a sullen face.

Of course to be on the safe side.

Natsume still put on three layers of chakra feathers for himself to block radiation.

Although, his current demigod body is basically not afraid of ordinary radiation.

Even if a cell in the body is mutated by radiation, other cells can quickly engulf it and excrete it.

But being cautious is always good.

At this moment, the elder brother is also very docile.

After getting that piece of 'snack'.

The stupid boss just took a small bite and swallowed about one-fifth of the uranium ore.

He stopped immediately, reluctant to eat any more.

Only one side frantically licked his lips, constantly reminiscing.

While hiding the remaining large chunks of uranium ore under the creaking nest of his right front paw, he looked very cautious and solemn.

There is no doubt that this will be the most treasured treasure for him during this period of time.


In fact, Natsume didn't use illusion to completely dominate the boss.

On the one hand, doing so requires a continuous consumption of a large amount of Chakra.

On the other hand, after being completely dominated by illusion, the [Atomic Breath] system on the boss's dorsal fin would actually operate automatically.

It was as if the automatic threat response device had been triggered.

Kind of like the human knee-jerk reflex.

So ever.

Natsume can only lure through 'snacks'; then assist with illusion hints.

Little by little, I strengthened my brother's good impression of myself.

And now, looking at it like this, it seems to be very successful.

The stupid boss has completely lost his guard against Natsume; he is even willing to let him sit on his head.

From this point of view, Natsume has indeed subdued this 'King of Titans'.


As for where did the chunk of uranium ore come from?

It's also a coincidence.

Didn't Natsume send ten clones to scan a large area of ​​land around the village?

It was then that more than just gold and silver deposits were discovered.

A high-purity uranium mine with a large reserve was also discovered.

However, the veins are deep and radioactive.

It is simply not something that the current [Yanyin Village] can mine and use...

As a result, Natsume did not inform the village.

In the follow-up, the plan for the 'expedition to the Otsutsukimoto family' was made.

Just in case.

Natsume just went out, dived into the ground, and knocked out several large pieces from the large piece of uranium ore.

And stored in the [Divine Power Space].

I thought to myself, if I had the chance to go back.

You can use these uranium ore to set off fireworks for the Otsutsukimoto family.

I just didn't expect that the Otsutsukimoto family had not used it yet.

It was used here first.

Of course, the radiation from natural uranium ore is naturally disliked by my brother.

The large amount of nuclear radiation under the earth's crust is much stronger than that of natural uranium ore.

Therefore, if you want to use it to tempt the boss, you naturally need to 'process' it...

It is not easy to increase the radiation of natural uranium ore.

Unless the uranium molecules can be bombarded with high-energy neutrons, causing them to fission, releasing a lot of energy and radiation...

And Natsume doesn't have a particle collider.

There is also no uranium-235 of sufficient quality and purity.

However, being a ninja.

There are many ways to do it yourself.

The [Daylight] was activated directly, and the high-energy plasma stream generated by it bombarded the entire uranium ore.

This causes more uranium to fission and the radiation increases.

As such.

A fragrant high-radiation 'uranium ore snack' was successfully released.

That's why my brother's saliva is drooling, scratching his ears...

After subduing the boss.

Xia Mu also took his elder brother, with a proud look, and walked towards Banye with a step that his six relatives did not recognize.

the other side.

Banye is still frantically 'training' that Ghidorah!

no way.

Although the two Six Paths Susa have completely crushed Ghidorah.

However, it is not easy to conquer a king monster just by means of violence.

Ghidorah, who has been tortured for several minutes, still refuses to surrender...

Seeing Natsume's side, it has been successfully subdued.

And it's still pushing towards him step by step.

If he dragged it further, the pet he had obtained might also be occupied by the shameless brat from Natsume.

Spot was even more urgent.

He even raised the sword ruthlessly and stabbed it directly from Ghidorah's back.

The excruciating pain caused the three dragon heads to scream in pain again.

But Rao is so.

This monster king is still unwilling to admit defeat, and is still struggling.

This made Banye more and more annoyed, and it became more and more difficult to ride a tiger...

Can't kill the king of monsters directly, right?

Sorry not to say.

It will definitely be laughed at by that kid Natsume.

And after returning to the ninja world, there is no way to show off to Hasuma.

Absolutely not!


At the same time, the gradually approaching brother.

Seeing Ghidorah who was being continuously abused, she couldn't help but let out a wicked smile.

He even exhaled two fiery breaths in a very anthropomorphic excitement.

It looks like it's not too big of a deal to watch a play.

There is no harm without comparison.

Look at the miserable appearance of the mortal enemy Ghidorah, and then look at the treasures harvested in the creaking nest;

Which is better and which is worse is clear at a glance.

From this point of view, it is not unacceptable to include food and shelter!

And for the torture of Banye.

Summer can't take it anymore...

By the way, in order to save some time, I have to take the initiative to remind:

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Aging spots, blind torture may not be effective."

"It's time to give it some sweetness..."

Madara clasped her hands and snorted arrogantly, but still asked back:

"What sweetness?"

Natsume: "Give it your Susa to bite."

"This thing can **** any creature or energy with its mouth."

"Losing him a little chakra, give him a little sweetness."

"There should be unexpected effects."

listen to this.

Madara took the initiative to stop Susa's torture, and with the mentality of giving it a try, he was ready to give it a try.

There's no better way to get it anyway.

As a result, he no longer restrained the chakra of [Susanoo], but let Ghidorah bite Susan and let him absorb his chakra.


Although Natsume suggested so.

But whether Ghidorah can absorb Chakra, he can't be sure.

If the energy of Chakra can really be transformed through Ghidorah itself.

There is a lot of meaning in it!

Worth a try!


Chapter 413 Planting the God Tree

Natsume's prediction was right.

Read The Duke's Passion